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The Pulp Works

As the Apple Blooms

Part 39; The Pulp Works

Anticipation and excitement ran through Apple Bloom’s veins as she dusted the front porch of the chop shop. She wanted the place to look as clean and professional as possible. After all, the former farm girl was intent on setting a great second impression for Torque Wrench.

The day before, Ironhide had informed her that Torque Wrench would be returning for a few days. Apparently, her shop had to be fumigated for termites, and the young adult needed a place to stay. Luckily, Apple Bloom suggested she could stay with the family, something Ironhide was happy to agree with.

From behind her, Apple Bloom heard the voice of Sideswipe ask, “I organized those tools. Anything else you need me to get?” Turning to face her friend, the former farm girl replied, “Not that Ah can think of. Unless you wanna give Sparkplug a bath.”

The pale biker shook her head as quipped, “I’ll pass. I’m not too much of a dog person.” As she straightened her jacket, Sideswipe continued, “Dad isn’t too fond of dogs. He says they can lick your hand one minute and bite it the next.”

“That just means he likes ya.” Apple Bloom playfully quipped. “He’s done it with me and he never bites too hard.”

Just as she finished this sentence, Apple Bloom and Sideswipe heard the sound of a small dog barking. Turning to the source of the noise, both girls were greeted by the sight of Sparkplug trotting up to them, sitting down next to the former farm girl. Sitting down next to the small dog, Apple Bloom began to pet him, much to Sparkplug’s delight. Feeling her heart begin to melt, Sideswipe couldn’t help but admit, “Still, gotta he’s kinda cute.”

Both girls were then distracted by the sound of a car’s engine. Curious, Apple Bloom and Sideswipe noticed that a blue pickup truck was approaching. Leaning to her friend, Sideswipe asked, “Who’s this?”

Before Apple Bloom could offer an answer, Ironhide and Chromia emerged from the shop and made their way up to the blue truck. Once the beaten pickup had parked, a very familiar young woman with red hair, pale yellow skin, and a green bandana exited the vehicle. Excited, the former farm girl happily exclaimed, “She’s here!”

Running up to the new guest, Apple Bloom wrapped her in a hug as she enthusiastically exclaimed, “Howdy Torque Wrench! It’s so good to see ya again!” Though momentarily taken back, Torque Wrench returned the gesture as she replied, “Good to see you too Apple Bloom. How’s my favorite cousin doing?”

Feeling her heart grow warm at being referred to as a cousin, Apple Bloom answered, “Ah’ve just been fine and dandy! What about you?” Releasing the younger girl, Torque Wrench replied, “Apart from having my shop and apartment needing to be fumigated for termites, I’d say not too bad.”

Once the two cousins finished their hug, Torque Wrench noticed the pale white girl watching them and asked, “Hello there. Who are you?” Sideswipe walked up to her and introduced herself with a simple and polite, “The name’s Sideswipe, hired help and friend of this loveable little lady here.” As Apple Bloom began to awkwardly blush, Torque Wrench let out a gentle chuckle as she quipped, “Looks like dad is starting to hire more help.”

As the trio began to make their way to the front door, Ironhide emerged from inside the house and greet his daughter. “Hey Torque. How’s my girl doing?” Torque Wrench laughed as she replied, “Pretty good, all things considered.” She then straightened herself as she asked, “Anything you need me to help with?”

Thinking for a moment, Ironhide suggested, “Well, you mind helping Apple Bloom with cleaning up some spare parts we’ve salvaged?” As Apple Bloom and Sideswipe turned to give the older woman desperate looks, Torque Wrench replied, “I suppose I could help out for a bit.” She then rolled her sleeves up as she quipped, “So girls, ready to get to work?”

Cracking her knuckles, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah was born ready.” Sideswipe, on the other hand, playfully rolled her eyes as she let out an amused sigh. With that, the three girls, Ironhide, and Sparkplug made their way into the Chop Shop, ready to start cleaning some spare parts.

The Family’s Living Room, Later That Day…

As Torque Wrench began to pet Sparkplug, she remarked, “Well, isn’t this little guy just the cutest.” Apple Bloom nodded as she replied, “He sure is. Uncle Ironhide and Ah found him in the scrap yard and he kinda just grew on us.” Ironhide, entering from the kitchen with a few drinks for everyone, added, “Of course there’s the fact he led us to you when you got stuck in that truck.”

“You got stuck in a truck too?” Torque Wrench asked. Intrigued, Apple Bloom asked, “Wait, you got stuck in a truck?” The older woman nodded as she replied, “More times than I can count.” The former farm girl let out a sigh of relief as she replied, “At least Ah’m not the only one.”

Sideswipe then turned to Torque Wrench and asked, “So, where are you gonna sleep?” Confused, the older woman turned to her father, who explained, “Sideswipe’s staying with us for a few days. Her dad has to go up to the mental hospital for….” He paused for a moment as he allowed his eyes to drift towards Sideswipe, who was looking away in shame before simply finishing with, “It’s complicated.”

Taking everything in, Torque Wrench let out an amused giggle as she quipped, “First me, then Apple Bloom, and now Sideswipe. You’re turning into a real papa wolf dad.” As both younger girls struggled to contain their own laughter, Ironhide let out an amused sigh as he replied, “Considering it’s what got the boys and out of the war alive, I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Rising up from her seat, Torque Wrench said, “So dad, I was thinking that, since I’m back in town, I might head down to the Pulp Works.” Intrigued, Apple Bloom asked, “What’s the Pulp Works?” The older woman made her way towards her niece as she explained, “It’s this neat little shop that sells comics and all sorts of knick knacks.”

Sideswipe immediately spoke up with, “Hey, you mind if I tag along?” Torque Wrench pondered it for a moment before she answered, “Why not.” She then turned to Apple Bloom and asked, “You want to tag along Apple Bloom?”

The former farm girl turned to her uncle for confirmation, and she was pleasantly surprised when he gave a confirming nod. Filled with glee, Apple Bloom thanked him with a polite, “Thanks Uncle Ironhide.” She then gave him a brief hug, one the older man happily returned.

As the three girls began to leave, Ironhide quickly spoke up with, “Just try to be back before dinner. We’ve got a busy day tomorrow.” Torque Wrench nodded as she replied, “Copy that dad.” She then turned to the two younger girls and said, “Come on guys.” With that, the three young women left the living room, leaving Ironhide to remark to himself, “Those girls.”

Torque Wrench’s Truck, Ten Minutes Later…

As the blue pickup truck pulled up to the unassuming row of shops, Apple Bloom stuck her head out of the window to try and find their destination. After a few moments of fruitless searching, Torque Wrench spoke up with, “It’s right at the corner kid.” The former farm girl let out an embarrassed chuckle as she continued, “Alright.” She then turned to face the corner and, thankfully, found her destination.

There, right above the entrance to the shop, was a sign that appeared to be made out of retro-futuristic bronze metal devices, were the words, “the Pulp Works” surrounded by bright blue neon lights shaped like lighting. Intrigued, Apple Bloom asked, “You said you knew this place, right?”

Parking the truck in front of the comic store, Torque Wrench answered, “Yup. This used to be one of my favorite hangout spots when I was in high school.” As she turned her vehicle off, the young adult continued, “I actually got my first job here, not counting working for dad.”

Before either Apple Bloom or Torque Wrench could continue, Sideswipe unbuckled herself as she said, “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m getting kinda bored just sitting here.” Turning to face her friend, Apple Bloom quipped, “Alright. Hold your horses adrenaline junkie.” The pale biker playfully rolled her eyes as she replied, “I’m not an adrenaline junkie. I’m a speed demon and a thrill seeker, not a junkie.”

Apple Bloom and Torque Wrench shared a confused look as the latter retorted, “I think those all mean the same things.” Sideswipe proceeded to step out of the pickup truck, straighten her red leather jacket, and “smugly” defended herself with, “At least I try to have some class.”

As Sideswipe began to make her way to the comic book store, Torque Wrench turned to Apple Bloom and said, “She certainly has spunk. I like her.” The former farm girl replied, “Ah know. She certainly knows how to add a little excitement into mah life.” She then enthusiastically asked, “Now then, you mind introducin’ me to this Pulp Works place?”

Torque Wrench unbuckled herself as she replied, “I’d love to.”

The Pulp Works…

To say that Apple Bloom was amazed by the inside of the Pulp Works would be an understatement. The most the former farm girl expected was a cash register and rows of boxes filled with comic books, or rather little more than an organized garage sale.

Instead, the black walled shop was decorated with more science fiction props and trinkets, making the small store feel as if it were some sort of scientist’s lab or robotic assembly facility. There were bookshelves filled with comic books, graphic novels, guide books and even books for Ogres and Oubliettes. Across the walls were shelves and racks of all sorts collectable figures, toys, and other assorted collectibles. All in all, it reminded her of a Takara’s Toys aimed specifically at nerds.

As the two cousins made their way into the shop, they were distracted by the sound of Sideswipe calling out, “Well, I was wondering when you two were gonna come.” Apple Bloom playfully rolled her eyes as she quipped, “We were just havin’ a little cousin bondin’ moment.” As Torque Wrench nodded, the older woman pondered, “I wonder where Mr. Pulp is.”

From behind the trio, they heard a man’s voice reply, “Ask and ye shall receive.” Turning around, they found a kindly looking blue man with dark maroon hair approaching them. As he closed the distance, Torque Wrench extended her hand as she greeted him with, “Howdy Mr. Pulp.”

Shaking Torque Wrench’s hand, Mr. Pulp enthusiastically replied, “Good to see you again Torque. How’ve you been doing?” As the young adult straightened her hair, she replied, “Apart from having my home and shop fumigated, I’m doing just fine.” Mr. Pulp proceeded to shake his head as he apologized, “Sorry about that.”

It was at this moment that Mr. Pulp turned his attention to Apple Bloom. “So, this is the so-called “Anon-A-Miss.” As the former farm girl meekly stepped backwards as she awkwardly waived, the older man let out an amused chuckle as he reassured her, “Relax kid. Everyone deserves a second chance.”

Apple Bloom sighed in relief as she replied, “Thanks Mr. Pulp.” The older man then turned to Sideswipe as he greeted her with, “Hey Sideswipe. Doin’ alright?”

Shrugging, the pale biker nonchalantly replied, “I’m alright. Dad’s doing better. I think.” As she began to eye everything around her, Sideswipe continued, “Hey, I’m gonna look around for a bit.” She then wondered off, wondering what sort of science fiction or fantasy stories were in store.

Once Sideswipe was gone, Mr. Pulp continued, “In that case, feel free to look around. Let me know when you’ve found something.” Torque Wrench gave a respectful nod as she replied, “Thanks Mr. Pulp.” As the shop’s owner departed, Apple Bloom asked, “You mind if Ah look around with you?”

“I don’t mind at all.” Torque Wrench warmly answered. “Come on, I think I remember where the Go-Bots comics should be.” She then led Apple Bloom deeper into this land of comic books and other knick knacks.

A Short While Later…

‘Guess Ah’m not much of a comic girl.’ Apple Bloom thought to herself. She’d spent the last good while trying to find something in the store that caught her attention, or at the very least intrigued her. Sadly, no matter what she found, whether it was an anthology collection stories about a village of Gauls, monthly issues of comics about shape shifting robots, or even superhero books, she just couldn’t find anything that tickled her fancy.

“Find anything?” Torque Wrench’s voice called from her left. Turning to face her cousin, Apple Bloom shook her head and dejectedly replied, “Sorry, Ah couldn’t find anythin’.” She then looked up and remarked, “Ah guess Ah’m just not too fond of comic book stuff.”

Resting a hand on her younger cousin’s shoulder, Torque Wrench reassured her, “Don’t worry kid. We all have our passions.” She then gave a knowing smirk as she added, “Besides, I hear someone has been practicing her tap dancing.” This remark made Apple Bloom blush as she figured out what her cousin was referring to.

Both girls were distracted when they heard something incredibly unsettling. It was an oddly high pitched man’s voice call out, “Excuse me.” Turning to see who it was, Apple Bloom found a man with light yellow-green skin and gray hair. This man had a very large gut and clear signs of baby fat on his cheeks. Though he clearly seemed to be a young adult, his dark gray hair was clearly starting to recede. To top it all off, he wore large glasses whose bridge was held together by blue putty. All in all, he made Apple Bloom feel very uncomfortable.

Walking up to Torque Wrench, the large man began to awkwardly speak, “You look about to be 18 years old.” Confused, Torque nervously replied, “Uh, I don’t like to give my age to random strangers, but I’m clearly over 18.” The large bellied man immediately lit up as he continued, “In that case, you have beautiful eyes.”

As Torque Wrench gave a confused look, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but notice the unpleasant odor radiating off of this man. She couldn’t quite think of an exact match, but the closest scent she could compare it to would be rotten watermelon doused in gallons of cheap deodorant. Heck, just standing next to him made her feel nauseous.

The fat man then asked, “So, uh, you have any plans tonight?” That was certainly an odd question for someone to ask an absolute stranger. If anything, it sounded like the kind of question someone asked when they were trying to…

It suddenly dawned on Apple Bloom what this unsettling stranger was trying to do. Stepping up to him, the former farm girl bluntly asked, “Are you tryin’ to hit on mah cousin?” upon hearing this, Torque Wrench’s eyes shrank as she asked, “Wait, what?”

The large man tried to defend himself with, “I mean…. I just thought she looked pretty and kinda cute, because you are very cute.” He then turned to Torque Wrench as he continued, “I mean you, not the little one.”

That remark seemed to have irked Torque Wrench. Stepping towards the overweight man, she sternly warned him, “Listen here bub. My cousin is not some little one, and I’ll have you know I don’t like being hit on by random strangers, especially ones who smell like they roll in puddles of their own filth.”

This remark seemed to have done something right, because the fat man backed away as he huffed in frustration, “Well you’re clearly nothing more than a mean bitch.” He made a disgusting sound with his throat before he did something unexpected.

He spat right in Torque Wrench’s face.

As the young adult wiped the spit off of her face, she sighed as she deadpanned, “Oh, yippee.” Apple Bloom, on the other hand, was absolutely furious that anyone would do something so disrespectful. Enraged, she stomped up to this unpleasant man and angrily demanded, “You apologize to mah cousin right now mister!”

The large man made a disgusting snort as he walked up to her and mockingly asked, “What are you gonna do about it small fry?” Apple Bloom found herself struggling to contain her frustration and suppress her desire to slam her fist into his face. After all, the last thing she needed for her reputation was proof that she was the kind of person who’d resort to violence.

Before anyone could say anything else, the trio heard the sound of Sideswipe’s voice calling out, “Hey! What are you doing in here?” Turning to face her friend, Apple Bloom found the pale biker and Mr. Pulp walking up to them.

“Everythin’ alright?” Apple Bloom asked as her friend approached her. Sideswipe was about to reply, but she was distracted as the large man began to slink away in fear. Noticing him trying to get away, the pale biker asked, “Going anywhere fatty?”

As the fat man stopped moving, Mr. Pulp walked up to him and shook his head as he asked, “Tantrum, didn’t I tell you to stay away from my shop?” The fat man, Tantrum if Apple Bloom heard correctly, began to awkwardly stammer, “I know, but it’s been six months. I was hoping that we could all let bygones be bygones.” Shaking his head, Mr. Pulp replied, “No. I made it abundantly clear that I don’t ever want you in my shop again.”

While the two men were arguing, Apple Bloom tiptoed up to Sideswipe and asked, “Ah’m kinda confused. What’s goin’ on?” Letting out an exhausted sigh, the teenaged biker answered, “That creep is named Tantrum. He’s a jerk who used to spend all his time here and annoyed everybody to death.”

Sideswipe was distracted from her explanation when Tantrum began to beg, “Awh come on. Please let me back in here? Please? Please?” Mr. Pulp folded his arms as he shook his head as he bluntly replied, “No. Get out of my shop right now.” The pale yellow man tried to speak up again, but Mr. Pulp stomped his foot and pointed to the door, making it abundantly clear that he was not going to budge.

Sighing in resignation, Tantrum stormed off towards the door as he angrily huffed, “Then I hope Primus will forgive you for being so heartless and cruel Mr. Pulp!” He then extended his middle finger to the shop owner as he left through the door.

Once Tantrum was gone, Mr. Pulp sighed to himself, “I swear one of these days that boy is gonna get someone hurt or worse.” He then turned to Apple Bloom as he asked, “He didn’t do or say anything creepy or gross, did he?” The former farm girl shook her head as she answered, “Other than insult me, he didn’t do anythin’ to me.”

Torque Wrench, however, stepped forward and bluntly informed him, “He tried to hit on me and he spat in my face.” Shocked, Sideswipe gasped, “Oh my goodness. That is so gross.” Mr. Pulp, on the other hand, growled, “Ugh, and I thought that him screaming at kids was a new low.” Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “Wait, you mean that jerk yelled at a kid?”

Walking up to the former farm girl, Mr. Pulp explained, “That’s the reason I threw him out in the first place. Tantrum used to be a regular customer as well as a regular nuisance.” He paused for a moment before he continued, “For a while it was tolerable, but he started scaring kids away, and he even used to throw temper tantrums when he lost at card games. When he belted out his frustration at a kid who beat him, I finally decided enough is enough.”

Sideswipe then added, “That and he tried hitting on me.” A stunned Apple Bloom felt her jaw drop as her friend elaborated, “I tried telling him that I wasn’t looking for a boyfriend, or any partner really, and he just went off the rails.”

As the former farm girl took everything in, Mr. Pulp turned to Torque Wrench and asked, “I’m so sorry that prick caused you trouble. If you’ll come with me we can wash your face off.” Torque took a deep breath as she replied, “Thanks.”

Once the two adults had left, Sideswipe apologized, “Sorry that twerp was bugging you.” Apple Bloom let out a deep sigh as she replied, “Thanks Sideswipe. Ah just hope he doesn’t try it again, ‘cause Ah doubt Torque Wrench will hold back.”

Both girls found themselves struggling to control their laughter, almost forgetting the trouble Tantrum had caused them.

The Chop Shop, Later That Evening….

“Mom, Dad, Uncle Wheeljack, Uncle Ratchet! We’re home!” Torque Wrench called out as she, Apple Bloom, and Sideswipe entered the Chop Shop. Chromia, who was cleaning the counter, called out, “Welcome back. You guys find anything interesting?” Apple Bloom began to answer with an awkward, “Well, there was this jerk who….”

Sideswipe interrupted with a brunt, “This prick by the name of Tantrum tried to hit on Torque Wrench and he spat in her face.” As Chromia stood speechless, Apple Bloom paused for a moment before nodding as Torque shrugged and replied, “Yeah pretty much.”

Stunned, Chromia ran up to her daughter and wrapped her in a tight hug as she tried to reassure her, “Oh dear I’m so sorry. That jerk is lucky I wasn’t there, because he would have been leaving on a stretcher!” Managing to wrangle herself out of her mother’s smothering grasp, Torque Wrench replied, “I’m alright mom. Still, thanks.”

Apple Bloom then added, “And if anythin’ like that happens again, Ah can teach a lesson.” When the two women gave her amused looks, the former farm girl quickly added, “Ah mean, Uh….” Torque Wrench stepped forward and reassured her, “Don’t worry. I understand what you mean.” Satisfied, Apple Bloom gave Torque Wrench a quick hug, one which the young adult happily returned.

From inside the kitchen, the four women heard the sound of Ironhide practically shout, “Wheeljack you idiot! You forgot to turn the oven off!” This outburst was followed by smoke emerging from the kitchen. Sighing to herself, Chromia quipped, “Looks like it’s up to us to save dinner.”

Rolling her sleeves up to her elbows, Torque Wrench asked, “What do you need us to do?” Apple Bloom followed suit, followed by Sideswipe straightening her red jacket. With that, the four women made their way towards the kitchen, fully intent on saving dinner from whatever Wheeljack had done to potentially doom it.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom helps Marble with a personal problem.

Author's note; Tantrum was inspired by..... Actually, I don't think I need to explain him.
Also, Torque Wrench said the thing!

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