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A House Divided...

As the Apple Blooms

Respite 8, A House Divided…

“She WHAT?!” Applejack angrily shouted as Granny Smith and Big Macintosh informed her of the recent revelations. The middle Apple sibling had returned home from the last day of her summer job (one which she was relieved to be done with) only to be informed of a simple, unpleasant truth.

Apple Bloom wouldn’t be returning to Sweet Apple Acres anytime soon.

Sighing in frustration, Granny Smith answered, “Ah’m sayin’ that your sister is stayin’ with your uncle for the next school year.” As Applejack processed what was happening around her, the family matriarch continued, “That’s right Applejack. Apple Bloom ain’t commin’ home.”

Applejack couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Apple Bloom, her little sister, the person responsible for the Anon-A-Miss incident, was staying in Allspark Wells. Unable to fully process what she was hearing, the orange farm girl began to growl, “Why that two timin’ little backstabber…..”

She was interrupted when Big Mac stood up from the couch and shouted back, “Ah’m gettin’ sick of listenin’ to you complainin’ about what Apple Bloom did!” Applejack was taken aback by her brother’s defiance as he continued, “It’s been what, six months since we dropped her off? Ah swear, since then you’ve only gotten meaner and angrier!” All Applejack could offer in response was a weak and, to everyone present’s disappointment, a not entirely sincere, “Ah’m not mean.”

Walking up to his sister, Big Mac crossed his arms as he asked, “Then what do you call blowin’ up at her over the phone?” Applejack stepped up to her brother as she disappointedly replied, “You mean after she punched Roseluck?” When neither Apple sibling backed down, Big Macintosh continued, “And what about that stunt with the watermelons?”

Before either sibling could say something, they could possibly regret, Granny Smith stomped up to her grandchildren and pushed them apart as she called out, “That’s enough you two!” As both Big Mac and Applejack refused to look at each other, their grandmother sighed as she continued, “There’s no point in arguin’ about this anymore! Apple Bloom won’t be commin’ back, at least for more than a few days. All we can do now is….” The older woman stopped herself before admitting, “Actually, Ah don’t know what to do.”

Turning to face his sister, Big Mac grumbled, “This is all your fault Applejack.” An Insulted Applejack asked, “How is this mah fault? Ah’m not the one who spilt everyone’s secrets online!” Of course, this led to her brother reminding the orange farm girl of a detail that she hadn’t thought about since before she sent Apple Bloom away.

“Well, it was your idea to call in Uncle Ironhide’s favor in the first place!”

Indeed, this statement brought back memories of Applejack, Big Mac, and Granny Smith debating what to do with the then grounded Apple Bloom. While Big Mac had suggested that they just load their younger sister with an increase in chores, Applejack had been adamant in something a little more “punishing”. And once their grandmother offhandedly mentioned their “Uncle” and his favor, Applejack threw herself behind sending her little sister away.

She just didn’t expect that Apple Bloom would actually want to stay.

Granny Smith stepped in between her grandchildren as she dejectedly began, “Applejack may have been the one to push for callin’ in Ironhide’s favor, but even Ah have to admit Ah eventually relented and actually called it in.” As Big Mac sighed in defeat, the Apple family matriarch turned to her granddaughter and chastised, “But that doesn’t excuse what you said to and about her.”

As Applejack took in her grandmother’s words, she found she couldn’t shake the memory of getting called into Principal Celestia’s office and learning that Apple Bloom was not only involved with Anon-A-Miss, but was actually the ringleader, having roped her friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo into helping her. To say that she had been angry would be nothing short of a massive understatement.

Still, it wasn’t like Applejack had don’t anything wrong. ‘Ah mean, how could Ah know Apple Bloom would be willin’ to do somethin’ that stupid?’ The orange farm girl thought to herself. ‘And how could Ah know she’d go as far as to get somethin’ like Vice Principal Luna’s bail post?’

Applejack was so deep in thought that she barely noticed Granny Smith trying to get her attention. The older woman snapped her fingers as she called out, “Hey! Earth to Applejack.” When the middle Apple sibling focused on her grandmother, the older woman explained, “Look, right now there’s no point in any of us frettin’ over how we got here, only what happens next.” Sighing, Applejack gave a simple and unhappy, “Ah understand.”

Satisfied (or at least as satisfied as she could be) with her situation, Granny Smith informed, “Alright then. Ah’m gonna go get dinner started.” Big Mac then asked, “Need me to help?” The Apple family matriarch shook her head as she gave a small smile and replied, “Ah’ll be fine. You two go wash up.”

Once Granny Smith was gone, Big Macintosh glared at his sister as he growled, “Ah hope you’re happy with yourself.” He then made his way towards his room, though not before rudely bumping into Applejack as he passed her. Now all alone, all the middle Apple sibling could do was ask an imaginary Apple Bloom, “Why, just why?”

Of course, she knew the reason why Apple Bloom did what she did. Her younger sister had been jealous of her spending time with Sunset Shimmer. Rather than tell her someone how she was feeling, however, she roped her friends into a convoluted scheme to frame Sunset for stealing secrets and sensitive information before posting it on the internet.

Sighing to herself, Applejack growled, “Ah just can’t believe you’re mah sister Apple Bloom.” With that, she made her way to her room, hopeful she could kill time before dinner.

Canterlot Mall, The Next Day….

Pulling into the parking lot, Applejack collected herself as she said, “Alright. Just you an’ the girls. Don’t do anythin’ rash and keep it under control.” She took one final deep breath before putting on a brave face, stepping out of her car, and making her way to the mall’s entrance.

Just as Applejack expected, she was greeted by the sight of Twilight, Fluttershy, Spike, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie waiting for her. Walking up to her friends, the blonde girl asked, “Howdy girls! How are y’all doin’?”

Rarity practically ran up to her farmer friend and hugged her as she answered, “Just wonderfully darling!” The next to speak was Pinkie Pie, who mysteriously popped up behind Applejack as she exclaimed, “Yeah! We were actually wondering if you or Rainbow Dash would be the last to show up, but now we know you’re here!” Twilight then added, “Well, that and Rainbow Dash texted and said she’d be a bit late.”

As Rarity released Applejack from her hug, Fluttershy walked up to the two and asked, “Um, Applejack? You feeling alright?” Sighing to herself, the middle Apple sibling thought to herself, ‘Gotta hand it to Fluttershy to figure it out.’ Applejack straightened herself as she replied, “Ah’m fine. Just don’t wanna bend your ears over anythin’.”

The moment those words escaped Applejack’s lips, Fluttershy sighed and dejectedly asked, “You’re still mad at her, aren’t you?” As the other girls gave her concerned looks, the orange farm girl could only shrug. Ever Apple Bloom got in trouble with Roseluck, she’d tried to avoid venting about her sister’s behavior, often using the term “bending your ears” to mean “Ah’m still angry with her and Ah don’t wanna annoy you guys by repeatin’ it over and over again.”

Shaking her head, Applejack briefly explained, “Look, right now it’s complicated, and Ah don’t really wanna talk about it.” As most of the group sighed, Rarity took the farm girl’s hand and reassured her, “It’s alright dear. But if you do decide to talk about it, we’re all here for you.” Smiling, Applejack gave a simple, “Thanks girls.”

Pinkie Pie then blurted out, “What are we standing around for? Let’s go have some fun!” With that, the group made their way into the mall, hopeful they would have a pleasant day out.

The Food Court, a Short While Later…

As everyone sat at the large table and ate, Twilight finished recounting how her first date with Timber Spruce went. “And once the stars came out, I felt my head lean against his shoulder.” The bespectacled scholar wistfully said as she remembered how she and Timber enjoyed a night under the stars. Unsurprisingly, the magenta girl felt her face blush as everyone else gave supportive “Awh”s.

Rarity spoke up with a supportive, “Why darling, aren’t you and Timber Spruce just the perfect pair?” Fluttershy then asked, “Did the fireflies help?” Snapping back to reality, Twilight lifted Spike up to her lap as she answered, “They were just the perfect touch Fluttershy.”

As Applejack took a bite from her sandwich, she was interrupted by Pinkie Pie informing her, “Oh Applejack, before I forget, I ran into Apple Bloom a while back.” Sighing to herself, the orange farm girl thought to herself, ‘Don’t say anythin’ reckless.’ After all, the last thing she needed was her friends realizing just how she felt about her sister. All she could do was ask, “Is that right?”

Nodding, the puffy haired girl replied, “Yeah! Marble invited her to her birthday party! And that’s not all.” As the rest of the girls gathered around her, Pinkie pulled out her phone as she squealed, “Marble has a girlfriend!”

Fluttershy was the first to speak up with a happy, “That’s amazing!” Rarity spoke next with an intrigued, “Really? Well, who’s her girlfriend?” Handing the pale fashionista her phone, Pinkie Pie answered, “Her name is Sideswipe, and she’s a biker who lives with Apple Bloom and Ironhide.”

Looking over Rarity’s Shoulder, Applejack found a picture of Pinkie’s gray sister holding a peace sign with a pale white girl with short black hair, a red denim vest and a black tank top doing the same, albeit while also sticking her tongue out to look goofy. The purple haired fashionista complimented, “They’re so adorable! I swear I feel my heart melting at the sight of them!” Pinkie nodded as she replied, “I know. The fact Sideswipe makes her happy makes me happy!”

Everyone was distracted when Spike spoke up with, “Hey guys! Rainbow Dash is here!” The group immediately gave the small purple dog concerned looks as Twilight whispered, “Spike! You can’t just talk in public. Remember the dog park?” As Spike sheepishly kept his mouth quiet, everyone else turned to see that their rainbow haired friend was walking up to them. Unfortunately, however, there was a small problem.

Rainbow Dash hadn’t come alone.

Walking next to her, or rather timidly hiding behind her, was a younger girl with orange skin, purple hair and eyes, and a turquoise scarf covering her neck. This plus her twitching head made it clear that it could only be Scootaloo.

As Applejack looked around her, she found her friends’ mood had soured. Rarity and Twilight shared concerned looks, Fluttershy nervously gulped, and even Pinkie Pie’s hair had drooped into an emo-combover (a clear sign that she was depressed). All in all, the mood had changed from upbeat to melancholy the moment Scootaloo’s headfirst twitched.

As they approached the group, Scootaloo gave a simple waive as she meekly said, “Hi.” Rainbow Dash herself apologized, “Hey guys. Sorry about this, but Scoots’s aunts are dealing with insurance people.” When Scootaloo placed herself behind her cerulean sister, the older teen asked, “This won’t be a promise, will it?”

The first girl to answer was Fluttershy, who walked up to the two surrogate sisters and, to Scootaloo’s surprise, pulled her into a gentle hug as she replied, “Of course not.” As the younger girl hugged her back, Rarity rose to her feet as she asked, “If you don’t mind me asking dear, how is your neck?”

Though part of her hesitated for a moment, Scootaloo took a deep breath as she answered, “The twitch is pretty manageable now. For the most part, it’s just annoying.” Of course, it was at this moment as the young girl’s head twitched once again, allowing her scarf to fall a bit, briefly exposing her scarred neck.

While most of the others gathered around the two surrogate sisters, Applejack looked away as she thought to herself, ‘How come whenever Rainbow Dash wants to hang out, she’s gotta bring that brat along?’ She was distracted when Pinkie Pie dejectedly asked, “So is it true? Did Scootaloo really try to…. You know….” When Applejack nodded, the pink party girl sighed as she continued, “You know, if something like that happened to Marble, I don’t know what would do.”

“Ah’m sorry. Excuse me.” Applejack said as she stood up. When everyone focused on her, the orange farm girl explained, “Look, Ah need a moment.” She then began to walk away, hoping she could calm her now racing mind.

At least she was until Rainbow Dash called out, “You’re still angry, aren’t you?”

Stopping in her tracks, Applejack turned to face her friend as the rainbow haired teen crossed her arms and continued, “It’s been like what, six months, and you still have a massive chip on your shoulder!” As the other girls held their breath, Rainbow Dash finished, “Look, I didn’t want to say anything, but I can’t help but think you’re still angry at them for what happened.”

At that moment, something flipped in Applejack. Letting out a soft yet unsettling chuckle, the blonde farm girl began, “You know what, Ah am angry. Ah’m angry that those brats lied to us, tricked us, and don’t forget what they did to Sunset!” As everyone took this in, she finished, “And the fact it was just because they were jealous makes me….”

“Oh, shut up!” Rainbow Dash interrupted. As Applejack stepped back in shock, the rainbow haired girl sighed as she turned to Scootaloo and said, “Come on Scoots. I think we should go somewhere else.” She then turned to the others and apologized, “Sorry girls. Maybe another time.”

Once Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were gone, Rarity turned to Applejack and began, “Darling, I hate to be the to say this, but you’ve been rather…. Angry since the Anon-A-Miss incident.” Fluttershy then added, “She’s right. It’s like you….” She then brushed her hair out of her face as she finished, “…Like you’re always angry.”

Sighing, Applejack admitted, “Ah know. It’s just that…. No matter what Ah just know that if they hadn’t done it, things would be different. Sunset would still be our friend and….” Stopping herself, she said, “Sorry, Ah need a moment.”

Walking away, Applejack could feel her friends watching her, judging her like she were her sister. Right now, she just needed somewhere to hide and catch her breath.

After a few minutes, the orange farm girl found somewhere that looked quiet; a bookstore. ‘This ought to work.’ Applejack thought to herself as she entered the store. Making her way to the store’s corner, she found a chair and sat down as she allowed her thoughts to race around her head.

‘Ugh. Why did you have to spread everythin’?’ Applejack asked an imaginary Apple Bloom. ‘Why did you turn us against Sunset? Why did you tell everyone about that damn nickname? Why did you….’ Shaking her head, the orange girl quietly asked, “Why did you make me look like a jackass?”

“You didn’t need her help to look like a jackass.”

Raising her head, Applejack began to look around the store, trying to find who said that. However, all the farm girl could see were endless shelves of books for sale and the occasional chair. Letting out an embarrassed chuckle, Applejack said to herself, “Heh, guess you’re goin’ crazy AJ.”

She was distracted when the same voice from earlier, a vaguely familiar old man’s voice, spoke out, “You’ve been doing a rather good job of that on your own.” Now starting to panic, Applejack asked, “Who’s there?” When no one emerged, the blonde farm girl asked, “Whoever you are, show yourself.”

For a few moments, there was no response to her question. Eventually, however, a new sound rang out throughout the bookstore; the tapping of a cane striking the floor. As it grew louder, Applejack thought to herself, ‘Wait a minute, that sounds familiar.’ When she focused on the source of the sound, the orange farm girl felt her jaw dropping as she realized who was approaching her.

There, walking up to her, was an old man with gray skin, pink beard and hair, a cane, and dressed in a black suit with a double-breasted coat that could only be one man.

“Kranix!” Applejack exclaimed in shock. As the old man walked up to her, she asked, “What are you doin’ here?”

Letting out an amused chuckle (one which the teenaged cowgirl found unsettling), Kranix asked, “Do you mean in Canterlot City, or in this fine establishment?” Folding her arms, Applejack couldn’t help but think, ‘Ugh, Ah can’t stand this old turkey!’ After a few moments, the old man raised his cane and scolded, “It’s considered rude to not answer someone’s question.” Groaning, Applejack gritted her teeth as she answered, “Whichever you want. Ah don’t care.”

Kranix straightened himself as he answered, “Well, long story short, I’m looking for someone. Someone very close to me.” The tone in his voice carried a hint of melancholy as he looked down and continued, “But they’re not here. So I thought I’d, what’s the word….” He then adopted a mock country accent as he remarked, “Stick around for a spell.” When Applejack gave him a threatening scowl, Kranix finished, “Worry not Applejack. Once I find a new lead, I’ll be gone.”

After a few moments of awkward silence, Applejack gave into her growing frustration and asked, “Why can’t you speak in anythin’ other than riddles?” Kranix shook his head as he sighed and replied, “Because I hoped you were intelligent enough to comprehend what I’m trying to say. Clearly, you are not, or rather to angry to understand.”

Calming herself down, the orange farm girl asked, “But seriously, how come you seem to know everythin’ goin’ on with me?” Kranix stepped forward as he answered, “You don’t live to see empires rise and fall a thousand times over without learning a little subterfuge.” He then asked, “Tell me something, what exactly did your sister do to you? Not to Sunset, or your friends, but to you?”

Hesitating for a moment, Applejack explained, “Apple Bloom lied to me, she told the entire school about how Ah earned the nickname “piggly wiggly,” she framed mah friend Sunset….” She was interrupted when Kranix added, “And you made a fool of yourself?” When the orange farm girl tried to speak up in defiance, he raised his cane to her chest as he defiantly interrupted, “You’re so good at telling when other people are lying, but you either don’t notice when you’re lying to yourself.” He then allowed a mischievous smirk to form on his lips as he added, “Either that or you just don’t care.”

Something the old man said struck Applejack as she covered her ears, closed her eyes, and desperately screamed, “GET OUT OF MAH HEAD!” As tears began to trickle out of her eyes, she felt someone rest their hand on her shoulder. Brushing it away, she begged, “Don’t touch me.”

However, instead of Kranix’s voice, Applejack heard Rarity’s voice, “Are you alright dear?” Looking up, the teary-eyed farm girl found her pale friend extending her hand. As she accepted her friend’s help, the orange farm girl asked, “He’s here Rarity. That old man from Equestria land. The fortune teller!”

Rarity’s eyes lit up when she asked, “You mean that Kranix man?” Her eyes then shrunk as she continued, “Wait. I just passed a man that looked just like him. You don’t think….” As the purple haired fashionista turned to face the entrance of the bookstore, Applejack rested a hand on her shoulder as she said, “Forget it. He ain’t worth the trouble.” Rarity took her friend’s hand and held it in her own hands as she replied, “If you insist darling.”

Taking a deep breath, Applejack informed her, “Ah think Ah’d better head home. Ah’ve got a lot on mah plate and….” Sighing, she apologized, “Sorry for bein’ so angry lately.” Nodding, Rarity replied, “It’s alright dear. If you ever want to talk about, I’m just a text away.” Smiling the orange farm girl hugged her friend as she said, “Thanks Rarity.”

As Applejack began to leave, Rarity called out, “I hope you feel better darling.” Taking a deep breath, the blonde farm girl whispered to herself, “So do Ah.”

Sweet Apple Acres, One Hour Later….

Entering the farmhouse, Applejack called out, “Hello! Granny Smith? Big Mac? Ah’m home!” Almost immediately, her grandmother’s voice called out, “You mind comin’ over here? We’re havin’ a family meetin’.” Already exhausted from a long and trying day, the orange farm girl took a deep breath as she tried to pep herself, “Come on, just get this over with and go upstairs and take a nap.”

Entering the living room, Applejack found that both her grandmother and older brother Big Macintosh were waiting for her. ‘Should’ve figured.’ The middle Apple sibling thought to herself. As she made her way to the couch, Granny Smith asked her grandchildren, “Now then, given everythin’ that’s happened, Ah think it’s time I revealed somethin’.”

Taking a deep breath, Granny Smith asked, “Either of you know why Ah asked you two to research your uncle?”

Hesitating for a moment, Applejack replied, “Uh, didn’t you say it was about so we could know more about him?” Big Mac nodded as he added, “Eeyup. Somethin’ about how we didn’t really know much about him before all this.” As she nodded, Granny Smith sighed as she replied, “That is true, but there’s another reason, one Ah didn’t think Ah needed to spell out.” As she turned her attention to Applejack, the family matriarch inquired, “When Ah said you couldn’t ask Apple Bloom about him, did that mean the same thing as not speakin’ with her?”

Applejack knew exactly where this conversation was going. Folding her arms, the blonde cowgirl angrily asked, “If you’re gonna chew me out for not speakin’ with her, then tell me when the last time you talked with her was!” Her words clearly struck her grandmother’s heart, who angrily shot back, “An’ you know damn well Ah don’t understand half this technology mumbo jumbo!”

As both Grandmother and Granddaughter stared down each other, Big Mac stepped in between them and practically shouted, “STOP IT, PLEASE!” Once both Applejack and Granny Smith calmed down, Big Mac sighed, “This is gettin’ out of hand!” Starting to tear up, he begged, “Ah’ve already lost mah little sister. Ah don’t want mah family to fall apart anymore!”

Hugging her grandson, Granny Smith turned to her granddaughter and began, “What Ah guess Ah’m tryin’ to say is, as much as Ah let Apple Bloom down, in truth we all did.”

‘We let her down?’ Applejack thought to herself. Giving into her growing anger, she blurted out, “No! If Apple Bloom just behaved, then none of this would’ve happened! It’s all her fault!” Big Mac immediately shot back, “She may have been Anon-A-Miss, but she didn’t say she hated you!” Glaring at her brother, the orange farm girl growled, “You ain’t gonna let that go, are you?”

Realizing that they were in the same position they’d been stuck in for the last week or so, Applejack sighed as she growled, “Look, Ah’ve had a long day, and Ah’d like to take a nap.” As she began to leave, however, Granny Smith said something that would shock the blonde farm girl.

“Ah’ve scheduled you to see someone about that temper of yours.”

Turning around to face her grandmother, Applejack asked, “What?” Granny Smith folded her arms as she continued, “One thing is clear, your anger is gettin’ out of hand, and this is somethin’ out of mah league. You’ve got an appointment for anger management two days from now.”

Surprised, Applejack asked, “Seriously?” Granny Smith immediately replied, “Yeah. Ah will not tolerate one of mah grandchildren sayin’ they hate another one! Ah’ve been disappointed in you, Ah’ve been angry with you, but this is the first time Ah’ve EVER been ashamed of you!”

Sighing as she struggled to keep her growing frustration under control, all Applejack could do was stomp her way out of the living room and up to her room, ignoring both Granny Smith and Big Mac’s attempts to order her back.

Once she was alone in her room, Applejack closed the door and sat down against the wall as she curled up into a ball in an attempt to feel something other than the unceasing fury bubbling inside her. All she wanted to do was just punch something, but she knew that it wouldn’t change anything.

Apple Bloom, her little sister, the girl she’d helped raise, was for all intents and purposes, was gone.

And so, Applejack did the only thing she could do; She cried her eyes out, breaking under the realization that, perhaps, just perhaps, her grandmother, brother, friends, and even the old man Kranix were right about her all along.

Then again, if Apple Bloom hadn’t done everything, she wouldn’t be feeling this way in the first place.

Author's Note:

Next Time; The first day of the Convention rolls out, and Apple Bloom, Sideswipe, and Marble learn not everyone at these kinds of events are the sort of person one should make acquaintances with.

Author's Note; I've tried to add everything people wanted to say here (at least excluding Sunset, whom I have plans for), but I must confess that this will be the last we see of Applejack before the final stretch.

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