So I'm watching the premiere · 6:42pm Apr 6th, 2019
No, I haven't watched season 8. Yes, I am watching because Chrysalis, Tirek, and Sombra are back. Also, why was an eight year old in Tartarus, who made that decision?
♪ Kingdom of ships around me and it looks like I'm the queen ♫
No, I haven't watched season 8. Yes, I am watching because Chrysalis, Tirek, and Sombra are back. Also, why was an eight year old in Tartarus, who made that decision?
I haven't been active on the site for over a year. I have occasionally checked in to see how everyone was doing, but I've barely gotten any writing done here. I know I left on a hiatus last year and said I might come back to the site one day, but that's looking less likely with every passing day.
So, I'm making it official; I'm leaving.
A candle lit in remembrance of those who lost their lives to the Pulse shooting in Orlando.
I really didn't want to make this post...
So, again, it's been a bit since I've posted here. Occasionally I'll check in to see any new messages when I'm on mobile, but I can hardly reply because my phone is buggy and doesn't like to work with the site. So, sorry for those of you who messaged me, because I couldn't respond.
So, here we are now, at the end of 2016, arguably a very tough year for a lot of people... We've had more celebrity deaths in this year than any other year that comes to my immediate recollection, more controversies and split opinions nationwide, and some rather intense debates in every single fandom I've come across.