• Member Since 15th May, 2024
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Anon gets turned into a colt that has no home and no friends or family, but he is happy. The reason he is happy he could do anything he please. And also he could make friends on the way. He could get stronger who knows?

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 72 )

Finally a story where anon is turned into a pony with the anatomy he is used to.

This is great! I can't wait to read more this.

Two more things Granny Smith has three ponys with her named Appleboom, Applejack, and Big Mac. And lastly when could clouds turn pink and pour out chocolate milk. I mean am not complaining.


This just goes to show, don't meet your heros.

Interesting so far, writing flow still need some work, at least you you seem to know where to put your punctuations. You might want to use a Text to speech program like Balabolka(yes it's free), to help review your own writing. Seeing it's Annon as the protagonist I am assuming he will get into a lot of comical and confusion situations with Ponyvillians to give any local adults have massive headache worst then the CMC. What tribe is he? I am assuming he is a green hearth pony. I wonder who will be his guardian, of does having a cutie mark makes his already considered an adult and is eligible to live on his own and take an aprentiship?

The grammar is pretty rough, but I like the story so far. :pinkiesmile:

The tree was coming faster. Could I survive the impact? Probably not, I was eating only apples for two weeks. I could barely drink the water without getting chased by those monsters.

Two weeks has passed by? Wow. I did not realize this. Guy must have had a real rough go of it.

Bro got knocked out what? 3 times? New record.

I think one or two areas need some minor adjustments with sentence structure. But overall nice to see another chapter.

Thank you for the post. Good luck with your finals.

Looks like the big event is resolved. Now we get some aftermath.

Lots of ponies died, huh? That sucks. Will they be remembered? I always suspected that those early background ponies who looked like they were just copies weren’t actually copies or animation errors. I think they were related -because there’s only so many color combinations- but slowly dwindled from the hijinks. Does Pinkie do somber memorial parties?

Lucky it was in Anons dream and not in real life

I think Rarity might be embarrassed about her behavior. :duck:

Nothing wrong with a cuddly Pinkie. :pinkiesmile:

I'm sorry ti say but it is kaMEhaMEHA not kaMAhaMAHEA.

Is ‘CA’ a reference? At first I thought the title was a clever way to infer the canon material. CA vs Anon -> CA-Anon. See?

CA stands for CAnon. You'll probably figure what the C means in like two weeks maybe.

I admit that I tapped out when I saw chaos spelled choas.

i think anon wouldnt like Rarity, Even without discord's influence (please be a clasist, please please please)

in terms of pinkie, anon understands

also a question, anon was a unicorn right???

ohohoho, they Will be worried about all the blood! (now that i think about it, they didn't Even saw the ribs right??)

They did see the ribs, also for his ears, it was only a few drops of blood.

don't know why i thought he was a unicorn
oh, My memory must be falling me again thanks for replying btw

Since Anon was sleeping on Pinkie in the balloon, was he dragged out with her and Rarity when she forgot to secure the rope?

This was the second time that Twlight and the others tried to get Rainbow Dash, so no he did not get dragged with Rarity nor Pinkie.

Dang, Twilight. You have no scruples right now. :duck: The others seem like they recovered from the chaos better.

This Pinkie is super sweet. :twilightsmile:

Good luck, Anon!

Why is this in the update section with nothing new added?

As far I can see there is nothing new added to the story yet it is in the updated section.

Hmm, not sure how to feel bout this story. I’ll follow it but so far no real negative or positive comments for it, all though one thing I will say is that I feel the chapters could be a bit longer, they seem too short IMO as they stand.

Besides that keep writing for I’m interested but not committed so hope to see more chapters that can really drag me in. Keep writing what you want my good author.

One of the most cool stories that still is getting chapters, so thanks for making this.

One tip though, when a different character is talking add a space between them, for example:

"Hello!" Said the stallion

"Hello to you too!" Replied the mare.

It's easier to read for the viewers and more organized. Hope my tip helps! (Also don't copy what I did with the "said the stallion" it sounds boring, do you're own thing!)

What a place to put a cliffhanger hot damn

ohohoho, i wonder what happened to him? Oh! The faces of the elements! after harming a poooor foal, much better! a starved colt~ = }

also MOAAR!

Fluttershy squinted her eyes having trouble to see my face. "Fluttershy it's ok, I'm fine." I said trying to back away from Fluttershy. "Oh um, are you sure your ok?" "Yeah I'm fine." I said to her while my body calms down.

Ok, quick writing tip, ALWAYS start a new paragraph when someone new is talking.

Ty for the chapter :)

"Wow, hes exposed to the smallest amount of magic and hes passing out, how pathetic.""He never came into contact with magic in his life, what do you expect." Before I could say anything my body gave out and demanded rest.

They made fun of a Filly Colt...
(Sorry got confuse with the other Anon I read.)
While their Grown Ups.

Colt and thousands of years old

Hey I made you a Free Book 📖 Cover
I Hope ❤️ You would like it :3
I'll will what patiently 😁 for the next chapter, and take your time and don't Rush.

Holy shit bro it looks good! Thanks!

Your Welcome 😄

Ty for the chapter:)

When my mind started to focus all I thought was one thing.

'Ohh I'm definitely getting revenge on your ass Twilight.' I thought while looking into Twilights eyes.

*Manic laugher*

Concern, regret, fear and mockery! such NEGATIVITY = }

Well done, absolutely loved it!:raritystarry:

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