• Member Since 30th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Jun 15th, 2022

Forest Shade

The name's Shade. Forest Shade. I'm just a fan of MLP. PM me if you need somepony to talk to.

Stories Written in the Light of a Flame of a Charizard


Story announcement · 2:12pm Oct 27th, 2015

Does anypony mind a lot of my new stories will be about my OC? It's just that it's like a little adventure series, and you can know my OC better...

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Comments ( 63 )
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I miss you pal

Hey forest shade II have a fanfiction that I started a while back an have not had any time to work in it would you like to take it over for me?

1938961 I am, thanks. Nice avatar, btw.

  • Viewing 59 - 63 of 63
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Sisters: Zarkela Firedance, Thespia-Rose
Brothers: Revolver, AJ Nunnery
Awesome Cousins: Scootaloo96, Shine, Tavi4
Cool Cousins: Rainbow Flutterdash, Sheltie Paws
Food-like Uncles: Inkwell Prose (potato)
Epic Aunts: Crimsion Ink

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