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Meeting the Tap Family

As the Apple Blooms

Part 9; Meeting the Tap Family

If there was one thing that was truly unpleasant about working at the Chop Shop, it was the nearly unbearable boredom. As she stood behind the cash register, Apple Bloom began to mentally go through everything on her to-do list. Sweep the floor, check. Dust the display merchandise, check. Mop and scrub the floors, check and check. All in all, Apple Bloom was dealing with the vile threat that was boredom. And it seems boredom was winning.

At least it was until an audible ding rang from the front door. Springing to life, Apple Bloom began to recite the customary greeting. “Welcome to Ironhide’s scrap yard and chop shop. What can we do for ya?” It was at this moment that she realized that her guest was neither a stranger nor any of the regular customers, but a now very familiar boy with orange skin, purple hair, and a sense of warmth and friendliness radiating from him.

“Tender Taps!” Apple Bloom called out as she burst over the counter and rushed over to her friend and wrapped him in a warm embrace. As she continued to squeeze, she heard Tender quietly say, “Apple Bloom, you’re crushing me.”

“Oh.” Apple Bloom replied as she released Tender Taps from her tight embrace. “Sorry about that. Guess Ah don’t know mah own strength.” As she began to nervously scratch the back of her head, she asked, “So, you need somethin’?”

“Does seeing you count as reason enough?” Tender answered embarrassingly, causing him and Apple Bloom to blush. He was about to continue, but he noticed something slightly off about Apple Bloom, specifically her eyes, or rather her eye.

“Apple Bloom! You have a black eye!” Tender Taps said as he began to internally panic. “What happened? You’re not hurt are you?!”

“Tender, Ah’m alright.” Apple Bloom answered reassuringly. “Ah got in a little tussle with these two fellas a few days ago. Two buttheads by the name of, uh, Frenzy and Rumble Ah think.”

“Wait a minute, I think I know those two jerks.” Tender Taps said. “From what I hear, they’re twins, and they go to Kaon High.”

“Hm.” Apple Bloom pondered. She then asked, “So, where do you go to school anyway?”

Tender Taps let out a sheepish laugh as he replied, “Well, for the moment, nowhere. You know, being expelled and all.” Apple Bloom let out an embarrassed, “Oh, yeah that.” Tender Taps then added, “I bet you aren’t exactly enrolled at either Iacon or Kaon high, are you?” Apple Bloom replied, “Not exactly. ‘Sides, Ah don’t think anyone would wanna be in class with Anon-A-Miss, would they?” Tender Taps gave an embarrassed, “I would.”

Before their increasingly embarrassing banter could continue, Ironhide entered the front room, carrying a box of gears. As he set the box down on the counter, He playfully asked, “Who gave you permission to start chatting young lady?”

Apple Bloom didn’t notice his playful tone and immediately began to beg, “Sorry! Ah didn’t mean to! Ah just….” Ironhide raised his hand as he began to reply, “Don’t worry, I’m only joking.” Apple Bloom, realizing he was joking, crossed her arms as she remarked, “Ah don’t think it was very funny.”

Tender Taps then let out an embarrassed, “Uh, I think it was a little funny.” Apple Bloom gave him a small glare before she herself let out a guilty giggle.

Once she had calmed down, Ironhide asked, “So Tender Taps, what brings you all the way out here?” Tender Taps began to explain, “Well, my parents noticed how Apple Bloom and I are kinda close, so they wanted to meet her.”

Apple Bloom felt her heart skip a beat. “What? They wanna meet me?” Tender Taps nodded as he enthusiastically replied, “Yeah, they…. Hold on a sec.” He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Apple Bloom as he continued, “They wanted me to give you this.” As Apple Bloom took the letter, she began to read it out loud.

To Apple Bloom,

My son has told me a great deal about you, and despite your reputation you seem to be a very fine young lady. My husband and I have decided to invite you over for dinner in two days. We look forward to meeting you.


Mrs. Soft Shoe.

Apple Bloom felt her heart soar. For the first time since she arrived in Allspark Wells, someone actively wanted to meet her. She was so consumed by the invitation that she failed to notice Tender Taps and Ironhide trying to get her attention.

“Uh, Mr. Ironhide, will she be alright?” Tender Taps asked the older man. As a massive smile began to grow on Apple Bloom’s face, Ironhide replied, “I think she’ll be just fine.”

Two Days Later….

Apple Bloom pedaled up to Tender Tap’s home, her mind processing a combination of anticipation and dread. She’d never really met any of Tender Taps’s family, only briefly talking with his younger sister Double Shuffle and hearing his mother’s voice. Would they actually like her? Were they only trying to be nice because she was friends with her son?

One thing she hoped wouldn’t upset them was her attire. She was wearing a darker pair of overalls over a red and white striped shirt, and had recently polished her boots so they shined just like new. Her hair was still in the new braided pigtails, but she had added two new bright red bows, and all in all tried to look as presentable as possible.

Pulling up to the house, Apple Bloom took a deep breath. “Well, Ah guess this is it.” she said to herself, trying to pep herself up. After parking her bike and setting the helmet in the basket, she began to walk up to the front door. The anticipation was incredibly palpable, and sweat was beginning to drip down her forehead. After a few moments of hesitation, Apple Bloom knocked on the front door.

Not even five seconds passed before the door opened, revealing a now familiar blue skinned girl with yellow braided pigtails. Apple Bloom nervously began to speak, “Uh, howdy there. Ah was invited over.”

The girl turned to face the foyer as she called out, “Tender, you’re girlfriend is here!” Just like last time, she heard the sound Tender Taps call out, “She’s not my girlfriend Double Shuffle.” As he emerged from deeper inside the house, he continued, “She’s just my friend, who’s a girl.”

Tender Taps made his way to the door, dressed in a red button shirt and black pants. “Apple Bloom!” He cried out as he wrapped her in a warm embrace. After releasing her, he made a dramatic pose as he added, “Welcome to our humble home. Me casa es su casa.”

Apple Bloom released a gentle chuckle as she replied, “Thanks. Good to see ya too.” Tender Taps noticed her slight change in attire and complimented her, “Nice shirt.” Apple Bloom replied, “Thanks. Ah tried to look presentable for your folks.” Tender Taps replied, “Don’t worry. Mom and dad aren’t particularly fancy.”

Before either could continue, Double Shuffle walked up to Apple Bloom and began to speak. “Hi. I’m Double Shuffle.” As she extended her hand, Apple Bloom returned the gesture and replied, “Ah’m Apple Bloom. It’s nice to meet ya.” The younger girl then asked, “I don’t mean to be rude, but weren’t you the person responsible for that gossip thingy over in Canterlot City?”

As much as it was somewhat irritating to have her past brought up yet again, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but find Double Shuffle’s innocent curiosity enduring. “Yeah.” She replied. “Ah wasn’t the only one, but Ah was the ringleader.” She then knelt down to the younger girl and whispered, “As much as Ah’m kinda ashamed to admit it, it was kinda fun.” Double Shuffle began to giggle, and Apple Bloom couldn’t help but join her, even as she tried to warn her, “However, don’t try it. Spreadin’ secrets will only get you in trouble.”

Tender Taps then said, “Now that you two are acquainted, why don’t you come inside? I don’t want you getting a cold.” Apple Bloom nodded and followed Tender Taps and Double Shuffle inside.

Once Apple Bloom entered the foyer, she heard an odd sound; the sound of rhythmic thumping from somewhere in the house. Turning to Tender Taps, she asked, “What’s that sound?” Tender Taps simply shrugged as he replied, “Clogging problem.”

“Cloggin’ Problem?” Apple Bloom asked. “Why would that thumpin’ come from clogged pipes or…” It was now that she noticed the cheeky look on Tender and Double Shuffle’s faces. Realizing what they were probably thinking, Apple Bloom said, “Oh, Ah get it. “Clogging” problem.” She then paused for a moment before she asked, “So is kinda like tap dancin’?”

Tender Taps let out a gentle chuckle as he replied, “Follow me.”

Tender’s Family’s Private Dance Studio

“And here we are.” Tender Taps said as he led Apple Bloom to the source of the thumping and clacking. “Hope you don’t mind a little noise.” He jokingly warned. “We’re kind of a family of performers.”

“Ah couldn’t tell.” Apple Bloom replied in playful sarcasm. She then opened the door and was pleasantly surprised.

The room was modestly large, and for the most part empty. The floor was entirely polished hardwood, three of the walls were a basic light red (but not exactly pink), whilst the final wall was entirely covered in a massive mirror. Near the back of the studio were several metal bars being propped up by others, a few massive workout balls, and a few other assorted pieces of workout equipment.

However, Apple Bloom’s attention was mostly taken by the man and woman dancing in the center of the studio. One was a yellow skinned woman with purple hair wearing a blue dress, the other a green man with blue hair wearing a yellow shirt with jeans. The one thing they both wore were black oxford shoes with jingling pieces of metal on the toes and heels. The two were doing some sort of dance, similar to tap dancing but quite. This must have been the clogging Tender Taps and Double Shuffle were referring to.

“Mom. Dad.” Tender Taps called out. “Our guest is here.” The two adults heard their son and stopped their routine as they noticed their new guest.

The woman made her way up to Apple Bloom as she began to speak. “So, this is the mysterious Apple Bloom we’ve heard so much about?” As the former farmhand nodded, the woman continued, “Well I must say you certainly a rather adorable young lady.”

“Thank you ma’am.” Apple Bloom said as she nodded her head. “And if Ah must say, that was some fine footwork.”

The woman let out a gentle chuckle as she continued, “The name is Soft Shoe, and thank you. We’re all pretty skilled dancers if I may say.” She then realized she hadn’t introduced her husband and proceeded to do so. “This is my husband Hard Shoe.”

The man made his way up to Apple Bloom and extended his hand. “Hard Shoe. Good to meet you kid.” Apple Bloom shook his hand and replied, “Nice to meet ya. Tender said you got a new job ‘round here?”

“Not quite.” Hard Shoe replied. “You may not believe it, but you’re talking to the newest member of the Tap Hounds!” Apple Bloom gave a confused look before she asked, “The who?”

Double Shuffle let out a very audible gasp as she asked, “You’ve never heard of the Tap Hounds? They’re like, the greatest dance company ever!” Tender Taps let out an embarrassed sigh as he added, “What my sister is trying to say is that the Tap Hounds are a professional tap dance company. They perform all over the country and even overseas.”

“Whoa.” Apple Bloom replied. “You gotta be real good to be in a group like that.” Hard Shoe then gave his wife a knowing look before rubbing his hands together. Before either Soft Shoe, Apple Bloom, or the others could react, he began to perform an incredibly fast piece of choreography. His taps, clicks, and clacks were blending in with each other, and yet Apple Bloom could tell that his technical precision was better than Tender Taps’s, which considering his own skill, was saying a lot.

Once Hard Shoe finished “showing off,” he asked Apple Bloom, “So what do you think?” Apple Bloom, jaw dropped, replied, “That. Was. AWESOME!” After catching her breath from her surprisingly loud outburst, continued, “Ah’ve never seen anyone dance like that. You gotta teach me how to do that!!”

“Hm…” Soft and Hard Shoe began to ponder for a moment. After a few seconds, Soft Shoe replied, “Well, Hard Shoe and I need to start prepping dinner.” She then turned to her children and asked, “Tender Taps, Double Shuffle, you two mind giving Apple Bloom a basic tap lesson?” Tender Taps nodded yes as he replied, “You bet.” He then turned to Apple Bloom as he added, “I mean, if you want to that is.”

“Sounds like fun.” Apple Bloom replied. She then looked down to her boots and remarked, “Ah just hope these boots don’t damage your floor.”

Soft Shoe then began to speak. “Oh I don’t think so. What’s your foot size dear?” Apple Bloom hesitated for a moment before she replied, “Uh, an eight Ah think. Why?” The older woman turned to Double Shuffle and said, “Double Shuffle, would you go get one of the size eights from my workshop?” Double Shuffle nodded and departed the studio.

Apple Bloom asked, “Workshop ma’am?” Soft Shoe replied, “Oh, sorry I forgot to mention. I’m a cobbler by trade, and I specialize in dance shoes.” Apple Bloom then asked, “So is that why you asked me about mah foot size?”

Before Soft Shoe could answer, Double Shuffle returned with two pairs of tap shoes, one a solid black pair of flats and another a pair of black flats with white around the heel. The young girl then asked, “So Apple Bloom, which do you prefer?”

“Wait.” Apple Bloom began. “You guys are just givin’ me a pair of tap shoes?” Soft Shoe replied, “Well, I suppose you can borrow these for tonight.” Apple Bloom nodded as she said, “Either way, thank you ma’am.” she then turned to Double Shuffle and, after a few moments of contemplation, decided, “Ah’ll take the full black ones.”

As Apple Bloom took the black tap shoes, Tender Taps said, “Awesome! I’m gonna go get mine. Be right back.” He then darted out of the room, followed by his parents as they left to prepare dinner.

Double Shuffle then turned to Apple Bloom and asked, “So is it true you and Tender really aren’t dating?” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but blush as she replied, “Oh, of course not. We’ve only known each other less than a month.” Double Shuffle shrugged as she replied, “I’m just looking out for my big brother.”

Apple Bloom felt her heart sting at that remark. It had been nearly a month since the last time she saw Big Mac and Applejack, and to say they parted ways on poor terms would be an undeniably understatement. She began to look away in shame until Double Shuffle asked, “You alright?”

Apple Bloom snapped back to the present as she answered, “Yeah. Ah understand the importance of bein’ a good sister.” Double Shuffle nodded in agreement, totally oblivious to Apple Bloom’s internal turmoil.

Tender Taps returned with two sets of tap shoes. “Hey Double Shuffle.” He called to his sister. “You wanna join us?”

Double Shuffle replied with an enthusiastic, “You bet!” She then turned to Apple Bloom and said, “Come on Apple Bloom, put your shoes on!”

Apple Bloom managed to put on a convincing friendly face as she sat herself down to remove her boots, and then slipped on her tap shoes and began to tie the laces.

The first thing Apple Bloom noticed about wearing tap shoes was the fact that it almost felt like wearing heels. She moved forward to take a step, only to find herself struggling to maintain her balance. When she managed to regain her balance, she began to slightly slip across the wooden floor.

“Whoa there.” Tender Taps said as he made his way up to Apple Bloom, catching her and preventing her from splitting her legs. “Can’t have you getting yourself hurt, can we?” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but blush as she replied, “Ah guess not.”

An Hour and a Half Later

“Now, one more time from the top.” Tender Taps said encouragingly. Apple Bloom nodded as she began to perform the simple exercise Tender and Double Shuffle had taught her. She performed a shuffle ball change followed by a shuffle hop step, then repeated it with the other foot. She then managed to perform three buffalos followed by another ball change, once for each foot.

It had been an eventful ninety minutes. Tender Taps and his sister had managed to teach her a few basic tap steps. As much as she found the steps somewhat easy, her tap shoes made moving, let alone dancing, noticeably more difficult. Still, she was having fun, and Tender Taps was certainly a patient and encouraging teacher.

After Apple Bloom finished her last step, Tender Taps complimented her. “Apple Bloom that was awesome!” he said as he wrapped her in a massive hug. Double Shuffle could only mischievously snicker at the sight of the two friends embracing. Once Tender Taps released Apple Bloom, the former farmhand replied, “Well, Ah had good teachers.” Now it was Tender Taps’s turn to blush.

From outside the studio, they heard the sound of Soft Shoe’s voice call out, “Kids, dinner is ready.” Apple Bloom let out an exhausted breath as she added, “About time. Ah’m so hungry Ah could eat a horse.” As she, Tender Taps, and Double Shuffle began to leave the studio, Soft Shoe called out again, “Remember to take your tap shoes off and to wash up.”

Double Shuffle whined, “Mom, do we have to?” Tender Taps placed a hand on her shoulder as he replied, “Yeah. Come on, sooner we get our shoes off, sooner we can eat.”

Apple Bloom, Double Shuffle, and Tender Taps then removed their tap shoes and proceeded to head to the restroom, hoping to wash their hands and wipe some of their sweat away. After all, they, especially Apple Bloom, wanted to look presentable for dinner.

The Dinner Table, Five Minutes Later

Apple Bloom could make out the arousing smell of fettuccini alfredo with chicken the moment she entered the dining room. Hard Shoe was setting the table for five, arranging plates and silverware. Soft Shoe was bringing the entrée to the table and set it in the center, next to a basket of bread rolls. All in all, it looked just like the kind of dinner her family would have had for a special occasion, save for the severe lack of apple based dishes.

Of course, that train of thought brought her back to the reality of her situation. As much as she tried to hide it, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but find herself consumed by a sense of guilt and self loathing. It was enough that Double Shuffle noticed her change in demeanor.

“Something bothering you Apple Bloom?” Double Shuffle asked. “You look like something’s bothering you.”

“Ah’m fine.” Apple Bloom lied. She didn’t want to burden her hosts. This feeling of guilt and self hatred was her problem and she didn’t want to burden them with it, especially Tender Taps. If anything, she didn’t want to upset him with her life problems.

Sitting down at the table, Apple Bloom was pleasantly surprised when Tender Taps took one of the seats next to her. Soft Shoe then took her plate and began to pour some pasta onto her plate. Once she set the plate in front of Apple Bloom, she proceeded to do the same for Tender Taps as Hard Shoe served his daughter.

After they finished serving everyone, Soft Shoe remarked, “I heard you kids while we were fixing dinner. Sounds like Apple Bloom might just be a pretty good hoofer.” Apple Bloom gave a confused look as she asked, “What’s a hoofer?”

Tender Taps leaned into Apple Bloom’s ear and whispered, “It’s a nickname for a tap dancer.” Apple Bloom let out an impressed, “Ooh.” After taking a bite from her fettuccini, she continued, “Well Ah gotta admit, it’s a lot of fun and, Ah’m pretty sure Ah can only get better.”

“That’s the spirit kiddo.” Hard Shoe complimented. “With that kind of attitude you can deal with just about anything life throws at you.” Apple Bloom replied with a grateful, “Thank you Mr. Hard Shoe.” The older man replied, “It’s just Hard Shoe kid.” He then turned to his son and joked, “Hey Tender, seems like you might just have a pretty good partner there.”

“Dad!” Tender Taps replied in an embarrassed tone. Apple Bloom rolled her eyes as she added, “Well, Ah suppose we might make good dance partners.” Tender Taps let out a resigned sigh and added, “In that case, once we get you on par with us I’ll see if I can whip us up something.”

This was when Soft Shoe let out a wistful sigh as she said to her husband, “You remember the first duet we ever did?” Hard Shoe replied, “Oh do I ever. It was one of the most magical moments of my life.” Soft Shoe added, “I could say the same here.” Tender Taps whispered to Apple Bloom, “They do this all the time.” Apple Bloom then added, “Ah could say the same for Applejack and Granny Smith.”

Of course she had to bring them up. The moment Granny Smith’s name escaped her lips, Soft Shoe asked, “Oh, are they your family?” Apple Bloom nodded yes, trying to hide her resurging self loathing. She quickly replied, “Yeah, Ah live with mah Granny Smith and older siblings, Applejack and Big Macintosh. At least Ah did until…”

Apple Bloom stopped herself. She didn’t want to bring up what happened again, especially since she had already told Tender Taps and the others were effectively strangers. This was when Hard Shoe spoke up. “Yeah, we know. A couple weeks ago I was down at Maccadam’s Old Oil House, and I heard this idiot blurting about you.” Apple Bloom let out a resigned sigh as she replied, “Yeah, Wheeljack has apparently has a bad habit of blabberin’.”

Soft Shoe then added, “You know, it’s the funny thing about secrets. No matter how hard you try to hide them, they always find a way to get out.” She turned to Tender Taps and began to mischeviously say, “Why I remember when someone here tried to hide he was a dancer.” Tender Taps’s face began to grow red with embarrassment.

Apple Bloom asked, “Wait. Why would you try to hide bein’ a dancer?” Tender Taps meekly answered, “Let’s just say a lot of other guys thought it was kind of….. what’s the word……”

Double Shuffle blurted out, “Something only for girls?” Tender Taps nodded and relied, “Yeah, that.” As he took a sip from his glass, he continued, “Let’s just say before we moved here I didn’t have many friends. Most guys just sort of ignored me, then guys like Garble….”

Apple Bloom knew what Tender Taps was referring to. Hard Shoe let out an embarrassed sigh as he added, “Yeah, I probably should have given better advice other than to “Teach him a lesson.” It was a good thing we were already planning on moving.”

Soft Shoe added, “As much as I am not one to condone violence, considering what he was doing, I figured the school expelling you was punishment enough.” Tender Taps simply replied, “Thanks mom.” Soft Shoe replied, “Hey, it’s what family is for.”

That single phrase shot straight from Soft Shoe’s mouth and hit Apple Bloom right in the heart. As soon as she realized what the older woman had said, Apple Bloom could swear that she felt her eyes starting to water. Double Shuffle noticed this and asked, “Uh, you alright Apple Bloom?”

“You mind if Ah go get a little fresh air?” Soft Shoe nodded and replied, “Of course dear.” Apple Bloom wasted no time, rising to her feet and quietly making her way to the front door and to the porch.

Once she was gone, Soft Shoe let out a defeated sigh as she asked Tender Taps, “It true her family basically dumped here?” Tender Taps hesitated before replying, “Yeah. Turns out that whole “Anon-A-Miss” incident they practically dumped her here.” He then turned to the foyer and continued, “I don’t think she’s taken it well.” He then rose from his seat and said, “I’ll be right back.”

The Front Porch

Apple Bloom found herself sitting on the front porch, allowing the tears to gently drip down her cheeks. She was trembling from a combination of self hatred, self pity, exhaustion, and the cold breeze that was blowing against her. All in all, things seemed to have taken a downhill spiral.

“Why?” She angrily demanded from herself. “Why did Ah just have to be so stupid?!” Apple Bloom found herself crying even harder, tears flowing harder as her nose began to run.

“Apple Bloom?” Tender Taps asked as he walked up to her. She didn’t bother to try and hide her tears or even look towards him. As Tender Taps made his way over to Apple Bloom, he asked, “You alright?”

Apple Bloom replied, “No. Sorry about runnin’ off on you and your folks. Ah just….” She paused as she struggled to regain her composure. “Just seein’ and hearin’ ya’ll go on about each other and how happy ya’ll are just….” She couldn’t help but sniffle as she continued, “You’re real lucky Tender. You got folks that love you and stand by you when you screw up and…..” Apple Bloom’s composure collapsed as she blurted out, “And Ah threw it all away!”

As Apple Bloom collapsed back into her tears, she heard Tender sit down next to her. The young boy let out a sigh and replied, “You’re right. My parents and sister stand by me no matter what. However, there is one thing I don’t think I’ve really ever had that you have.”

“What’s that?” Apple Bloom asked. She was surprised by what Tender Taps answered.

“Friends.” He sheepishly replied. As Apple Bloom struggled to comprehend what he meant, Tender Taps replied, “I mean, I’ve gotten along with a lot of people, and I get along with everyone in dance class, but outside of dance, I only really had my family. Then I met you and…” He began to blush again and continued, “You’re the first person I’ve ever just wanted to hang out with. To do things that don’t involve a dance floor.”

Apple Bloom found herself surprised by this statement. “But… Why wouldn’t anyone not want to be your friend?” Tender Taps shrugged as he replied, “If it wasn’t the tap dancing, it was my reputation of being a butt monkey or, after that incident with Garble, a bad influence.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but start giggling as she replied, “Trust me, Ah know what it’s like to be called a bad influence.”

Now both teens found themselves laughing at the comparison. Once they managed to regain their composure (as well as breath), Apple Bloom said, “Thanks. Guess Ah just needed someone to listen.” Tender Taps then took Apple Bloom’s hands and gently replied, “I’ll always be here for you. I promise.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but wrap her arms around him, and this time, Tender Taps returned the gesture.

Soft Shoe then made her way up to the two, a shoe box held in her hands. Apple Bloom noticed she was being watched and released Tender Taps as she began to explain, “Uh, ma’am, Ah was just….”

Soft Shoe raised a hand as she replied, “I overheard enough.” She then leaned down to Apple Bloom and continued, “I know we’ve only just met, but after what you’ve done for Tender here, as far as I’m concerned, you’re part of our family now.”

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but allow a few tears slip past her eyelids again as she wrapped her in a warm embrace. Soft Shoe returned the gesture as she added, “It’s starting to get late. You better head on home.” She then handed the box to Apple Bloom.

The young former farm girl opened the box to see it was the pair of tap shoes she had used earlier. Apple Bloom began to protest. “But ma’am, these must cost a fortune. Ah can’t accept these.”

Soft Shoe raised her hand in protest as she replied, “Dear, consider these our gift to you.” Apple Bloom took the shoe box and said, “Thanks. Guess Ah better get goin’.”

Apple Bloom proceeded to place the shoe box in her bike’s basket and fasten her helmet onto her head. Before she mounted though, she called out, “Thanks for havin’ me over!” Tender Taps called back, “You’re welcome! Come by anytime!” Apple Bloom felt her heart soar, knowing that she now had somewhere in town (outside of the chop shop) that she could always go. With that, she pedaled out of the lot and off towards home.

Once Apple Bloom was gone, Soft Shoe whispered to her son, “You like her, don’t you?” Tender Tap could only let out an embarrassed, “MOM!”

Apple Bloom’s Room, That Night

Apple Bloom set her tap shoes next to her old pair of boots. She was getting ready for bed and, having already taken a shower and brushed her teeth, was just about ready to get some sleep. However, she just wanted to marvel at the pair one more time.

They weren’t the fanciest pair in the world, just two simple black shoes with a flat sole and two metal plates each, one on the toe and one on the heel. And yet, it was clear that these weren’t just simple shoes, but instead almost seemed like they were a cross between paint brushes, drum sticks, and shoes all wrapped into one. She began to mentally go over the steps Tender Taps had taught her, and if she could possibly…

“Apple Bloom?” Ironhide asked as he opened the door. Apple Bloom noticed her uncle enter her room and began to explain, “Uncle Ironhide, Ah was just inspectin’ ‘em.”

Ironhide let out a gentle giggle as he said, “I know. Maybe Wheeljack and I can set up something for you to practice on without ruining the floor.” Apple Bloom nodded and replied, “Thanks Uncle Ironhide.”

Ironhide then gently ordered, “Now you better get some sleep. We got a busy day tomorrow.” Apple Bloom nodded as she said, “See ya in the morning Uncle Ironhide. Ah love you.” Ironhide let out a gentle, “I love you too.” With that, the old scrapper left his niece to get a good night’s sleep.

Sweet Apple Acres

Granny Smith found herself looking over her family photo album. It was a visual history of the entire Apple Family, and had at least one photo of every Apple Family member as well as many of their friends. Right now she was overlooking a photo of Applejack and her friends from Canterlot High. “Ah, Ah remember when they were just youngin’s.” She wistfully said to herself.

Then she turned the page, only to find a picture she never thought she’d see again. It was a photo of a young Bright Mac and Pear Butter with a friend she didn’t immediately remember. It was a young man with gray skin in a green camouflaged uniform and a red beret.

“Ironhide.” She said to the photo. “Ah know the last time we met Ah didn’t stand up for ya, but Ah hope you’re lookin’ over mah granddaughter.” She let out a resigned sigh as she said something she hoped her other grandchildren wouldn’t hear.

“Ah shouldn’t have let Applejack ditch her with you. Ah just hope you’re there for Apple Bloom the way Ah can’t be.” With that, the old woman couldn’t help but let a few tears escape her right eye. After all, when it came to Ironhide, the Apple Family hadn’t been known to set the best example.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Marble Pie teaches Apple Bloom and Sideswipe about the hogs from hell.

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