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Return to Sweet Apple Acres

As the Apple Blooms

Part 80; Return to Sweet Apple Acres

Apple Bloom didn’t consider herself a master of words and language. If anything, she was probably the most likely to avoid flowery language since it often confused her, which more likely than not led to a headache. But right now, as she behind her uncle in his red van as it drove down the road, the only thing that ran through the former farm girl’s head was an old “fancy” term she’d learned from Rarity.

“Déjà vu.” She whispered to herself. In her head, she remembered the definition of the term from an old dictionary; ‘The sense that something currently happening has happened before.”

Of course, Apple Bloom knew the exact reason why her whole predicament was so unsettlingly familiar. Once again, the former farm girl was in a car leaving home for what was meant to be a temporary stay somewhere else. Only this time, rather than leaving Sweet Apple Acres, she was now returning to the place that, once upon a time, was the only home she knew.

From the other side of the van, Sideswipe asked, “You ok there Apple Bloom?” Turning to face her sister, the former farm girl sighed as she replied, “Honestly Ah don’t quite know how to answer that.” Turning to face the window, she continued, “Ah just, Ah never thought things would turn out like this.”

Before she could continue to mope, Apple Bloom felt Sparkplug sneak his way into her lap and curl up, comforting his human friend. Smiling, the red-haired girl began to pet the black terrier as she remarked, “At least Ah got you guys by mah side.”

Up in the front row of the van, Chromia asked her husband, “So, how do you think Granny Smith will react to Wreck-Gar?” Keeping his eyes on the road, Ironhide answered, “To be honest, I’m not entirely sure. She always struggled comprehending things. Remember that time we tried to explain how stop motion worked?” The blue woman grew slightly pale as she replied, “Oh yeah. I swear, that was a nightmare. I still shiver when remembering her rant about “fancy repeatin’ pictures.””

As husband and wife chuckled at the memory of Granny Smith’s confusion, Ironhide sighed as he added, “However, I’m more worried about Apple Bloom than Wreck-Gar.” Glancing at his daughter’s reflection in the rear-view mirror, he continued, “I still don’t trust Applejack.”

Chromia nodded as she replied, “Neither do I. The fact that we’re all gonna be there is the only reason I feel any sort of comfortable in her being there.” Ironhide reassured her, “Don’t worry. With all of us, Applejack wouldn’t dare lay a finger on her.” He then paused for a moment before adding, “At least, we’ll try.”

At that moment, Apple Bloom called out, “Look!” As everyone focused their attention to the outside of the van, they all noticed the sign that read “Canterlot City 20 miles ahead.” Smiling, Ironhide replied, “Alright everyone. We’re entering enemy territory now. Keep your eyes peeled and your wits about you, and we all go home in one piece.” Though Chromia playfully rolled her eyes at the sight of her husband momentarily slipping back into sergeant mode, Apple Bloom enthusiastically replied, “Sir, yes sir!” She then shot her uncle a salute, one which the former sergeant returned.

Ironhide just hoped that the odds were in their favor.

Sweet Apple Acres, A Short While Later…

As Ironhide’s van and Wheeljack’s car pulled up to the familiar farmhouse of Sweet Apple Acres, Apple Bloom felt a lump form in her throat. ‘Ah’m home.’ The former farm girl thought to herself. It was almost impossible for her to conceive, but as the vehicle slowed to a halt, there was little doubt in her mind that, after almost seven months gone, she had returned to the place where she grew up.

Apple Bloom had returned to Sweet Apple Acres.

She was taken out of her trance when Sideswipe quipped, “So this is the illustrious Sweet Apple Acres? I was kinda expecting one of those old plantation houses." When everyone turned to face her, the pale biker shrugged as she defended herself, “What? It was just a joke.”

Apple Bloom rested her hand on her sister’s shoulder as she reassured her, “Don’t beat yourself up.” Smiling, Sideswipe replied, “Thanks Apple Bloom.” She then unbuckled her seatbelt as she continued, “Now let’s get out there and meet these Apple folks.” The former farm girl let out a gentle chuckle as she said, “Alright. Come on.” Both girls then stepped out of the van.

Once she was outside, Apple Bloom heard a familiar older woman’s voice call out, “Well, Ah never thought Ah’d see this day.” The former farm girl immediately froze up as she realized who’s voice it was. Turning to face the farmhouse’s front door, she found herself staring at an elderly green woman with white hair, and a yellow/orange outfit. There was only one person in the entire world it could possibly be.

Feeling her eyes begin to water up, Apple Bloom asked, “Granny Smith?”

The former farm girl didn’t need to wait for any sort of confirmation. Instead, she immediately ran towards her grandmother and threw herself into the older woman’s waiting arms. As grandmother and granddaughter hugged each other, Granny Smith felt her own eyes water as she exclaimed, “Ah’ve missed you so much Apple Bloom!”

Once they finished their hug, Granny Smith turned her sights to the others, particularly a very specific gray skinned man with blue eyes in dark gray overalls. Letting out a gentle chuckle, the older woman walked up to Ironhide as she happily quipped, “Oh don’t you think you’re gettin’ left out of this boy.” She then wrapped Ironhide in a large hug, even pulling Chromia into it as well.

After a few moments, Ironhide smiled as he replied, “It’s good to see you again Granny Smith.” The Apple family matriarch happily quipped, “You’re darn well right it is! It’s been….” Stopping for a moment, Granny Smith found herself overcome by a slight twinge of regret as she added, “It’s been a lifetime.”

From behind the older woman’s pseudo children, Granny Smith noticed a pale white girl with black hair, a red vest over a black tank top, red pants, black boots, and a slightly nervous disposition. Walking up to this girl, the older woman remarked, “So you must be this Sideswipe gal Ah’ve heard so much about.” Nodding, Sideswipe replied, “I guess my reputation proceeds me.”

The pale biker received an answer when Granny Smith scooped her up into another hug as she greeted, “Then welcome to the Apple family Sideswipe!” Though momentarily caught off guard, Sideswipe returned the hug, genuinely touched by this woman’s sheer unbridled kindness, leading to her replying with a simple, “Thank you.”

As Granny Smith released Sideswipe, she noticed the other two men approaching from the white car and greeted, “And you boys must be Ratchet and Wheeljack. It’s been a while fellas.” The maverick mechanic stepped forward as he replied, “Yeah. Not counting the video calls, I don’t think you and I have seen each other since the wedding.” Ratchet then added, “Yeah. It’s been a long time.”

As they chatted, Apple Bloom heard the sound of Big Macintosh’s voice call out, “Why look what we have here?” Sure enough, the pale red teen emerged from the front door, leading the former farm girl to leap into her brother and wrap her arms around him. As brother and sister hugged, Big Macintosh exclaimed, “It’s so good to see you again.”

The two siblings were distracted by the sound of a small dog’s barking. Releasing his sister, Big Mac noticed the black highland terrier trotting up to him as he asked, “So this must be Sparkplug.” He then bent down and extended his hand towards Sparkplug and was happily surprised when the terrier began to affectionately lick his hand.

Granny Smith then called out, “Now then, how about y’all come inside and relax? We can get your luggage later.” As everyone nodded in agreement, a mechanically filtered voice replied, “That sounds like a wonderful idea! I can make everyone some tea and biscuits!”

Sure enough, a bronze skeletal robot walked up to a now unnerved Granny Smith and Big Macintosh and introduced himself, “Ah. Greetings and salutations my beautiful people. I am the Cogman version one point one three eight, but you may call me Wreck-Gar.”

All Granny Smith could do was nervously ask, “Did that robot just introduce himself?” Wheeljack lit up with delight as he replied, “Yup! Wreck-Gar here is just about the best conversationalist this side of the galaxy!” He then gleefully asked, “What do you think?”

Granny Smith and Big Macintosh gave their answers when they both fainted from shock of being in the presence of a modern promethean, leading Wreck-Gar to turn to you, the reader, and dejectedly remark, “Why does this always happen?”

The Farmhouse, One Hour Later….

After waking up from the shock of Wreck-Gar’s existence, Granny Smith and Big Macintosh began to help everyone bring their luggage inside, or rather, Big Macintosh helped bring everything in while Granny Smith and Wreck-Gar worked on preparing dinner for the evening.

Carrying his sister’s suitcase, Big Macintosh turned to Apple Bloom and Sideswipe and remarked, “Ah hope you two don’t mind sharin’ a room.” The pale biker reassured her “brother”, “Relax. We shared a bedroom for a while after Ironhide took me in.” She then raised her arms as she quickly defended herself, “Of course we didn’t share a bed. We don’t have that sort of chemistry.”

Apple Bloom immediately added, “Don’t worry. Sideswipe can always use mah bed.” The former farm girl then sighed as she asked, “So, how different is mah room now?” Taking a deep breath, Big Mac replied, “Well, you’ve got a new bed, dresser, mirror, closet door….” Apple Bloom gently interrupted with, “Ah think Ah get the point.” Sure enough, as the trio made their way to Apple Bloom’s bedroom, Big Macintosh gulped as he opened the door.

Upon entering her bedroom, Apple Bloom realized she didn’t recognize anything in front of her. The bed was different that the one she remembered, the dresser was two layers too tall, the curtains were nothing like the ones she remembered, and the mirror was square rather than circular as she remembered. All in all, it looked less like her room and more like a guest room no one ever told her about.

Resting a hand on his sister’s shoulder, Big Mac asked, “You ok?” Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah’m fine. At least as fine as Ah can be.” She then turned to face her brother and asked, “Where’s Applejack?”

Setting Apple Bloom’s suitcase down, Big Mac dejectedly answered, “Ah don’t rightly know. Granny Smith told her to get any anger she has in her out before seein’ you.” Sideswipe crossed her arms as she retorted, “Sounds like someone’s prone to temper tantrums.”

Apple Bloom then turned to her brother and asked, “You mind Ah have a minute with Sideswipe?” Nodding, Big Mac replied, “Take all the time you need. Ah’ll be downstairs if you need anythin’, alright?” The former farm girl smiled as she answered, “Alright. Love you.” The light red teen gave his sister a small hug as he replied, “Love you too.”

Once Big Mac was gone, Apple Bloom made her way to the bed and laid down as she asked, “So, what do you think?” Sideswipe walked up to her sister as she replied, “This place is pretty nice, at least from what little I’ve seen.” She then sat down on the bed as she continued, “Your grandmother seems nice. Kinda makes me wish I knew either of my grandmothers.”

Sitting up, Apple Bloom found herself growing somewhat frustrated as she grumbled, “And Applejack is still angry.” Letting out a defeated chuckle, the former farm girl continued, “Guess Ah shouldn’t have expected anythin’ different.”

Wrapping her arm around her sister, Sideswipe tried to reassure her, “It’s alright. I mean, I know it’s not “alright” alright, but I mean….” Apple Bloom let out a small giggle as she interrupted, “Ah get what you mean.” The former farm girl then wrapped her arm around her sister and gave a simple, “Thanks.” Sideswipe simply replied, “No problem.”

The Dining Room, That Evening…

Making her way into the dining room, Apple Bloom found herself overcome by the intoxicating scent of a freshly prepared country dinner that had almost certainly been lovingly prepared by Granny Smith. Sure enough, the dinner table was lavishly prepared by a roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, assorted vegetables, biscuits, and even a few other apple-based dishes. ‘Heh. Ah almost forgot about this part of growin’ up around here.’ The former farm girl thought to herself.

Sideswipe, on the other hand, found her jaw dropping as she exclaimed, “Whoa! I’ve never seen anything like this before!” Granny Smith walked up from behind the pale biker as she replied, “Yup. Ah wanted to make a little somethin’ special for Apple Bloom bein’ home.” As the older woman made her way towards the table, she was joined by Big Macintosh, Chromia, Ironhide, Ratchet, Wheeljack, and even Wreck-Gar. Turning to face the gaggle of grownups, Granny Smith elaborated, “Ah did have a little help this time.”

When the two girls turned to face Big Macintosh, he gently replied, “Not just me.” He then pointed to, of all people, Wreck-Gar as Granny Smith added, “Your friend Wheeljack was right. Wrecky here is just like one of them fancy sou chefs.” For his part, the bronze promethean quipped, “I appreciate your appreciation, but I would prefer if you did not call me “Wrecky.” It feels so…. Common.”

Ironhide then called out, “Alright everyone. Food’s getting cold.” Everyone then made their way to the table and began to pick out their preferred seats. Granny Smith and Ironhide each took opposing seats at the head of the table, Chromia took a seat to her husband’s right, Apple Bloom and Sideswipe took seats right next to each other, Wheeljack flanked the former farm girl, and he was flanked in turn by Ratchet. All that was missing was…”

“Ah’m home!” A familiar voice called out.

Apple Bloom gulped as she turned noticeably pale. ‘Guess this is it, isn’t it?’ The former farm girl thought to herself. ‘After all this time, it’s actually happenin’.’ Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom pepped herself, “Here goes nothin’.”

And just like that, a familiar teenaged girl walked into the dining room. She had orange skin with blonde hair in a ponytail and wore a green and white tee shirt, a blue denim skirt, brown cowgirl boots, and a brown cowboy’s hat that had once belonged to their father. There was no way it could have been anyone else, no possibility to be mistaken for any other person.

For the first time in seven months, Applejack and Apple Bloom were now in the same room.

As both sisters locked eyes on each other, Granny Smith folded her arms as she scolded, “You were supposed to be home hours ago! Where were you?” Walking up to the table, Applejack nonchalantly replied, “Ah had to pick somethin’ up for Pinkie Pie. Apparently, her dad grounded her for somethin’.” Sitting down at her seat at the table (which just so happened to be directly across from her sister), the orange farm girl remarked, “So, you’re back.”

Nodding, Apple Bloom replied, “Yeah. Ah am. At least for a few days.” Ironhide then glared at the middle Apple sibling as he asked, “That won’t be a problem, will it?” Sighing, Applejack answered, “It won’t be a problem sir.”

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but notice that her sister’s voice was barely able to contain her anger. ‘Guess that means she’s still angry at me.’ The former farm girl thought to herself. ‘Ah mean, Ah really shouldn’t have expected anythin’ less.’

As Everyone began to help themselves to the banquet before them, Applejack turned to face her sister as she remarked, "Ah hear someone has a boyfriend now." Though momentarily caught off guard by this question, Apple Bloom let out an embarrassed chuckle as she replied, “Yeah. His name’s Tender Taps, and he’s the greatest tap dancer Ah’ve never met.” For a brief moment, it seemed as though things would simply lead into a nice and pleasant conversation.

Instead, Applejack folded her arms as she added, “Ah knew that name sounded familiar. Twilight says he got expelled from Crystal Prep for absolutely destroyin’ someone’s mouth.” She then gave her sister a mischievous smirk as she added, “Maybe you two are perfect for each other.”

‘Of course, she had to address that.’ Apple Bloom thought to herself. Sighing to herself, the former farm girl defended her boyfriend with, “Ah know what happened. And honestly, Ah’d probably do the same thing if Ah were in his shoes.” OF course, this answer only led to a concerned scowl from Applejack.

Thankfully for Apple Bloom, the subject was changed when Granny Smith interrupted with a curious, “Speakin’ of dancin’, Ah hear someone has become quite the tap dancer herself.” Smiling, Apple Bloom replied, “Thanks. Tender introduced me to tap dancin’, and Ah guess Ah just sorta fell in love with it.” Big Macintosh then asked, “So, you mind teachin’ me a step or two? After watchin’ you dance Ah kinda thought it looked fun.” The former farm girl gave her brother a cocky smirk as she replied, “You’re on.”

Applejack then interrupted with, “Ah noticed you changed your hair.” Bringing her right braided pigtail up to her eyes, Apple Bloom replied, “Yeah. Ah kinda figured “now town, new me,” and once Ah saw how Ah looked in the mirror, it just seemed right.” Setting her pigtail down, the former farm girl looked up to her sister as the latter scoffed, “Ah prefer your hair how it was.”

Ironhide immediately spoke up in his daughter’s defense with, “Calm down young lady. It’s her hair so it’s her choice.” Applejack rolled her eyes as she scooped up some mashed potatoes for herself, as if she were trying to ignore the former soldier’s words of advice.

Deciding to avoid interacting with her sister, Apple Bloom turned to her grandmother and asked, “So, anythin’ you need help with while Ah’m home?” Granny Smith immediately replied, “Of course not dear. Right now, you’re our guest. Besides, Ah heard you’ve been quite the busy little beetle over in Allspark Wells.” Ratchet then raised his hand as he admitted, “Yeah. I was kind of filling Mrs. Smith in on what you’ve been up to with us while you and Sideswipe were getting settled in.”

Letting out an amused chuckle, Apple Bloom continued, “Still, Ah wanna help out around while Ah’m here.” She then asked, “You know, for old time’s sake?” Smiling, Granny Smith answered, “Well, Ah hope you don’t mind milkin’ Bessie and the other cows. Mah hands aren’t as strong as they used to be, and it’ll free your brother up to deal with some more of the heavy liftin’.”

Ironhide then asked, “And anything we can help out with?” Pondering on the former sergeant’s offer, Granny Smith replied, “For you boys, Ah’d appreciate if you did one of them fancy patrols. We’ve had more than a few sightin’s of coyotes around here, and Ah’m worried that our chickens are at risk of gettin’ snatched up.” Pausing for a moment, Ironhide happily replied, “I think we can handle that.” Wheeljack pumped his fists as he added, “Ooh! Pest control! Sounds like that time we had to deal with those tigers.” All Ratchet could do was shiver as he requested, “Egh. Don’t remind me of those beasts.”

At that moment, Wreck-Gar walked into the dining room and began, “Excuse me, but is there anything I can get anyone?” As everyone froze from the realization Applejack hadn’t yet been introduced to the metal man, he turned to face the orange farm girl and greeted, “Ah, greetings and salutations. You must be the elusive Applejack. I am the Cogman version one point one three eight, but you may call me Wreck-Gar.” He then extended his hand towards Applejack.

To everyone’s surprise, Applejack shrugged and shook the metal man’s hand as she simply admitted, “Believe it or not, Ah’ve seen worse.”

Finishing her handshake, the orange farm girl turned to Sideswipe and inquired, “Speakin’ of new faces, who are you?” Straightening her vest, the pale biker introduced herself, “I’m Sideswipe. You must be Apple Bloom’s sister. I’ve heard quite a bit about you.” When she extended her hand, Applejack hesitated for several moments before giving a very limp handshake in response.

Once their handshake was done, Sideswipe whispered into Apple Bloom’s ear, “Limp handshake. Means she didn’t really mean it.” Sighing to herself, Apple Bloom whispered back, “Just roll with it. Once she makes up her mind it’s impossible for her to change it.” The pale biker rolled her eyes as she replied, “I should’ve guessed. A real Adultera meretrix.” Though she didn’t know what that meant, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but laugh at her sister’s comeback.

The playful mood was interrupted by Applejack slamming her fist into the table as she demanded, “Alright! AH know you’re talkin’ about me, so spill it! What did you say?” Apple Bloom immediately tried to defend her sister with, “It was nothin’! Just a little banter between us!”

However, Sideswipe leant over the table and defiantly responded, “I said you’re an Adultera meretrix!” As everyone took this in, Applejack asked, “What does that mean?” The pale biker wasted no time in cockily answering, “Basically it means you’re a whore.”

Granny Smith stood up and warned, “Now you listen here missy! Ah don’t want you insultin’ mah granddaughter or usin’ that sort of language in mah house. Am Ah clear?” Caught off guard and intimidated by the older woman’s sternness, Sideswipe meekly nodded yes as she nervously replied, “Yes ma’am.” Satisfied, Granny Smith replied, “That’s better.”

No one said much after that. Everyone seemed to come to the unspoken agreement that, to avoid another unfortunate outburst, it was better to avoid any regrettable words. As she finished eating, Apple Bloom thought to herself, ‘Ah just hope this doesn’t lead to anythin’ worse.’

A Short While Later…

Walking up to his room, Ironhide rubbed his forehead as he grumbled to himself, “Well, dinner could have gone better.” Indeed, once everyone had finished eating, Applejack stormed off upstairs, leaving the others to perform KP duty. Of course, the former sergeant insisted Sideswipe perform the bulk of the clean up duties (on account of her profanity), but for the most part, everyone else pitched in.

As he approached the guest room where he and Chromia were staying, Ironhide couldn’t help but allow his eyes to take in the fact that, after so many years, he was finally back in the farmhouse. Allowing his hands to rub against the wall, the family patriarch recalled all those years he spent helping out or even sleeping over with Bright Macintosh and Burnt Oak.

“Seemed like a lifetime ago.” Ironhide said to himself. “Last time I was here, Apple Bloom was a baby. Now….” Sighing, he bitterly continued, “A shame you couldn’t be here to see what she’s become Bright Mac.”

He was interrupted when Applejack called out, “Who you talkin’ to?” Turning around, Ironhide found the middle Apple leaning against the wall, crossing her arms and her legs. Letting out a gentle chuckle, the former sergeant answered, “Just talking to myself really.” As he walked up to her, Ironhide continued, “Being here, this place brings back memories.” Blowing her hair out of her face, Applejack replied, “Ah bet. Considerin’ how you and dad almost killed each other.” The venom in the teenaged girl’s voice was palpable, leading Ironhide to dejectedly admit, “I know. A shame it all had to play out the way it did.”

Taking a deep breath, Ironhide began, “Look, about what happened at dinner, I know you’re still angry at Apple Bloom for….” Applejack immediately pointed at her “uncle’s” chest as she vitriolically spat out, “You’re damn right Ah’m angry! It’s takin’ everythin’ inside me not just lunge at her and strangle her for what she did!”

Upon hearing Applejack make such a threat, even if he knew she was just lashing out, switched something inside the former sergeant. Swiping her hand away, Ironhide sternly warned, “Don’t you dare talk like that around me young lady!” This remark was met with Applejack defiantly replying, “Shut up! You ain’t mah dad!”

‘I mean, that’s kind of obvious.’ Ironhide thought to himself. ‘This is like what, the second time I’ve seen her in over ten years?’ While Applejack’s statement was certainly rude and uncalled for, given everything he knew about her, the former sergeant decided not to push the issue further.

And then Applejack coldly added, “And you ain’t Apple Bloom’s dad either.”

Those words immediately flipped something in Ironhide. Before anyone could fully appreciate the gravity of what had just been spoke, the gentle giant and scrapper was replaced by the old soldier and protective father as he forced Applejack right into the wall, barely able to avoid breaking anything or waking anyone. Glaring at his “niece,” Ironhide made his position absolutely clear.

“Now you listen here young lady. I may consider Apple Bloom my daughter, but I would never, NEVER call myself her father, and the reason why is because someone already has that title. And while Bright Macintosh could be an ignorant, thick-headed dumbass who could never admit he made a mistake, I know for damn sure that he loved you kids, and I would never assume that any issues he and I had between each other would change that!”

As Applejack turned deathly pale, Ironhide continued, “So I will make myself perfectly clear. You do not hurt Apple Bloom in any way. You don’t touch her, you don’t say anything to her, you don’t take any of your goddamned anger out on her. If you do, I promise you, you will BEG for the sweet release of death.” Though perhaps a bit harsh, Ironhide was not going to take any chances and risk the message getting through.

Nervously nodding, Applejack sheepishly replied, “U-u-u-underst-st-st-stood sir!” Satisfied, Ironhide backed up and ordered, “Now clear off.” The middle Apple sibling didn’t waste any time to dart straight towards her room.

Now alone, Ironhide sighed to himself, “This might be more difficult that I thought.” Straightening himself, the old sergeant continued, “Nothing we haven’t handled before sir.” Smiling to himself, Ironhide finished, “But first, I think I need some shut eye.” With that, he resumed his trek towards his room and the waiting form of his wife.

Ironhide just hoped that the last few minutes would be the worst this trip would get.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom spends the day helping around the farm and even has a little "reunion" with an old friend.

Author's Note; I know Ironhide may have been a bit too harsh with Applejack, but by this point, he's more concerned about his daughter's safety than his "niece's" feelings.

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