• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,268 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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86. The End

*knock, knock, knock* I was really looking forward to the expression on her face when she opens the door, but I knew that if I wanted to get the desired reaction that I would need to play the part of ‘I’ve been here the whole time; and act like this is just a normal visit.’

“One second!” I heard a muffled voice from inside.

I waited patiently with the flowers hidden behind me while I waited what seemed like hours, or maybe seconds...You know how time is... Especially when you meet someone like the doctor that breaks all meaning and knowledge of chronology.

My heart skipped a beat and began racing as I heard the door click. The door to the library seemed to slowly creep open as time started to slow for me, only to have my grand reunion with Twilight destroyed when I saw Spike standing there in the doorway. I decided to just act casual and mess with Spike a little before finding the most beautiful mare in Equestria and the love of my life.

“Hey Spike, where’s Twilight?” He just stood there and stared at me with unusually white scales. His jaw dropped open, his eyes widened, threatening to pop right out of his head, and soon he began perspiring along with hyperventilation.

He just stood there like that for a minute or two before I knew this wasn't getting me anywhere fast. I closed his mouth with a hoof and as soon as his jaw returned to its normal place... he just fell backwards, unconscious, onto the floor.

“Well... that was a little unexpected from him, but you could have at least screamed or maybe ran away... now that would have been funny!” I told the out cold dragon on the floor.

I walked in while levitating the dragon onto a nearby couch before noticed that something was diffidently off about the room around me. The library was a mess, and not the typical mess, waiting to be organized by Twilight when re-shelving day was upon her, but the library right now was in completely disarray. It was unorganized, unsorted, and not even close to being returned to a normal state. I began looking for my lovely lavender unicorn, but she was nowhere to be seen in the main room.

She must be in some other room... probably studying if I know her. Well there’s one way to get her out here, and that is to ask for a book... no matter what she’s feeling, thinking, or doing she always helps ponies find a book in the library.

I put on my best fake voice and yelled up towards Twilight’s room “Excuse me, Miss Sparkle... could I get some help finding a certain book!” I suddenly heard few rushed hoof steps and a crash from upstairs... she must’ve run into some books up there... then I heard her walking down the stairs toward me.

I quickly hid myself behind a couch and waited for the hoof steps to stop at the bottom of the stairway before she called out for the unknown visitor.

“I’m so sorry... sir... for the chaotic disarray of the library, but I was really distracted by my studies. Umm... sir... what book were you looking for?” she asked while searching for the unknown pony she had heard before.

“It’s called How to Get a Mare.” I replied to her hoping she would not discover where I was hiding.

Her face lit up in a cheerful manner then responded with “Oh, just one second. I’ll have the book you’re looking for shortly.” She carefully maneuvered around the piles of books toward a nearby book shelf only to find that several stacks of books block her from reaching the book in question. She quickly magicked them out of the way and made room in front of the shelf before levitating the book I had requested out.

I quietly took position right behind her before she could turn around with the book I stepped behind her and whispered softly in her ear with my normal voice, “Thanks.” I quickly snagged the book from her magical grasp and kept hidden behind her as she spun around trying to find me, but when she didn’t see anypony in the library. She began to panic and looked like she was about to faint from my voice alone. I quickly spun her around so she came face to face with me and gave her a loving smile.

Her eyes widened and she stuttered “Y-y-you... b-but... I... Fi-Fixinit?” I nodded as she placed a hoof on my chest and continued questioning me “N-no... tr-tricks?” She asked as tears welled up in her eyes, I simply shook my head. “It’s really you?” She asked in a near whisper while her body stiffened at her last question and began trembling.

“Yeah.” I curtly respond and received a bone crushing embrace as our lips met in the most passionate kiss I had ever had with her. The world melted away around us as we kissed... time seemed to stop for us... we must have been kissing for several minutes because when we pulled apart we both gasp for precious air and struggled to catch our breath.

“B-but... y-y-you... died!" She sobbed as tears streaked down her cheeks.

“I was saved by somepony, even if I told you... you wouldn’t believe me… I don't think I would believe it.” I said and pulled her close to me while resting my head on her shoulder.

I felt her body shaking as she spoke “A year ago.”

“What?” I asked as the smile I was wearing instantly disappeared and was replaced with a frown at her statement.

“Fixinit... It has been a full year since we traveled to the castle and left with the doctor in his machine.” She choked out before tightening her forelegs around me and continued crying against my chest.

“No... No... That can't be right... it should only be a day or two after! I thought...” I shouted as my anger began to overwhelm me. She had suffered an entire year because I wanted to toy with her... I should write to the princesses and have them beat me into a brown puddle for what I did to her.

Suddenly her voice calmed me as she spoke "It's been a year, but now that your here I won't ever let you go. I just want to stay here in your hooves... safe... happy... and in love."

I looked at her while she laid against me... her eyes closed... a tender smile on her face. I could only say “Twilight, I’m so sorry. I’ll stay here in your hooves for as long as you want... I sorry, I won’t leave again.” I said while giving her a soft kiss on her head and holding her close. The only sounds were our soft breathing and hearts beating in unison with each other… And of course Spike's snoring.


Author's Note:

whelp, it's been a fun ride everypony, but Kill Me Now is officially finished, i'll be putting the completed tag on it as soon as i finish posting this chapter.

i want to thank anypony and everypony who tried to help and who did help. i would also want to thank my readers for being there for me. you guys rock.

Don't forget to read the sequel The Past Lives of a Human!

thank you.

PS. this chapter was brought to you by my editor, prereader, and friend, Jcn840. give him a round of applause!

Comments ( 43 )


Its a nice ending:pinkiehappy:.....

but there's still so many things left unanswered. like that filly for one.

all in good time, my young foal. :trollestia:

your 27 years old or older?:unsuresweetie:

what makes you say that?:duck:

you said i'm a young foal, i'm 26.

it's a figure of speech.:ajbemused:

Dammit...another fic completed,as my fics to read dwindles. Zis vas very enjoyable. I can't think of anything else to say, but congrats. You held it very interesting(to me,at least), through the entire fic.

... you're not in the least angry that i havent told you everything? really? wow.:rainbowderp:

I don't actually dwell on that stuff much. Oh well, off to play The Last of Us....

:rainbowderp: well... sorry i couldn't tell everything. stick around, there may be something worth seeing in the future.:pinkiehappy:

You bet I will stick around......I lied about playing the Last of Us....actually playing Minecraft XD:scootangel:


Yeah, like calling someone "Padawan".
Good story, mate.

i tried to spell that, the auto correct kept changing it to 'panda.':derpytongue2:

Thanks for an interesting ride. :twilightsmile:


"You have much to learn, my pandawan."

you are very welcome, but it still isnt over.:pinkiehappy:

-.- the amount of table I am trying not to flip is too damn high.

I fully expect a sequel


*reads new chapter. flips tables*

I hope you fill in some details on what happened and who the filly is as well as which pony saved fixinit

everything will be addressed eventually. i pinky promise.:pinkiesmile:

heh... yeah... i can only hope not to be in the way of... that...:twilightoops:


I'm sure you will explain everything so you have nothing to fear except me going crazy oh wait sorry I already am

you're not the only one!:pinkiecrazy:

Fine by me, there is a lot.

im really sorry, I need to go rewrite it. I've been working on the sequel. Get to chapter 40 and say you still think I need an editor. Sorry.

Well, I waited untill the end to judge, just as the blurb requested. Unfortunately it didn't get better. This was a plod through unnecessary characters, unresolved subplots, out of character portrayal, and many grammar issues.

A story this length should have taken me less than three hours, but it took me three days to wade through this mire. I rarely give negative feedback on stories, as I always try to give the benefit of the doubt to the author, but . . . wow.

There was a kernel of a good idea for a story deep in here, perhaps even a creatively original one in fact. But it was so covered in poor, no, not poor, just bad, storytelling, that it was wasted. This story does not need an new editor, it needs a new author.

To borrow a book review from a previous era:
"It is not a book to be lightly thrown aside. It should be thrown with great force.”
—Sid Ziff in Los Angeles Mirror-News circa-1960's

P.S. I think I will save myself the headache and avoid the sequel. I may be a masochist, but to do that to myself would make me a sadist as well.

when is the sequel going to be up because when i look at it it says that it is password protected

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