• Member Since 17th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 26 minutes ago


An amalgamation of nice and spice. Writing for fun. Wonderbolts enjoyer. AiE/HiE shitposter.


Rainbow Dash finds... something on her early morning flight over the Everfree Forest. She's not exactly sure what this something is, but she sure will make sure to not only keep him safe, but also away from anypony! She doesn't need the whole town freaking out about him!

After all, who would believe her story that a deformed ghost was wanting to burn down the whole Everfree Forest as retribution?

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 41 )

Back and ready to slam out horsewords.

Yes. Yes we are HIM.


True. I forgor you were the main character!

I really like how Dash’s mind is depicted. Very hyperactive, suits her

Was cooking in the studio with this one. πŸ”₯

Thank you! This was one of the choices I made when I wanted to approach a fic like this. Super estatic to really push the envelope with this narration style!

Will do. Next chapter very soonβ„’.

He is HIM.

β€œWhere’s that at?”

Generally towards the southerly side of the other Dakota. :trollestia:

She did her little tappies, her little hops as she landed, before she stretched those wings and cracked her neck. She furled those speedy pups back to her sides and grinned.

Love this. Tappies, speedy pups, so good. Do more words please

You ask, and I shall provide. Hope you enjoy this chapter too! :twilightsmile:

β€œRainbow Dash, I have never in my life heard of someone needing a pass just to talk to someone else.”

Different species, different culture, different legal system. Could be like a passport. :applejackunsure: You don’t know, Brick.

Looks like Rainbow has a new secret pet. Don’t tell Tank. :raritywink:

He waved her off with his hand. β€œDon’t worry, I don’t plan on wrestling a bear. Not even once.”

Okay, there'll probably be no german suplexing of bears in this story, but that's reasonable, and I still like this.

I have never in my life been more certain that two people are going to kiss. Keep up the good work wordpone ;p

Lets see, 10-15 minutes to reach the end of this, and i'm F:flutterrage:CKING HOOKED!

Don't worry, you got more to read in the near future. :)

Happy you're enjoying the fic!


Hope this next one sated your curiosity (for now) 😎

If anyone from the Czech Republic reads your comment, they will be so (un)happy!

I refute the existence of the Czech Republic. Czechoslovakia all the way.

Every time I Czech this comment section, my braincells lower

jmenuji se Patrik, chci ti ublížit, jsem tady, abych ukončil Českou republiku

Took a long time for an update but it was worth it.

… How Stopping Natural Bodily Functions Can Make Somepony Very, Very Sick!! and crudely scribbled on it was Pinkie Pie’s full name, which made Rainbow Dash baffled that she self-published a book. Does Twilight even know about this? And why was the cover smeared in cake frosting?

That is a very Pinkie thing to do. I love that joke! :rainbowlaugh:

What was on the butter knife? And that item in the trunk that Rainbow didn’t want to think about? Did she feed Tank anything? Will she picnic with her human and the cake? :duck:

I like the looming menace that’s building in the background!! :raritystarry:

squelching the piping with glee

Happy to see that made it in there.

Brick took a moment to think it over, at least, he was looking elsewhere, so she didn’t get a great view of him, but it looked like he did that, if his brow twitching meant anything. β€œPolice but with way more funding… and a rather elastic history.”

More like the CIA but whatever

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