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A New Home

As the Apple Blooms

Part 17; A New Home

Walking through the scrap yard might be seen by many people as a death wish, but for Apple Bloom, it was a nice change of pace from the usual dusting and cleaning. As she strolled past the rusting vehicles, she took notes on what was located where. A motorcycle here, a sedan there, and even a helicopter with a “do not touch” sign with Wheeljack’s handwriting all the way over there quickly became landmarks that she could use to navigate her way through the massive maze of mangled metal.

It had been five days since her “eventful” visit to deliver Ratchet’s pay, as well as learned about his incident at the anti-air gun. Understandably, Apple Bloom was thankful to focus her attention on something that didn’t involve punctured lungs and morphine overdoses. And so, she continued to scribble down on her check board, making sure everything was right where it should be.

“Apple Bloom!” Ratchet called out from somewhere. Raising her head, Apple Bloom called back, “Mr. Ratchet?” She quickly began to make her way back to the entrance of the scrap yard as she said, “You need somethin’ Mr. Ratchet?”

Apple Bloom eventually made it to the entrance, where she found Ratchet waiting for her. The older man playfully asked, “Getting used to the layout of our little playground?”

“Ah think so.” Apple Bloom replied as she wiped the sweat from her brow. “Though Ah think this ain’t exactly a playground. There are too many sharp edges for kids.”

“I didn’t say it was for kids.” Ratchet replied with a cheeky smirk. After Apple Bloom gave him a confused grunt, he informed her, “Either way, our customer and Ironhide want a word with you.”

Apple Bloom gulped. Whenever someone said that they “wanted a word” with you, more often than not it was because they were unhappy or even angry with you. Taking a deep breath, she replied, “Yes sir.” She then handed the clipboard to Ratchet and made her way to the shop, hoping Ironhide wasn’t unhappy with her.

The Chop Shop…

“You wanted to see me Uncle Ironhide?” Apple Bloom said as she entered the shop from the back door. There, standing in front of her uncle was a woman with light pink skin, a dark pink outfit, blue eyes, and white hair in a hairstyle she swore she saw in some old sci-fi movie Scootaloo “insisted” she see.

The woman then asked, “So, is this her?” Ironhide nodded and replied, “Yup. Apple Bloom found him in our trash can.” The woman then walked up to the young girl, taking good care to inspect her.

“Uh, did Ah do somethin’ bad?” Apple Bloom asked nervously. The moment she asked this question, the older woman quickly lit up with positivity and replied, “Oh goodness no. If anything, I should be thanking you.” Confused, the young girl remarked, “Uh, Ah’m confused.”

Ironhide then stepped forward and intervened. “Apple Bloom, this is Arcee.” The woman then politely nodded as the older man continued, “Kindergarten teacher and, more importantly for us, the new legal guardian of Rattrap.”

That little revelation made Apple Bloom’s heart soar. “Wait! You mean you took Rattrap in?” She asked, barely able to contain her enthusiasm. Chromia nodded yes, and was quickly followed by Apple Bloom pumping her fist as she said, “Alright!”

Arcee then replied, “Yes, that’s why I’m here. I dropped something off yesterday for him, and I was wondering if was ready.” Ironhide then began to rub the back of his neck as he replied, “Yeah, about that, it’ll take another day.” Dejected, the older woman then said, “Oh dear. Guess I’ll just have to pick it up tomorrow.”

Apple Bloom then spoke up. “Wait! Ah could deliver it for ya.” As Arcee eyed the young girl, Ironhide “mused” to himself, “Well, I have been letting you move about a little too much lately.” Even though he was being rather playful with his young ward, Apple Bloom still unleashed her secret weapon; puppy dog eyes and quivering lips.

Luckily, it was Arcee who spoke up next. “Actually, Rattrap has been asking if I’ve run into you, so I think it might be nice to surprise him.” Ironhide then relented with a confirming nod as he said, “Alright Apple Bloom, you can deliver the package tomorrow.

As Apple Bloom shot into the air with joy, Ironhide then playfully ordered, “Alright now. Back to work young lady.” Apple Bloom gave a salute (much to the older man’s amusement) and replied, “Yes sir.” She then departed from the shop to resume marking out the scrap yard.

The Next Day…

Having finished mopping the shop floor, Ironhide decided that it Apple Bloom was ready to deliver the package. “Don’t worry Uncle Ironhide.” The young girl assured her uncle. “Ah’ll be back before ya know it.” Ironhide, having handed his ward the package, replied, “I know you will kid.”

Once Apple Bloom had the package she began to make her way to the door. However, she found herself distracted by her reflection in the window. Considering she wanted to set a good impression not only for Rattrap but also for Arcee, she hoped her chosen outfit of her overalls, boots, and a red and white stripped t-shirt would set a good impression.

“Alright, you got this Apple Bloom.” She said to reflection. With that, she made her way to the front door, opened it, and stepped forward, ready to continue her day.

She was pleasantly surprised when she bumped into a very familiar long haired, gray skinned girl. “Marble?” Apple Bloom asked with surprised amusement. True enough, there stood Marble Pie, her hair covering half her face, and clad in a turtleneck shirt, dark pants, and her black boots and leather jacket.

“Uh…. Hi.” Marble gently greeted her friend. Apple Bloom wrapped her friend in a massive hug. Once she released her, the former farm girl asked, “What brings you out here?”

Marble began to scuff her foot as she nervously began, “Beachcomber is going to the doctor today…..” She paused before continuing, “…. And the dentist, so I was kinda wondering if you wanted to….. I guess… hang out?”

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel proud of her friend for taking initiative regarding socialization. “You bet!” She enthusiastically replied before she remembered the package in her hands. Still, nothing exactly specified she had to deliver the package alone (a tip she picked up from Sideswipe), and she quickly added, “Ah gotta drop this off for a friend. Ah think you’ll like him.”

Marble hesitated for a brief moment before she gave a simple shrug and replied, “If you say so. Is it Tender Taps?” After a few moments of blushing, Apple Bloom replied, “No. It’s this fella Ah met called Rattrap. He…”

Apple Bloom momentarily stopped herself. Part of her didn’t know if she should tell Marble everything, but another part of her worried what would happen if she found out by accident. Ultimately her desire to not repeat her past sins won out and Apple Bloom decided it was best to tell her everything.

“Rattrap was a homeless kid who was goin’ through our garbage.” Apple Bloom revealed. As Marble held her hands to her face in shock, she continued, “Don’t worry. This woman by the name of Arcee took him in.” she then took a look towards the box in her hands as she said, “Uncle Ironhide wants me to deliver this to ‘em.”

Marble took a deep breath and replied, “Oh my goodness. That’s awful.” As Apple Bloom nodded, the young geologist continued, “At least he’s in a better place.” The former farm girl nodded as she said, “Well come on then. Don’t want to keep ‘em waiting.”

And so both girls mounted their bikes and made their way towards the address Ironhide had provided.

Arcee’s Home

“I’ve never seen a house this pink before.” Marble said to Apple Bloom. Indeed, before the two girls was a quaint two story house covered in a coat of pink paint. In the front of the yard was a small little garden, filled with white and pink flowers. Marble then asked, “You sure we found the right place?”

Apple Bloom nodded and replied, “It’s the same address as the one on the package.” While Marble was still somewhat nervous, Apple Bloom managed to rest a hand on her shoulder and reassured her, “It’ll be fun.” Marble nodded as she gave a friendly yet nervous smile.

However, they weren’t making any progress just standing there. Soon both Apple Bloom and Marble began to walk up to the house. Once they made it to the door, Apple Bloom began to knock the door, only for the door to open revealing someone she felt was familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time.

It was a boy roughly her age with brown skin, white hair, red eyes, and very loose fitting clothing, specifically a white tee shirt, jeans, and sneakers. The fact that he was clearly very skinny as well as “blessed” with buck teeth made it clear it could only be one person.

“Apple Bloom?” Rattrap asked, his voice filled with confusion as well as excitement. “What are you doin’ around here?”

Apple Bloom gave a reassuring smile as she replied, “Uncle Ironhide wanted to give you this.” She then held the package towards her friend. When Rattrap took the package, he asked, “What’s in here? More apple fritters?” Apple Bloom gave a gentle chuckle as Marble stepped forward towards the skinny boy.

“Eh….” Rattrap began as he realized he and Apple Bloom were not alone. “So, who’s the goth chick here?” As Marble held her arm and looked away, Apple Bloom gave him a look that practically screamed for him to keep quiet. Realizing he’d made a mistake, Rattrap apologized, “Sorry about that. I don’t exactly have a filter.”

Deciding to accept his apology, Marble replied, “It’s ok.” Setting the package inside, Rattrap extended his hand and introduced himself. “The name’s Rattrap.” Marble hesitated for a moment before she nervously shook his hand and introduced herself, “I’m Marble Pie.”

“Well hello there Miss Marble.” Rattrap said as he performed an overly dramatic bow. Marble could only giggle as she blushed. Apple Bloom, on the other hand, was bursting with joy at the fact that two more of her friends were seemingly getting along. After a few moments, Rattrap asked, “So, eh, you two wanna come in? Don’t want you gettin’ a cold or anythin’.” Marble and Apple Bloom nodded as the latter replied, “Thank you Rattrap.”

Once all three teens were inside, Rattrap asked Marble, “May I take your coat?” Marble nodded as she slid off her leather jacket, revealing her turtleneck was sleeveless. The gray girl then added, “Just don’t lose it, ok? This jacket means a lot to me.”

Rattrap nodded as he replied, “Hey, I know what it’s like when somethin’ is important to you.” Without either of her friends noticing, Apple Bloom turned her head to hide her look of sorrow. She didn’t know how Rattrap would react if he knew that Marble knew, but she figured that, as long as no one delved too deep, no one would worry too much.

Before anyone could say anything else, the voice of Arcee rang out from the stairwell. “Who is it Rattrap?” Rattrap turned to reply, “Apple Bloom and a friend of hers showed up to deliver that package you tried to get yesterday.”

Descending from the stairwell, Arcee made her way up to her houseguests and greeted them. “Well, good to see you again Apple Bloom.” The older woman greeted as she extended her hand. As Apple Bloom shook it, Arcee turned to face Marble and asked, “And who are you young lady?”

“I’m Marble Pie.” The gray girl nervously replied. Apple Bloom then spoke up and said, “Marble is mah friend, and Ah thought she and Rattrap might get along.”

Arcee then replied, “Now isn’t that sweet? I think it is important for Rattrap to interact with more kids his age.” When Rattrap gave an annoyed groan, Apple Bloom, Marble, and Arcee chucked as the older woman said, “Well now, why don’t we open that package in the living room?”

Much like at Ratchet’s home, Arcee’s living room was rather simple and homely. There were two couches, one suited for three people and one for two, a coffee table, and a fireplace in the corner. All in all, it was a nice and homely little place that Apple Bloom felt was perfect for someone like Rattrap.

“Alright now.” Arcee said as she set the package on the coffee table. “Let’s see what we have here.” The older woman opened the box and, with the feigned shock of a parent revealing a surprise, asked, “Well, what do we have here?”

She pulled out a large circular item of bronze. On it was the image of a bear taking a defensive stance to protect a cub, and below them was the inscription, “I will always protect you.”

Apple Bloom and Marble could only let out an endearing, “Awh.” Rattrap himself tried to put up a tough front, replying, “Eh, it’s alright. Certainly impressive work here.” However, he couldn’t keep the act up for long before he wrapped his arms around Arcee and gave a simple, “Thank you.” Arcee hugged the boy back with a hug of her own.

“So….” Apple Bloom began. “What’s it like to live here with Miss Arcee?” Rattrap paused for a moment before he replied, “It’s actually pretty nice. I haven’t slept this great in ages.”

Arcee then joined the conversation. “Indeed. I’ve actually had to personally wake him up a few times. I think he’d sleep all day if he could.” Apple Bloom and Marble began to giggle at what they just heard.

Rattrap, however, simply pouted as he replied, “It was only one time.” Arcee simply replied, “It’s like I tell my students, it’s always important to have follow a schedule.”

Apple nodded as she replied, “Ah know the importance of a schedule.”

Arcee then continued, “I’ve been implementing more than just a schedule for Rattrap here. We’ve done everything from set bedtimes to a protein rich diet.” Apple Bloom felt her stomach squirm at the last remark. After all, she had seen his chest and how skinny Rattrap was. Before the mood could get any more depressing, Arcee turned to Marble and asked, “So, I know all about Apple Bloom, but would you mind telling me about yourself?”

Marble hesitated for a moment, but with Apple Bloom’s assurance, she began to answer the older woman. “Well, I live with Mr. Beachcomber and study under him.” Arcee’s eyes lit up as she replied, “Ooh. I haven’t spoken to Beachcomber in years, but I always knew he had a soft spot for kids.” Marble couldn’t help but reply, “He’s very nice and understanding.”

The friendly discourse was interrupted by the faint sound of some music coming from Arcee’s pocket. Looking down, the older woman said, “Oh my. Excuse me kids. I have to answer this.” As she rose, Arcee pulled out a cell phone from her pocket. Making her way to another room, Arcee placed the phone to her ear and began to speak, “Dinobot! how’s your first year with first graders?”

And so Apple Bloom, Marble Pie, and Rattrap were alone.

“So….” Marble began nervously. “Is it true?” Apple Bloom and Rattrap gave her confused looks as she turned to the latter and continued, “Is it true you were living on the streets?”

Rattrap stood up and, with a smile that could only be described as deceptive, turned to Apple Bloom and asked, “Apple Bloom? You mind if we have a word?”

Apple Bloom hesitated for a moment before rising and nodding. “Ah guess.” She hesitantly replied. Turning to face Marble, the former farm girl said, “We’ll be right back.” Marble simply nodded as she gulped, clearly aware that something was wrong.

Rattrap, still keeping his feigned smile up, ushered Apple Bloom to the stairwell, up the stairs and into a bathroom. Once the two kids were inside, he closed the door as he took a deep breath.

“Apple Bloom?” Rattrap asked, his smile morphing into a frown that expressed what could only be described as fury and betrayal. “Do you mind explainin’ to me what in the name of Gouda almighty YOU WERE THINKIN’?” He shouted the last part, actually startling Apple Bloom.

“What?” Apple Bloom asked incredulously. “What are you talkin’ about?”

Rattrap angrily replied, “Oh you damn well know what I’m talkin’ about. You don’t exactly think Marble would just find out about something like me living on the street from nowhere! You told her!”

Apple Bloom felt her heart sink. Rattrap was furious with her because she had, indeed, told someone else. Rattrap continued, “I remember the night we first met, you promised you wouldn’t tell anybody. Well, guess I was the biggest fool wasn’t I?”

“Rattrap…” Apple Bloom began, her voice trembling and. “Ah’m sorry.”

Rattrap, however, raised his hand and angrily replied, “No! You don’t just get to say sorry and have everything get better!” Now, he was starting to actually tear up. “I thought we were friends.”

“But we are friends!” Apple Bloom shot back, now starting to give in to her anger. Rattrap wasn’t buying it, and he swiftly replied, “Oh yeah? Well I heard that joke before, and guess what? It wasn’t funny then and it sure as SHIT isn’t funny now!” Apple Bloom, now starting to tear up herself, asked, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Rattrap blurted out, “It means you’re no better than everyone else ANON-A-MISS!”

As Rattrap’s eyes widened with horror at what he’d just said, Apple Bloom felt her heart shatter. Ever that second day, she had tried her hardest to move past the Anon-a-miss incident, to prove that she was better than that. And what had that accomplished for her? One of her friends was now furious with her, thrown her past right into her face, and called her that cursed name. It was as if, in that moment, everything she’d done since she accomplished in Allspark Wells was for nothing.

“Apple Bloom…” Rattrap began, this time in a gentle voice. “I…” He didn’t get to finish. Apple Bloom, her eyes now bleeding tears, shoved him out of the way as she stormed through the door, down the stairs, and straight through the front door. She didn’t even get her helmet, her bike, or even notice Marble trying to get her attention. Apple Bloom just ran; running in the direction of home.

Unfortunately, there was just too much road between her and home, and Apple Bloom’s legs just gave out. Kneeling on the side of the road, she just began to pound the ground as she wailed her heart out. She knew that it was her fault; if she hadn’t brought Marble along, then maybe this whole thing could have been avoided.

“No!” Apple Bloom said to herself in between sobs. “It’s not her Marble’s fault. It’s mine!” After all, it had always been her fault.

“Apple Bloom!” Marble Pie’s voice rang out from behind her. Turning her head, Apple Bloom saw Marble rushing towards her, her jacket slung over her bike as she pushed both hers and Apple Bloom’s up to her friend. Catching her breath, she knelt down and asked, “What happened with Rattrap?”

Upon hearing his name, Apple Bloom began to tear up again and instinctively leapt towards Marble and wrapped her in a tight hug. Though Marble was momentarily put off, but when she heard her friend’s sobs, she wrapped her own arms around her and held her closely. Seeing her new (and perhaps best) friend reduced to a crying mess hurt her so mush even she couldn’t help but let out a few rogue tears.

After ten minutes, Apple Bloom managed to calm down enough to regain semi-normal breathing. “Thanks.” She said to Marble. “Ah really needed that.”

Marble gave a friendly (and admittedly adorable) smile and replied, “It’s what friends are for.”Apple Bloom simply gave her another tight hug, one which Marble happily returned. She then asked, “So, what happened?”

Managing to take a shaky breath, Apple Bloom began to recount what happened. “Well, remember when Ah told you about Rattrap?” Marble nodded yes, giving a concerned look. Apple Bloom, wiping her eyes, continued, “Well, Rattrap wasn’t happy about that, especially about how he was….” She found her eyes watering up again as she added, “Ah mean, he said he didn’t want anyone else to find out, but Ah didn’t want to keep you in the dark and….” She just let herself fall backwards onto the ground and said, “Why can’t things just be simple?”

“I don’t know.” Marble dejectedly replied. Kneeling down next to her, the gray skinned girl began to stroke Apple Bloom’s hair. “I guess its part of life, right?” Apple Bloom gave Marble a depressed look as she just closed her eyes. Marble then decided to lie next to her friend and, to Apple Bloom’s surprise, jokingly remarked, “We probably shouldn’t be lying right here.”

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but laugh at Marble’s joke. The two girls rose up from the ground as she said, “Hey, thanks Marble.” The gray skinned girl replied, “You’re welcome. I’m sorry today was such a….”

“Real shit show?” Apple Bloom quipped. Marble couldn’t help but blush as she replied, “Not the words I’d use, but yeah.” She then took her jacket and wrapped it around Apple Bloom as she said, “Now, we should get you home.”

The Chop Shop…

As Marble Pie and Apple Bloom entered the shop, they were greeted by Ironhide and Chromia. Seeing their niece wrapped in her friend’s jacket and tear stains in her eyes made it abundantly clear something was wrong.

“Apple Bloom?” Chromia asked. “Dear what happened?” Apple Bloom began to sniffle again, holding the jacket closer to her as she tried to keep her composure.

Marble stepped forward and replied, “It’s my fault. Apple Bloom and I delivered the package, and on the way she told me about Rattrap.” She turned to her friend, who was guiltily looking away, and continued, “When he found out I knew, he didn’t take it well.”

Apple Bloom then took a deep breath before she spoke up. “No, it’s mah fault. If Ah didn’t tell you, none of this would’ve happened.”

“No!” Ironhide said as he knelt down to his niece and held his arms on her shoulders. “You did the right thing. There’s no way something like Rattrap’s past can be shoved under the rug.” Apple Bloom, her eyes starting to tear up again, wrapped her arms around her uncle as he held her tight, followed by Chromia and Marble joining the group hug.

Then, the sound of a car pulling up to the shop caught everyone’s attention. Ironhide, releasing his niece, said, “That’s odd. We don’t normally get people this hour.” Curious, Ironhide and Chromia walked over to the door, with the older woman telling the girls, “You stay here. This shouldn’t be too long.”

As Ironhide and Chromia exited the shop, Apple Bloom removed the jacket from her shoulders and gave it back to Marble. “Thanks Marble. Ah gotta admit, it’s pretty comfy.” Marble gave a reassuring smile and, slipping it back on, replied, “It was a gift from Pinkie.”

Apple Bloom felt her heart sink at hearing that name. Hearing Pinkie’s name reminded her of what she did, and that wrapped all the way back to where they were now. Marble realized she had made a mistake and reassured her, “Don’t worry. Like I said, everything will be alright.” As much as it was little more than simple reassurance, Apple Bloom gave a gentle smile as she replied, “Thanks.”

Ironhide reentered the shop, followed closely by, of all people, a very upset looking Arcee. Taking a deep breath, the older scrapper said, “So, it seems like Arcee found out about the little incident.” Arcee then stepped forward and said, “And I want you to know that I am very disappointed in Rattrap.” She then turned to the door and motioned for someone to come inside.

Apple Bloom wasn’t surprised when she saw Rattrap enter the shop; his head hung low in shame. However, rather than his earlier anger, the young boy just looked like he realized he’d done something horrible and regretted it. Arcee then continued, “As I’m sure Ironhide has explained, how he came to me and his past is not something that we can ignore or just pretend to forget. And while this little incident was not handled in the best way, his explosion was entirely uncalled for.”

Rattrap then made his way up to Apple Bloom, raising his head to reveal that he too had been crying. Sighing with resignation, he began to speak. “Apple Bloom, as I said, I’ve never had friends before. I’ve spent so long tryin’ to hide everything about myself that….” He struggled to keep his composure as he continued, “The last time I trusted anyone was when I ended up on the streets in the first place.” He then began to sob as he added, “I’m sorry Apple Bloom. I took a lot of pent up anger out on you, and I wish I could take it all back.”

Apple Bloom may have been angry at Rattrap earlier, but now, all she could feel was sorrow and empathy. She instinctively wrapped him in a massive hug as she said, “Ah know the feelin’.” Rattrap couldn’t help but cry as he said, “Thanks Apple Bloom.” Marble herself couldn’t help but tear up as she joined her friends. Arcee was about to join the hug, but Ironhide raised a hand to stop her, giving her a gentle smile that told her to not interrupt the moment.

Once everyone finished the hug, Arcee said, “Now then, I think it’s time we got someone home.” Ironhide nodded and turned to Marble as he said, “And I think someone better go before someone Beachcomber gets too worried.”

Apple Bloom nodded and, sniffling, said, “We gotta do a do-over; get you two properly acquainted without an emotional breakdown.” Rattrap nodded as he turned to Marble and said, “Good point. I’d like to get to know you better.” Marble gave a gentle smile as she nodded.

And so, Arcee, Rattrap, and Marble departed, leaving Apple Bloom alone with Ironhide and Chromia. The older woman walked up to her and asked, “You feeling alright dear?” Apple Bloom nodded, replying, “Ah’m fine. Ah think.” Chromia nodded and replied, “That’s good. Now, how about we get you washed up and start getting supper ready?” Apple Bloom nodded as she made her way towards the back of the shop and up the stairs, hoping to wipe her face.

Ironhide sighed as he said, “That was close. I was worried they had fallen out. And I know that it’s hard enough when you’re a grown up, let alone a kid.”

Chromia then walked up to her husband and reassured him, “Apple Bloom’s a smart girl, and I know she wouldn’t make the same mistake her father made.” Ironhide couldn’t help but smile as he wrapped his arms around his wife as he said, “You always knew how to stay positive.” As the two kissed, Chromia added, “It’s why you love me, isn’t it?” Ironhide cheekily replied, “Not the only reason.”

Their playful banter was interrupted by the sound of Wheeljack shouting, “Apple Bloom! Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?” This was followed by the sounds of a door slamming shut and Apple Bloom screaming. Ironhide shook his head and playfully remarked, “I better go make sure Apple Bloom isn’t traumatized twice in one day.”

And so Ironhide made his way to his niece’s room while Chromia departed for the living room, hoping the rest of the night would be far more peaceful.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom and Tender Taps invite Sideswipe to their tap session, and feelings become abundantly clear

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