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Total Words: 102,942
Estimated Reading: 6 hours



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Spike has enough. His daily life consists of cleaning up messes, running errands, and being left out of the fun. Twilight and her friends go on epic adventures, sing songs, party, and have a fun time. It's time for Spike to change his life for the better no matter the cost.

(The beginning of this story starts before season 5)

Chapters (25)

A relationship, whether romantic or platonic, can sometimes be a dangerous thing...

Especially after it ENDS.

This tells the stories of people, or ponies, who have revisited past relationships, bringing their behavior to a point that reaches the level of being excessive or even extreme.

P.S. If anyone wants to be a victim part of this story, feel free to PM me.


"The funniest story on FiMfiction right now! A triumph!"

"Real funny story, give this one a read and consider joining in on the fun!"

Chapters (28)