• Member Since 17th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 31 minutes ago


Those horsewords don't write themselves!


Anon was holding Princess Celestia's forehooves.

He doesn't know if she liked it.

She did. A little more than Anon thought.

Dedicated to the horse homies, NorrisThePony (you're welcome) and Odd_Sarge (who will most likely ask me why I'm SMIRKAING again).

Art by blackkaries (linked in source).

Now with an audio reading done by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 45 )

Hoofholding? Before marriage?! How lewd!

This was wonderful, thank you for it!


Hoofholding? Before marriage?! How lewd!

I do not regret writing this knowing how lewd this would appear. :raritywink:

You're welcome, Runic! I'm happy you enjoyed the fic. :twilightsmile:

Cute story.

i think you need therapy

Understandable, listening to this song as therapy.

I know what you're actually referencing. :raritywink:

Thank you. Happy you enjoyed the fic, Caladis! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for supplying me with my daily dose of d'aww, 'twas a lovely read.

Man this was a great way to start the morning, Gotta love celly. Great story as always from soaring.


You're welcome! Happy you enjoyed the fic. :pinkiesmile:


Dude, you and I both. I didn't expect this tbh. Wrote this after rewatching (and watching some I've never seen) some episodes with Celestia in them and it just made me want to write something about her. Thankfully, Norris had an idea served to me on a silver platter. Happy you enjoyed the fic, Metrotexas, and good to see you in the comments! :twilightsmile:

welp, I have diabeetus now. That was easily my monthly intake of D'awww in the span of 15 minutes. Well done.

Anon: "I love you."

Celestia: "Imagine if we kissed under the Cannibal Corpse murderhouse baby banner."


When the winery goes so metal it turns into a Denny's concert crossing over with A Plot In You's music video that just dropped.

Famous, that image is insane.


Thank you. Happy you enjoyed the fic! :twilightsmile:

Down the avenue known as Celestia’s dining room table, Anon could see her pearly whites as she grinned rather sheepishly at him. "Does that help?"

I love how personable she is here. "woops, those giant displays really do get in the way, don't they?"

. He would walk up to said lemonade stand and ask for grapes instead just to see her reaction, only for her to prattle on about how him buying the lemonade would fund Spike's latest endeavor that was brought to him by a bout of dragonfire mixed with whiskey.

🎶 The anon walked up to the lemonade stand,
And he said to the mare, running the stand 🎵

Anon sighed. “Celly, you don’t need to lump me in with your stable.”

Hah... "Stables" might mean something different in a horse world.

“Princess, we’ve been standing here for a few minutes now.”

Just wait until the gossip wheel starts turning

i love this, well written and well done. Hope to see more!


I meant to read this earlier, and having read it now I can't believe I took this long.

I honestly think you captured Celestia's personality well. For some reason, I feel like I don't see that a lot in these types of fics. But maybe it's just the ones I read.

Anyway, you aced this. Awesome job, homie.

There are tears in my eyes for seeing this notification and the staff edit on Famous' comment. Thanks for the laugh, Eldorado. :rainbowlaugh:


Thank you! Not sure if I'll write a sequel to this in the future, but I won't rule it out. Every time I've said this, I've written one. In the meantime, I do have other fics like these if you're looking for more Anon x Character romances.

I am so glad someone caught the lemonade stand reference. :twilightsmile:

inb4 Rarity hears about this and wants Anon to tell her everything.

Happy you enjoyed the fic, FOXTrot!

Yeah, that's on me. My bad lol. I'll post their more tame cover art from the 2000's next time Soaring writes something.

‘In a funk’
‘Decides to right an amazingly written goofy romance that is going directly in my favorites’

I’m gonna have to check out your other works the :twilightsmile:

I love how you and I posted our comments literally seconds apart from each other.

Thank you for your comment, man. It's always good to see you in the comments too. As for your feedback, I'm happy that I actually nailed writing her character. Like I said in my other comment, I watched quite a bit of episodes that had her gaining a lot of screentime while I was writing this fic, and I'm glad I did. Probably should do that more often for any other characters I plan on writing, would help make the fics feel more aligned to their canon voices. Besides, Celestia's quite adorable when she's given the opportunity to be, so why not make her a bit more like that in the fic? :twilightsmile:


Ahh thank you! Yeah I've been in a funk lately writing wise. Struggling to put words down for my chapter fics, and on top of that, I just haven't felt myself for the past week. Not sure what's going on, but I'm hoping to take this weekend to really focus up and get myself back in order. But yeah, take a look! I got a lot of other Anon x Character stories on my profile, and some non-HiE as well. Let me know what you think!

Seconds apart? I don't know, must be fate 😂

I'm touched that you value my comments though, homie. Props to you for doing your research, and I absolutely agree with you on this:

Celestia's quite adorable when she's given the opportunity to be, so why not make her a bit more like that in the fic?

I think when written well, this is a great mindset to come into a story with. As I said, awesome job. Can't wait for what you write next.

I always like senseless little fluff stories that involve Celestia, almost thought i was reading a RunicTreetops story at first

Just a couple of things

Why haven’t I not notice this before

Should be "Why have i not noticed this before"

No wonder why Luna doesn’t sit with me anymore

Dont need the "why" in here, can just say "No wonder Luna doesn't sit with me anymore"

First off, thank you for the fixes. Not sure how I missed those.

Secondly, happy you enjoyed the fic! Funny you mentioned Runic since he was the first comment on the fic. :trollestia:

This is so Lewd!
I must Audiobook it.

'Twas cute.
Thanks for posting.

Read it aloud for the audiobook version to come soon.
This is so scandalous!


Honored to have an audiobook reading of the fic. Can't wait to see what you come up with!


You're welcome! Happy you enjoyed the fic. :twilightsmile:

Adorable and funny. Fic was chock full of great quotes but I think my favourite was

Anon’s eyes widened, his brain currently conducting nuclear meltdown safety procedures after his disastrous attempt at humor had gone south.

First off, thank you for the idea. Was great being able to write Celestia again and the idea was too fun to pass up on. I'm really glad you enjoyed the fic and Anon's fiery mental gymnastics!

Cute Sunbutt is always a 10/10. Makes me wish I could hold her hooves and get cheek nuzzles while we go on a date to the winery...


More Anon fics? Definitely got something cooking currently. Can't spoil it though. However, it is not a Celestia fic. I'll definitely see what I can come up with for her in the future. No promises on that, though.


Yeah... Sunbutt is awesome and adorable. Happy you enjoyed the fic, CrimsonWolf!

Thank you for the audiobook! I really appreciate it. :twilightsmile:

Hope you don't mind your FiMFic Account/video being in the description now.

I noticed binging a lot of your Anon fics that ponies either love him or hate him. Still a good story.

He looked up at Celestia. She was happily staring at him, her gaze half-lidded. The warmth that radiated from her eyes alone gave him signals that were more mixed than Twilight trying to run a lemonade stand in the middle of a scheduled thunderstorm. He would walk up to said lemonade stand and ask for grapes instead just to see her reaction, only for her to prattle on about how him buying the lemonade would fund Spike's latest endeavor that was brought to him by a bout of dragonfire mixed with whiskey. To put it in short, it wouldn’t make sense.

And the he just waddled away.

"We could hold hooves like we did earlier if you’d like" holy crap my oc has the best mom ever(my oc's backstory is that he is celestia's adopted son from a really young age)

Wow I can't believe it was you that ghost wrote A Strange Relationship by Strange quark 42!!! I'm a huge fan :moustache:

Planet of birth: earth :raritydespair: :raritydespair: :raritydespair:

Correction, it's clearly the moon. :raritycry:

That's the bisexual earth!!! 🌚🌏🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Am gonna bap you >:c

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