• Member Since 17th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 37 minutes ago


An amalgamation of nice and spice. Writing for fun. Wonderbolts enjoyer. AiE/HiE shitposter.


Your Votes Have Been Tallied! · 3:19pm July 12th

Thank you everyone who decided to vote for the side fic that will be released alongside the Starlight/Anon fic. Shocked by the amount of people that tossed their ops in, so thank you for all the support!

Looks like we're going to have a cool little release log here, so I'll toggle on and get writing.

July New Fics: Starlight/Anon (approximately 15k+ words for it so far).
Gilda/Anon (winner of the poll btw)

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Got A Question, Gimme A Response · 6:28pm July 10th

So, alongside with the new fic I teased in my "Hey There, Delilha" blog, you guys mind voting on a little side fic I'll upload alongside it?

No, I'm not joking. Take your vote by viewing this poll: link no longer available, votes have been tallied!

Thanks. :)


Story Update for 07/07/2024 · 4:38am July 8th

Back from the ear infection/work shitstorm I had and am back to posting. Let's start light with some Discovery of Him content. Hope you all enjoy the new chapter, and will throw down some more stuff here in the next couple of weeks!


Hey There, Delilha. · 1:35pm June 25th

New blog title goes hard.


So, what's this one about? Where's your new fics?

Progress has been slow. Uber slow. Among my mental health, my escapism through gaming Gray Zone, and my new asshole friend named an Ear Infection so tremendous that I may have to go into urgent care today, I... uh, attempted, to make this work. Little sleep coupled with little will to stare at my screen after work is a challenge in itself.

So, I'm going to show you what I've drawn up.

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Mental Health of the Author · 3:27pm June 5th

If you've commented on anything of mine as of late, just know I will get to those, I have to say some stuff first. Gotta be real with you all.

Mental health has taken a backseat. I can't divulge too much, but I have no desire to eat, I slept like shit last night, and I'm wondering what is going to happen next for me. I'm supposed to be happy that I turned a year older, but instead I'm absolutely upset with myself.

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A Fic Recommendation Blog #4 | Shining Armor Being A Bad Parent Edition · 4:42pm May 28th

Yeah, I actually posted another one of these shortly after the previous one. Don't worry, I have a purpose with this one being so pointed.

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New Review Group | What Does This Mean And Do Recommendation Blogs Stop? · 10:43pm May 23rd

I know I posted a blog already today, but you're getting two. Here to announce that I have a review group created just so I can read all your great stories and review them happily.

What does this mean?

See above.

Do the Recommendation Blogs Stop?

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New Fic Cover Art Tease · 2:28pm May 23rd

I wonder what the question mark is referring to?

Will provide updates on how the fic is going. It's going to be a bit long so bear with me. :twilightsmile:


Anon 2 | The "What The Fuck" Response · 9:05pm May 20th

I thought I was done with blogging about the green dude with an attitude. Seriously, I thought we could move on, go back to enjoying horsewords, and move forward as a group, a collective, a fandom.

But no, instead, I'm having to see this shit in 2024:

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A Fic Recommendation Blog #3 · 6:06pm May 17th

Been a bit since I've done one of these (previous blog here) and since the drama has been resolved and I've said my piece on Anon, it's time to finally bring this back to put some positivity back on the site.

Today's little binge is going to be a mix-mash of several genres.

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