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A Lovely Day for a Wedding

As the Apple Blooms

Respite 6; A Lovely Day for a Wedding

As she entered the living room, an amused Granny Smith found her grandson Big Macintosh seated on the couch in front of the coffee table, nose deep in a worn out notebook. Making her way up to the young man, the family matriarch asked, “What are ya workin’ on there?”

Setting the notebook down on the table before him, Big Mac explained, “Ah’m just goin’ over what Ah’ve found out about Uncle Ironhide.” Once those words escaped the younger man’s lips, Granny Smith felt a small pain in her heart. Realizing his grandmother’s mood had turned sour, the young man asked, “You alright?”

Sighing, Granny Smith replied, “Ah’m fine. Just thinkin’ about….” Sitting down next to her grandson, she explained, “…..Guess it’s finally dawnin’ on me just how long your sister has been gone.” Big Mac nodded as he added, “Ah miss her too. Last Ah checked, she seems to be doin’ fine.” He then felt his lips quiver as he continued, “And that’s what kinda scares me.”

Resting her arm around her grandson’s shoulder, Granny Smith tried to comfort him with a gentle, “It’s alright Big Macintosh.” Smiling, Big Mac replied, “Thanks Granny.” He then hugged his grandmother back as he added, “Don’t know what Ah’d do without you.”

Once they finished their hug, Big Mac asked, “Hey Granny? You mind if Ah ask a dumb question?” The older woman let out a gentle chuckle as she replied, “You know there’s no such thing as a dumb question. Now you just tell your Granny what’s on your mind.”

Now that he had permission, Big Macintosh began, “Well, Ah remember how you said that we’re not supposed to ask Apple Bloom or Ironhide or any of his buddies about him but….” Allowing a mischievous smirk to form on his face, he asked, “Ah was just wonderin’, is there was anythin’ else YOU know about him?”

Granny Smith playfully rolled her eyes as she replied, “Guess Ah never said anythin’ about askin’ me again, did Ah?” When the younger red man cheekily shrugged, she continued, “Well, there is one tale that involves your uncle.” Curious, Big Mac asked, “What happened?”

Taking a deep breath, Granny Smith began, “Before Ah do, Ah gotta warn you this won’t paint your Ma and Pa in the best light.” When Big Mac gave a confirming nod, she started her tale. “In that case, it was many years ago….”

Sweet Apple Acres, Many Years Earlier….

“There you girls go.” A “young” Granny Smith said as she finished filling the food trough with feed for the chickens. As the small feathered birds made their way up to the trough and began to eat, the family matriarch playfully warned, “Now don’t you overeat now, you hear?” Of course, the chickens didn’t answer back, as they were too busy eating.

Indeed, it was just like any other day at Sweet Apple Acres. Just as her mother and grandmother had, Granny Smith found herself making sure everything on the farm was in running order. All the animals had been fed, the apples and other crops had needed to had been harvested, the cows had been milked, and to top everything off, Bright Macintosh was able to sheer the sheep. All in all, it had been an exhausting but productive day.

From behind her, Granny Smith heard the sound of Pear Butter’s voice gently calling out, “Alright now, follow me.” Turning around, the family matriarch found her adoptive daughter herding the sheep from the pastures back to the barn. As the fluffy creatures followed her, the younger woman continued, “That’s right everyone. Time to go home.”

Watching the younger woman lead the sheep filled Granny Smith with unbridled joy. Sure, Pear Butter may have been born into the hated Pear Family, but once she realized just how much her son loved her, Granny Smith was more than willing to over look his “Buttercup’s” familiar ties. And once her father Grand Pear casted her out of the Pears, Granny Smith was more than willing to accept her into the Apple Clan.

Once the sheep had been returned to the barn, Granny Smith made her way towards the younger woman as she remarked, “Seems they’re mighty fond of you.” Pear Butter turned to face her mother-in-law and replied, “Guess Ah just have that affect on people.” She then asked, “Anythin’ else you need me to do?” Granny Smith pondered for a moment before replying, “Not off the top of mah head dear. ‘Course, if anythin’ should come up…..”

The green matriarch was immediately interrupted when the sound of a young man’s voice called out, “Hey guys! The mail’s here!” Both Granny Smith and Pear Butter turned their attention to the farm house to see a very familiar bright yellow man with red hair and a large brown Stetson approaching them with several letters and envelopes.

Approaching her husband, Pear Butter cheerfully asked, “What did we get?” Playfully shaking his head, Bright Macintosh replied, “You know the rules. We read it all together.” Granny Smith nodded as she added, “That’s right. Now come on now, this mail ain’t gonna open itself.”

The Farmhouse…

As the three Apples gathered around each other, Granny Smith asked, “So, what’s first?” Bright Macintosh presented the first letter; a simple letter from the bank. The family matriarch let out a gentle chuckle as she remarked, “Ah’m gonna go on a limb and say it’s just a bank statement?” Sure enough, once the letter was opened, it was proven to indeed be little more than a regular bank statement.

As the trio continued to open the mail, Granny Smith found that the simple practice of doing so together was one of the best parts of her day. After Ironhide had been drafted, the Apples worried that Bright Macintosh would also be pressed into the military. While it never actually happened (Something Granny Smith was eternally thankful for), the family had grown accustomed to opening the mail together. After all, it brought everyone together at the end of the grueling work days on the farm.

Tonight, much like every other night for the last few years, the opening of mail was relatively uneventful. There was the already opened bank notice, random coupons for local businesses, several letters that could only be described as “spam” mail, and a package from Apple Fritter. All in all, an entirely uneventful haul to cap off an uneventful day.

Except for one letter addressed to Granny Smith.

“Huh.” The family matriarch remarked as she picked up this lone, seemingly insignificant letter. “Wonder who this is from.” As she inspected the envelope, the elder woman she couldn’t find too much that gave away who it was from.

At least until Pear Butter spoke up, “Hey, I recognize that.” The younger woman pointed to the corner of the envelope, specifically where it showed the sender’s address, and remarked, “This is from Allspark Wells.”

The moment those words escaped his wife’s lips, Bright Macintosh groaned, “Oh, for fuck’s sake!” He then stood up and began to storm off, only for Granny Smith to chastise him with a stern, “Now you come right back here right now young man.” As her son made his way back towards his mother and wife, Bright Mac complained, “Really Mom? You know it’s from that backstabbin’ killer!”

Indeed, there were only two people any of the Apples knew who would be living in Allspark Wells; Ironhide and Chromia. Granny Smith could only sigh in resignation as she began to open the envelope. As she did, she warned, “Now you listen here Bright Mac. If Ironhide or Chromia are willin’ to reach out to us after what you did, then Ah think we owe it to them to listen to what they have to say.” Pear Butter then rested a hand on her husband’s shoulder as she pleaded, “Please?”

Rolling his eyes, Bright Macintosh dejectedly replied, “Alright.” Once he was seated again, Granny Smith smiled as she finished opening the envelope and pulling out its contents; a small folded card with a white layered cake on it. Once she opened it, the family matriarch read the words that would surprise everyone.

You are Cordially invited to the wedding of Ironhide and Chromia.

As Granny Smith finished reading the invitation, Pear Butter lit up with joy as she exclaimed, “Oh mah goodness! Chromia and Ironhide are gettin’ married!” She then leapt up to wiggle with joy as she continued, “Ah can’t believe it! They’re finally tyin’ the knot!” As she watched her daughter in law dance with unbridled glee, Granny Smith couldn’t help but remark to herself, “Well what do you know? Ah’m just shocked they didn’t do it sooner.”

On the other hand, Bright Mac shook his head as he growled, “Well, la dee frickin’ da!” As Granny Smith and Pear Butter turned to face him, the young man continued, “Ah get it, they’re gettin’ married, and for anyone else Ah’d be happy. It’s just…. I have a problem with vipers.”

Pear Butter sighed as she tried asked, “So Granny Smith, when’s the weddin’?” Looking back at the invitation, the green woman answered, “Says here it’s in two weeks. That should give us plenty of…..”
“No!” Bright Macintosh bluntly interrupted. “Ah’m not goin’ anywhere near that backstabbin’, two-timin’ jackass!” As everyone took in what he just said, the yellow man continued, “You heard what he did! He turned on that Prime guy!”

Walking up to her husband, Pear Butter defiantly replied, “You know it was more complicated than that!” Rather than listen to his wife, Bright Mac simply remarked, “Hey, you know what they say about those who betray their masters.”

Unable to take watching her son and daughter-in-law arguing, Granny Smith stepped in between them and ordered, “Now you two stop barkin’ at each other right now!” Once both Bright Mac and Pear Butter had calmed down, the older woman continued, “Now listen here. Ah know that things are tense between you and Ironhide, but it looks like that, he and Chromia invited you to their weddin’. Ah think that the least all of us can do is be there for ‘em.”

Rather than even consider what his mother had said, Bright Mac rolled his eyes, rose up to his feet, and stormed off, leaving both Pear Butter and Granny Smith shocked. Before he could even get to the stairwell, Ms. Smith angrily called out, “Don’t you walk off on me young man!”

Turning to face his mother, Bright Mac shot back, “No! Ah’m done with him! End of story!” Growing increasingly frustrated, Granny Smith couldn’t help but bark, “Stop actin’ like a spoilt brat!”

Taking in what she’d just called him, Bright Macintosh stomped off somewhere to let out all of the built up rage welling inside him. Once he was gone, Pear Butter rose up and ran after him, calling out, “Bright Mac! Wait up!”

Now that she was alone, Granny Smith turned her attention to the invitation that now rested on the wooden floor. Bending down to pick it up, she sighed as she said to herself, “At least Ah can be there for you Ironhide.” With that, she made her way to the kitchen, hoping that preparing dinner would distract her from the thought of her son’s tantrum.

Allspark Wells, Two Weeks Later….

As she drove down the streets of Allspark Wells, Granny Smith couldn’t help but remark, “Gotta say, Ironhide certainly found himself in quite the ideal little corner of the world.” Indeed, everywhere she looked, the Apple matriarch found herself taken by the beauty of the small town. Everywhere she looked, she found buildings made of a golden-yellow metal or was colored in paint of the same color. All in all, it kind of reminded her of the cities of the old science fiction movies she grew up on.

After a few minutes, Granny Smith made her way to her destination; a local church of sorts. “Looks like the place.” She said to herself as she began to park her car. Once it had been parked, she took a deep breath as she pepped herself up with a simple, “Alright, time to set things right.”

As she exited her car, Granny Smith couldn’t help but lament the fact that she’d come alone. Just as she expected, Bright Macintosh refused to attend. Unfortunately, this also extended to Pear Butter as well. While the former Pear desired to attend the wedding, she felt that she needed to stand by her husband, a decision that her mother-in-law didn’t exactly agree with, but at least understood.

And so, here she was, in a town she’d never been to, attending the wedding of a young man who could only be described as an estranged son.

Making her way up to the church, the Apple family matriarch was surprised to see a lime green man with a dark brown beard in a wheelchair waiting next to the stairwell. As she closed the distance, she heard the man complain, “Oh bloody hell! The only way inside just had to be up feckin’ stairs!”

Approaching the disabled man, Granny Smith asked, “You need a hand there?” Turning to face her, the man replied, “I’d appreciate it very much.” Taking a moment to inspect the stairs, the Apple matriarch took a deep breath as she warned, “Alright, brace yourself.”

With a mighty huff, Granny Smith lifted the wheelchair with both of her arms and carried it up the stairwell. Once she sat it down on the ground, she apologized, “Sorry about that.” The green man raised his hand as he reassured her, “Don’t worry about it ma’am. Just a part of dealin’ with this piece of crap.” He then lit up as he continued, “Oh, where are my manners? The name’s Crosshairs.”

The Apple matriarch gave a confirming nod as she introduced herself, “Well, how do you do? Ah’m Granny Smith.” The moment those words escaped her lips, Crosshair’s eyes widened as he spoke up, “Wait a mo! I know you! You’re like Ironhide’s mum or somethin’!” Granny Smith hesitated for a moment before explaining, “Well, not literally, but Ah’ve practically known him since he was in diapers.”

At that moment, a new voice, one deep and gruff, called out, “There you are!” Both Granny Smith and Crosshairs turned to see who it was, only to be greeted by the sight of a large, potbellied man with light yellow green skin, a dark green beard and hair, and a cigar in his mouth approaching them. Rolling his wheelchair up to the large man, Crosshairs let out a gentle chuckle as he quipped, “Good to see you Hound. Still keepin’ the blubber I take it?”

The large man, Hound if Granny Smith heard correctly, let out a hardy laugh as he replied, “You better believe it! I’ve already come close to turning into a skeleton once in my life, and I’m not chancing it again.” As he finished, Hound realized he and Crosshairs were not alone.

Turning to face Granny Smith, the large bearded man introduced himself with, “Hello there. Who are you?” The older woman replied, “Ah’m Granny Smith. Ah’m associate of both the bride and the groom.” It took Hound a moment to realize who she was, but once it clicked, the large man replied, “Oh yeah! Ironhide used to talk about you. Spoke very highly of you if I might add.”

As Granny Smith took in this revelation, she heard another voice, this one deep and very familiar to her, call out, “Why, if it isn’t Ms. Smith herself.” Turning around to see who it was, the green woman found a man with dark black skin, light gray hair, and blue eyes dressed in a tuxedo approaching her as he continued, “It’s been quite a while hasn’t it?”

Smiling, the Apple matriarch extended her hand as she replied, “Good to see you Armorhide.” The dark man grasped her hand as he continued, “I’ll say. I didn’t even think you were going to be here.” Armorhide then began to scan the room before asking, “What about your kids? Where’s Bright Mac and Pear Butter?”

“They ain’t here.” Granny Smith solemnly replied as she shook her head. “Bright Mac still has that bug up his ass about….” She wanted to continue, but the green Apple couldn’t will herself to.

Armorhide nodded as he dejectedly apologized, “I’m sorry about that.” Comforted by his reassurance, Granny Smith replied, “Thank you. Maybe someday they’ll get along again.” As Armorhide pulled back his hand, Crosshairs asked, “So, if you don’t mind me askin’, who are you?”

Turning to face the man in the wheelchair, the dark man gently answered, “My name is Armorhide. My son is the groom.”

Both Crosshairs and Hound found their jaws dropping as the latter couldn’t help but say, “Wow. If Ironhide is anything like you, I don’t wanna piss you off.” As both men awkwardly gulped, Granny Smith couldn’t help but smile as she added, “you better believe it sonny. If anyone could ever get through his head, It was this loveable lug here.”

Turning back to face Armorhide, the green woman asked, “So, where is he?” The black man let out a gentle chuckle as he replied, “He’s still getting ready. I think the realization of what’s happening today is finally hitting him.” Taking a deep breath, Granny Smith asked, “An’ Chromia?” Armorhide shook his head as he replied, “Same.”

At that moment, Armorhide lit up as he quickly added, “Oh, there’s some people you’ve gotta meet.” He then extended his arm as he playfully asked, “May I?” Deciding to play along, Granny Smith took his hand as she replied, “Ah’d appreciate that very much.”

A Few Minutes Later…

Making their way deeper into the church, Armorhide brought Granny Smith towards four people she’d never met before. One was an older gray man with bright blue hair, one was a younger gray man with dark hair and circular glasses, one was a man in between the former two’s ages fidgeting with the tie around his neck, and the final was an older red woman who was trying to straighten the third man’s suit jacket.

As the two newcomers closed the distance, the maroon woman fussed, “Just look at you Ratchet. You’re a mess. What did you do without me while you were in the army?” The man she was trying to help, Ratchet if Granny Smith heard correctly, whined, “Mother. Not in front of my friends.” This remark led to the younger man with glasses to giggle, only for the blue haired man to sternly scold, “Stop that snickerin’ Wheeljack! You’re supposed to be on best behavior.” Sighing, the young man could only meekly apologize, “Sorry dad.”

Making his way towards the quartet, Armorhide interrupted everyone with a gentle, “Hey everyone! I’ve got the mother of the groom here!” The eldest man and the red woman approached her as the former extended his hand as he introduced himself, “Oh good, you’re here. Me name’s Que.” As Granny Smith shook his hand, the other woman spoke up, “Oh good! Company! My name is Misses Gasket, and my son Ratchet here served with Ironhide.”

Turning to face Gasket, the Apple matriarch introduced herself, “It’s an honor to meet you. Ah’m Granny Smith.” Queue then asked, “My. If you don’t mind me sayin’ so, you don’t seem old enough to be a grandmother.” This seemingly innocent remark was met with a disappointed scowl from everyone around him, followed by his son Wheeljack replying, “Hey, you always told me that wasn’t something you said to a lady.” The young man turned to Granny Smith and apologized, “Sorry about dad. He has a habit of saying whatever comes to his mind.”

Intrigued, Granny Smith asked, “So, Ah take it you and Ironhide served together?” Nodding, Wheeljack replied, “Well, I’d say it was less “we served together” and more “He’s the reason Ratchet here and I are alive.”” The Apple matriarch let out an amused chuckle as she quipped, “Then what about the other two fellas Ah just met? Two young men named Hound and Crosshairs if Ah reckon.”

Wheeljack and Ratchet immediately darted off, with the former calling out, “Whoa. We better make sure everything is alright with Crosshairs.” Once the two younger men were gone, Queue focused his attention back on Granny Smith as he asked, “So, I heard you an’ Ironhide had a wee fallin’ out. Is it true?”

Sighing, the Apple family matriarch nodded as she explained, “In a nutshell, kinda. To be more exact….” Pausing for a moment, she explained “Long story short, Ironhide got caught up in that whole “Hamlet incident” thing and…. Mah son Bright Macintosh didn’t take it well. We were all strugglin’ to process what happened and Ah…” Starting to feel her voice crack, she finished, “Ah just stood by and let it all happen.”

Gasket nodded as she replied, “It’s horrible isn’t it? Even before all of this, Ratchet lost his medical license because he refused to deny help to wounded prisoners.” As Granny Smith took this in, Queue added, “Aye. An’ poor Wheeljack…. I had to smuggle him out of our hometown because our neighbors came demandin’ his head on a pike.”

Struggling to keep herself together, Granny Smith finished with, “And that’s why Ah’m here. Ah wanna make it up to the boy Ah watched grow up.” To her surprise, Queue rested a hand on her shoulder as he reassured her, “Don’t worry about it. When he sees you, I bet he’ll so happy he won’t care about any misgivings.”

At that moment, Armorhide’s voice called out with an excited, “Hey, They’re starting to usher guests in!” As everyone began to make their way towards the chapel, all the Apple matriarch could think to herself was, ‘Ah sure hope this ends well.’

The Chapel, A Short While Later….

To say that Granny Smith found herself overcome with emotion would be an understatement. The green woman found herself seated in one of the many benches in the chapel as people gathered around her. To her immediate left was Armorhide, a satisfied smile on his face. And to her right was the young Ratchet, who was straightening his tie as his mother Gasket fussed over his hair. However, none of that was registering to her, as all of her attention was focused on one thing in particular.

Because there, standing nervously at the end of the aisle, was Ironhide.

‘It’s really him.’ Granny Smith thought to herself as she stared at the young man who was, in all but blood, her son. Indeed, the former soldier was wearing a black tuxedo with a double breasted coat. ‘He looks so different.’ She continued to think. His hair had faded in color, and if the Apple matriarch’s eyes weren’t deceiving her, his face was starting to show signs of wrinkles, something she knew he was too young to have. But even then, the mere fact that he seemed so happy (if nervous) made Granny Smith’s heart soar.

She was so overcome with a combination of joy and fear that she barely recognized that Armorhide was trying to get her attention with a gentle, “You alright there?” Turning to face her friend, Granny Smith replied, “Ah’m doin’ fine. Just….” Refocusing her attention to Ironhide, she continued, “Guess Ah’m worried Ah’ll cause an uproar if he sees me.”

Thankfully, Armorhide gently reassured her, “If He and Chromia were willing to invite you guys, then I think he’s at least willing to talk.” Granny Smith sighed as she replied, “Thanks. Guess Ah’m just overthinkin’ everythin’.”

Before either parent could say anything else, the sound of music began to ring throughout the great hall. Granny Smith found her eyes darting to the other side of the chapel, where she found a string quartet playing a gentle melody. ‘Certainly got a good taste in music.” She thought to herself as the quartet continued their song. Of course, just as she was growing accustomed to the music, Granny Smith was distracted by the sound of people gasping in amazement and delight.

Turning around to face the rear of the chapel, she found Chromia, dressed in an impossibly beautiful sleeveless wedding dress. To the bride’s side was a man that Granny Smith didn’t entirely recognize, but she quickly figured was most likely her father. As Chromia and her father made their way down the aisle, the chapel grew silent with anticipation. Once they’d made their way to the altar, Chromia advanced forward and found herself standing across from her soon to be husband.

At this moment, a balding man with dark green skin and bright red eyes walked up to the couple as he began to speak to the crowd. “Gathered friends….” He began as he raised his hands. “Today, we are gathered here to celebrate the unity of two sparks.” That phrase had certainly intrigued Granny Smith. Leaning up to Armorhide, she asked, “Sparks?” The dark man whispered back, “Same thing as soul.”

As the Apple matriarch nodded, the man at the altar continued, “Indeed. For these are not any sparks, but the sparks of two people who have known each other their entire lives, and with Primus’s grace, will stand together until the end of time. For when sparks unite, the universe rejoices.”

The man then turned to Chromia as he asked, “Chromia, do you take this man to be your husband? To love him and hold him close from now until death?” The young woman gave an impossibly large smile as she enthusiastically answered, “I do.”

Satisfied, the green man turned to Ironhide and asked, “And do you, Ironhide, take this woman to be your wife? To hold her close to you, from now until death?” The former soldier nodded as, with a large smile of his own, he answered, “I do.”

And so, as Ironhide and Chromia exchanged their rings, the bald man finished with a warm, “And now, with the power vested in me, in the name of the state of Cybertron, and with the blessing of Primus himself, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” He then turned to Ironhide and said, “Congratulations. You may kiss the bride.”

With those last five words, Ironhide and Chromia shared a passionate kiss, their first as a married couple.

As everyone applauded, Granny Smith found herself tearing up as she was overcome with joy. ‘Ah swear, they’re just like Bright Mac and Pear Butter.’ She thought to herself. And as the two newlyweds made their way back down the aisle, all the Apple family matriarch could feel was the sheer unbridled joy of watching two kids she’d seen grown up pass her by, hand in hand and sporting massive smiles on their faces.

Of course, the day wasn’t over yet. There was still the reception to attend, and with any luck, Granny Smith would be able to give her congratulations to her surrogate son before the sun had set.

The Reception, A Short While Later…

Making her way through the crowd of party goers, Granny Smith struggled to find Ironhide and Chromia. ‘You’d think they’d be right in the middle of things!’ She thought to herself as found herself lost in the sea of guests. So far she’d encountered two nearly identical twins named Blackout and Grindor, a yellow man named Impactor, and even a few reunions with Armorhide, Queue, and Gasket.

And then, just as the thought of giving up began to enter her mind, she found him. There, right across from her and clear as daylight, was Ironhide, chatting with a pale white man with blue hair. ‘Guess this is it.’ The Apple matriarch thought. ‘It’s now or never.’ With that, she began to approach him. As she got closer, she heard the pale man say, “Optimus spoke highly of you.”

“He said the same of you Ultra Magnus.” Ironhide solemnly replied. As Granny Smith slowly approached, The pale man continued, “I just wish he could be here.”

“Ironhide?” Granny Smith nervously asked.

All noise stopped as the newly married man turned to face the Apple family matriarch. For what seemed like an eternity, both Ironhide and Granny Smith stood there, not entirely able to process what was happening. Thankfully, Chromia began to walk up to the green woman as she asked, “Granny Smith? Is that you?”

As Granny Smith nodded, Ironhide began to approach her as he remarked, “I can’t believe it.” Closing the distance, he continued, “It’s been a long time.” Nodding, the Apple Matriarch replied, “Ah know. Five years?” The newly married man sighed as he answered, “Yes.”

For several more moments, no one said anything else. Granny Smith found it was impossible to tell what was on Ironhide’s mind. Would he still be angry? Would he still hold a grudge over her inability to keep Bright Mac under control?

Finally taking a deep breath, Granny Smith began, “Look Ironhide, Ah wanna say Ah’m sorry for…..” She was interrupted by something that she didn’t expect to happen.

Ironhide simply made his way up to her and wrapped her in a tight hug as he admitted, “I’ve missed you.” Feeling overcome by emotion, the Apple family matriarch hugged her surrogate son back as she replied, “Ah’ve missed you too.”

Later That Night…

Ironhide, Chromia, and Granny Smith found themselves seated alone in one of the church’s private rooms as they caught up on what everyone had been up to. The two newlyweds revealed that in the morning, they would be leaving for their honeymoon in Ireland, something that caught the green woman’s attention. “Ireland?” Granny Smith inquired. “That’s mighty far from here. Hope you kids didn’t bankrupt yourselves for it.”

Chromia raised her hand as she reassured her, “Don’t worry. We found a place in Galway that’s nice and quiet and out of the way. Just the two of us.” As she leaned against her new husband, Ironhide continued, “And I wouldn’t have it any other way.” As Granny Smith nodded, the former soldier added, “That and recently we hit payday when we found out we could melt down our scrap metal into useable metal.”

Intrigued, Granny Smith asked, “Ah take it this is at that junkyard you bought?” Nodding, Ironhide answered, “Yeah. It’s not too much, but it’s ours. And now that we’ve had some time to get used to the place….” He then took a deep breath as he admitted, “We’re thinking of having a kid.”

“A child?” Granny Smith asked. Chromia nodded as she replied, “Yup. I know it might seem kind of odd for mechanics to have a kid but…” The Apple matriarch interrupted with a gentle, “If you two are set on havin’ a child, then Ah say that you two are gonna be great parents.” Thankful they had received her “blessing,” Ironhide gave a gentle, “Thank you.”

After a few moments, however, the mood turned sour when Granny Smith said, “Ah tried to get him here.” As both Ironhide and Chromia shared concerned looks, the green woman continued, “Ah know that things are tense between you and Bright Mac and….”

Raising his hand, Ironhide gently interrupted, “It’s alright.” As Granny Smith processed what she just heard, the former soldier explained, “Look, I’m not going to sugarcoat this, but….” Pausing for a moment, he continued, “I don’t think things will ever be the same again. What he said about me….” Starting to tear up, he finished with a defeated, “I don’t know if I can forgive that.”

Sighing, Granny Smith apologized, “Ah’m sorry Ah couldn’t stop him, and Ah’m sorry Ah let you down.” As she began to break down into tears, Ironhide rested a hand on her shoulder as he reassured her, “It’s alright.” As the older woman took this in, Ironhide reassured her, “For what it’s worth, I don’t hold anything against you anymore.”

All restraint left Granny Smith as she threw herself towards the young man she considered her second son as she wrapped him in a tight embrace. Hugging her back, Ironhide couldn’t help but let out a gentle and playful, “It’s alright mom.”

Once they’d finished their hug, Chromia asked, “So Ironhide, don’t you have something you want to give her?” Letting out a gentle chuckle, Ironhide answered, “Of course.” He then reached into his pocket and pulled something out; a purple heart medal.

Taking one last look at the medal, Ironhide said, “This is something I want you to have.” Extending his hand to Granny Smith, he added, “Think of this as little piece of me.”

Hesitating for a moment, Granny Smith tried to refuse the medal, saying, “Ah can’t accept this.” Ironhide gently reassured her, “Don’t worry. I’ve got like twenty of these.” Finally giving in, the green woman accepted the simple medal as she thanked him, “Ah’ll keep this safe.”

At that moment, the sound of a cuckoo clock ringing caught everyone’s attention. Turning to face the clock, Granny Smith was surprised to see that it was now ten in the evening. Sighing to herself, she apologized, “Sorry to do this, but Ah better be headin’ back home.” She then took another deep breath as she added, “Thanks for invitin’ me.”

As everyone stood up, Ironhide replied, “It was our pleasure.” Chromia then added, “And if you’re ever in Allspark Wells, you know where to find us.” Granny Smith nodded as she gave a simple, “Thank you.” Before she left, however, Ironhide gave a final, “Take care.” Granny Smith replied with one final nod as she replied, “You as well.”

And with that, Granny Smith and Ironhide parted ways, their paths not to meet again for a long time.

Sweet Apple Acres, Present Day…

As Granny Smith finished her story, Big Macintosh asked, “So, when you an’ Ironhide met again, was it when he and dad finally made up?” Nodding, the elderly woman answered, “Yup. But things were never the same. Both Ironhide and your Pa were grown men who’d lived different lives, but they were able to focus more on what could be, rather than what was.”

Big Macintosh immediately asked, “And that was when Uncle Ironhide offered the favor?” Nodding, Granny Smith answered, “Yup. He said if there was anythin’ we needed, he’d do it, no questions asked.” The young man then sighed as he asked, “And then we called it in?”

Nodding, Granny Smith answered, “Yeah. We did.” She then rested her hand on his shoulder as she reassured him, “But knowin’ Apple Bloom, Ah think she’s doin’ just fine.”

At that moment, Granny Smith asked, “Now then, you mine helpin’ your granny get dinner ready?” Big Mac let out a gentle, “Ah don’t mind at all.” And so, grandmother and grandson left to begin the preparation for dinner.

And neither of them noticed that, nestled on a shelf with family photographs, was a Purple Heart medal, one that had been given by Ironhide all those years ago.

Author's Note:

Next Time; While at Equestria Land, Applejack and her friends meet an old man who tells them the tale of two squabbling princes. A tale Applejack will find hits too close to home.

Author's Note; To those who notice the hints, remember that Ironhide has met two men named "Prime" in his life.

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