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Forging a New Future

As the Apple Blooms

Part 90; Forging a New Future

Canterlot State Mental Hospital…

Staring out her hospital room’s window, Applejack solemnly noticed watched as Granny Smith and Big Macintosh walked away, leaving her alone in this strange new place. Just watching her grandmother and older brother depart, the middle Apple sibling sighed and allowed a tear to escape from her eyes as she dejectedly remarked, “At least they’ll be back. Ah hope.”

It had been less than twenty-four hours since Applejack’s nightmare, and things had been gone from bad to worse for the middle Apple sibling. Right after she woke up, Applejack had been rushed to the hospital to remove all the glass shards from her mirror. Of course, that nasty detail had been the easy part.

Due to everything that had happened, Applejack was informed that she’d had a mental breakdown. Given that her mind was already balancing on a knife’s edge, Granny Smith had decided to have her granddaughter checked in to the Canterlot State Mental Hospital. Now, having been checked in, the blonde farm girl turned around to face the room that had become her new temporary home.

Nestled against the white wall rested a single bed with white sheets, a white writing desk and chair sat across the other side of the room, and on the wall to the window’s right sat a simple dresser. All in all, the sterile environment felt just as much like a prison cell as it did a hospital room. Applejack allowed herself to give a small chuckle as she quipped to herself, “At least Ah don’t have to worry about a toilet overflowin’ around here.”

Allowing her eyes to drift to the writing desk, Applejack found her father’s cowboy hat resting on it. Walking up to the discarded piece of headgear, the orange farm girl reached for her father’s hat, only to find her eyes drifting down to her hands, or more specifically, the bandages that now consumed them.

Indeed, both of Applejack’s hands were wrapped in gauze bandages that prevented her from seeing the scars that now consumed them. If there was any sort of upside to this, it was that her fingers, while covered, were still able to keep her fingers apart. Sighing to herself, the orange farm girl remarked, “At least it’s more like gloves than mittens.”

At that moment, from behind Applejack, a familiar scratchy voice mockingly remarked, “I must say, I like your new room.” Turning around, she found none other than the disgraced emperor Megatron, having appeared out of nowhere, strutting up to her. Allowing his eyes to take in her new room, the gray man quipped, “Very spartan. Reminds me of my tents when I was on campaign.”

Glaring at the red eyed man, Applejack angrily demanded, “What are you doin’ here?!” Letting out a cruel chuckle, Megatron replied, “Easy. I’m here because you’re here.” The blonde farm girl folded her arms as she replied, “You know what Ah mean. Ain’t you supposed to be, like, in mah mirror or somethin’?” Shrugging as he made his way to the window, Megatron replied, “The Gaulish chieftain Straxus couldn’t contain me. What makes you think mere glass can stop me?”

After a few moments of awkward silence, Megatron shook his head and let out a gentle chuckle as he replied, “If you really want the truth, I like you child. You remind me so much of myself that…..” The disgraced emperor allowed a wicked smirk to form across his lips as he added, “I feel a kindred connection between us.”

Pointing her finger right at him, Applejack furiously replied, “You and Ah are nothin’ alike!” Rather than remark with any fear or anger, Megatron simply quipped, “Stop lying to yourself child.”

Those words struck Applejack right in her heart. Sighing to herself, the middle Apple sibling dejectedly remarked, “Fine. You’re right.” She then demanded, “Just don’t rub it in.” All Megatron did in response was raise both hands to his shoulders as he quipped, “No promises Applejack.”

Applejack’s discussion with her “friend” was interrupted by the sound of one of the doctors’ voices speak up from the other side of her room’s door, asking, “Miss Applejack?” Turning to face the door, she replied, “Yeah, everythin’ alright?” To her surprise, the doctor informed her, “You have some guests who would like to see you.”

‘That’s odd.’ Applejack thought to herself. ‘Granny Smith and Big Mac just left, and there’s no way Apple Bloom would wanna be near me given… Everythin’.’ From the other side of the door, another voice spoke up. It wasn’t that of the doctor’s, and it certainly wasn’t her grandmother’s or brother’s voice.

Instead, it was the sing-song voice of Rarity asking, “Are you in there darling?”

“Rarity?” The orange farm girl asked out loud. Before she could fully process the possibility, Megatron mockingly replied, “Oh goody. I always enjoy making new friends.” Turning around to face the fallen emperor, Applejack demanded, “You better keep your gob shut you good for nothin’ backstabber!”

It was at this moment that, as the door opened, Fluttershy’s voice nervously inquired, “Who are you talking to Applejack?” Caught completely off guard, Applejack turned around to find none other than her dear friend Fluttershy, dressed in a flowing turquoise dress with a small white rabbit perched on her shoulder, entering the room. Right behind her was Rarity, a worried and concerned look on her face.

Once both girls were inside Applejack’s room, Fluttershy asked, “We heard something happened. You feeling alright? At least, as alright as you can be?” Sighing, Applejack replied, “Yeah, Ah’m fine. Ah was just talkin’ to….” She turned to point to Megatron, only to find that the vile former emperor had disappeared just as mysteriously as he first appeared. Deciding that it wasn’t worth confusing her friends, Applejack settled on a not-quite-lie with, “Just talkin’ to mahself. What are you girls doin’ here?”

Rarity sighed as she explained, “Well, you see darling, we heard you had an….” Pausing for a moment, she continued, “…An altercation with Apple Bloom.” Fluttershy then asked, “You punched her, didn’t you?”

All Applejack could do was sigh in resignation as she admitted, “Yeah, Ah did.” As Rarity and Fluttershy held their hands to their mouths in shock, the blonde farm girl explained, “Yeah, Ah lost control and Ah punched her in the face, knockin’ out a tooth.” She then began to walk around in a circle as she continued, “And now Ah can’t go anywhere near her and Ah let everyone down and Ah’m seein’ things and….”

Collapsing to her knees, Applejack tearfully finished with, “Ah guess you know everythin’ now.” As she began to cry, Rarity approached her friend and, kneeling down, pulled her friend into a hug. Confused, the blonde farm girl pushed herself away from the pale fashionista as she nervously asked, “What are you doin’? Ain’t you mad or angry at me? Aren’t you gonna shout at me or….”

Rarity placed her finger over Applejack’s mouth as the purple haired girl admitted, “Look darling, I can’t say I’m happy about everything that’s happened. If anything, I…. personally, I’m actually very disappointed in you.” As Applejack sighed in resignation, Fluttershy then admitted, “But let’s face it, we’re all at fault.”

When the middle Apple sibling gave her friends a confused look, Fluttershy explained, “What I mean is that…. Well…. We were all sort of annoyed by your anger, but none of us ever really tried to help you. We just let you continue to sulk around and….” As Angel comforted his owner, the pink haired girl continued, “And let’s face it, we all failed Sunset. We were supposed to be her friend, but when she needed us, we abandoned her.”

Rarity then took over the conversation as she added, “And darling, I have a confession to make.” Sitting down next to Applejack, the purple haired fashionista admitted, “You aren’t the only one who messed up. I should never have sent Sweetie Belle back to mom and dad. If I hadn’t kicked her out, she wouldn’t have been sent away as well, and….”

Applejack interrupted with a blunt, “But you didn’t hurt her! You didn’t give her a reason to hate you! You didn’t….” Realizing she was shouting, the orange farm girl apologized, “Ah’m sorry, Ah just…. Ah don’t know what to do.”

From behind Fluttershy and Rarity, Megatron reappeared. The former emperor folded his arms and let out a sinister chuckle as he remarked, “Well, there are always to punish yourself. For example….” Applejack immediately shot up to her feet and bellowed at the emperor, “Shut your mouth you two timin’ twit!”

Rarity turned to face the wall and inquired, “Darling, who are you talkin’ to?” Applejack shook her head, squinting for a moment as she straightened her eyes, only to find that Megatron had disappeared again. Sighing to herself in defeat, the blonde farm girl admitted, “Ah’ve been seein’ things. Ah guess Ah’m goin’ crazy.”

Fluttershy simply pulled her friend into a tight hug as she reassured her, “I don’t know what happens next, but we’re not gonna make the same mistake three times in a row.” Rarity then joined the hug as she added, “Exactly darling. We’re your friend, and we’re not going to abandon you!”

For a few moments, Applejack found herself overcome by emotion, unable to fully process what was happening. ‘They’re huggin’ me? After everythin’ Ah’ve done, they still wanna be mah friend?’ It was almost impossible for the middle Apple sibling to believe.

And yet it was happening. Applejack’s friends, despite knowing what she’d done, were still willing to be her friend. Overcome with joy, she hugged her friends back, saying nothing but allowing her tight embrace to speak for her.

It was at this moment that Megatron’s voice rang out from behind her, mocking her with, “Do you really think this will last? The moment they see your sister, they’ll turn on you.”

However, Applejack decided to ignore the fallen emperor’s insults and put downs. ‘No point in feedin’ him right now.’ She thought to herself. ‘There’ll be plenty of time to deal with that jerk later. Right now, all she was concerned about was her friends. After all, if her friends were willing to forgive her, then maybe, just maybe, one day Apple Bloom would too. And that was all Applejack needed to have just enough faith in a brighter future.

And so, Applejack hugged Rarity and Fluttershy again, confident that everything would be alright.

Allspark Wells, The Next Day…

Walking through one of the local shops, Apple Bloom inspected the selection of backpacks available for purchase. Running her hand through them, she muttered, “Now then, which one? Which one?” After a few moments, she pulled out a blue backpack as she remarked, “This one looks promisin’!” Sadly, when she slung her arms through the straps, the former farm girl realized it was too small for her, leading her to admit, “Ok, maybe not this one.” Setting the blue backpack back with the others, Apple Bloom finished, “Alright. Time to keep lookin’.”

As she continued her search for a new backpack, Apple Bloom found herself letting out a gentle chuckle as she said to herself, “Heh. Ah never thought Ah’d actually be lookin’ forward to school startin’.” Indeed, in less than one week, the former farm girl would be starting her freshman year (or rather her second freshman year) of high school, this time at Iacon High. Of course, she still needed new school supplies, which included a new backpack as she left her old one in Canterlot City (and had gotten a bit too small for her anyway.”

After a few minutes of fruitless searching, the former farm girl found herself inspecting several messenger bags. “Alright now. Let’s see if any of these’ll work.” Apple Bloom said to herself. As she scanned the available bags, one of them caught the burgundy haired girl’s eyes.

There, hanging from the rack, rested a maroon leather messenger bag.

Reaching for the maroon bag, Apple Bloom found herself admiring the shiny pack. Feeling a smile form on her lips, the former farm girl quipped to herself, “Now this here is worth a look!” Taking the maroon messenger bag, Apple Bloom slung it over her shoulder, only to find that it fit her perfectly. Taking a satisfied breath, the young girl happily exclaimed, “This is perfect!”

Apple Bloom was interrupted from her moment of enthusiasm when, from behind her, an older man’s voice called out, “My oh my. Looks like someone is having a good day.” Turning around, the former farm girl found herself face to face with a gray man with magenta hair, a yellow-orange business suit, a magenta pencil moustache, and green eyes. Gulping, Apple Bloom apologized, “Oh. Sorry if Ah was too loud.”

Thankfully for Apple Bloom, this new man reassured her, “Don’t worry child. I was simply looking for something.” He then paused for a moment before adding, “Now that I think about it, I can’t remember what it was I’m looking for.” The gray man then extended his hand and introduced himself, “Oh, where are my manners? I’m Kranix.” The young girl shook his hand as she replied, “Ah’m Apple Bloom.”

Upon hearing this, Kranix’s eyes lit up as he inquired, “Apple Bloom? My, that name sounds familiar.” Apple Bloom let out a gentle sigh as she admitted, “Well, Ah’ve kinda gained a reputation around here.” Kranix replied, “Not quite. You see, I’m new around here. I just came from Canterlot City, and I swear that….”

At that moment, Kranix lit up as he snapped his fingers and exclaimed, “Now I remember! I had a little encounter with your sister a while back!” Apple Bloom sighed as she inquired, “How do you know about Applejack?” The old man explained, “I was working at a carnival as a fortune teller, and I had an encounter with her. She was….”

Kranix stopped himself when he noticed Apple Bloom was growing increasingly depressed, leading to the old man quickly asking, “She finally snapped, didn’t she?” Sighing, the former farm girl nodded as she answered, “Yeah. She did.” She then opened her mouth to show her tooth gap as she added, “And the proof is in the puddin’.”

Nodding, Kranix allowed a small smile to form on his face as he reassured her, “Don’t worry Apple Bloom. I’m sure you have a bright future ahead of you." Straightening his coat, the magenta haired man bade farewell with, “Apochairestismos Apple Bloom. Until we meet again.”

Once Kranix had departed, Apple Bloom hesitated for a moment before simply shrugging with, “What a strange man.” Then again, she’d had more than her own fair share of strange things, ranging from a pony turned she-demon to a sentient robot butler. Still, the young girl felt she’d spent more than enough time here, especially now that she’d found a backpack and decided that she’d save this little chat for later.

After all, she had places to be.

The Chop Shop, Later That Day….

Pulling her bike up to the chop shop, Apple Bloom was pleasantly surprised to find Chromia and Wreck-Gar cleaning the front porch. Once her bike was properly parked, the former farm girl called out, “Howdy Aunt Chromia! Howdy Wreck-Gar!” The metal promethean happily replied, “Hello there Apple Bloom. Were you able to find a suitable backpack?”

Nodding, the former farm girl showed her new messenger bag to her aunt and fellow co-worker as she replied, “You bet. What do you think?” Chromia immediately replied, “I love it! It suits you perfectly!” The burgundy haired girl smiled as she replied, “Thanks aunt Chromia.” She then said, “Ah’m gonna go show it to uncle Ironhide.”

Thankfully for Apple Bloom, both Ironhide and Sideswipe emerged from the shop front as the family patriarch complimented, “Nice messenger bag kid.” Sideswipe then added, “You bet! It totally suits you, and it even matches your hair!” Apple Bloom smiled as she replied, “Thanks.”

Ironhide then interrupted with a gentle, “Now then, we better start getting everything ready for tonight.” Wreck-Gar then added, “Exactly sir. We don’t want Apple Bloom or Sideswipe’s romantic partners to find this place wanting.” Needless to say, both girls immediately whined, “Wreck-Gar!”

Later that Night

To say that Ironhide had “plans” for that night would be a bit of an understatement. As the moon shined it’s light down upon the town of Allspark Wells, Apple Bloom, as well as all her friends and family, gathered around the back yard of the chop shop in a small party to celebrate the end of the summer. With school starting in less than a week, everyone had decided get together for one last little party.

Letting out a gentle chuckle, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but remark, “A shame Pinkie couldn’t be here.” Of course, no one could truly out-party the famed party girl of Canterlot City. It didn’t matter, however, as Ironhide and Chromia knew how to organize a relaxing and peaceful get together. Indeed, a few long tables had been brought out and were now decorated with an assortment of snacks to satisfy people’s cravings.

Apple Bloom was distracted when she heard the sound of Arcee calling out, “Slow down Rattrap! You’re gonna get a stomachache!” The former farm girl refocused her attention on her friend and his adoptive mother.

Walking up to them, the burgundy haired girl inquired, “Everythin’ alright?” Rattrap turned to face his friend as he answered, “Yeah. I’m just tryin’ to get somethin’ to eat.” Arcee then added, “And I was just trying to warn Rattrap that if he doesn’t slow down, he’ll puke it all back up again.” Apple Bloom found herself struggling to keep herself from laughing, only stopping when she noticed her friend was growing somewhat forlorn.

Resting her hand on her friend’s shoulder, Apple Bloom apologized, “Sorry about that.” Thankfully, Rattrap allowed a small smile to form on his face as he reassured her, “It’s all right Apple Bloom.” He then let out a gentle sigh as he admitted, “You know, I gotta thank you for everythin’.” As Apple Bloom took this in, the scrawny teen continued, “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be here. Hell, I’d probably be dead.”

Feeling her eyes start to sting, Apple Bloom pulled Rattrap into a tight hug as she happily replied, “You’re welcome Rattrap. It’s what friends do.” The scrawny teen hugged her back as he tearfully replied, “And after meetin’ you, I gotta say I like having friends.” Apple Bloom then did something that she, though part of her regretted, she figured it was the least she could do.

Apple Bloom gave Rattrap a small kiss to his cheek.

As the scrawny teen took this in, the former farm girl playfully teased him with, “Figured you needed a little closure.” Rattrap found himself gently rubbing the spot where Apple Bloom had kissed him while staring at nothing in a blank trance. The burgundy haired girl grew a bit concerned at this, eventually asking, “You gonna be alright?”

Rattrap gave his answer when, still in his trance, he simply replied, “Yeah, I’m fine. I think… I think I’m gonna lie down.” He then, as his face blushed as red as Apple Bloom’s old hair color, uttered one final, “We’re all gonna die” With that, Rattrap fell backwards as a goofy smile formed on his face.

Thankfully, Arcee bent down to help pull her son up as she reassured Apple Bloom, “Don’t worry. This has happened before, so he’ll be fine.” She then added, “And thank you for being here for him.” The former farm girl nodded as she happily replied, “You’re welcome. Ma’am.”

Apple Bloom was distracted when Sideswipe’s voice called out, “Hey Apple Bloom!” Turning to face her sister, the former farm girl found the pale biker and Marble trying to get her attention. Returning her attention to Arcee, she quickly said, “Forgive me…” The pink woman reassured her, “Don’t worry. I’ll go talk with Ratchet.” Nodding, the burgundy haired girl made her way to the two love birds.

Walking up to Marble and Sideswipe, Apple Bloom asked, “You two rang?” The gray geologist meekly brushed the hair out of the right side of her face as she answered, “I wanted to thank you for helping me get out of my shell. Without you, I’d probably still be walling myself off in the museum.”

Sideswipe then added, “And I wanted to thank you for, well…. For everything. Without you, I’d still be under my dad’s thumb and, all in all, still be pretty miserable.” She then scratched the back of her neck as she added, “And there’s one more thing.” Curious, Apple Bloom asked, “What is it?”

As Marble and Sideswipe reached for each other’s hand, the pale biker added, “And well, without you, we wouldn’t have met each other.” The gray girl then added, “So…. Thank you.” Before she could fully process what they’d just said, Apple Bloom was pulled into a large group hug as Sideswipe began to tear up as she said, “You’re the best sister ever.” The former farm girl felt a tear escape her right eye as she replied, “Ah dunno. You’re a pretty good sister yourself.”

Once the group hug finished, Marble turned to Sideswipe and informed, “Sideswipe, there’s something I need to say.” Curious, the pale biker asked, “What is it?”

Marble gave her answer when she pulled Sideswipe into a passionate kiss, one which the pale girl was more than happy to return. As they finished, the gray girl rested her head against her girlfriend’s chest as she gently whispered, “I love you.” Smiling, Sideswipe warmly replied, “I love you too.” Sensing that her sister and friend needed a moment alone, Apple Bloom gently stepped away, leaving Sideswipe and Marble alone with each other.

The former farm girl was interrupted when she felt something, or rather someone, clawing at her legs. Letting out a gentle chuckle, Apple Bloom looked down to find Sparkplug, now wearing a red scarf around his neck, trying to get her attention. “Come here little buddy.” She playfully said as she bent down to pick up the highland terrier.

Once she had picked up her friend, Apple Bloom found herself bombarded by affectionate licks from the small dog. Pulling Sparkplug into a tight hug, the burgundy haired girl gave a simple, “Thank you Sparkplug. You’re the best dog a girl could ask for.” Needless to say, both girl and dog shared a tender moment before the small terrier wanted to return to the ground.

As Sparkplug scampered away, Ratchet, Wheeljack, and Wreck-Gar walked up to Apple Bloom as the elder medic inquired, “How’s your evening going kid?” The former farm girl happily replied, “It’s goin’ just fine!” The maverick mechanic nodded as he added, “You certainly look like you’re having a good time.” He then asked, “You mind if I say something?”

When Apple Bloom nodded, Wheeljack said, “I’m sorry about your first day. About how I had a bit to drink and told all those people about you and…” As he awkwardly pushed his glasses back into position, Wreck-Gar interrupted with a blunt, “Basically, he’s sorry for everything.”

To Wheeljack’s surprise, Apple Bloom wrapped her arms around him as she reassured him, “It’s alright Wheeljack. If anythin’, you blabbin’ everythin’ made everythin’ just a little easier.” She then pulled Ratchet into the hug as she added, “And thanks for bein’ here Ratchet. Ah know we haven’t had much to interact with each other but….” The old medic interrupted with a gentle and reassuring, “The feeling’s mutual Apple Bloom.”

Wreck-Gar then spoke up with, “I hate to interrupt you, but I believe your boyfriend and his sister are trying to get your attention.” Sure enough, as she released Ratchet and Wheeljack, Apple Bloom turned around to find Tender Taps and Double Shuffle. She then turned around to face her co-workers as she said, “Forgive me, but somethin’s just come up.” Thankfully, both adults, as well as Wreck-Gar, gave her a confirming nod, allowing her to join her boyfriend.

Running up Tender Taps, Apple Bloom pulled her boyfriend in a tight hug as she remarked, “Glad you two could come!” The teenaged tap dancer wrapped his arms around his girlfriend as he happily replied, “I’m just glad I could see you again!” Double Shuffle then joined the now group hug as she squealed, “Yeah! I hope you’re feeling better about everything!”

Kneeling down to look her little sister in the eyes, Apple Bloom rested a hand on Double Shuffle’s shoulder as she reassured her, “You don’t have to worry about me. Ah can take care of mahself.” The younger girl simply shrugged as she replied, “I know. But that’s what sisters do.” Needless to say, both girls shared another quick hug.

As the two sisters released each other, Apple Bloom turned to Tender Taps and gently said, “Ah wanted to thank you for bein’ mah first friend here. Without meetin’ you, Ah doubt Ah’d be as willin’ to open up to anyone else around here.”

Tender Taps smiled as he gently wrapped his arms around his girlfriend as he replied, “Thank you for being my first friend here. You’re an incredibly smart, strong, and beautiful person, and I’m truly honored that I get to say you’re my girlfriend.” Apple Bloom felt her eyes start to water up and her heart melt as she replied, “And you’re quite the handsome an’ intelligent boy, as well as the best tap dancer Ah’ve ever met.” She then felt her face blush as she finished, “And Ah’m impossibly lucky to say you’re mah boyfriend.”

Needless to say, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps shared a passionate kiss on the lips, with the burgundy haired girl even feeling her left leg lifting up into the air. As they released each other, Tender Taps let out a gentle, “I love you.” Blushing, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah love you too.”

The tender moment was interrupted when Double Shuffle informed them, “Hey Apple Bloom? Your uncle wants you.” She then pointed to the back porch, where Ironhide and Chromia were trying to get her attention. Apple Bloom raised her hand as she called out, “Ah’ll be right there!” She then turned back to Tender Taps as she reassured him, “Don’t worry, we got plenty of time tonight.” She then gave him a kiss to the cheek as she departed to join her aunt and uncle.

Once she’d made her way up to her uncle, Apple Bloom asked, “Everythin’ alright?” Ironhide nodded as he reassured her, “Everything’s fine kid. I just wanted to make sure you’re doing alright.” Touched by his concern, the former farm girl wrapped her arms around her uncle as she replied, “Thanks Uncle Ironhide. Don’t worry about me. Ah’ll be fine.”

Hugging his daughter back, Ironhide replied, “I know, but I always worry about you.” As Apple Bloom tightened her embrace, the family patriarch admitted, “After everything that’s happened, I guess I just… I just worry about you.” Chromia then joined the group hug as she added, “Same here. We were all worried about you.”

At that moment, Double Shuffle called out, “Hey guys! Look! Fireflies!” As Apple Bloom turned to face her little sister, she found that small yellow lights were popping up all over the place. As one of these many lights made its way up to her, the Former farm girl extended her finger, allowing one of the fireflies to land upon it.

As the small insect crawled on her finger, Apple Bloom found herself thinking back on everything that had happened to her since she first arrived in Allspark Wells. ‘Meetin’ all mah friends, fallin’ in love….’ The former farm girl thought to herself. However, there was one thing that stuck out from everything else.

That honor went to Ironhide. As he eyes wondered back to her uncle, Apple Bloom found that she’d grown very close to him. If anything, he’d been the closest thing she’d ever had to a father. And now, knowing everything she did about Bright Macintosh, the burgundy haired girl found herself thinking a thought she would never allow to enter her mind beforehand.

As far as she was concerned, Ironhide was, in all but blood, her father.

As everyone turned to face them, Ironhide wrapped his arm around his daughter’s shoulder and happily called out, “Well, here’s to a great summer, and here’s to everything that comes next!” Everyone else nodded or otherwise replied with enthusiasm.

Apple Bloom hesitated for a moment, finding herself overcome by a moment of self-doubt. However, as her eyes drifted up to the night sky, specifically to the full moon that hung over everyone, the former farm girl spoke up with a small monologue.

“Well, Ah don’t know what happens next. Of course, Ah didn’t know what was gonna happen to me when Ah first came here, only to find that Ah had an impact on everyone here. All Ah can say is…. Well…. The best thing we can do look forward to the future.”

Tender Taps immediately replied, “Yeah! And no matter what, we stick together!" Sideswipe added, “You bet! We’re all in this together!” Rattrap, having regained his senses, then called out, “Exactly!” Even Marble spoke up with an enthusiastic, “No matter what, we’re sticking together like paper and glue.” Smiling, Ironhide inquired, “So kid, you think everything’s gonna be alright?”

And so, as she allowed her eyes to take in the sight of her friends and family, Apple Bloom, the former farm girl, the outcast of the Apple family, and the daughter of sergeant Ironhide of the Wreckers, gave a confident smile as she happily replied, “Ah think everything’s gonna be just fine.”

After all, they were in Allspark Wells, the place where new futures are forged.

Author's Note:

Well, this is it. "As the Apple Blooms" is finally finished after over two and a half years. I have to admit I didn't ever expect this story to be my most popular (and in a way, most "disliked"), but it's since gone on to become my favorite. I have so many ideas for what comes next that I'm already brainstorming a sequel story, but for now, I'll be taking an extended break and possibly starting another story, one regarding my "old friend" of Spitfire.

But for now, all I can say is, from the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who came along with Apple Bloom and I to Allspark Wells! And now, transform and roll out!

Comments ( 12 )

Glad I was here for the story. I enjoyed it well enough. A nice feel-good story with a lot of heartwarming moments.

The way everyone handled Applejack still seems wrong to me, I still blame Ironhide & co plus Granny and Big Mac a lot more for what happened than that I blame AJ. We have to wait for the very last chapter to see AJ get the help she needs, but just as important, the support she needs. And she gets the support from get friends. Not her family. That says everything about her family in this story and very little if anything about Applejack. She never stood a chance, she was doomed to fail, punch her sister and have a mental breakdown. Everything that happened with AJ just feels as if it easily could have been avoided with even a tiny amount of common sense and emotional and professional support.

But I'll stop my whining now. Thanks a lot for the story. At the end of the day I gladly followed it to the end and I've had a good time reading it.

The story was a good read all in all. Good job

You are an amazing writer you had me hooked from chapter one all the way to here and when the sequel does come out I will read it to the end again thank you for your amazing story

'Til All are One.

I think I've been here since chapter one, or close to it. I'm glad to have stuck with this until the end.

Now I got to go reread it!

Funny thing about that, I originally planned for all five to be answering questions about “the war” and there was gonna be a joke about “states rights,” but due to the nature of the joke and it not really contributing to the story, I axed it. I guess Apple Bloom just didn’t run into Vortex or Blast off that day. 😊

I think she doesn't want to hurt her sister no matter how furious she just so lost in her anger she can't face what is plain to see for everyone but her. Apple bloom may have planted the seeds but everyone tended to them. Hopefully the doctors can get her head on straight.
And this needs a sequel where we see the apples trying to go forward with their new lives. Applejack trying to get better and apple bloom finding her own path in life without her old family. Her granny and brother trying to manage because of what happened with the sisters.

So glad I finally finished this. I lost track of this site and fell 275k plus words behind. It was worth the long read! This is a great story my friend, and I would love to see an epilouge/sequel.

This was a great story of what happened in the fallout of Anon-A-Miss. Thank you for writing this.

You’re welcome. It was my favorite story to write and I already have plans for a sequel!

I'm looking forward to it!

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