• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2022
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago



Some say that time heals everything and I like to think that I am living proof of that.
I lived through a war as a human and ended up dying and being reborn in mlp. But time made me forget all that, that and magic.
Being in a half child magic world isn't as bad as some people think, but I wish I could have avoided the plot.
But this world is magical and I wanted to be involved in the plot just because.
Well, I'll do it my way.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 62 )

Two things. Calling his pony birth parents his adoptive parents is confusing and incorrect. And look up Stockholm Syndrome. That didn't happen here.

Otherwise not a bad start.

Yeah, ik, what i mean for the thing of calling is pony birth parent his adoptive parent is because he didn't recognized them as his parent until that moment and for the Stockholm syndrome, i mean it like he became attached to them not only for his interaction with him but also because they were the only people he saw for most of the time, not counting his nanny or other kids, that's why i said "a little because of Stockholm syndrome".

Stockholm Syndrome involves a hostage and their captors, usually there is abuse involved. Is being a child with parents a hostage situation? Were his parents abusive? If not then this is nothing like Stockholm Syndrome.

Intersting start fav liked and followed ;)

Not bad so far. You probably don’t need that bit at the front every chapter or at least put it in the author box as it might be considered word padding.

Another nice chapter. Will be interesting to see what kind of relationship you give the two after not showing it for so many years.

I feel like English isn't your first language? No problem with that, but it means you could do with some extra proofreading. Early on you mention Twilight putting a helmet on Platinum's face. Pretty sure you meant hoof. And you have ponies with paws a lot. Those should be hooves. That's just what I remember.

Is more than sometimes i forgot what they have, like i'm not used to write mlp fics, more about human fics and is kinda weird, and i kinda forgot to change it after finished this chapter, because it was a very long chapter

I can’t wait for the next chapter. I just love how you’re writing your character. 👍

you keep mixing up your gendered pronouns. you use 'he' and 'his' for applejack several time in this chapter. and I think you've done similar in past chapters

Seriously? Oh man, i didn't notice it. Thanks for telling me!

So, to make sure I'm not, I have to stay away from the main characters.

Was going to drop the story here but you convinced me to stay with that line.

dhow off is not one of them

show off

I did not expect you to parrot espisodes with an OC put in it where end result is no differnt than canon... as if the OC did practically did not change anything in grand scheme.
Do not let my comment break your spirts, it merely my observation. You can do something about it as much as you can keep going and ignore this comment.

Gleaming armor? Don't give your hope up he's just a guard. There not limited to just canterlot

Stop swinging helmets around your going to hurt someone!

Just as he was about to open his mouth to continue this endless argument, he suddenly stopped and raised his head, squinting from what I could see, and before I could say anything, he disappeared. Most likely to the direction where Twilight and the others were.


"Eh... preparing beforehand, not bad Princess ," I said after I finished reading the book a bit and not understanding anything it said, as I had never been interested in history in general.


"Of course," while I don't regret my actions, I regret letting my anger get the better of me, there were better ways to act in that situation. "What I did was childish, impulsive and careless of me to physically assault her." Better it would have given her nightmares. "And I'm sorry I lost control."

Childlish => Foalish

I have grown quite fond of this little town. While it's not a large town, it falls more in the category of a large town than a town if you ask me

Are you have dyslexia? The first half and last part feel like they should be swapped. I'm enjoying the story but every now and again you manage to confuse me with this sort of wording

...the ability to use ambient magic is a vary dangerous ability to have. This dude's going places that I don't think even he knows he's going to

What does that have to do with anything, you may ask? Well, it's simple. It means I'm in Canterlot, or Cancelot, or whatever how does it his name, which puts me close to one of my favorite characters, Twilight Sparkle.

And here I thought they were in the Crystal Empire.

I tried to take it from her by force but obviously I couldn't, I was or rather am a colt I couldn't even reach her, so I could only give her a look or a pout as I imagined taking the spoon from her.

Anyway, as I was saying, all the critters of this realm can use magic but in different ways and different uses.

Seriously, all it took was for her to put her paw on her, give her a look, and wham, Twilight calmed down.

You mean hoof?

Main mission: Avoid Twilight Sparkle at all costs: Failed.

...meh, she will be fine.(——

"Because it's a task given to me by Princess Celestia,(——" proudly proclaimed young Twilight.

"Well, that's not for you to decide, princess.(——" I said and then walked away towards my house.

I raised my hoof to answer her, but stopped myself as I reflected on what she said.

as she quickly removed her hoof from my now slightly drooling mouth. "Did you just lick me?" she asked incredulously.


proceeded to walk towards the cowgirl mare, "Well, let's get this over with,(——" she said as she raised her head again and we followed her.

It was funny until she tried to do the same with me, something about my cloak and hat being out of style or something, and only stopped after hearing we were from Canterlot.

while we're in Ponyville, and my poor baby dragon needs sleep,(——" at that, Spike whined saying

the best we can do is wait and pray that things are not that bad,(——" with a smile, I offered her a science book that I saw was in the pile of books I attracted.

With a small smile, she said,(—— "You'll still have to teach me this spell, you know?"

"Oh, oh! I love guessing games! Is she hiding?" said Pinkie Pie as she looked around.

"Oh, oh, more guessing games. Um... Pokey Smokes, or how about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty...!" said Pinkie only to be silenced by Applejack.

"And I know who you are, you're the mare in the moon, Nightmare Moon,(——" Twilight finished saying.

At Twilight's fearful look, the mare just laughed evilly and said, "Remember this day, little ponies, because this will be the last time, from this moment on, the night will reign forever!" she said before laughing villainously as her fur went crazy.

she throws me to the ground only to leave again.

As soon as your friends arrive, they will witness your swift demise.“(——

she suddenly stopped and raised his head, squinting from what I could see, and before I could say anything, she disappeared.

At that, the crystals reacted to her words and rose up, much to the moon mare's disbelief.

"Applejack, who reassured me when I had doubts: she represents the spirit of honesty!" said Twilight confidently, to which one of the broken crystals surrounded her.

"I've told you before Spike, it's for the creation of a new form of magic,(——" I said without taking my eyes off my notebook as with my magic I held an open book with a spell I was trying to pierce, or rather adapt.

"Thanks, I hope I'm not interrupting anything,(——" Fluttershy says as she gives me a shy smile looking at all the books lying around along with several of my notes and some objects.

"But...it's the Grand Galloping Gala! How could you possibly not want to go?" She said as she looked at me, not taking the tickets from my hoofs.

"Uhh... phew, looks like Twilight's magic wasn't controlled,”(—— considering Spike's appearance.

"That's right," added Fluttershy as she flew over to us, offering her support. "It's terrible how I, how all of us—" hey, don't include me in that group, "—made you feel bad."
(New paragraph)
"And so did I! It's no fun picking on a friend!"

gut, "now that if I'm going, you have to go too Platinum,(——" Twilight finished, standing practically in front of me.

to which I sighed and grabbed the ticket. "Fine, I’ll go."

We were planning on throwing her a party to show our appreciation for Applejack."

"You're still going through with that? I thought you were done with it,(——" Twilight said as I could tell she was looking away,

"Well... no," Spike finally admitted with a sheepish grin at my amused look, "but, Platinum, you can tell me! It's been a while since we've spent time together," he added sheepishly, with a hopeful look in his eyes.


"I guess friendship it is magic," I chuckled a little to myself as I walked out of the library.

before smiling in a state that told me she hadn't slept in a long time, I could tell,

and Granny Smith who is not old enough not to do these jobs again, then Applejack has to do all this work alone.

After a while of apple picking, I could hear Applejack say, "How about y'all take a little break? I got some fine apple juice waiting for ya!“(——

"Girls, and boy," she said, directing that last part to me, "I can't thank you enough for this help. I admit I was acting a little stubborn-"

"Don't worry girls, thanks to someone-" she said looking daggers at me, to which I just smiled, "put me to sleep, I'll be able to help you with those no problem." She finished his sentence then looked at all of us with a soft look. "You know, I know the city gave me an award for most appreciated pony, but my real award is having friends like you guys,(——" she said to which then we all proceeded to drink some of the juice Applejack brought us.

As I followed him, I heard a voice stop me, "Looks like you listened to my advice,(——" you know Twilight, it seems in this episode you are willing to stop me for anything.

"Are you seriously doing this to me, Twilight?”(—— I said looking at her with a blank stare, to which she just shrugged indifferently as she stuck her tongue out at me childishly.

I pondered her words a bit, then shook my head, "No, it's perfect just the way it is."

That means that she's thinking of talking about it with the girls.(——

Pinkie just continued walking as she said, "Maybe Twilight is right,(——" at that, I just raised my eyebrow as I followed her,

I really don't know, so I simply decided to keep her company until I went home or until she said something, whichever came first.

"And also dangerous, Granny Smith is not in the age to get played with that kind of 'prank' anymore,(——" I said in agreement, frowning as I continued to stare at the gryphon.

"No, no, I can't misjudge her. It was kind of a funny joke, I guess,(——" at that,

I don't know how things work from where you come from, but what you did is unforgivable.

I said as I watched her figure disappear into thin air.

Could it have been because of my magic? Though I've never heard of unicorn magic responding like this before.

felt pretty tired after the incident and besides,

At the question, I couldn't help but stop and think. "Counting the spells I created, about 35 or so." Even though I've focused the last few years on creating my runes and Glyphs, it doesn't mean I haven't found time to study and learn magic that already exists, part of that I know I owe to Twilight and my parents.

it looks like that carriage does its show but it also lives there.

After a well-deserved snack, I returned to the library and entered it, immediately spotting the lavender unicorn who was reading a book.

"Oh, of course you can do that,(——" I said sarcastically to then jump out of the way of his teleporting bite.

"Come on boy, follow your daddy,(——" I said sticking my tongue out at him and then running off, with him following close behind.

was the reason she kept me alive for so long,

she said with a frown looking at me with anger and concern evident in his eyes, only to have them soften and give me a small hug. "I'm glad you're okay."

"ah, thank you Twilight,(——" I said as I patted her back. I would hug her back if I wasn't so tired.

"It was Snails and Snips fault,(——" Twilight answered me, as she gave a sigh of resignation

I smiled at the obvious sign of jealousy and patted his head, "Don't think too much of it Spike, you know Rarity is a very generous pony and besides, she gave it to me to match the cape she gave me.”(—— I said, giving him an encouraging smile.

So, why are we here in the park?"

"Sleeping. According to Princess Celestia he's taking a nap. His snoring is what's causing all this smoke."

"I'll tell you what we're supposed to do: give him a boot,(——" I sighed in exasperation upon hearing the less-than-ideal suggestion from the blue Pegasus.

Now, how do I explain it... ah, I know. "Fluttershy, what do you think he courage is?" I said with a soft but loving tone in my voice.

"Close,(——" I said as I put a hoof on her shoulder, causing her to look at me surprised but not scared, which is a good sign.

Before Spike could say anything else, the rabbit, taking advantage of Spike being distracted, moved

After a few seconds, we separated and I looked outside to see the Pegasi cleaning up the black smoke.

Platinum is for the advice you gave me before I went to the mountain."

Fun story so far, keep it up.

Oh god I need my next hit of this amazing fix. Please only a very few fic’s get me this invested. I actually like this oc. Such a well rounded character. Some grammatical errors but I don’t care it’s just that good. P.S I’m just joking I’m not that impatient. Can’t take a cake out before it’s baked.

And thirdly, to give variety and see how well it works on diamonds, Emeralds,(—— and sapphires. Each crystal has a different ability to absorb magic, which makes it unique but interesting at the same time.

I could wait for him to return, but I'd rather send the letter to Princess Celestia at once.

"Well, now I have more reason to go home,(——" I said to myself with a small smile and then looked with a frown at the shredded letter on the floor.

"Worst timing in the world, Darn Pegasus," I grumbled to myself as I covered my backpack with my cloak and started walking back home.

I nod with a small smile, "Thank you for your understanding." I said to this time finally head to my room.

I couldn't help but sigh in relief as I looked at her, "Thank Celestia, don't worry me like that!" then proceeded to give her a hug.

"Oh, cute. Where did these come from?" said Twilight finally looking up from her book. "They're not in the book either,(——" oh for crying out loud.

"We look forward to having you again." Twilight said, before an obviously enthusiastic idea came up. "Oh, next time we can ask Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy,(—— and Rainbow Dash to join us!"

me." She said and then frowned a little. "Although I'd still like to know why you couldn't join us at the beginning of the sleepover, did something happen?"

I hope you are fixing these errors.

It's one of the awkward things that have happened with him, although it wasn't as awkward as that time he said "dad" to me one day when I went to see him.

Well you and Twilight did raise him so it would make sense, maybe one day it be official.

Actually, it was one of the few things that caught my interest about this school. You see, the school is open to the public, but you need a pass to get in. Luckily, they gave us one before classes began.

Actually, it was one of the few things that really caught my interest about this school, since the school is open for everyone to access, provided you have a pass, which fortunately we were given before classes started.


Who is the Unicorn in the cover art? Is she your OC?

Yeah, it is. or at least is how i want him to look like.

I gave him an annoyed look as well to which he gave me a smile, though inside I felt grateful. Twilight and I are very good friends and we could probably be more than that in the future, with emphasis on him perhaps, but that won't happen if the other ponies practically demand that we get together.

Oh he is interested in a relationship

The good thing is that I didn't firm a contract so they don't really have the authority to take my things but if I'm not with the council they will take my things because it’s their "duty."

"I'm here for you!(——" He said with a simple look.

Hearing his question, I just smiled. "That's a private matter, I'm sorry but I can't tell you about it."

How will they do that trick with their manes, I wonder?


Auch, I know that is true but still, Auch princess.

"You planned this, Princess Celestia?" I said after I finished assimilating the whole situation, looking at the Princess who was eating a cupcake.
(New paragraph)
To which the Princess in question just gave me a smile and after she finished swallowing and wiped her snout with a napkin, she answered me. "I don't know what you mean, Platinum Breeze, now eat before we run out of snacks without you."

Anyway, regarding my apprenticeship, I will not move back to Canterlot and I will have my apprenticeship in Ponyville only during my dreams.

the best alternative to me having to move back from Ponyville, to the princesses' castle, to be her student.

Honestly, I don't really understand how does one work the dream magic, so I'm very optimistic to learn about it, if she let me learn it.

My father simply patted her on the back and smiled at me.

Teally no good profanity (and sex) in this story

since being the pupil of a Princess makes you technically royalty as well. If the Princess in question is unavailable for any reason, you are the next in command and are expected to command in her honor and on her behalf.

This would honestly give more reason for the way Twilight tends to act when something bad happens. Shame she forgets the royal guard exists most of the time.

The Cover Art...
That Pony looks so damb Pretty!!!

OK know I'm Wondering if Harmony is gonna mess with him, and know I'm Curious what elements he is.

Honestly I kinda want to see him beat the shit of some Stupid Teenage Dragons who was about to murder a child.

Did she feed him poison joke? I think she did, but either I missed the effects or we’ll see them next chapter.

Thanks for the chapter!

Hearing what she said, I blink with further confusion. "Wait, you can feel the ambient magic?"

seemed that Zecora didn't speak because she was waiting for me to say something.

Normally when someone realizes they are sleeping, I know I wake up immediately afterwards. So, it seems odd to me that I'm not waking up right now.

Hearing what she said, I gave her an incredulous look again. "It can't be that easy."

And to my further bewilderment, Princess Luna nodded. "Yes, I remember the pony in question, her name was Mystic Enigma and she was a talented unicorn, she managed to create a very interesting spell that unfortunately I know was lost with time."

"I thought this was an unofficial, casual visit,(——" yeah, tell her that Spike, though I doubt she'll listen to you.

want this place spotless and you've barely made a dent in the mess and you Platinum aren't doing anything!

It's not just about me as her student, but about representing our kingdom well and showing her our respect and gratitude.

I think I’m going to puke! :pinkiesick:

I look in the direction of the sun and notice the time. "Twilight, it's only 8 am, what could be so important that you would wake me up at this hour?(——" I say only to be suddenly pulled out of my bed by the mare in question. "Hey!"

It's the first time she's seen something unknown and not investigated it first."

Luna is just like any other pony, just quite out of date about the world in general." After that I got up and headed for the library.

It was time to reinforce my knowledge about these vermin.

I had a feeling.(——

"Oh no, they're heading to town!" said Spike as I deactivated the rune, seeing what they were doing, I slapped my face and looked at Spike.

"...Excuse me?" nor did I understand why she was apologizing.

Luckily, those little monsters didn't come out of Twilight's room or we wouldn't have anything to eat. "Why didn't Twilight bother to investigate those little critters? It's the first time he's seen something unknown and not investigated it first." And I hope it's not just because of the cute factor.

Shouldn't it be she seen something

As my horn glowed, I couldn't help but notice unconsciously that this time I had no difficulty holding them. I look at the glowing necklace and can't help but wonder if this is due to ambient magic.

I wonder it this is same as alicorn amulet wonder if Platinum can take it for himself before Trixie take it

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