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Stepptanz mit Hoofer Steps

As the Apple Blooms

Part 70; Stepptanz mit Hoofer Steps

Scooping up her duffle bag, Apple Bloom peaked inside to make sure she had everything inside. Tap shoes? Check. Water bottle? Check. Towel? Check. Dance clothes? Check. “Alright! Ah’ve got everythin’!” The former farm girl said to herself as she closed her bag back up and slung it over her shoulder before exiting her room.

As she made her way past her aunt and Sideswipe (Who had just finished tearing apart an old engine and were now relaxing), Apple Bloom called out, “Ah’m off guys! See you in a bit!” Chromia immediately replied, “Have fun sweetie! And remember, Ratchet is on kitchen duty!” Sideswipe nodded as she added, “Yeah! So, make sure you don’t eat too much before coming home.” The former farm girl let out a gentle chuckle as she quipped, “Knowin’ me, Ah’ll be starvin’ by the time Ah’m back.”

Once she’d scooped up her bike helmet, the red-haired girl gave a final, “Ah love you guys.” Chromia and Sideswipe waived back as the family matriarch replied, “I love you too Apple Bloom.” With that, Apple Bloom departed for the Tap family’s home.

Tap Family’s Home…

Walking up to the now familiar sight of the Tap family’s house, Apple Bloom was pleasantly surprised when Double Shuffle and Tender Taps emerged and closed the distance towards her. The younger girl wrapped her big sister in a massive hug as she squealed, “Hey Apple Bloom!” Though momentarily caught off guard, the former farm girl hugged her little sister as she replied, “Good to see you two Double Shuffle.”

Once the two sisters released each other, Tender Taps asked, “Hey Apple Bloom. Ready to make some noise?” Nodding, Apple Bloom gave a small smirk as she answered, “Ah was born ready.” She then wrapped her boyfriend in a small hug before pecking him on the cheek.

As the three kids made their way inside, Tender Taps remarked, “So, there’s a few things I want to see if you can pull off.” Apple Bloom shrugged as she replied, “Ah can’t say Ah’ll be perfect, but Ah’ll at least give it a shot.”

Tap Family’s Studio, Two Hours Later….

“Alright. Once more from the top!” Apple Bloom said as she and Tender Taps prepared to perform the combination the latter had taught. With the snapping of her fingers, both teens began to move their metal plated feet across the wooden floor, producing the intoxicating clicks, clacks and taps that rang in their ears. As her feet shuffled, flapped, and waltz clogged, Apple Bloom found herself ignoring the sweat pouring down her forehead and her aching legs as she glanced at her reflection in the wall-length mirror.

After a few minutes, both teens finished their mini routine as they went up on their toes and pulled off several scissors, or in Apple Bloom’s case, tried to before losing her balance and landing on her rear end.

As Tender Taps helped his girlfriend back up, he remarked, “That was pretty good.” Apple Bloom began to blush as she replied, “Ah’m not too sure. Ah lost mah balance again.” She then began to scuff the floor before adding, “Besides, Ah’m still havin’ trouble turnin’.” The former farm girl proved her point by trying to perform some turning buffalos, only to lose her balance after the third one.

Once Tender Taps helped her regain her balance, he complimented, “I know. But you’re still great on your feet. You’ve been keeping your heels off the ground, your sounds are clean, and you’re almost as fast as any of us.” Double Shuffle then rose up from the floor as she added, “Yeah! And you two were perfectly in sync. It was like there was only one of you tapping!” Needless to say, Apple Bloom began to blush as she remarked, “Only because Ah’ve had a great teacher.” She then began to pull her boyfriend into a gentle kiss.

“Vell vell, if it isn’t ze perfect pair zemselves.”

Apple Bloom, Tender Taps, and Double Shuffle were caught off guard as none other than Hoofer Steps entered the dance studio, followed by both Soft and Hard Shoe. As the three adults entered, Hoofer Steps continued, “For someone who only started tap dancing less zan vone year ago, I am impressed to find zat you two can tap in perfect unison.”

Taking this in, Apple Bloom replied, “Uh…. Thank you ma’am.” Walking up to the red-haired girl, Hoofer Steps asked, “Tell me, have you sought about envolling in a dance class before?” Apple Bloom found herself momentarily speechless before realizing the thought had actually crossed her mind. Of course, given how busy she had been at the chop shop, as well as the fact that by the time she really considered it, it was the dead of summer, and she figured she would probably be more focused on returning to Sweet Apple Acres. But now that her stay had been “prolonged,” Apple Bloom could only reply….

“You know, given everythin’ from the last few days, Ah think it might be nice to take a proper tap class.”

Hoofer Steps clapped her hands as she remarked, “Zat’s vonderful. Now zen, zere is vone thing to do first.” Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “What is it?” The dance instructor explained, “Essentially, I just vant to know vhat your skill level is so I can place you in ze most appropriate class.”

The former farm girl began to stretch her arms as she remarked, “Well, we could show you right now….” She was interrupted when Soft Shoe warned, “Unfortunately, I think someone might be a bit worn out for that.” Apple Bloom wanted to protest, but having stood still for long enough, the “pain” in her legs finally caught up to her and forced her to sit down.

Letting out an embarrassed giggle, Apple Bloom relented, “Alright. Maybe Ah’ve done enough for one night.” Hoofer Steps gave an affirming nod as she added, “Vone of ze first sings I tell my students is to alvays know your limits.” As the former farm girl caught her breath, the dance instructor added, “Of course, ve'll need to gain permission from your uncle, as vell as vorking out a “vhen.””

At that moment, an idea entered Apple Bloom’s head. Rising back up, the former farm girl began, “Wait, Ah have an idea…..”

The Chop Shop, Ten Minutes Later…

Entering the Chop Shop with Hoofer Steps, Apple Bloom called out, “Uncle Ironhide! Ah’m Home!” After a few awkward moments, the family patriarch emerged from the living room, still dressed in his security guard’s uniform from the convention. Seeing that he had an additional guest, Ironhide asked, “Why Ms. Hoofer Steps. What brings you here?”

The gray dance instructor began, “Vell, I vas visiting ze Taps’ to go over some paperwork for Tender becoming a student teacher, but vhen I heard your niece tapping, I knew zat she should be my student.” As Ironhide took this in, Apple Bloom added, “And since Ah’m stayin’ a bit, Ah kinda wanna do it. Can Ah uncle Ironhide? Please?”

It didn’t take Ironhide long to relent, “I don’t see a reason not to. Besides, everyone needs a hobby, and from what I’ve seen and heard, you do seem passionate about it.” Apple Bloom immediately wrapped Ironhide in a tight hug as she exclaimed, “Thank you Uncle Ironhide!” The older man hugged his daughter back as he replied, “No problem kid.”

As father and daughter finished their hug, Hoofer Steps continued, “Ze only issue left is that, vell, I’d like to evaluate her skill level so I know vhat class to put her in. Vould she be available tomorrow?” Pausing for a moment, Ironhide replied, “I don’t think it should.” Apple Bloom then asked, “When do you need me over?” Quickly thinking it over, Hoofer Steps answered, “Vould noon vork?”

Apple Bloom turned to her uncle to ask if it would only for her uncle to answer, “That should work.” Nodding, Hoofer Steps replied, “Excellent. I apologize for interrupting your evening.” Ironhide raised his hand as he reassured her, “Of course not ma’am. The boys and I just got home from working security at the convention, so a nice conversation like this is rather refreshing.” The blonde dance instructor nodded before replying, “I certainly bet. However, I must be veturning home.” She then turned to Apple Bloom before bidding, “I shall see you tomorrow young lady.”

The former farm girl replied, “See you tomorrow ma’am.” Hoofer Steps gave a confirming nod before departing. Once the older woman was gone, Ironhide quipped, “So, finally looking forward to tapping with your boyfriend on the big stage?”

All Apple Bloom could do was whine, “Uncle Ironhide?!”

Hoofer Steps’s Dance Studio, the Next Day…

Parking her bike next to the dance studio, Apple Bloom took a deep breath as she reassured herself, “Relax Apple Bloom. Just you demonstratin’ everythin’ you know. No need to panic.” Of course, she’d been tap dancing with Tender Taps and Double Shuffle for the last several months and even been busking once, but now she was actually performing for someone who was a professional dancer.

Shaking her head, the former farm girl reassured herself, “Come on. You can do this.” With one final deep breath, Apple Bloom straightened her bag as she entered the dance school.

Once she’d passed through the front door, the woman manning the reception desk remarked, “Ah, you’ve arrived.” The former farm girl tried to calm herself down as she asked, “Yeah. Ah’m not late, am Ah?” The receptionist reassured her, “Oh of course not. Hoofer Steps is busy with a jazz sampler class. She’ll be ready for you in about fifteen minutes.” She then pointed to the side as she added, “The dressing room that way.” Nodding, Apple Bloom gave a polite, “Thank you.” She then began to make her way to the dressing room so she could change.

Ten minutes later, Apple Bloom emerged, having changed into a maroon tank top and black pants. Making her way to the row of chairs, the former farm girl sat down as she pulled out her custom red and black tap shoes. As she inspected them, she realized that there were a few stains on the taps. ‘Wait, Ah know what to do.’ Apple Bloom thought to herself as she pulled out her water bottle and began to gently drip some water on to the taps before rubbing them with her towel.

At that moment, Apple Bloom heard the sound of people approaching her. Turning to see who it was, she found several girls ranging from a few years older than her to a few who could have been in elementary school emerging from one of the studios. And bringing up the rear was Hoofer Steps, who was wiping a few beads of sweat from her brow.

As the many dancers made their way to the door or the waiting area, Hoofer Steps called out, “Be safe out zere.” She then noticed the former farm girl was waiting for her as she remarked, “Vell, look who’s here. Good to see you Apple Bloom.” Apple Bloom smiled as she replied, “Howdy Miss Hoofer Steps. Ah’m ready to show you what Ah can do.”

Giving a small smirk at the younger girl’s enthusiasm, Hoofer Steps said, “Excellent. If you’ll make yourself comfortable in ze studio down ze hall, I vill be zere right after I get my tap shoes und get some vater.” Apple Bloom shot up to her feet as she made sure she had everything with her. Once she was sure, the former farm girl made her way to the studio.

Just as she remembered, the dance studio had a shining wooden floor, a mirror that ran across one of the walls, and several ballet bars tucked away in a corner. All in all, it was just as warm and inviting as it was the last time Apple Bloom had graced the facility’s presence.

Making her way to the far wall, Apple Bloom sat down as she pulled out her tap shoes and slipped them on her feet. As she tied the laces, the former farm girl couldn’t help but admire just how well her the shoes had formed around her feet. Where once they had been mere leather, now their shape had slightly altered to better resemble the specific shape of her feet. ‘Heh, guess they’re growin’ on me.’ She thought to herself.

Once she’d gotten her tap shoes on and laced up, Apple Bloom began to stretch her arms and legs as she made her way to the center of the otherwise empty studio. Rolling her ankles, the former farm girl made sure her entire body was loose and ready to move. After all, she had no idea how long this session would even last.

From the studio door, Apple Bloom heard Hoofer Steps call out, “Guten Tag Apple Bloom.” The former farm girl turned to face the older woman, noticing that she had her hair up in a ballet bun was wearing a black long-sleeved leotard with pale pink tights. Holding her black and white tap shoes in her hand, Hoofer asked, “Are you veady to dance?”

Nodding, Apple Bloom confidently replied, “Ah sure am ma’am.” Making her way to the other end of the studio, Hoofer Steps began to explain, “Excellent! I alvays love to see children enthusiastic about any form of dance, vether tap, ballet, jazz, or anything in between.” As she sat down to slip on her tap shoes, she gave the former farm girl a small smirk as she added, “Even if I do have a personal preference for tap, or as ve called it vhen I vas a child, Stepptanz.”

Once the older woman had her tap shoes all laced up, Hoofer Steps remarked, “Now zen, I sink ve can start vith something like this.” She then began to perform a complicated series of alternating shuffles, going from the front to the side before switching legs. Once she finished, Apple Bloom gulped before nervously replying, “Ok. Ah think Ah can do it.” She then tried to replicate the intricate combination (albeit at a slower speed) before asking, “What did you think?”

Hoofer Steps let out a hearty laugh before remarking, “I vas just kidding vith you, but ve alveady have a good idea of vhere you are.” As Apple Bloom began to blush, the older woman continued, “But first things first, how familiar are you vith the basic steps of tap?”

Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom began, “Well, Ah know that this is a shuffle….” She then took her right foot and brushed it forward, striking her toe tap across the wooden floor before pulling it back. As Hoofer Steps gave a confirming nod, the former farm girl continued, “And this is a flap.” She then brushed her right toes forward, but this time followed it up by slapping her toes onto the floor.”

Hoofer Steps then asked, “Very good. Now, how vould you do a scuffle?” Pondering on it for a moment, Apple Bloom pulled off a shuffle, only this time making sure to include her heel tap striking the floor as well. Lifting her head to face Hoofer Steps, the former farm girl asked, “That’s how you do it, right?” The dance instructor replied, “Of course. Zat’s not a step I’ve had student’s use very often.”

Pausing for a moment, Hoofer Steps asked, “Now zen, if I may dare inquire, what other steps are you familiar vith?” Taking a moment to recall all the tap steps she’d learned over the last few months, Apple Bloom settled on one as she replied, “Ah know what a buffalo is.” She then leapt onto her right foot as she shuffled with her left before leaping back. Once she did this a few times, Hoofer Steps playfully asked, “Und if you and a toe drop at ze end, vhat step do you have?”

Apple Bloom immediately answered, “Oh! You get a maxi ford!” She then repeated the buffalo, only this time pulling her right foot back and tapping the front of her toe at the end.

Smiling, Hoofer Steps complimented, “Very good Apple Bloom! Looks like somevone has been practicing.” The former farm girl began to scuff the floor as she humbly replied, “Well, Ah try to practice whenever Ah can.” The older dance instructor reassured her, “Isn’t anysing in life vorth pursuing vorth ze effort?” Apple Bloom replied with an enthusiastic, “Exactly!” She then tried to pull off some wings, only to lose her balance and almost fall to the ground.

Catching herself, the red-haired girl let out a sheepish chuckle as she admitted, “Of course, Ah’m not exactly on the same level as Tender Taps and Double Shuffle.” Hoofer Steps nodded as she replied, “I know. Zen again, zey have been tapping zeir entire lives.” As Apple Bloom nodded, the older dance teacher continued, “But for someone who has been dancing less zan a year, you do seem to have a natural talent.”

As Apple Bloom began to blush, Hoofer Steps remarked, “Now zen, how about ve vork on a few combinations? I vant to see how quickly you can adapt.” The former farm girl cracked her knuckles as she replied, “Only one way to find out ma’am.”

Ninety Minutes Later….

If Apple Bloom thought Tender Taps threw complicated steps and combinations at her, then she could only describe what Hoofer Steps had up her sleeve as making her boyfriend’s lessons look like baby steps. As she shuffled and scuffed her way across the floor, the older woman called out, “Vemember to stay off of your heels Apple Bloom!”

After a few moments, Apple Bloom had to demonstrate her skill at her least favorite part of tap dancing: turning. For the first few moments, she was able to perform a few turning buffalos with little trouble. But as she continued with other more intricate turns, the former farm girl began to grow dizzy as she struggled to spot and soon had to stop herself so she could regain her balance.

Hoofer Steps clapped her hands as she complimented, “Most impressive Apple Bloom.” The former farm girl replied, “Ah’m not too sure. Ah was losin’ mah balance and Ah don’t think Ah was spottin’ that well.” Walking up to Apple Bloom, the blonde dance teacher reassured her, “True, but you vere trying, and you do have ze humility to admit vhere you are veak. Not every beginner I’ve vorked vith is villing to admit zere mistakes.”

Nodding, Apple Bloom asked, “You mind if Ah get some water?” Hoofer Steps answered, “Oh, nein. In fact, I sink I might get some vater as vell.” As Apple Bloom made her way to her duffle bag and pulled out her water bottle, she noticed that as Hoofer sipped from her own water, she pulled out a note pad and pen and began to write in it. Curious, the former farm girl asked, “Uh, what are you writin’?”

Turning to the young girl, Hoofer Steps answered, “I’m just jotting down notes of vhat I’ve seen you do.” She then jotted something down as she added, “I sink ve can safely say you von’t be vith anyvone noticeably younger than you.” Apple Bloom scratched the back of her head as she replied, “It’s alright if Ah’m a bit older than any of mah would be classmates.”

Finishing her notes, Hoofer Steps set the notepad down on the movable desk as she began to walk to the center of the studio as she began, “Now zen. Shall ve continue?” Apple Bloom finished sipping her water as she replied, “Absolutely.” She then began to walk, or rather, shuffle, up to the older woman as she asked, “What’s next?”

Hoofer Steps informed, “Vell, as sort a vay to finish off, I vould like to see how you do vith improvisation.” Taking this in, Apple Bloom cracked her knuckles as she replied, “Ah think Ah can handle that.” The older woman gently backed away as she informed, “In zat case, ze floor is yours.”

Now having received the cue, Apple Bloom began to quickly over the many tap steps in her mind, trying to find the right one to begin with. ‘A time step? Nah, too cliched.’ She thought to herself. ‘Waltz clog? No. Wait a moment! Ah’ve got an idea!’

Knowing what to do, Apple Bloom began with a single Broadway leading into a Maxi Ford. Continuing on with some syncopated flaps, the former farm girl tried to think several steps ahead of what she was doing. Unfortunately, she eventually made one mistake; she tried to pirouette.

However, she quickly grew dizzy and once again lost her balance and fumbled about, this time able to regain her balance easily.

Turning to face Hoofer Steps, the former farm girl apologized, “Sorry about that.” The older dance teacher reassured her, “It’s alvight. Besides, I’m certainly impressed vith your footwork.” She then stretched her arms before saying, “After taking everything in, I think I know vhere to place you.” As Apple Bloom braced herself, she couldn’t help but feel surprised when Hoofer Steps gave her answer.

“Apple Bloom, I sink you vill fit in vell in our advanced tap class.”

The red-haired girl found herself taken by surprise by Hoofer Steps’s decision. ‘Advanced tap?’ She thought to herself. ‘Ah mean…. Ah know Ah’m kinda good, but Advanced?’ she was so taken aback that she barely noticed Hoofer Steps asking, “Apple Bloom? Are you alvight?”

Regaining her composure, Apple Bloom answered, “Yeah, Ah’m fine. It’s just…. If Ah may ask, you sure you think Ah’m good enough for an advanced class?”

Walking up to the young girl, Hoofer Steps explained, “I’m perfectly certain. After vatching you tap vith my own eyes, I can tell you have a gift for dancing. You have good timing, good posture, and are incredibly technically proficient.”

Though honored by Hoofer Steps’s compliments, Apple Bloom was still somewhat doubting herself as she continued, “Thanks, but…. Sorry if Ah’m overthinkin’ everythin’, but Ah know Ah’m not perfect. Ah fumbled some steps up, ah felt mah heels hittin’ the ground when they shouldn’t have, Ah….”

“Apple Bloom!” Hoofer Steps exclaimed, not quite shouting but still trying to be a bit forceful. As the former farm girl stopped herself, the dance instructor apologized, “Sorry for interrupting, but if I may explain my decision?” When Apple Bloom gave an apologetic nod, Hoofer Steps continued, “Und yes, not everything you pulled off vas perfect, especially vith turns, but zat is exactly vhy I vant you zere.”

As Apple Bloom took this in, the gray woman continued, “It’s because zat class vill challenge you, und ze only vay anyvone grows as a dancer is by pushing yourself. Anysing else vould be too easy for you, und I know now zat you can do better… I mean improve… I mean…”

“Ah understand what you mean.” Apple Bloom replied. Deep down, she found herself being overcome with joy. The first time she slipped a pair of tap shoes on, it was at Tender Taps’s insistence to try something new. But once she started, she found it was something she loved. She loved the sounds she made, she loved how it felt to pull off a complicated move, and she loved being able to do something not many people could do.

And being able to do it with her boyfriend and little sister was a wonderful bonus.

‘Tender! Ah almost forgot!’ Apple Bloom thought to herself. ‘If Ah’m in an advanced class, then that means Ah’d be in class with Tender Taps! Or at least Ah’ve got a good chance of it.’

The former farm girl was distracted from her internal train of thought when Hoofer Steps asked, “Apple Bloom? You alvight?” Regaining her composure, Apple Bloom began to feel her eyes sting as she answered, “Yeah. Ah’m alright.” Giving into her growing emotion, she wrapped Hoofer Steps into a close hug. Though taken by surprise by this action, the older woman hugged the former farm girl back.

Releasing Hoofer Steps, Apple Bloom apologized, “Sorry about that. Ah’ve… Ah’ve had a lot goin’ on in the last few weeks and hearin’ this…. Ah’m just so happy!” Wiping the stray tear from her eye, she gave a simple, “Thank you ma’am.”

Smiling at the former farm girl’s enthusiasm, Hoofer Steps replied, “You’re most velcome Apple Bloom, und I cannot vait to have you as a student.” She then continued, “Now zen, since I have vhat I need, I sink you should be heading home. You can tell your uncle you vill be in ze advanced class, und I vill contact him vith ze specifics in about a veek.”

Nodding, Apple Bloom replied, “You’ve got it ma’am.” She then made her way to her duffle bag and sat down before undoing the laces on her tap shoes. Once she’d removed them and slipped her boots back on, the red-haired girl made her way out of the studio as she asked, “It alright if Ah change first?” Hoofer Steps nodded as she reassured her, “It’s perfectly fine young lady.”

Once Apple Bloom was gone, Hoofer Steps began to gently scuff the floor with her tap shoes as she said to herself, “I love it vhen I meet kinder who love stepptanz as much as me.” She then began to perform an old routine she’d been taught years earlier, happy that she had another potential star student.

The Chop Shop, Later That Day….

Bursting through the shop front door, Apple Bloom happily squealed, “Uncle Ironhide! Aunt Chromia! Ah’ve got great news!” Before anyone could say anything in response, she ran straight into the living room where the entire household (including Wreck-Gar and Sparkplug) was gathered as she continued, “You guys ain’t gonna believe this but somethin’ amazin’ has happened!”

Rising up from the couch, Ironhide remarked, “Whoa there! Calm down kid! You’re gonna burn yourself out.” Apple Bloom took a moment to calm herself down before continuing, “Mah bad. But yeah, Ah finished the evaluation with Ms. Hoofer Steps, and guess what?” As everyone began to gather around her, she exclaimed, “She wants me in an advanced tap class!”

The first person to react was Sideswipe, who pulled her sister into a massive hug and twirled her around as she exclaimed, “That’s like totally awesome!” Chromia then added, “That’s wonderful! I’m so proud of you!” Apple Bloom, having freed herself from her sister’s grasp, replied, “Thanks aunt Chromia.”

Ironhide then made his way up to his daughter as he complimented, “Well, it sounds like someone is quite the advanced tapper.” Blushing at her uncle’s compliment, Apple Bloom remarked, “Ah hope it doesn’t interfere with anythin’ here.” Thankfully, the family patriarch let out a gentle chuckle as he reassured her, “Relax kid. I think it’s kind of nice that you’ve got a hobby you love so much.” Wheeljack then added, “Even if you keep some of us up at night.”

Kerfuffle then made her way up to Apple Bloom and asked, “Well, since you’re now the master tapper around here, you mind teaching me a step or two?” Torque Wrench then added, “And I wouldn’t mind learning something new.” Pausing for a moment to contemplate this offer, Apple Bloom confidently replied, “Ah think Ah can show you what Ah know.”
At that moment, Apple Bloom’s stomach began to rumble.

Scratching the back of her head, Apple Bloom added, “Though maybe after dinner.” Ratchet then spoke up, “In that case, I’ve got KP duty tonight, and I’m thinking meatball subs.” The former farm girl immediately asked, “Need me to help?” Nodding, the old medic replied, “I would appreciate that, but right now I’d prefer you take a shower. You kinda stink.”

Sighing in resignation, Apple Bloom said, “Alright.” She then began to head upstairs, but not before turning to Sideswipe as she added, “Oh, Ah’m sure Hoofer Steps might be willin’ to see what you can do. Maybe we could be in the same class.” The pale biker shook her head as she replied, “Thanks but no thanks. I’m always down for a cutting contest, but right now I just wanna focus on schoolwork more.” She then began to faintly blush as she added, “That and Marble said they’re always looking for volunteers at the museum.”

Apple Bloom gave her sister a mischievous smirk as she quipped, “Sounds like someone’s lookin’ to hang out with her girlfriend more.” Sideswipe returned the gesture by snarking, “Says the girl who’s gonna be in a dance class with her boyfriend.” Upon hearing this statement, the former farm girl felt her eyes widening as she realized, “Oh! Ah forgot to tell Tender Taps!” She then began to run towards the phone, intent of telling her boyfriend and little sister the good news.

She was stopped when Ironhide held his arm out as he ordered, “Shower first. Phone call later.” Nodding, Apple Bloom answered, “Yes sir.” She then gave a simple salute, one which her uncle returned as he quipped, “At ease soldier.” With that, Apple Bloom left to take a shower and wipe the stink of the day off her.
She just hoped she could do it quickly enough to tell Tender Taps and Double Shuffle the great news before dinner.

Author's Note:

Next Time; when Rattrap ends up in trouble, it's up to Apple Bloom and her friends to show him that he's not alone.

Author's note: I can't remember if I've said this before, but Hoofer Steps having a German accent came from me mis-remembering the episode "On your Marks" (I am aware that she actually has a vaguely Russian accent). I was planning on a chapter where that gets addressed, but given recent political events, I've decided to abandon that and embrace my mistake of having her as a German.

And fun fact, this chapter's title translates to "Tap Dancing with Hoofer Steps"

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