• Member Since 15th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 8th, 2022



Warning, following blog may cause you to question MLP:FiM · 10:46pm Nov 3rd, 2012

What if all along Celestia was just a cover story, and Luna has been controlling everything all along under the guise of a younger sister, while Celestia is just an entity filled with a small fraction of Luna's power in order to keep up the pretense of childish innocence, while Twilight Sparkle is actually being taught by Luna, making Twilight the Faithful Student of Luna, therefore dissolving the pretenses of Luna having not adapted to modern speech through the current mannerisms of the puppet

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Report Razamafoo · 532 views ·

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Thank you for the fav, dude.

Good to know thanks again for the fav:pinkiehappy:


The hyper anthro ponies and the huge proportions mostly, its a good story.

Thanks for the fav, what did you like about my story?

Thank you very much for adding Nine Tales of Equestria to your favorites,I hope that my story will continue to intrest you as it grows and develops

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The Joys of going to Special Ed School · 5:18pm Feb 16th, 2014

I go to a special ed school, and it's been one of the weirdest experiences of my life. There's this one girl in my class who randomly storms out of the room, which is kinda fun to watch. There's another kid who acts like she's in an anime 24/7, and flinches if you curse. The conversations at lunch are the best, we talk about all sorts of weird things, from necrophilia to dolphin sex. One time a girl showed me hentai, she was just watching it in a secluded corner, without headphones, which was

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Report Razamafoo · 315 views ·