• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 3rd, 2019

The Princess Rarity

Quirky teenage girl who writes about cartoons & has an obsession with sparkly things & cute dorks. Goes through life following by Dr. Seuss's wise words; "You have to be odd to be number one."

Comments ( 23 )

Ah the cuteness as given me strength to drink my next bottle of vodka.

/):rainbowkiss:(\ Daww!

Funny. I just finished playing through the pirate world in Donkey Kong Country Returns when I decided to see whats been going on here. :rainbowlaugh:

GAH!!!!!!!@%^#$&@^$&@(@$ HEART-ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$T@#^ t7845y897235794v ygfub nhujygipf:applejackconfused::applejackconfused:

But yeah, Got me right in the feals! Good Job!

Eh, I'm always wary of works that try to make am antagonist character sympathetic by having them not really like the antagonist character they're associated with.

Cutest one shot EVER!!!!! Loved everything about it, and I got a Pip/Luna if you wish to read it. But I have much more respect for Sliver Spoon then I ever will for DT, really, really great job:pinkiehappy:

Cuteness incarnate.

Pip is just too cute. :rainbowkiss:

ponies v Bowser is epic winning

Now this is a pairing I’d like to see more of. Nice job!

Pointless Pip fluff is always a good thing n_n Very cute and silly fun.

D'awwww! :fluttershyouch: :heart: The ending was so cute! :rainbowkiss:

Comment posted by PrincessTwilightLover deleted Nov 4th, 2013

:pinkiesad2: dad so CUTE!!:pinkiesmile:

That's cute. Odd seeing a mature SS with a more youthful Pip. Interesting ship.

SEQUEL IS DEMANDED NOW!!! :flutterrage:

Too cute by far!

I have added this story to my new recommendation group here.

Dawwwwwww...Sequel please? :fluttershysad:


"Pointless fluff" you say? Well, it's a well-written, pointless fluff.

Not really pointless. It tells a story. It's short, light and sweet. Like a piece of of the fanciest dark chocolate that comes only in bite-sizes.

Did not once encounter any error of any kind, too. Bonus! I just love it when the story flows in your imagination without any errors that glares it into a BSOD.

Man I wish I could write like this. But my first effort turned into a 5,000+ word story. Dangit.

"It's not like she actually enjoyed hanging out with this dweeb and his awkward obsession of pirates, it's just... well, let's just say he made her laugh."
- Lol! Dweeb. I never thought that "dweeb" can be a term of endearment.

Thumbs upping, and shelving.

This sure was fun

So cute! you get a 👍 from me! They're so cute together! :rainbowkiss:

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