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This is Wreck-Gar

As the Apple Blooms

Part 46; This is Wreck-Gar

Waiting outside her bedroom, or rather her shared bedroom, Apple Bloom asked, “You ready Sideswipe?” From the other side of the door, she heard her friend answer, “Hold your horses Apple Bloom! I’m almost ready!” The former farm girl sighed as she leant against the wall, concerned the pale biker was taking what she felt was too much time.

To say that the previous day was intriguing or depressing would be a massive understatement. In less than twenty four hours, Apple Bloom learned just how dangerous her friend Sideswipe’s father Red Alert was. After he was “dealt with,” Ironhide offered to take the pale girl in, and given her circumstances, Sideswipe was more than willing to accept her offer. Heck even Apple Bloom offered to share her room, much to the pale biker’s delight.

At that moment, the bedroom door opened, followed by the sound of Sideswipe asking, “So, what do you think?” Apple Bloom turned to enter her bedroom, only to be greeted by the sight of a transformed Sideswipe.

Sideswipe was wearing a black tank top, a red denim vest that had had the sleeves cut off, a pair of red jeans, and a pair of calf high black boots. Her hair was down (or rather as down as her boyishly short hair could be), a small chain loop was set around her front right pocket, and all in all, the young girl had altered her biker’s look with a punk flavor.

Taking everything in, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but answer, “Ah like it!” Sideswipe let out a sigh of relief as she replied, “Thanks. I figured I could use a little change. You know, new home, new outfit.” She then allowed a small smirk to form on her lips as she added, “That and I figured that now things are getting warmer, I’d leave leather jackets to Marble.”

Before either teen could say anything else, the sound of Ironhide’s voice rang out from below them, calling out, “Girls! Come on down! We’re burning daylight!” Apple Bloom immediately replied, “Down in a second Uncle Ironhide!” She then turned to Sideswipe and said, “Come on. Ah bet they’ll need help with breakfast.”

The Kitchen

Entering the family’s kitchen, Apple Bloom and Sideswipe found Chromia working the stove, Ironhide talking with someone on the phone, and Ratchet and Wheeljack playfully arguing over something neither teen understood. Approaching her aunt, Apple Bloom asked, “Anythin’ you need us to help with?” The older woman answered, “I think I have everything just about ready. If you two would mind setting the table, I’d appreciate that.”

“You got it ma’am.” Apple Bloom happily replied as she gave her aunt a salute. She then turned to her friend and roommate as she asked, “You mind helpin’ me get this place set up? Giving a playful shrug, Sideswipe answered, “As you wish.”

After a few minutes, both girls had the table set just in time for Chromia to begin serving breakfast. Once she had everything placed, the older woman made her way to Ironhide as she remarked, “Breakfast is ready honey.” The family patriarch nodded as he quickly spoke into his phone, “We’ll finish this in a bit. Take care.”

Once he’d hung up, Ironhide turned to Ratchet and Wheeljack as he called out, “Soups on boys.” Both of the other men began to make their way towards the table, with Ratchet momentarily stopping to stretch his back as he complained, “Ugh. I’m getting too old for this.”

As everyone began to take their seats, Apple Bloom asked, “Uncle Ironhide? Who were you talkin’ to?” Taking a sip of coffee, the older man answered, “Some people with social services. Actually….” He began as he turned to Sideswipe. “That leads to today’s game plan. I need to go speak with CPS regarding……” As Sideswipe began to look away in shame, Ironhide decided to cut his losses with a simple, “…..Eh, regarding everything.”

Chromia then asked her husband, “You need me to tag along?” Ironhide nodded as he replied, “I’d appreciate that dear.” Wheeljack then asked, “What about me? Need me to keep you guys company?”

After a few moments of silence, Ironhide shook his head as he answered, “Yeah….. No. I don’t exactly trust you to keep yourself under control. Remember DMV?” The moments those words escaped her lips, Ratchet froze up as he blurted, “Don’t remind me of the DMV!” He then turned to the Apple Bloom and Sideswipe as he warned, “Don’t ever ask him about the DMV!” Both teens shared a confused look with each other before the former farm girl added, “Just roll with it.”

Sideswipe then asked, “What about Ratchet?” The older medic answered, “I’ll be restocking our medical supplies. We’re starting to get a bit low on bandages, gauze and ibuprofen.” The pale biker then inquired, “I can see bandages, but why do you need ibuprofen?” Pointing to Wheeljack, Ratchet replied, “Mostly headaches coming from Dr. Maverick over here.”

Ignoring his friend and co-worker insulting him, Wheeljack leaned up against Apple Bloom as he playfully suggested, “Guess it’s just us today, isn’t it?” Before either teen could answer, Ironhide continued, “Alright. Given that, I’d appreciate if you girls could take inventory of the scrap yard. We’re starting to run out of space again and I’d like to know what we can afford to melt down versus what might be salvageable.”

Giving her uncle a determined smile, Apple Bloom answered, “You can count on us sir!” Sideswipe gave a confirming nod as she added, “Doesn’t sound too bad. How hard could mere inventory be?”

A Few Hours Later…

“Primus I’m so bored!” Sideswipe groaned as she walked past yet another rusted car. Just as Ironhide had ordered, both teens were patrolling the scrap yard, taking note of everything that they found. For the most part, this meant staking every single pile of rusting scrap metal, writing down what was in it, and moving on to the next. All this, especially under the bright sun, could only be described in one way.

It was tediously boring.

As Sideswipe slumped next to a rusting sheet of steel, Apple Bloom approached her and reassured her, “Ah know this ain’t exactly the most fun thing we do here, but at least we aren’t cleanin’ toilets.” The pale biker couldn’t help but chuckle as she replied, “That is a good point.” She then straightened her vest as she continued, “Or having to reset dad’s traps.”

Hearing her friend bring up her “previous living conditions,” Apple Bloom sat down next to her as she asked, “How you holdin’ up?” Letting out a gentle giggle, Sideswipe answered, “Well, the food is certainly better. So is the service. And if I may, you guys are certainly better company.” The former farm girl smiled as she quipped, “Ah try.”

Apple Bloom then rose back up to her feet as she said, “Now then. We better start gettin’ back to work. Don’t want Wheeljack to think we’re slackin’ off, do we?” Playfully rolling her eyes, Sideswipe replied, “I guess not, but I’m letting you take lead.”

Soon both girls were back at it, categorizing and taking inventory of everything the scrap yard had to offer. As she finished writing on her clipboard, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel happy that Sideswipe was staying with them. Ever since they met, the former farm girl knew that her friend had been given the short stick in life. She’d had to watch her father devolve into a paranoid mess, deal with her brother walk out on them, drop out of school, and finally had to accept that her father had struck her.

At the very least, not everything had been unfair. Apple Bloom had proven to be a determined and loyal friend, and if anything, the pale biker had become something akin to a second sister in this new world. Both girls also had a passion, or at least a love of hard shoe dancing. Now that she thought about it, maybe Sideswipe would consider giving her a proper ride on her bike.

Apple Bloom was interrupted by something she never thought she’d hear; Sideswipe screaming in fear. “Oh no.” The former farm girl muttered to herself. Without any hesitation, she ran off towards her friend and sister, dropping her clipboard on the way.

After a few moments, Apple Bloom found Sideswipe standing near Wheeljack’s workshop. Concerned, the red haired girl asked, “Sideswipe! What happened?” Struggling to stop herself from panicking, the young biker blurted out, “There’s something in there!” She then pointed to Wheeljack’s workshop, specifically a square window.

Placing her hands on her friend’s shoulders, Apple Bloom gently reassured her, “Calm down. Ah’m right here.” After a few moments, Sideswipe managed to calm down enough to a point where she was able to give coherent answer. Taking a deep breath, the teenaged biker explained, “Ok. Now I know I might sound a little crazy, but while I was checking things over here, I glanced over at that shack and…..” Pausing for a moment to catch her breath, she exclaimed, “I swear there was this one eyed thing!”

While Apple Bloom may not have been as able to tell if someone was lying as well as her sister, she had more than enough faith in Sideswipe to know she was telling the truth. Taking a deep breath, the former farm girl asked, “So this thing had one eye. Anythin’ else you could recall?”

“No!” Sideswipe bluntly answered. “All I could make out was one great, bit, red eye like it whatever it was is some sort of Cyclops!” As Apple Bloom processed what she’d just heard, Sideswipe began to fear that her words were falling on deaf ears, leading her to desperately ask, “You don’t believe me, do you?”

Taken back, Apple Bloom reassured her, “No! No! It’s not that Ah don’t believe you! Ah do. It’s just….” Trying to think of what to say, she continued, “Ah’ve had mah fair share of unbelievable things happen, but Ah’ve never heard of anythin’ like this.”

Managing to calm herself down, Sideswipe turned to face the workshop as she declared, “I’m going in.” Apple Bloom stepped back in fear as she asked, “Are you crazy? You remember what Uncle Ironhide told us. We’re not allowed to go into Wheeljack’s workshop.” The pale biker straightened her vest as she explained, “Well I’d like to know whether or not I’m going insane. You coming or not?”

Though part of her felt like this was a bad idea, and another part of her remembered the last time she did something she shouldn’t have done, Apple Bloom felt she couldn’t let Sideswipe face whatever it was on her own. Bracing herself for whatever what about to happen, the former farm girl answered, “Alright. Let’s do this.”

Giving the Apple Bloom a gentle nudge on the shoulder, Sideswipe playfully quipped, “There we go. Now come on.” She then led the former farm girl up to the workshop.

Wheeljack’s Workshop

Opening the door to their coworker’s secret workshop, only one thing was made abundantly clear to the two teens.

“Oh Primus this place smells like rotten seafood!” Sideswipe complained as she took a deep breath. Apple Bloom couldn’t help but agree as she added, “Actually, this reminds me of the pig pen back home. Only a hundred times worse!” Perhaps the worst part was that was only the stench.

Just looking around the workshop, it was absolutely clear that the one new word Apple Bloom learned could sum up Wheeljack would be “slovenly.” There was a makeshift kitchenette littered with pizza boxes, empty cans of soup and cheap pasta, and countless dirty dishes. The rest of the shack was little better, with discarded tools and pieces of metal strewn around the floor as well as any and all shelves.

Processing everything, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but remark, “No wonder Ah’m not supposed to be in here. Ah’m surprised Wheeljack can even function properly.” Stepping deeper into the workshop, Sideswipe began to dictate, “Ok, I’ll check around the food trash. You check around the metal trash.”

Nodding, Apple Bloom began to make her way to one of the work tables. “Ok, now we just gotta find proof there’s a one eyed somethin’ or other around here without lookin’ like we were here.” She whispered to herself. “It’s not like either of us are just seein’ things, right?”

After a few minutes, the former farm girl found something interesting; a set of blue prints. “Bull’s-eye!” She exclaimed. “Now what do we have here?” unrolling the blueprints, Apple Bloom quickly realized that these weren’t the schematics for an automobile or even a kind of vehicle.

Instead, in her hands were the blueprints for some sort of bipedal machine in the form of a man. Indeed, this hypothetical robot was centered around a central body, two legs, two arms with five fingers on each hand, and a head with two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. All in all, it was as if it were the kind of robot one would see in a science fiction movie played by someone in a suit.

From behind her, Apple Bloom heard Sideswipe ask, “Find anything?” Turning around to face her friend, the red haired girl shook her head as she answered, “Nothin’ except this, and this thing’s head has more than one eye.” She then handed Sideswipe the blue prints as she added, “That and this doesn’t prove Wheeljack built whatever this is.”

Taking the schematics, Sideswipe sighed as she remarked, “Maybe I am going crazy. Maybe I’m just seeing things because…..” Pausing for a moment, she asked, “I haven’t been hit in the head since you guys took me in, have I?” Apple Bloom shook her head as she answered, “Of course not.” She then added, “And maybe you did see somethin’ in here. Besides, we’ve not overturned every stone just yet.”

Letting out a gentle giggle, Sideswipe continued, “I guess not. Come on, let’s see if he has a bedroom in this place.” Apple Bloom nodded as she began to lead her friend, only to remember that she hadn’t ever been in this workshop before. Pausing for a moment, the former farm girl asked, “Which way leads to where he sleeps?”

From behind the two teens, a male voice answered, “Oh, it’s down the hall to the left.” Without even realizing that this was a voice she’d never heard this voice before, Apple Bloom replied, “Thank you.” The mystery voice replied, “No problem young lady.”

As Apple Bloom and Sideswipe began to walk towards Wheeljack’s living quarters, both girls finally processed what had just happened. Turning to face her friend, Apple Bloom asked, “You heard that, right?” The white biker nodded as she nervously answered, “Yeah?” The voice then asked, “Is everything alright?”

This was not the kind of voice either teen had heard before. It spoke with a posh British accent, reminding them of a stereotypical butler. The only thing that was more noticeable was the voice itself, which had a metallic twang to it as if someone were speaking into a voice filter to sound like a robot. The realization of all these facts made both girls turn deathly pale. However, their curiosity overcame their fear, and both girls slowly turned around to see who was speaking to them.

There, having seemingly popped up out of nowhere, was a bipedal robot. Its outer casing was made out of rusted gray and brown steel, there were visible wires around its arms, and perhaps most importantly of all, the machine’s head was a simple slit for a mouth under a single, large red eye.

“Sideswipe?” Apple Bloom desperately whispered. The pale biker quietly asked back, “Apple Bloom? Any idea what this thing is?” Before the former farm girl could answer, the robot took a step closer to the girls. As it closed the distance, Apple Bloom realized that it was standing in between them and the door, effectively trapping them. Realizing this, they began to start hyperventilating, as this was the end.

Instead, the robot let out a confused, “Uh…..” Pausing for a moment, it waved its hand as a metallic eyelid formed around the bottom of its eye as if it were smiling. It then spoke with a jolly, “Greetings and salutations my beautiful people!” Needless to say, Apple Bloom and Sideswipe answered in the only way they knew how.

Both girls screamed at the top of their lungs as they dashed away, leaving the robot to deadpan, “That could have possibly gone a lot better.”

Running into what could only be described as Wheeljack’s bedroom, Sideswipe slammed the door shut as Apple Bloom realized that the room had no windows. Struggling to keep herself from bursting out into hysteria, the former farm girl began to speak, “Ok. Now Ah like to think that Ah’ve seen mah fare share of strange and otherworldly things. But that…..” Now unable to contain herself any longer, she shouted, “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?”

“I have no FUCKING Idea!” Sideswipe replied as she locked the door. “All I do know was that was the thing I was telling you about!” She began to approach Apple Bloom as she began to ramble, “I know that Wheeljack can be a bit of an overenthusiastic maverick, but this……” Taking a moment to regain some of her composure, the pale biker continued, “This is like something from a science fiction movie!”

Sideswipe was distracted by the sound of someone knocking on the now locked door, followed by the machine’s voice asking, “Hello? You girls in there?” Gulping in fear, Apple Bloom asked, “You sure you locked the door? The teenaged punk nodded as she whispered, “Yeah. I doubt that scrawny thing could get in here without hurting itself.” This answer gave the former farm girl enough relief to let out a deep breath of satisfaction.

And then the doorknob began to click. As both teens returned their focus to the door, they were horrified to see that the robot had opened the door and was entering the room. Terrified, Apple Bloom asked, “How’d that thing get in here?!”

The robot then raised its index finger as it began to speak, “Firstly, I am not a thing. I am a human being!” This was followed by an awkward silence as the machine began to look over its body as it added, “Maybe not biologically.” As Apple Bloom and Sideswipe shared confused looks with each other, the robot raised its second finger as it continued, “Secondly, I was designed to take care of this little shack, which means I have access to everything here.” It then demonstrated a key emerging from its index finger.

As the machine finished its “correction,” Sideswipe managed to put on a brave face as she began to tiptoe towards the robotic Cyclops. ‘Don’t do it Sideswipe!’ Apple Bloom thought to herself as her friend began to close the distance. The young biker then asked, “So, can you feel pain?” The robot pondered this question before it answered, “I can feel some pain. Why do you ask?”

The robot received an answer in the form of a knee to the “big brass balls” and a head-butt to the head, forcing it down to the ground. Stunned by her friend recoiling in pain from the head-butt, Apple Bloom called out, “Sideswipe! You alright?” The pale punk answered by immediately grabbing her by the arm and blurting out, “Less talking more running!” She then yanked the former farm girl, leading her out of the bedroom.

Making their way to the front of the workshop, Apple Bloom asked, “So what do we do now? That thing is…..” She would have continued, but was interrupted by Sideswipe holding her head in her hands and moaning in pain. Concerned, the red haired girl asked, “You doin’ alright?”

“I think that the head-butt was a mistake.” Sideswipe bluntly stated. Helping the red clad teen keep her balance, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but remark, “Maybe usin’ your head wasn’t the best idea.” Sideswipe couldn’t help but giggle as she replied, “Let’s get out of here before we worry about my life choices.” The former farm girl smiled as she replied, “Alright. Let’s go.” The two girls then began to make their way to the door.

Both teens were shocked when the door opened, revealing none other than Wheeljack himself. Surprised to see the two girls in his workshop, the older mechanic asked, “Apple Bloom? Sideswipe? What are you two doing in here?” He then crossed his arms as he sternly continued, “Didn’t Ironhide tell you that my workshop is off limits?”

“Did you know there’s a robot livin’ in your barn?!” Apple Bloom demanded. Wheeljack momentarily recoiled in shock before he asked, “What the hell are you talking about?” His body language shifted ever so slightly, something the former farm girl recognized as a sign someone was lying.

Before Wheeljack could say anything else, the robot’s voice spoke up with a surprisingly calm, “Ah sir, you’re back. Listen, we seem to have had a slight issue with intruders.” As Apple Bloom and Sideswipe turned around, they found the bipedal machine strutting towards them as it continued, “Also, I think we need to have a chat about keeping this place clean. I know you built me to assist you in maintaining everything here, but I’d really appreciate it if you pulled your own weight.”

As the robot approached the group, Apple Bloom and Sideswipe placed themselves behind Wheeljack as the former asked, “Wheeljack? What is that thing?” Part of her wanted to believe that the older man didn’t have any idea why there was a robot around his workshop, and part of her hoped that he’d try to destroy the machine.

Instead, Wheeljack turned around to face the two younger girls as he began, “Girls…..” Turning his head to face the robot, he gulped before introducing the machine with, “This is Wreck-Gar.”

For a few minutes, everyone stood silent, unwilling to make the first move. Eventually, the robot, Wreck-Gar if Apple Bloom remembered correctly, waived at the girls as he let out a gentle, “Hello there.” Once Wreck-Gar finished, the former farm girl finally began to speak.

“So let me get this straight.” Apple Bloom began as confusion and frustration began to build up. “You’re tellin’ Sideswipe and Ah that you just went and built some sort of sentient ROBOT THING?”

Awkwardly pausing for a moment, Wheeljack causally answered, “Uh…. Yeah pretty much.” As Apple Bloom and Sideswipe took everything in, the older mechanic began to walk towards Wreck-Gar as he explained, “You see, shortly before you got here Apple Bloom, I was brainstorming a way to help keep my little abode here all nice and clean.” When the two girls gave him a look that made it clear that they found his answer dubious, he continued, “But I very quickly got a little carried away as I went from a mere cleaning machine to this lovable lug over here.” He then pointed to Wreck-Gar, who innocently asked, “Are you talking about me sir?”

Not entirely able to process what her uncle’s friend had just admitted, Apple Bloom asked, “So, you just built a robot because you were lazy?” Wheeljack immediately defended himself with, “No, I did it because I…..” He quickly found himself struggling to come up with the right phrase before weekly continuing, “I dared to be stupid?”

As Apple Bloom and Sideswipe shared looks of confusion, the mechanical man began to walk up to them. Gulping in fear, neither teen knew what he would do to them. Luckily, they were pleasantly surprised when he extended his hand and introduced himself, “How about a fresh start? I am the Cogman version one point one three eight, but you may call me Wreck-Gar.”

Mustering enough strength, Sideswipe stepped forward as she shook his hand and replied, “Uh, ‘Sup? The name’s Sideswipe.” Wreck-Gar began to inspect the teenaged girl with his massive red eye before remarking, “Leaving your arms exposed in a place like this is a rather irresponsible. You wouldn’t happen to know if you’ve had a tetanus shot, have you?” The pale biker was taken aback for a moment before leaning to Apple Bloom and quipping, “I don’t know about you, but I kinda dig his attitude.”

Letting out a gentle giggle, Apple Bloom introduced herself, “Howdy there Mr. Wreck-Gar. Ah’m Apple Bloom.” The cycloptic robot gave a respectful bow as he replied, “Ah, the ever illustrious Apple Bloom. Wheeljack informed me that you would be staying with us until autumn.” As the former farm girl was reminded of the ever clicking clock, Wheeljack decided to partially avert the subject with, “Sideswipe here will be staying with us as well. In her case, for a more indefinite amount of time.”

At that moment, a thought ran through Apple Bloom’s mind. Turning to the older man, she asked, “Does Uncle Ironhide know about him?” Wheeljack turned pale as he awkwardly stammered, “Uh…… Not exactly.” Sideswipe immediately stepped forward as she added, “Let me guess, you haven’t told him because this whole thing sorta goes against the rules of nature?” The older mechanic then asked, “And I suppose you know how to break the news to him?”

As he finished speaking, Apple Bloom stepped forward as she said, “Ah think Ah know what to do.”

Later that Day….

“Girls? Wheeljack?” Ironhide called out as he and Chromia entered the chop shop. After what seemed like a nightmare of endless bureaucratic tedium, they’d managed to get everything sorted out with Sideswipe, making them the girl’s temporary legal guardians. Now all they had to do was break the good news.

Turning to his wife, Ironhide asked, “Where do you think everyone is?” The blue woman shrugged as she suggested, “I don’t know. Maybe they’re all still out in the scrap yard?”

Instead, the two adults were greeted by the sound of an unfamiliar and mechanical voice answer, “Actually, they’re here with me.” Stunned speechless, Ironhide and Chromia turned to face the direction the sound came from, only to be shocked by what they saw.

Entering the shop front was a bipedal robot with a giant red eye, followed by Apple Bloom, Sideswipe, and Wheeljack. As the trio approached the two adults, Wheeljack sheepishly began to speak, “Hey guys. What do you think of Wreck-Gar?” The bipedal robot gave a friendly wave, hoping things were smooth sailing from here.

No one was expecting Ironhide and Chromia to faint from the shock. As everyone stood over the now unconscious pair, Wreck-Gar couldn’t help but remark, “I have a feeling this was not part of the plan.”

Apple Bloom and Sideswipe’s Room, That Night….

As Apple Bloom and Sideswipe sat down on the central bed, the pale biker couldn’t help but quip, “I gotta admit, I never expected your uncle to faint at the sight of Wreck-Gar. Apple Bloom giggled as she added, “And when he woke up, Ah didn’t expect him to swear up a storm. Ah think Ah learned a few new words from his tirade.”

Indeed, once Ironhide had recovered from the shock of one of his employees and friends building a sentient robot, he launched a massive tirade regarding how “concerning” Wreck-Gar’s existence was, he allowed the robot to stay on the property on the condition that no one reveal his existence. Of course, Apple Bloom pointed out that, at least for her, that would be rather hypocritical, so the family patriarch relented and decreed that while no one would reveal Wreck-Gar, if he were to be exposed, they would not deny anything.

Lying back on her bed, Apple Bloom asked, “So Sideswipe, what do you think about livin’ here?” The teenaged biker stretched her arms as she replied, “I gotta admit, I kinda like it. I mean, if every day is half as exciting as finding out Wheeljack built a robot, then I think I’m gonna fit right in.”

This answer made Apple Bloom’s heart soar. It seemed that once again, Ironhide had provided a home for someone who needed it, no questions asked. Overcome with happiness, the former farm girl wrapped her friend in a tight embrace. Though Sideswipe returned it, after a few moments, she asked, “You mind releasing me? I can’t really breathe.”

Releasing her friend from her grip, Apple Bloom sheepishly apologized, “Sorry. Guess Ah have trouble with mah own strength.” Sideswipe shrugged as she replied, “Don’t worry about it. So, what’s on tomorrow’s agenda?”

It was at this moment that Apple Bloom realized tomorrow was her weekly tap session with Tender Taps and Double Shuffle. Turning to face her friend and surrogate sister, she teased, “Tomorrow is gonna be lots of fun.” Sideswipe smiled as she quipped, “I’m gonna hold you on that.”

And so, Sideswipe made her way to her own bed (or rather, mini bed), and said, “Alright. Sleep tight Apple Bloom.” The former farm girl returned the gesture with, “Night Sideswipe.” The two girls then drifted off to sleep, excited for whatever the next day had in store.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom and Sideswipe help Double Shuffle embrace change in her life.

Author's note: Originally Wreck-Gar's dialogue was going to be in a different font, but doing that here on Fimfiction has proven to be more trouble than it is worth.

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