• Member Since 7th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 17th, 2021

Summer Wish

Just a pega-sister with a story to tell (expect SunsetXAdagio shipping!)


Hail all! · 4:32pm Mar 15th, 2017

Spring is almost here!!!!!!!!!!...And all of you have waited for nearly four months for a new chapter...

For that, I am deeply sorry. Recently a big life change has effected my daily life, and within that I have found a new purpose. However, this change will not effect the future of the Story. "A song of Summer" shall go on to completion, even if it takes ANOTHER year! (Can you guys believe its been almost a year and a half???)

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Howdy! I love King of the Hill!
King of the Hill playlist of clips
How are you? :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fave on Out of the Cold. I appreciate it! :twilightsmile:

Rush and Pony on!

2035850 Looks interesting. I'll read into it.

No, it is I who thank you. Kinda funny our stories are centered around family.

Hello and welcome to Fimfiction! I hope you'll enjoy it here with others from the fandom and have a great time. We're glad for you to be here! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for adding my story, MommAdagio to your favourites. I hope you like it.

Also, thank you also for the follow. Much appreciated! :pinkiesmile:

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