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Marble and Sideswipe

As the Apple Blooms

Part 60; Marble and Sideswipe

As the sound of a rooster’s caw rang out from the horizon, the sun began its daily rise above the quiet town of Allspark Wells. For most people, the rising sun was a sign that it was a new day, and it was time to get out of bed and begin the day. Whether this meant it was running their gym, patrolling the streets, curating the local geology museum, or for one family, scrapping rusting vehicles and melting them down into scrap metal.

But as the sun began to enter one girl’s room, a groggy Sideswipe groaned as she complained, “Ugh, someone tell the sun to bugger off.” She then took her pillow and placed it over her head in a vain attempt to get some more sleep.

After a few more seconds, someone began to knock on the door. Finally accepting that she needed to get up, Sideswipe raised her hand as she muttered, “Ok, ok. I’m getting up.” Eventually, the pale biker managed to push herself off of her bed and made her way up to her door and opened it, revealing none other than her new sister, Apple Bloom.

“Mornin’ Sideswipe!” The former farm girl cheerfully greeted her sister. As the pale biker sleepily blinked, Apple Bloom energetically asked, “Ready for another day?”

Giving her sister an exhausted glare, Sideswipe replied, “Does it look like I’m ready?” Apple Bloom hesitated for a moment before awkwardly answering, “Uh, not exactly?” She then added, “Well either way, better get ready or Uncle Ironhide might jump your case.”

Letting out a small sigh, Sideswipe remarked, “Fine, but I’d like to get ready in private.” She then shot her sister a smirk as she replied, “It’d be kinda awkward if you…. You know….” As she finished, Apple Bloom began to fluster as she said, “Good point.” She then backed up, allowing the pale biker to close the door.

After a few minutes, Sideswipe had changed out of her pajamas and into her outfit for the day; Black tank top, red vest, red pants, and black biker boots. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, the pale biker shot her reflection a wink with two finger guns as she clicked her tongue and quipped, “Lookin’ good.”

As she straightened her vest, the young biker said to herself, “Ok. Let’s do this.” With that, she made her way out of her bedroom and down towards the kitchen.

The Kitchen…

Entering the kitchen, Sideswipe was greeted by the sound of Wheeljack’s voice remarking, “Looks like someone’s finally up.” Rolling her eyes, the pale biker quipped, “Good morning to you too Mr. Wheeljack.” Sure enough, the maverick mechanic was already fixing up some coffee for the other adults. Turning around to face her, Wheeljack asked, “So kid, you mind helping with breakfast?”

Shrugging, Sideswipe answered, “What do you need me to do?” Wheeljack answered, “You mind fixing some eggs? I’d do it myself, but the boss says I keep burning them.” From the other side of the kitchen, Ironhide called out, “Because you do.” The maverick mechanic called back, “It was only one time, and it was because they had gone bad!”

As the two men continued their banter, Sideswipe couldn’t help but think to herself, ‘I’ve missed having something like this.’ After her father went mad and her brother Sun Streaker ran off, she’d forgotten what it was like to have a family. For years, Sideswipe had to look out for herself, struggling to keep food in her belly and fuel in her bike.

Of course, this had its own problems. The necessity to provide for her father forced Sideswipe to drop out of school, something that, despite her appearance, was something she treasured. It also didn’t help that Red Alert’s madness continued to grow and intensify, and his paranoia convinced him his own daughter was plotting something against him.

In the end, it was probably a blessing in disguise that Red Alert finally struck her. While the shock and pain still haunted her, there was no doubt that his actions led to Sideswipe informing Ironhide and Apple Bloom. Now she had something that she hadn’t known for several years; a family.

Sideswipe was so lost in her train of thought that she barely registered Ratchet trying to get her attention. “Hello! Earth to Sideswipe!” The older man remarked. Finally snapping back to the present, the pale biker replied, “Oh, sorry about that! Better start on the eggs.” As she tried to make her way to the stove, however, the medic stopped her as he informed her, “Actually, you’ve got a call from Beachcomber.”

Confused, Sideswipe pointed to herself as she asked, “For me?” Nodding, Ratchet replied, “Yeah. I think you’re gonna like this.” He then handed the younger girl the phone as he gave her a knowing look. The pale biker could only playfully roll her eyes as she brought the phone to her ears as she asked, “Hello?”

Rather than Beachcomber’s voice, however, Sideswipe was greeted by the soft voice of Marble Pie saying, “Hey Sideswipe.” The moment she heard that voice, the pale biker began to blush as she replied, “Uh, Hey Marble. What’s up?” The young geologist replied, “Well, Mr. Beachcomber is busy with some investors today, so I was wondering if you wanted to, I dunno, hang out?”

Feeling her face grow red, Sideswipe asked, “You wanna hang out with me? What about Apple Bloom?” Marble replied, “I was, uh…. Kinda wondering if it could just be the two of us.” As the realization of what she was suggesting hit her, Sideswipe asked, “Are you asking me out on a date?”

From the other end of the line, she could hear Marble start to blabber as she awkwardly answered, “I don’t know about “date,” but it’d be nice to do something.” Giving in to her growing excitement, Sideswipe gleefully replied, “YES YES YES!” Marble’s voice replied, “Great! See you later today?” The pale biker immediately answered, “You bet! Just let me finish all my chores over here!” With everything done, the phone hang up, leaving the young girl process what had just happened.

Marble Pie, the girl she had a crush on, had invited her to hang out.

Turning around, Sideswipe found that everyone was giving her knowing looks. Apple Bloom was the first to speak up with a playful, “Looks like someone just got asked out.” As the pale biker began to scratch the back of her neck while blushing, Chromia added, “Well isn’t that just lovely.” She then turned to Ironhide and asked, “You think she can go?”

Pausing for a moment, the family patriarch smiled as he answered, “Alright, she can go.” He then added, “Just make sure to finish your normal chores.” Sideswipe lit up with happiness as she hugged the older man and squealed, “Thank you Ironhide.” Though momentarily caught off guard, Ironhide hugged her back as he replied, “No problem kid.”

From behind her, Sideswipe heard the mechanically filtered voice of Wreck-Gar call out, “Sounds like you’ve got quite the day ahead of you.” Turning around as she released Ironhide, the pale biker found a certain cycloptic robot was approaching her as he continued, “Of course we’ll need to make you presentable.” He then retracted his right hand, replacing it with a can of deodorant and began to spray her (much to her embarrassment) as he continued, “Let’s make you presentable. All shiny, spick and spam, certainly more appealing to nasal glands.” Needless to say, Sideswipe found these attempts to freshen her up somewhat annoying.

Once Wreck-Gar had released her, Ironhide spoke up, “Alright everyone. We’re burning daylight here.” With that, everyone resumed their normal breakfast duties, all while Sideswipe found herself unable to contain her excitement as she began to plan out what she had in mind for today.

Allspark Wells Geology Museum, Two Hours Later…

Pulling up to the museum, Sideswipe found herself starting to do something she rarely ever did; internally panic. ‘Come on girl, nothing to worry about you.’ She thought to herself as she removed her helmet. ‘Just you and the cute girl you like hanging out. No reason to panic.’ Of course, it didn’t help that this time, it would just be the two of them with no Apple Bloom. Shaking her head, the pale biker chastised herself, “Get a hold of yourself.”

Making her way up to the museum’s door, Sideswipe was pleasantly surprised to see a very familiar gray girl with hair that obscured one of her eyes appear and begin to walk over her. Squealing with joy, Marble greeted, “Sideswipe!” She then wrapped the pale biker in a tight hug, one which the latter was more than happy to return just as tightly.

Once they’d finished, Sideswipe allowed herself to notice Marble’s outfit. The pale geologist was wearing a dark gray sleeveless dress that went down to just above her knees, Black riding boots, gray plaid socks, a black choker, and of course, her new brand leather jacket. Feeling her face turn red, the (normally) pale biker couldn’t help but compliment, “You… Uh…. Look nice.”

Scuffing her feet, Marble performed a simple curtsey as she replied, “Thanks. I wanted to try and match you. You know, feel a little punkish?” She then began to blush as she added, “And if I may, you look pretty.” Sideswipe couldn’t help but turn redder than her vest as she replied, “I… Eh…. You don’t mean that.” Before she could say anything else, Marble took her hand and, holding it in her own hands, reassured her, “I’m serious. You’re actually kinda cute.”

After a few moments of awkward silence, Marble released Sideswipe’s hand as she asked, “So…. Did you have any plans for today?” The pale biker answered, “Well, I do have a few ideas. Though I do have to warn you, they might be a bit, you know, outside your comfort zone.” The gray geologist nodded as she replied, “I suspected. But I figured that if I’m gonna go out of my comfort zone, I might as well do it with someone like you.”

Giving her crush a reassuring smile, Sideswipe extended her hand as she asked, “In that case, follow me m’lady.” Marble blushed as she took her hand and allowed the pale biker to escort her to her motorcycle. Once there, Sideswipe pulled the spare helmet out of the side car and handed it to Marble as she said, “You’re gonna need this.”

Marble accepted the helmet and, after strapping it on, remarked, “You know, I’ve never been on a motorcycle before.” Resting a hand on her shoulder, Sideswipe reassured her, “Don’t worry. There’s a first time for everything.” The gray girl then sat down in the side car as the pale biker mounted the bike and revved it up. With that, the two teens were off on their little adventure.

A Few Minutes Later…

Slowing her bike down as they began to park, Sideswipe turned to Marble and asked, “So, what did you think of your first time on a motorcycle?” The gray girl enthusiastically replied, “It was AWESOME!” As Sideswipe finally parked her bike, Marble continued, “It’s like having your own personal rollercoaster!”

Stepping off of the bike, Sideswipe replied, “I know. Personally, I find that this girl here is like the ultimate form of freedom.” Pausing for a moment, she began to caress the vehicle as she continued, “After dad went crazy, this girl here was about the only thing I had to look forward to. I even considered just running off at one point.” Turning back to Marble, she finished, “Of course, if I had, I’d have never met Apple Bloom or even you.”

As Sideswipe helped her out of the sidecar, Marble asked, “So, where are we?” The pale biker replied, “Well, after Apple Bloom said you liked video games, I figured you might kinda like a place like this.” She then pointed to the building in front of them; a corner shop that had a bright sign above the door that read “Cyberland Arcade.” All in all, it was something that gave an odd sense of warmth and begged for people to enter its halls.

Extending her hand, Sideswipe asked, “Shall we?” A blushing Marble took her hand as she replied, “I’d be honored.” With that, both girls made their way into the arcade.

Cyberland Arcade

Entering through the front double doors, Marble was pleasantly surprised by just how intricately detailed everything was. There were rows and rows of arcade machines, ranging from retro machines that had to be decades old to brand new ones, classic games like skee-ball and air hockey, weird machines that looked like they were props from an old sci-fi movie, and at least a few ticket counters next to a prize stand. And all of this was nestled within dark blue walls decorated with murals of robots, cyborgs, and futuristic cites under dark lights gave the impression that this was no mere arcade, but rather an outpost from the not too distant future.

Leaning into her friend, Sideswipe asked, “So, what do you think?” The gray girl took everything in before, giving a small smile, she replied, “It’s pretty cool.” She then sheepishly apologized, “Sorry if that sounded a bit disappointed. I have trouble showing emotion.” The pale biker reassured her, “It’s alright. After dealing with dad, anything that isn’t paranoid anger is music to my ears.” She then reached into her pocket and pulled out two rolls of quarters as she asked, “Now then, where do you wanna start?”

Scanning the rows of arcade machines, Marble pointed to the farthest row and suggested, “How about over there?” Sideswipe nodded as she answered, “Your wish is my command.” She then led her crush towards the first aisle.

Making their way past the various games, Sideswipe asked, “See anything?” Marble hesitated for a moment before she found something; a game that featured footage of an abnormally large velociraptor. Intrigued, she asked, “What about that one?” Noticing her friend’s choice, Sideswipe replied, “Oh yeah! That one.” She then shot her a mischievous smirk as she asked, “I wonder why?” Marble could only playfully roll her eyes as both girls made their way up to the machine.

It was only once they got closer that Marble noticed there was no joystick on the arcade game. Instead, there were two plastic devices shaped like pistols attached to long back cables. Picking up one of them, the gray girl asked, “Uh, what’s this?”

Picking up the other device, Sideswipe explained, “These are called light guns.” She then pointed it at the screen as she explained, “You shoot this at things on the screen.” Pondering on this, Marble held the light gun closer to her as she remarked, “Ooh. Never played one of these before.”

Sideswipe then pointed to the screen as she added, “And I think you might appreciate this.” Marble turned to the screen to find that it was showing how the game worked; the player would shoot at any dinosaurs on the screen and shoot off screen to reload. What caught her attention was the sentence on the lower half that read “Shoot with the tranquilizer gun.” Sideswipe then quipped, “Apparently a lot of games claim that you use tranquilizer guns.”

Once this little detail was explained, the pale biker asked, “So, shall we?” Giving her a playful smirk, Marble replied, “You bet.” Having received an answer, Sideswipe opened one of her rolls of quarters and began to insert them into the machine.

Once enough quarters were inserted, a brief cutscene began to play on the machine’s monitor, showing two explorers carrying rifles approaching another man who warned, “They wiped us out! You’ve got to find the others.” The view then changed to show a triceratops falling over as several raptors darted across the screen. Turning to face her friend, Sideswipe asked, “You ready?” Marble gave a confident smile as she replied, “I was born ready.”

Thirty Minutes Later…

“Look out!” Sideswipe warned as the green T-Rex lunged at them. As the virtual dinosaur closed the distance, Marble steadied her aim and delivered one final shot, felling the emerald creature once and for all. Now all that was left was to enjoy the game’s credits, the pale girl turned to Marble as she squealed, “That was awesome! You’re a natural!”

Indeed, as the two girls made their way through their virtual adventure, it was clear that, despite her seemingly innocent exterior and inexperience, Marble was a natural at light gun games. ‘Heck, she’s got even better aim than me.’ Sideswipe thought to herself. As they set their guns back into the machine, the pale girl complimented, “Seriously, you were a natural!” Marble wrapped her in a quick hug as she replied, “Thanks. It was a lot of fun.”

Once she released her, she asked, “So what else is in here?”

A Short While Later…

The two girls continued their trek through the arcade, enjoying the variety of several machines that were in store before. There was another light gun game (this one featuring zombie aliens), some racing games, a crane game that Sideswipe swore was rigged, and even an odd auto-scrolling platformer among others. All in all, both girls were having fun.

As they walked, Sideswipe took Marble’s hand and remarked, “Hey, how about that?” She then pointed to a machine that was different from all the others; one with two monitors and large directional pads in front of them and a sign that read “prance prance revolution.” Intrigued, Marble made her way up to the machine and asked, “How do you play this?”

Resting a hand on Marble’s shoulder, Sideswipe replied, “It’s a dancing game. When you see arrows appear on the screen, you step on the corresponding arrow on the pad.” Intrigued, the gray girl said, “How about we give it a try?” Sideswipe warned, “Are you sure? These things can get a bit hectic.” The gray girl confidently straightened her jacket as she reassured her, “Don’t worry. I can handle it.”

Once the two girls made their way towards the machine, Sideswipe placed several quarters into the machine and selected a song. Soon enough, the sound of techno music began to ring out as arrows began to rise up from the bottom of the screen. Once they made it to the top of the screen, both Sideswipe and Marble were dancing along to the funky music, with neither girl noticing they were dancing in perfect unison.

As the music came to an end, Sideswipe leapt up into the air and twirled before landing, all while Marble began to blush. Straightening herself, the pale girl asked, “That wasn’t too show offy, was it?” Allowing her face to turn as red as an apple, the gray geologist answered, “Not at all. Just the perfect amount of showoff.” Blushing, Sideswipe performed a curtsy as she playfully replied, “Why thank you kindly. I always aim to please.”

Sadly, their banter was ruined by the loud clanging of a bell. Though momentarily caught off guard, Sideswipe regained herself as she quipped, “Guess they still have that stupid jackpot alert.” Indeed, ever since she was a little girl, the Cyberland Arcade had a habit of ringing out a massive bell whenever someone won a massive amount of tickets. Chuckling to herself, the pale girl began to turn around as she began, “I wonder what the lucky…..”

She was shocked to see that Marble had collapsed to her knees and was holding her hands over her ears. Realizing something was wrong, Sideswipe got down to her knees as she asked, “What’s wrong?” The young geologist, however, could only beg, “Make this stupid noise stop!” Knowing that she couldn’t stop the ringing, Sideswipe helped her friend back up to her feet and began to escort her out of the arcade.

Once they were outside, Sideswipe cautiously asked, “What happened?” For a few moments, Marble simply held her arm as she looked away in shame. Eventually, however, the gray girl took a deep breath as she solemnly replied, “I hate loud noises.” As the pale girl processed this, Marble continued, “I just…. I hate loud noises. They give me headaches.”

Taking a deep breath, the gray geologist apologized, “Sorry to embarrass you like that.” Sideswipe rested a hand on her shoulder as she reassured her, “It’s alright. Besides…” She then began to blush as she remarked, “I was starting to think we should do something else.” Though Marble was able to tell her friend was partially trying to save face, she could also tell she was taking her feelings into account, something that, outside of Apple Bloom and Beachcomber, no one outside of her family had really ever done.

Hugging the pale biker, Marble gently whispered, “Thanks Sideswipe.” Hugging her back, Sideswipe replied, “No problem my dear.” Of course, the moment she said this, both girls began to awkwardly blush as they held each other. After a few moments, the pale biker asked, “So, to make up for that little incident, anything you wanna do?”

Pondering for a moment, Marble answered, “Well, there’s this little café Mr. Beachcomber takes me to every now and then.” She was interrupted by the sound of her stomach rumbling as she sheepishly giggled, “And I am kinda hungry.”

Smiling, Sideswipe replied, “In that case, just point me in the right direction.” She then held out her hand as she led Marble back to her bike.

The Café, A Few Minutes Later…

Making their way to an available table, Sideswipe remarked, “Gotta say, this place is certainly pretty cozy.” Indeed, the café interior was designed to resemble a large wooden cabin. With the ornate chandelier above them and a public fireplace in the center of the room, it was clear that this was the sort of place people came to relax and unwind.

As they sat down and ordered some drinks, Marble apologized, “Sorry if this isn’t up to your action packed standards.” Sideswipe let out a surprised chuckle as she replied, “Hey, just because I look the part doesn’t mean I can live on adrenaline.” She then began to nervously scratch the back of her neck as she admitted, “Besides, Sometimes even I can be a bit of a nerd.”

Intrigued, Marble asked, “Really? You being academic?” Nodding, Sideswipe replied, “Yeah. I didn’t drop out of school because I found it boring.” She then let out a gentle sigh as she continued, “In fact, I’ve missed it, so the fact that I get to finish it thanks to Ironhide is just….” Now letting out a sniffle, the pale biker finished with a simple, “Sorry for getting sentimental.”

Marble quickly placed her hand on Sideswipe’s as she reassured her, “It’s alright. If anything, I enjoy school, but I have trouble with the people.” She then asked, “So, can I ask a dumb question?” The pale biker blushed as she replied, “Ask away.”

Taking a deep breath, the gray girl asked, “What were your favorite subjects?” Sideswipe paused for a moment before answering, “I always had a thing for engineering and shop.” She then began to faintly blush as she added, “And I was always pretty good with history.” After a few moments, she finished, “And there was another thing.”

Intrigued, Marble asked, “And what?” Sideswipe hesitated for a moment before she replied, “Well, you really wanna know?” The gray girl reassured her, “Hey, you’re talking to the girl who can tell you what kind of Cerotopsian it is by the frill, let alone the horns.” Finally taking a deep breath, Sideswipe revealed…..

“Non multis hoc possum dicere.”

For a brief moment, Marble sat there flabbergasted. Eventually Sideswipe continued, “If it’s not evident enough, Latine loqui possum.” The surprise on the gray girl’s face gave way to uncontrollable excitement as she squealed, “Oh my goodness! You can SPEAK LATIN?!” Shrugging, Sideswipe explained, “Yeah. It was either that or business club after school, and I can’t tell you how boring business club was.”

Marble nodded as she replied, “I know the feeling. I mean, I know how to budget my allowance, but I don’t think I’ll ever need to know how to deal with something like a “multi market mutual fund.”” Both girls then devolved into fits of laughter, much to the mild annoyance of the few other patrons. Sideswipe then added, “But yeah, I can speak and even read Latin. Sadly not classical or vulgar Latin, but I still get a kick out of showing it off every now and then.”

Marble then brushed the hair out of her face as she said, “You know Sideswipe, you’re really amazing.” The pale biker began to blush a bright red as she humbly replied, “Oh please. I’m not some sort of urban space man.” The gray geologist then continued, “I’m serious! You’re smart, you’re brave, you’re independent, and….” As her own face began to blush, she admitted, “You’re really pretty.”

Hearing those words, Sideswipe couldn’t help but begin to fidget with her (admittedly very short) hair as she replied, “No I’m not! Besides, you’re the one who’s pretty.” As Marble felt her heart soar, the pale biker continued, “And your sweet, and kind, and smart as hell, and certainly not one to fall in line just because you’re expected to.”

Marble then said, “I don’t know if I’ve said this before, but thanks for standing up for me against my dad.” She then held her arm as she continued, “He’s always on my case about building a stupid cairn.” At that moment, the gray girl lit up as she asked, “Mind if I tell you a story?” Nodding, Sideswipe answered, “I’m all ears.”

Taking a deep breath, Marble began, “A few years ago, my dad made me try to build my first cairn. But no matter what I did, I could never build one tall enough to satisfy him.” Pausing to collect herself, she continued, “Well, he liked to have us do it next to this giant boulder on the property we called Holder’s Boulder. When I couldn’t stack a cairn high enough, I took the nearest rock and just threw it at the boulder.”

As Sideswipe processed everything, the gray geologist continued, “When the rock hit the boulder, it rolled into a nearby ravine. Once we tried to shove Holder’s Boulder back into position, dad found a large crack that wasn’t there before.” She then began to feel her eyes water as she finished, “Guess it was pretty good timing that Mr. Beachcomber found me and thought I’d make a good protégé, huh?”

Reaching over to hold Marble’s Hand, Sideswipe reassured her, “If you ask me, seems like your dad has a bug up his ass.” The gray girl couldn’t help but giggle as she admitted, “He does. He doesn’t appreciate my love of paleontology or….” She then took a deep breath as she asked, “I need to say something. You wouldn’t find it odd or anything would you?” The pale biker shook her head as she admitted, “You’re talking to the girl who lives with a guy who made a sentient robot. I can handle anything.” Finally mustering enough courage, Marble admitted what was on her mind.

“Sideswipe, I think I have a crush on you.”

Time slowed down and eventually froze for Sideswipe. ‘This is happening.’ She thought to herself. While she knew that Marble seemed to reciprocate her feelings, this was concrete conformation. Marble Pie, the girl she had a crush on, had a crush on her in return.

For a few moments, neither girl said anything. Eventually, however, Marble nervously asked, “Sideswipe? You alright?” The pale biker found her face morphing into an impossibly massive smile as she squealed, “I’m perfect! In fact, I…. I kinda have a crush on you too.” She then began to turn impossibly red as she began, “And I don’t know if this is the best place to say it, but I would be honored if you would…. If you would be my girlfriend.”

Without any warning, Marble leapt up from her seat and squeezed Sideswipe in the tightest hug she’d ever given anyone as she squealed, “YES!” She then leant her head against the pale biker’s chest as she whispered, “I love you!”

Hugging her new girlfriend back, Sideswipe felt tears leave her eyes as she gently replied, “I love you too.”

The Chop Shop….

As they entered the shop front (while holding hands no less), Sideswipe and Marble were greeted by Apple Bloom, who asked, “You guys are a bit early. How was everythin’?” The pale biker gleefully answered,”You’re not gonna believe this Apple Bloom, but Marble and I are….” Marble interrupted with an equally enthusiastic, “Sideswipe and I are girlfriends!”

Feeling her heart soar, Apple Bloom happily replied, “Oh mah goodness! That’s AWESOME!” She then wrapped both Marble and Sideswipe in a massive hug as she continued, “Ah’m so happy for you two!” The gray girl smiled as she gave a simple, “Thanks.” Sideswipe then joked, “You know, maybe we can do something with you and Tender Taps.”

Marble turned to her new girlfriend and suggested, “Only if I get one date with you first.” The pale biker “sighed with resignation” before replying, “Alright. I’ll make sure I find something that’s not too exciting.” The gray geologist straightened her jacket as she replied, “I’d appreciate that.” They then wrapped each other in a gentle hug as they shared a gentle kiss. As much as it was still awkward for both girls to kiss, it was still something that both found was intoxicating and nothing short of magical.

Their romantic moment was halted when everyone was distracted by the sound of a mechanically filtered voice called out, “What seems to be going on in here?” Turning to see who it was, all three girls were greeted by the sight of none other than Wreck-Gar. As Apple Bloom gulped in fear, the bipedal robot approached the new lovebirds as he began, “Ah, hello there. I am the Cogman one point one three eight, but you may call me Wreck-Gar.”

Though momentarily put off by the robot’s open friendliness, Marble took a deep breath and introduced herself, “Uh… Hi. I’m Marble Pie.” She then extended her hand, and was pleasantly surprised when Wreck-Gar shook it and complimented, “I must say, that is a lovely jacket.” The gray girl let out a gentle sigh of relief as she replied, “Thank you. This was a birthday gift from my sister.” She then turned to her new girlfriend and remarked, “You were right. He’s certainly polite.” The pale biker quipped, “Just as I said, perfectum homo facit.”

Sideswipe then turned to Apple Bloom and offered, “So Apple Bloom, Marble and I are planning on going up to my room and doing our nails. You wanna join us?” The former farm girl answered, “Ah’d love to! Just let me get finish up here.” The pale biker nodded as she replied, “Alright then.” She then turned to her new girlfriend and held her hand out as she gently offered, “Follow me my dear lady.” Blushing, Marble took Sideswipe’s hand and followed her up to her room, followed by a confused Wreck-Gar asking, “Do forgive me, but what does “doing your nails” mean?”

As they disappeared, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but say to herself, “Those two are so cute together.” She then resumed her duties, hopeful she could finish before her sister and friend got too far along with their nails.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom and Tender Taps learn Double Shuffle may be "downplaying" her issues with Chasse.

Author's Note; This chapter was way too fun to write, and I hope you guys enjoy it. Also, Marble's Story about Holder's Boulder was supposed to be told in "Happy Birthday Marble," But I forgot to mention it there.

Fun Fact; the light gun game Sideswipe and Marble play is based on the Lost World arcade game.

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