New Cover Art! · 1:25am Jan 12th, 2015
Twist3dPrism has created a fantastic FlutterDash image for What Have I Done. Truly stunning. Go check out her other work!
Twist3dPrism has created a fantastic FlutterDash image for What Have I Done. Truly stunning. Go check out her other work!
Hey guys! A couple weeks ago I was interviewed over on the Lunar Echoes podcast ! We talked about a bunch of stuff, one of which was a pretty in depth discussion about my creation process behind What You Mean to Me! If you wanna hear the inspiration behind the story and where my head was at while creating it, jump to about 25 minutes and 40 seconds into the podcast. If you listen, be sure to lemme know what you think!
In that case, you should probably read my new short, What Have I Done?, a sidestory to WYMTM that shows what happened to Dash after she left the hospital in Chapter 5.
You might feel better about it then. I dunno.
Hey all. Long time no talk.
Writing and me haven't been on the best terms ever since I finished What You Mean To Me. Been trying hard and digging deep looking for inspiration and motivation, but it's been a difficult challenge to find an idea I can truly latch on to and believe.
Most of the ideas I've been entertaining are original ones that have nothing to do with MLP.
So I think I might be bowing out of the pony fic scene.
What You Mean To Me is complete! Chapter 6 is out! Check it out!
Brace yourselves...
Soon guys.
I don't know why it happened, but I'm certainly not complaining! Some amazing folks have make some fanart for What You Mean To Me!
An adorable ScootaRhyme embrace by Penn-Name