On hiatus, like the rest of my stories. On hiatus cuz o school, life, and did I mention school? Check blog for more details
[Old chapters are being revised as of Sept 13. It'll be ready in three years tops!]
*Under construction and shit*
You know, a nuke is a slightly better way to die than fighting a war.
My name's Rimu, and as the text above this text implies, I died at the metaphorical hands of the fucking sun being launched into my backyard. It wasn't fun hearing the sirens blair like there's no tomorrow (there was technically no tomorrow badum ching), especially since I was in the middle of staring into spa- I mean watching one of my favorite episodes of MLP.
After the nuke exploded, I got transported into the magical lands of... Actually what is Equestria's planet named? Eh, later.
I got transported to the magical land of ponies as a changeling queen. After that I met some... Interesting ponies, got brain damage, got eaten by a hydra, fought said interesting pony, got promoted from a bartender to the head of the town guard for some reason and then died again. All in a week.
Well, atleast the next few months are gonna be interesting. I hope. Who knows, maybe I'll get to answer my question about changelings.
What question? Well, are ch-
My names Rimu and a nuke just got set off in my front yard! Crazy, I know. I'm a pretty big MLP:FIM fan, unfortunately I didn't finish the show before the nuke so I was pretty sad. Well I was until I woke up in a cave with a black screen Infront of me telling me that, "You've been selected for the program! Don't worry your the only one that survived!" Or some bullshit like that, I can't really remember.
Let's just skimp on the details, after I died I got reincarnated as a changeling queen. Thankfully I wasn't Chrysalis, the bad thing is that I may or may not affect the timeline. I haven't watched the episodes where they show the other timelines but I know that they ain't fun.
Well, now you know! My name's Rimu and I'm about to blow your damn minds!
Extra tag is:Drama. OoooOOoo!
Sex tag is for innuendos.
Heavy reworking of characters.
Scratch it, this shits a crack fic with a few bits of actual real story. Im so sorry if you guys got disappointed by the direction of the story, I'll try to do better.
Also AIwhisperer you inspired me to put the system in this fic, equis dreams is fucking awesome don't forget that.
Nice start, hope you add a few more right away.
I'll try to! I don't have things to do for a few days so I'll try to mix some things up! Though maybe I should take more time since I kinda don't wanna disappoint yall.
This'll be a funny, chaotic crackfic
Yes... Very funny, chaotic, crack~

You just gave me a new idea for this fanfic, I'm gonna pump it with crack and a little bit of story. Thanks for the idea!
Oh dang I was hoping for a more serious one not just a crack filled one.
Well I'll try to make it more serious in the following chapters, but my last fic kinda left me with a sour taste because I kinda suck at it.
I do plan on making it more and more serious as time goes on but I wanna make it where you can read it and not be terribly sad or angry at a character.
Let's just see what I come up with lmao.

(But in all reality I just suck at making serious scenes lmao)
(You can actually see my attempts of serious at the very start of 1, I'm gonna experiment and see what I like the best.)
I'm kind of digging the borderline Molestia vibes I'm getting from this. Can't wait to see what comes next. =3

Lmao I thought it'd be funny if the serious and formal Celestia turned into the fanon version but turned up to 100.
LOL. this is looking good. Poor celly tho.

Yeah but it's her fault for breathing in grass with substances on them
Wait so confused… was there a new character because I thought the MC was the queen but who’s the one dreaming and running from the guards?
Well that's a secret that one cult member can figure out, or you can just wait in 3 days to see who it is. You're choice.
(Hint: she has a horn and blue streaks in her hair. I also kinda uh, remade her character...?)

Ah ok but you were at least switching characters. Good to know.
I'll be taking a few days off from writing to research about the new character that im gonna introduce into the story (So I won't fuck her up lol). Don't worry it won't take too long... Hopefully.
Scratch that I think I already know her basic personality on the top of my head funny enough. She's exactly how I Imagined her, she quips, has no tolerance for bullshit, and over all pretty cool.
Also she's purple? I thought her coat was more pink than purple.
(Starts with a star ends with a fucked up light)
From my understanding, she got mindwammied in the s5 finalie so her entire personality changed.
Well more research is needed I guess
Oh shit I have do a retcon holy shit.
Im so fucking sorry I didn't know Starlight was 26 in the actual show shit why did I think she was 700 or something.
Retcon coming in next chapter. I'll try to do my best to fix my horrible mis judgement holy.
For now just imagine Starlight being 16 I'll explain later!
Will Trixie still exist or the protagonist substituted her?
Substitute, Protag doesn't know this though so he thinks he can find the other Trixie still. (Trixie is about 13 in this AU if she existed)
You know, since it’s an AU you can change the ages if you want.
But I don't want to change it too much. It feels wrong and it kinda you know...
Not right? If I change the characters too much it doesn't feel like them anymore, and that includes changing the age.
I put Star at 14 as a rough estimate of the shows age, since Star in the show is about 4-6 years older than the main 6.
Fair enough. Still a good chapter.
Thanks dude that means a lot lol.
Interesting doesn't look like it's discontinued definitely want more.
Dang really changing things up. I like it.
Thanks dude!
What? Well okay then.
Yeah this chapter was too all over the place even for my goofy standards.
Don't worry tho, next chapter might be better. I haven't actually wrote anything yet lmao
Just remember that old line of “I went so insane that it became boring so decided to become sane again.”
'The definition of Insanity'
But yeah I'm actually not sure if I was high or not when I made '6'.
Feels like a dream at this point.
Hehe, still a decent story the shock and aw factor works at the start for sure. Idk if you have a plan or not though.
I have a outlandish plan in the works. It contains a lot of unga boonga cult shenanigans.
Also I hope I don't need to rely on shock and awe, I cringe everytime I look at the first chapter of this story.
Schools killing me so chapters are gonna come out a fair bit slower. Sorry lads.
... fuck, how used I am to read male MC fics that reincarnate in female bodies that I did not seem so strange that the first action of the MC in the new world is masturbate...
Yoooo I just got recommended this story not going to lie I wond to see how it would happen if a human turns into changeling queen and gives all the characters crazy over the attitudes of the character
Yeah ngl to you, I have no idea why I made that line at all dude. I think my hormones IRL got the better of me.
Yo thanks! This story was purely made for fun so I hope y'all have fun while reading it!
Since you took the time to read my fic, I feel like it's only fair I read yours and WOW. Rimu has a butt load of personality! Imma get to blazing through this story, I wonder what shenanigans bro cooks up.
Spoken like a true man. But I'm sorry, God knows all. Good news, he forgives you.
Man these girls horny as hell. Still, whatever keeps our crackhead protag from being spotted too quickly.
Bro memorised the full incantation too, bro deserved that win by that alone. It would be funny if his method of acting cool was actually a serious enhancement spell. Anime DOES teach you things!
These title cards are a work of genius! Also what does that even stand for? Bestest Bastard Friend For Fuckboys?
At first, the sheer volume of new speakers threw me threw a loop, but it got pretty entertaining once I caught on who was who.
Also Cursed. Might as well continue leveling up to become the strongest bug monster alive!😈
Im absolutely loving this story and want to see more! I laughed my ass off at some of parts. I especially love the mane 10. They make me laugh the most.
Everything about this story hits so many check boxes for what i want in an HiE!
Dude thanks! Also your fic is amazing so it's kinda cool you think mines cool too!
Well as they say the more the merrier!
I can't! I can't anymore! Its really funny but my brain keeps rejecting this story! I want to read more but I think I'll get an aneurism if I do!
Because the writing is absolutely dookie lmao. I'm no way a good writer but I appreciate that you find my story funny dude! Hopefully after my planned S1 ending, I can fix up some of the early and later chapters.