The MOST inSANE. No one can tell me otherwise.
aka Mr. Chaos of the "Harry Potter: Pokemon Master Series", "Authors of Our Own Fate", and "A Man of Iron"
I write stories about ponies and Equestria Girls for /mlp/!
A goofy little miss that's here to write and draw to her heart's content. Her imagination doesn't know when to shut off.
I proved my namesake in a duel of honour. The crayon never stood a chance.
I don't write, so much as I perform acts of high-wire fiction without a net. Come watch me fall! I believe in narrative coincidence, the transcendent power of hopeful creativity, and the Oxford Comma.
I'm mostly a musician, and you may know me as 4EverfreeBrony, but I also write stories sometimes. Follow me, if you'd like to!
A guy with too much time on his hands. Enjoys writing and over-analyzing things.
I write emo romance stories about Spike, listen to music that should have died with MySpace and play a lot of Final Fantasy 14. That's about it.
♪ Kingdom of ships around me and it looks like I'm the queen ♫
Your friendly neighborhood mechanic / fanfic writer. Don't worry, I'm good at both! :D
I'm your friendly neighborhood Sir Dies-A-Lot, and I have a habit of resurrecting more often than Jesus! If you came for quality content, then you'd best high-tail it outta here! ...Because I suck.
All the world is indeed a stage, and we are merely players, performers, and portrayers; each anothers audience outside the gilded cage.
I am the machinist. Lord over all machines and stuff. I like twinkies. That is all.
I'm a crazy author-- but then again, what author isn't? I am into all things fandom, especially pony. I also love history, which is why I'm writing this crazy Apollo 11 thing.
I like to pretend I know what I'm doing, so that eventually I'll start to believe it.
I write POE's, and HIE's mostly. I hope you all enjoy my work.
Who can take a rainbow, color it with dew, graze under it with a cupcake or two, the Ponyman, oh the Ponyman can.
Father of twin 8yo boys, partner of Arcelia, and so glad to remain here.
I could be writing, but that would mean moving my fingers... More reading then!
Thanks for sticking with me, everyone! Support on Patreon, if you'd like!
I've survived The Princess Promenade. Multiple times. Beat that.
Male. Young adult. Brony. Favorite pony, Luna. Favorite villian, Discord.
Are you ready, kids? Also a thingy so my pizza funds don't run out anytime soon.