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Part of the Family

As the Apple Blooms

Part 52; Part of the Family

“There we go.” Apple Bloom said to herself as she finished scrubbing the now formerly rusting gear. Setting the freshly cleaned gear in the pile with the others, the former farm girl couldn’t help but quip, “Never knew this could be so tirin’.” She then giggled to herself as she added, “At least Ah’m not in the sun.”

It had been two days since the (not entirely) uneventful fossil dig with Marble and Beachcomber, and things had, for the most part, returned to normal. Apple Bloom and Sideswipe returned to their positions as general handywomen at the Chop Shop, doing anything anyone needed of them. Whether it was helping Chromia while she fixed someone’s car, Assisting Ironhide and the others in the scrap yard, or just keeping everything running in the shop front, both girls were ready and willing to help.

Apple Bloom was distracted from her train of thought when Sideswipe barged into the room she was working in as she spoke up, “Hey Apple Bloom! You’re boyfriend is here!” Processing what she’d just heard, the former farm girl asked, “What? Like right now?” The pale biker nodded as she replied, “Yeah. He just ran in here and asked for you. Said something great just happened.”

Now consumed by both excitement and confusion, Apple Bloom shot up from her seat and ran towards the shop front, with Sideswipe not too far behind her.

Once she’d made it to the shop front, the former farm girl was greeted by the sight of Tender Taps, the young boy barely able to keep himself together. Walking up to him, Apple Bloom asked, “Howdy Tender? What’s goin’ on?” The orange boy allowed a massive grin to overtake his face as he enthusiastically blurted out, “Oh my goodness Apple Bloom you’re not gonna believe this I can barely believe it myself but……”

“Calm down Tendy!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she rested her hands on his shoulders. Taking a moment to catch her breath (as well as internally admire just how cute Tender Taps was), she inquired, “It’s alright, so please tell me what’s goin’ on?”

Taking a deep breath, Tender Taps explained, “Sorry Apple Bloom! It’s just that I was cleaning up at dance when I got a call from mom and….” Now feeling his excitement start to overtake him again, the young dancer could only blurt out, “Dad’s home!”

That answer surprised Apple Bloom. Wanting to be certain, the former farm girl asked, “Wait. You mean your dad’s home?” Tender Taps nodded as he answered, “Yeah! Apparently his tour is over so he’s home for a few months! I’m so….” After a few more moments of struggling to keep himself calm, he finally gave in as he hugged Apple Bloom while squealing, “I’m so happy!”

Hugging her boyfriend back, Apple Bloom happily remarked, “Ah’m so happy for you, but…..” She then paused for a moment before asking, “If you’re so excited about your dad bein’ home, what are you doin’ here?” Tender Taps began to awkwardly scuff the floor with his foot while scratching the back of his neck as he answered, “Well, before they hung up, mom asked if…. Well….”

After struggling to find just the right way to phrase it, the purple haired boy explained, “Well, we were planning on going out to eat to celebrate and…. Mom and dad were just wondering if…..” Now starting to blush, he finished, “If you would like to come along?”

Once Tender Taps finished his question, Apple Bloom realized just exactly what her boyfriend was asking. Starting to feel a massive grin forming on her face, the red haired girl asked, “You guys wanna invite me?” The orange dancer sheepishly nodded as he answered, “Yes?”

Apple Bloom didn’t initially answer verbally. However, the bone crushing hug she wrapped Tender Taps in as she twirled him around like a massive teddy bear while she giggled. She would have continued, but the sound of her boyfriend starting to wheeze made her realize she was applying too much force (again) and released him. Once he was freed, the former farm girl awkwardly said, “Ah mean, Ah’d love to. Ah’ll just have to ask Uncle Ironhide for permission.”

From behind her, Apple Bloom heard the sound of her uncle’s voice call out, “You can go Apple Bloom.” Turning around, she found Ironhide leaning against the door to the living room, an amused smirk plastered on her face. As he straightened himself out, the older man continued, “You’ve been behaving yourself and doing a good job, so you can go.”

Running up to her uncle, Apple Bloom wrapped her uncle in a far gentler hug as she happily exclaimed, “Thank you Uncle Ironhide!” The older man gently patted her head as he replied, “No problem kid. Besides, with you preoccupied, the boys and I have something in mind for Sideswipe.”

Before Apple Bloom could ponder on what her uncle meant by that, she was interrupted by Tender Taps asking, “So Apple Bloom, shall we?” Allowing a friendly smirk to form on her face, the former farm girl couldn’t help but answer, “Give me a sec.” She then darted into the family den, only to return a few moments later with her bicycle helmet.

“Alright. Now Ah’m ready.” The former farm girl said as she extended her bent elbow. Tender Taps instinctively wrapped his arm around hers as he led his girlfriend away, all while Ironhide thought to himself, ‘Those two are so adorable.’

The Tap Family Home…

“Hello?” Tender Taps called out as he and Apple Bloom entered the former’s home. “Dad? You home?” When there was no immediate response, both teens shared confused and concerned looks with each other, not entirely sure what was going on.

Nervously gulping, Apple Bloom sheepishly asked, “You think your mom might have been pullin’ your leg or somethin’?” The orange boy shook his head as he replied, “No. Mom would never pull something like that.” He then hesitated for a moment before continuing, “At least, I think so.”

At that moment, a man’s voice called out, “Tender? Is that you?” From the end of the foyer, a familiar light blue man with green hair emerged, a surprised and relieved looks on his face. Though she had only met him once, Apple Bloom had no doubt in her mind that this was none other than Mr. Hard Shoe. As he stood there, the former farm girl turned to face her boyfriend, only to find him starting to tear up.

Before the former farm girl could say anything, Tender Taps ran towards the man and wrapped his arms around him. Barely able to contain his excitement, the purple haired boy squealed, “I can’t believe you’re home!” The older man simply hugged his son back as he gently reassured him, “Believe it champ. I’ve missed you.”

From behind the man, Double Shuffle and Soft Shoe emerged, the younger girl running up to Apple Bloom as she enthusiastically exclaimed, “Hey Apple Bloom! Dad’s home!” The red haired girl couldn’t help but smile as she replied, “Ah noticed. You happy to see him again?” Nodding, the younger dancer squealed, “You bet!”

Hard Shoe then made his way up to Apple Bloom as he remarked, “Well now, if it isn’t the girl who stole my son’s heart.” Though the red haired girl gulped as she turned slightly pale, she was pleasantly surprised when the blue adult pulled her into a surprisingly tight hug as he chuckled and remarked, “My, how time flies. Last time we met you were just Tender’s new friend. Guess now you’re a little more, eh?”

“Ah guess so?” Apple Bloom awkwardly answered. As Hard Shoe released her, the former farm girl continued, “Ah hope you don’t mind if Tender and Ah are….. You know….” She then began to twiddle her fingers as she realized that she was now speaking to her boyfriend’s father.

Thankfully, the older man reassured her, “Don’t worry about it. I always had a good feeling about you.” As the former farm girl began to blush at the confirmation, Double Shuffle walked up to her father and whined, “Daddy, you said you were gonna show us pictures from the tour.” Turning to face his daughter, Hard Shoe relented, “Alright. Just give me a few minutes.” He then returned his focus to Apple Bloom and said, “Excuse me for a moment.”

As Hard Shoe made his way to his room, Double Shuffle turned to Apple Bloom as she happily exclaimed, “You’re gonna love these Apple Bloom! I’ve seen a few glimpses of dad’s performances, and they’re amazing!” Tender Taps then added, “Which considering what we throw at you, should say something if I may say.”

Apple Bloom let out an amused chuckle as she quipped, “Then Ah can expect to see smoke risin’ from their feet?” Tender Taps blushed as he replied, “Not quite.” Before he could continue, however, Hard Shoe returned with several photographs in his hand as he called out, “Here we go. You kids are gonna love these.” He would have continued, but was interrupted by Soft Shoe suggesting, “How about we do this in the living room?”

The blue man nodded as he replied, “That sounds like a plan.” Hard Shoe then turned to the three kids as he continued, “Follow me.” He then led the group into the living room.

Once everyone was in the living room, Hard Shoe sat down on the couch, followed immediately by Double Shuffle, who seated herself to her father’s right. Tender Taps and Apple Bloom seated themselves to the older man’s left, with the orange boy seated right next to his father.

Soon, Hard Shoe was showing Apple Bloom and his children the collection of photos he’d taken from his tour. Most of them were images taken while the blue man and his fellow performers were on one of many stages, dressed in a variety of outfits, some fancy like coats with tails, some simple pants and tank tops. However, the one photo that really caught Apple Bloom’s attention was a behind the scenes image taken of the entire crew.

Indeed, this photograph showed Hard Shoe and the rest of the Tap Hounds posing for a group photo. Each man was wearing a pair of tap shoes and had raised their feet, exposing the toe and heel taps. Smiling, Hard Shoe explained, “This one is my favorite. We had just finished a show in Maretime Bay, and decided to take this for laughs.” He then began to point to his fellow performers as he began to name them.

“That’s Buck Wing.” He explained. “He was one of the founders of the Tap Hounds, and he’s the only original member still performing. He was the guy who invited me to join the group.” The older man then continued, “That’s Maxi Ford, and that’s Teletone, that’s Doc Bubbles, that’s Steel Toe, and that’s Busker Brown.”

Setting the photo down, Hard Shoe pulled out his cell phone as he continued, “Of course, pictures only give you a fraction of the story.” As he pulled up a video showing app, the older man continued, “I think you kids will find this entertaining.” With that, he began to play a video of one of his performances.

To say that Apple Bloom was impressed or had her mind blown would be an understatement. As the footage of Hard Shoe and his fellow performers dancing played, the former farm girl was amazed by just how fast and precise their footwork was. The beautiful clicking and clacking of their taps rang out from the phone’s speakers to her ears, consuming her in a world of music. If anything, the speed and skill of their feet was the perfect counterbalance to their simple attire of black pants and shirts.

Once the video finished, Hard Shoe asked, “Be honest, what did you kids think?” Before Apple Bloom could answer, Double Shuffle immediately blurted out, “That was amazing!” She then wrapped her father in a gentle hug as she continued, “I can’t believe you get to do that for your job.”

Hugging his daughter back, the older man replied, “It may be a lot of fun, but there is one thing that, if I may say, I despise about being on tour.” Confused, Tender Taps asked, “What is it? Constant travel? Exhaustion? Foot pain?” Shaking his head, Hard Shoe answered, “It meant I couldn’t see you kids or your mother.”

Tender Taps felt his heart melt as he wrapped his arms around his father again, much to Apple Bloom’s delight. Once everyone had finished their group hug, Hard Shoe turned his focus to his daughter and remarked, “I see someone finally got her braces.” Double Shuffle meekly looked away as she nodded, leading the older man to reassure her, “I haven’t had time to tell you this, but when I was your age, I had braces too.”

Lighting up, the younger girl asked, “Really?” Nodding, Hard Shoe answered, “Really. My teeth were pretty bad, so the summer before middle school I got a set of braces.” He then let out an embarrassed chuckle as he added, “Trust me, the first week was no fun.”

Tender Taps then playfully added, “I know. After five days it was pretty annoying to hear her beg for anything harder than bread.” Of course, this was met with Double Shuffle giving her brother the stink eye, followed by her sticking her tongue out. Letting out a sigh of resignation, he remarked, “Guess I should have seen that coming.”

At that moment, Soft Shoe spoke up, “I hate to interrupt everyone, but I just got us reservations at Hasbro’s. Unless we want to lose it, we should probably get going.” Hard Shoe rose to his feet as he replied, “Ooh, we haven’t been to Hasbro’s since we moved here.” Turning to face the three kids, he asked, “So, who’s hungry?”

Hasbro’s, Fifteen Minutes Later…

As the quintet sat down at their table, the hostess said, “Your waiter will be along very shortly.” Once the hostess had departed, Apple Bloom spoke up, “You know, Ah’ve only been here once. Uncle Ironhide brought us here one night for…. Ah guess no reason in particular.” Soft Shoe smiled as she replied, “Maybe it was to just have some fun?”

Hard Shoe then began, “Speaking of fun….” He then turned to his son as he continued, “I hear someone finally got a summer job of sorts.” Tender Taps began to blush in embarrassment as he replied, “Yeah, Hoofer Steps was willing to offer me a job as sort of a handyman. Considering everything…..” The young boy stopped himself as he realized he was about to bring up his less than stellar past.

Of course, this led to Double Shuffle bluntly continued, “Like you getting expelled for that fight with that big meanie?” The young girl’s answer was immediately met with Soft Shoe scolding, “Double Shuffle! What have I told you about bring that up around your brother?” Sighing, Double Shuffle turned to her brother and apologized, “Sorry Tender.”

Tender Taps smiled as he reassured his sister, “It’s alright Double Shuffle. Thanks.” Turning back to his dad, he continued, “But yeah, Miss Hoofer Steps has me do things like clean the studios and keep everything tidy. She even allowed me to join the advanced tap class.” He then humbly added, “Well, she does subtract the class fees from my pay.”

Apple Bloom then spoke up, “Well Ah think it’s great that she lets you work for her.” The orange boy blushed as he awkwardly replied, “Thanks Apple Bloom.” The former farm girl placed her arm around her boyfriend as she happily replied, “No problem Tendy.”

At that moment, Hard Shoe shot Apple Bloom and Tender Taps a mischievous smirk as he asked, “So, I heard you two are a little more than just friends, right?” Both teens began to blush in embarrassment as Tender Taps awkwardly replied, “Well, I guess it’s not exactly a secret.” Apple Bloom herself even added, “Ah mean, Ah hope it’s not a problem with you sir.”

“Oh of course not!” Hard Shoe immediately replied. “I knew that you two were gonna be close the moment Tender here told me how cute you were.” As Apple Bloom began to process what she just heard, the older man continued, “Why I remember how the first time Tender described you, he couldn’t help but go on about how cute he thought you were.”

Tender Taps couldn’t help but turn entirely red as he whined, “Dad!” Of course, this response only led to Soft Shoe and Double Shuffle to snicker, barely able to contain their amusement. Thankfully, Apple Bloom reassured her boyfriend, “Well if everyone is gettin’ all mushy, then Ah’ll just go ahead and say that since we first met, Ah’ve found you absolutely adorable.”

The quintet were interrupted when an unfamiliar voice asked, “Excuse me?” When everyone turned to face whoever it was, they found a slightly sheepish young man, who continued, “Hello there. I’m Region Lock and I’ll be your waiter tonight. What can I get you to drink?” As everyone turned to Double Shuffle, the younger girl simply answered, “I’d like a glass of water please.”

Soon everyone else had requested their drinks. Soft Shoe requested a glass of tea, Hard Shoe a diet cola, and both Apple Bloom and Tender Taps requested regular colas. Once the waiter was gone, Soft Shoe turned to the former farm girl as she asked, “So, if I may dare inquire, will you be staying for the school year?”

Apple Bloom began to answer, only to realize one thing. Taking a deep breath, she answered, “Honestly, Ah don’t know. Everyone expects me to return home at the end of the summer but…..” Pausing for a moment, she began to sniffle as she admitted, “Well, Ah kinda wanna stay.”

As everyone began to take everything in, Apple Bloom continued, “Ah mean, Ah know Ah need to go back but….. Well….. Doin’ things Ah wanted to do was what got me here in the first place and…..” Sighing, the former farm girl couldn’t help but dejectedly ask, “Why can’t things just be simple?”

Without saying anything, Double Shuffle got up from her seat, walked up to Apple Bloom, and wrapped her arms around (or rather threw herself at) her honorary big sister and, struggling to find just the right words to say, replied, “If things don’t work out, you can always stay with us.”

Overcome with emotion, Apple Bloom hugged her sister back as she squeaked out a simple, “Thanks.” The two were then joined by Tender Taps, who tearfully admitted, “You know, things won’t be the same without you.” Hugging her boyfriend, the former farm girl was able to cheer everyone else when she replied, “Well, we still have tonight, don’t we?”

Smiling, Tender Taps replied, “Yeah. We still have tonight, and we’re gonna make it last.” As the three kids shared another quick hug, Hard Shoe added, “That’s the spirit. Now then…..” He then picked up his glass as he began to toast, “Here’s to an eventful summer so far, and to a bright future.”

Everyone raised their glasses to the toast, hopeful that the future would be even better than the already perfect present.

Tap Family Home, an Hour Later….

As everyone reentered the simple house, Hard Shoe snapped his fingers as he spoke up, “Oh my, I almost forgot!” Apple Bloom noticed the tone of his voice was playful and mischievous, the kind of tone someone like Ironhide or Applejack used to imply they had something up their sleeves. Before she could react, however, Tender Taps asked, “What is it dad?”

Hard Shoe turned to the three kids as he explained, “Well, about a month ago, I began setting something in motion, and it finished just before we finished.” When the kids began to give him confused looks, he continued, “I think this is something better shown, not told.” He then departed towards his and Soft Shoe’s room, leaving everyone confused.

When he returned a few minutes later, Hard Shoe was carrying three gift wrapped boxes. Upon seeing them, Double Shuffle excitedly asked, “Presents?” The older man nodded as he replied, “You bet dear. A little something from me and the rest of the Tap Hounds.” He then set the presents down as he added, “I can’t say what they are, but there’s one for each of you.”

As Double Shuffle and Tender Taps took their presents, Apple Bloom approached the one addressed to her as she awkwardly asked, “So, you’re really includin’ me like this?” Soft Shoe nodded as she explained, “Of course Apple Bloom. After everything that’s happened between you, Tender Taps, and Double Shuffle, as far as we’re concerned you’re part of the family.”

Processing what Soft Shoe had just said, Apple Bloom found herself overwhelmed by the sense of warmth and acceptance of everything. Trying to keep herself calm, the former farm girl managed to let out a gentle yet heartfelt, “Thank You Mrs. Soft Shoe.” When the older woman gave a confirming nod, the red haired girl turned her attention back to the present addressed to her and began to open it up.

She was interrupted by the sound of Double Shuffle squealing with joy, “Oh my goodness! They’re amazing!” Lifting her face, Apple Bloom found her younger sister holding a brand new pair of tap shoes. However, when she fixed her eyes on them, the former farm girl realized there was something about these shoes that made her realize just how special they were.

Unlike the solid black or simple black and white that she’d seen before, the pair of tap shoes that Double Shuffle now held were black around the toes and heel, but a bright yellow in between. The unorthodox color scheme, added with the thickened soles made it clear that they were no ordinary tap shoes, but rather something made by a highly skilled craftsman.

Overcome with unbridled joy, Double Shuffle ran up to her father as she squealed, “Thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU THANK YOU!” As she enveloped her father in a tight embrace, Hard Shoe replied, “It was nothing sweetie.” As the young girl released her father, Tender Taps opened his present, revealing that he also had a similar pair of tap shoes, only his were larger (on account of being older and bigger than his sister) and were black and purple rather than yellow.

“Whoa!” Tender Taps exclaimed in amused amazement. “Dad, these are….” As he inspected the tap shoes that were now in his hands, he realized just how high quality they were. Setting them down, he approached his father as he remarked, “I can’t believe you actually got these! They must have cost a fortune!” He then wrapped his father in a hug as he exclaimed, “I love them! Thanks dad!”

“You’re welcome champ!” Hard Shoe replied. He then explained, “Turns out Buck Wing has a good relationship with none other than Capezio LaDuca himself to make the tap shoes for everyone. Now while I personally prefer your mother’s work….” He then shot his wife a knowing look, one which she playfully returned while he continued, “I knew you kids wouldn’t want to pass on some genuine high quality shoes like these.”

Soon everyone’s attention began to turn to Apple Bloom. Sheepishly pointing to herself, the former farm girl asked, “Me?” Double Shuffle nodded as she answered, “Yeah! Open yours. Show us what color yours are!” Apple Bloom nodded nervously as she finally opened her present, revealing something that, while partially expected, still surprised her.

There, placed tenderly in the package, were a pair of high quality tap shoes. Just like Double Shuffle and Tender Taps’s, the area around the toes and heels were a dark black. However, in between them, the shoes were a rich red, much like the former farm girl’s hair. As she picked up one of the shoes, Apple Bloom was overcome by not only how beautiful they were, but the fact that a man who’s only relation was that he was her boyfriend’s father had more than willingly bestowed them upon her.

“Ah….” Apple Bloom began as her eyes began to water up. “Ah don’t know if Ah can accept these sir.” As Tender Taps and Double Shuffle shared concerned looks with each other, Hard Shoe made his way up to the red haired teenager and rested his hand on her shoulder as he asked, “You mind if I spin a quick yarn?” Confused, Apple Bloom nodded yes.

Taking a deep breath, Hard Shoe began, “You see kid, I never had the best home life growing up, and I guess that even after finding dance, I wasn’t a stranger to the authorities.” As Apple Bloom found her eyes widening, the older man continued, “And I guess what I’m trying to say is that I understand what it’s like to have people not trust you. And after hearing the impact you’ve made on Tender and Double Shuffle, I have to say that I know you’re a good kid.” He then gave the former farm girl a small smile as he finished, “And as far as I’m concerned, you’re part of our family now.”

Overcome with emotion, the kind she hadn’t felt from anyone outside of Ironhide or Chromia, Apple Bloom began to cry as she flung herself at Hard Shoe, wrapping her arms around him. Worried she’d start blabbering incoherent babble, the only thing the former farm girl could say was a simple, “Thank you.” Hugging her back, Hard Shoe reassured her, “No problem.”

Before she realized it, Apple Bloom was consumed, or rather constricted, by the bone crushing embrace of both Tender Taps and Double Shuffle. As everyone began to release her, the former farm girl tearfully admitted, “Ah just wanna say, you guys have been one of the best things to ever happen to me here.” Turning to Tender Taps, she then admitted, “And meetin’ you was the first good thing to happen, and it’s somethin’ Ah’ll never forget.” Starting to tear up again, Apple Bloom finished, “Ah…. Ah love you all.”

Tender Taps immediately wrapped Apple Bloom in a (far gentler) hug as he replied, “I love you too.” From behind her, the young girl heard Double Shuffle exclaim, “And I love you more.” Giggling, the former farm girl replied, “Ah bet.” She then turned her attention back to her boyfriend as she playfully quipped, “And before I forget….”

To absolutely no one’s surprise, the teenage girl pulled Tender Taps into a kiss as she lifted her leg. As Tender Taps returned the kiss, Double Shuffle watched with enthusiastic glee while Soft Shoe made his way to her husband as she remarked, “They grow up so fast.”

Finishing their kiss, Apple Bloom turned to Soft Shoe and asked, “Mrs. Soft Shoe?” Curious, the older woman asked, “What is it dear?” Scuffing the floor, the former farm girl asked, “Mind if Ah ask for a small favor?”

The Chop Shop, a Short While Later…

“Ironhide.” Sideswipe playfully complained as she was led down the hallway, a blindfold placed firmly around her eyes. As Ironhide, Ratchet, and Wheeljack continued to guide her, the teenaged biker continued, “I know you said this was a surprise, but do I really have to wear this stupid thing?”

Turning to his young ward, Ironhide explained, “I told you, it’s for the fun of it.” Sideswipe shook her head as she sarcastically replied, “If you say so sir.” She then asked, “Can I at least have a hint?” The family patriarch let out a gentle chuckle as he answered, “Let’s just say you’ll have a little extra wiggle room.”

After a few moments, Ironhide stopped Sideswipe as he informed, “Alright kid. We’re here.” From behind her, the pale white girl heard Ratchet remark, “You’re gonna love this kid.” He then undid the blindfold around her, revealing the surprise they had in store.

There, in front of them, was an unassuming door, albeit one that had a very familiar “keep out” sign suspended on it. Realizing just how familiar it was, Sideswipe remarked, “That’s…. that’s the sign from my room.” As he scratched the back of his neck, Ironhide admitted, “Yeah, about that, while you and the girls were off at that fossil dig, the boys and I were able to stop by Red Alert’s place and pick up a few things.”

Struggling to believe what she was hearing, Sideswipe could only mutter, “Wait, you mean you….” Making his way to the door, Ratchet nodded as he opened it and warmly said, “Welcome home.”

Sideswipe entered the room and began to take in everything before her. Just as she expected, In front of her stood her bed, a dresser, the few pieces of knick knacks and assorted machine parts that had once adorned her room back home. Heck there was even the old TV and video game console she had rested on an old crate.

As the young girl stood there, taking everything in, Ironhide walked in as he began to explain, “Once we took you in, I remembered we had this place here. This was where Ratchet used to sleep when we bought the property, but after he bought his own place, we kinda began to use it for storage.” Pausing for a moment, he continued, “Of course, if anything brings back any bad memories, I’d be more than happy to dispose and replace it.”

“I can’t believe it!” Sideswipe exclaimed, giving in to the overwhelming joy that was building up in her. “It’s my own room. I have my own room again! I….” Managing to keep herself calm enough to speak, she turned to face Ironhide and began to ramble, “I don’t know if I can ever repay you for this. If you need, I can work for free to…..”

Raising his hand, Ironhide interrupted, “Kid, this isn’t a meritocracy. We’re a family, and now you’re a part of it.” As Sideswipe processed what she just heard, the family patriarch pointed to her bed as he added, “And there’s one more surprise in store.”

Turning to face her bed, Sideswipe found a set of papers placed deliberately on the pillow. Walking up to it, the teenaged punk picked them up and began to inspect them. Curious, she asked, “What are these?”

“They’re enrollment forms.” Ironhide answered. “Specifically, they’re for a GED program. Come the fall you’ll be a student at Iacon High.” Upon hearing this, Sideswipe began to tear up, leading the older man to ask, “You ok kid?”

Feeling a tear escape her eye, Sideswipe whispered, “I get to go back to school.” Once she realized the full scale of what she’d just been given, the pale girl repeated, “I get to go back to school!” Turning to face Ironhide, she ecstatically shouted, “I GET TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL!” She then lunged at Ironhide and wrapped him in an impossibly tight hug as she exclaimed, “Thank you so much Ironhide. I…..”

Struggling to find just the right words to say, Sideswipe settled on a quiet, “I love you.”

“I love you too kid.” Ironhide replied as he hugged Sideswipe back. “I know it’s only been a short while, but after seeing what your dad had done to you, I knew I had to do something.” As he released her, the older man continued, “And given everything that you’ve had to go through, you can stay here as long as you like.”

At that moment, everyone heard the sound of Apple Bloom’s voice calling out, “Uncle Ironhide! Ah’m home!” As Ironhide turned, Sideswipe ran out of the room, only slowing down at the entrance so she didn’t bump into Ratchet or Wheeljack. The older man could only shake his head as he playfully muttered to himself, “That girl.”

Once he caught up to Sideswipe, Ironhide found both of his younger daughters speaking with each other, each one struggling not to interrupt the other. Apple Bloom informed her, “Guess what Sideswipe! Whenever you want, Soft Shoe will get you fitted for a new pair of tap shoes.” As the pale girl took that in, the former farm girl continued, “Speakin’ of tap shoes, check these out!” She then brandished her brand new red and black tap shoes.

“Whoa!” Sideswipe complimented. “That’s totally awesome!” She then continued, “But that’s nothing! Ironhide gave me my own room!” As Apple Bloom processed what her sister had just admitted, the pale biker continued, “Not only that, but I get to go back to school!” She then began to pull Apple Bloom towards the stairwell as she exclaimed, “Come on! You gotta see this!”

As Sideswipe dragged Apple Bloom away, Ironhide let out a gentle sigh as he reached into his overall pockets and pulled something out; a piece of paper that just so happened to be an application form for Iacon High. Staring at the paper, he said to himself, “Well, I guess there’ll be another time.”

Now, to any untrained eye, this form would appear to be a spare copy of the one that currently rested in Sideswipe’s new room. However, there was one tiny yet earth shattering difference here that would have massive ramifications should certain people notice…….

Because this form had Apple Bloom’s name written on it.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom, Sideswipe, Tender Taps, and Rattrap are on their own as they struggle to deal with Wreck-Gar on what can only be described as a......
A bad wire day.

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