• Member Since 17th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


An amalgamation of nice and spice. Writing for fun. Wonderbolts enjoyer. AiE/HiE shitposter.


Roseluck has a problem. She loves this alien named Anon. While that may be a problem for some ponies, Roseluck knew there was someone else in the way. A certain someone she knew all too well...

WARNING: Light RGRE themes.

Inspired by the song VOLA - Straight Lines.

Art by viwrastupr (linked in source of image).

Pre-read by 6-D Pegasus.

Gift for Lucky Seven. Welcome back to Fimfic!

Chapters (1)

Retirement. It was a tough subject for Spitfire. She knew she was about to retire soon, but she hadn' t notified Fleetfoot and Soarin of her decision. Unfortunately for Spitfire, Fleetfoot already knows and is more than apt to tell her all of her feelings on the matter. She's angry. She's anxious. She's upset.

She just wants Spitfire not to leave. Was it that hard to want something like this in life?

Apparently to Spitfire, there's more to this than meets the eye.

Written originally for a Speedwrite for Quills and Sofas' Spitfire Contest under both prompts Leave No One Behind and Finish Line, where it tied for 1st place. This is a revised expanded version of said fic that is now a submission to the 2024 Wonderbolts Sitewide Contest.

Pre-read by 6-D Pegasus.

Chapters (1)

Anon is meditating after doing a whole lot of nothing all day. Twilight stumbles upon him doing this and asks him what he's doing. Anon just invites her to join him as he stops thinking and just viiibes.

She doesn’t know how to vibe. Book pone can only think.

Anon decides to change that. One way or another.

Idea provided by golabi2101.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash finds... something on her early morning flight over the Everfree Forest. She's not exactly sure what this something is, but she sure will make sure to not only keep him safe, but also away from anypony! She doesn't need the whole town freaking out about him!

After all, who would believe her story that a deformed ghost was wanting to burn down the whole Everfree Forest as retribution?

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Babe, Why Is She Saying That Word?

Cadance was curious as to why a kirin was sitting at her family's dining room table. Shining Armor was too.

What they find out may make Cadance reconsider her approach to family matters, while Shining Armor wonders if he'll survive the remainder of the day. After all, it was all his fault...


Written as a Judge Submission for the Shining Armor Is A Terrible Dad competition.

A spiritual, but not a direct sequel to my story, Babe, Why Is She Saying That Word? Now marked as a sequel because I'm small brained. Vittu.

Sex tag present due to how many sex jokes there are.

Edited by: Muggonny.

He didn't, but he's there in spirit!

Chapters (1)

Luna has been more tired than usual. Celestia is worried about her wellbeing, so she asks Anon for his help, not only because she's been extremely busy with her royal duties, but also he's dating Luna, so it makes the most sense for him to help. What Anon discovers makes him wonder if pigs do really fly.

They don't, but hey, could you really blame him for asking?

Tagged Sex for references to the act. Also majority of the fic was written in three hours.

Cover art by magnaluna.

Chapters (2)

Anon was holding Princess Celestia's forehooves.

He doesn't know if she liked it.

She did. A little more than Anon thought.

Dedicated to the horse homies, NorrisThePony (you're welcome) and Odd_Sarge (who will most likely ask me why I'm SMIRKAING again).

Art by blackkaries (linked in source).

Now with an audio reading done by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan!

Chapters (1)

The newest student to the School of Friendship, a diamond dog named Ruff, gets teleported to Cloudsdale.

Starlight is panicking, Twilight is upset, and Ruff just wants to learn about friendship. Hopefully Starlight can fix all this before Twilight tracks her down, right?

Story inspired by Axolotl222's comment on another fic of mine.

Art by vensual99 on Twitter. No link because their page is NSFW. Source goes directly to the collab this is associated to, though.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to You Think I Could Make It?

Months after her sudden encounter with Anon in the bar, Lightning Dust meets with him to ask him for his help. Anon provides all the help that he can, but he's unsure if he can really be of use. However, he does have a plan, one that Lightning Dust is dead set on setting in motion.

She just hopes that his plan will work. She’s got nothing left to lose but herself.

Inspired by Thrown's Guilt and Kardashev's Beyond Sun and Moon/Torchpassing.

Art by DragonAtaxia.

Chapters (2)

Fizzlepop Berrytwist, now acclimated to Ponyville by Twilight's recommendation, was invited to a party for Gummy's birthday. She didn't want to go, but she went anyway, and found herself being alone, again. Like always.

Fortunately for her, a human by the name of Anon was not a fan of being alone. And he was going to make sure she wasn't alone any longer, even if it meant embarrassing her the whole time.

Art by TenebrisNoctus (source for direct link to picture).

Inspired by The Darkest Moment - Say Your Sorries (And Goodbyes).

Pre-read by: Chaospaladin and Rikkity.

Chapters (1)