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Never Had a Little Sister

As the Apple Blooms

Part 20; Never had a Little Sister

Apple Bloom stood next to an old pickup truck in the garage as her Uncle Ironhide lay underneath, slowly removing every single removable piece. It was the second time she had been allowed to participate in the actual scrapping of a vehicle, and Ironhide had decided that it was safer to ease his niece into the process, rather than just throw her right into the deep end with a hunk of rust. Still, even with a new pair of light brown work gloves, Apple Bloom was kept at a safe distance from the failure of a vehicle until the older scrapper needed something.

It had been a few days since the family went out for dinner, as well as Apple Bloom’s momentary emotional crisis. Since that night, Ironhide noticed that his niece had a noticeable spring in her step and more enthusiasm than before. Though he knew she was still struggling with her familiar issues, the sight of the young girl being so much more optimistic made his heart melt.

“Hey Apple Bloom, you mind handing me the monkey wrench?” Ironhide called from under the rusty pickup truck. Apple Bloom nodded and began to search the tool box for the right tool.

After a few moments, she found the monkey wrench and replied, “Found it Uncle Ironhide.” Bending down to give her uncle the wrench, she continued, “Ah hate to be the bearer of bad news, but tomorrow is that day of the week.”

Ironhide knew what his niece was talking about. “I know kid. Excited to dance with your boyfriend?” The older man teased his niece. Apple Bloom began to blush as she replied, “Uncle Ironhide!” As she began to awkwardly play with her braided pigtails, Ironhide scooted himself out from under the truck as he began to speak.

“Hey, I’m only messing with you Apple Bloom.” As Apple Bloom nodded, he continued, “Besides, he’s a nice young man. You know, you two kinda complement each other.”

“What does that mean?” Apple Bloom asked. Ironhide, stretching his arms, replied, “Well, most people see dancing as something only for girls but he seems to be very passionate about it. While on the other hand, you have shown you’re very capable around here, and this isn’t exactly the most feminine place in the world.”

Unsurprisingly, Chromia’s voice called out, “I heard that Ironhide!” As Apple Bloom began to giggle, the older man gulped as he continued, “Well, what I meant to say is, you two are perfect for each other.”

“Thanks Uncle Ironhide.” Apple Bloom said as she wrapped her uncle in a tight hug, one which he gently returned. The young girl then asked, “So, what do ya need next?” Ironhide then began to speak, “Well now, I think we can move on to the…”

At that moment, Wheeljack’s voice called out, “Hey Apple Bloom! You’re boyfriend and his mom are here!” The former farm girl could only blurt out, “W-w-w-w-wha?” Without any warning, she darted out of the garage, leaving Ironhide alone as he muttered to himself, “One of these Wheeljack. One of these days.”

The Store Front

“Tender Taps!” Apple Bloom exclaimed with joy as she ran up to her boyfriend and wrapped him in a massive embrace. The young dancer, starting to feel slightly constricted, managed to squeak out, “Uh, Apple Bloom?” Realizing she was crushing him, the young girl released him as she apologized, “Uh, sorry about that.” Once he was released, Apple Bloom remembered that there was a woman watching them, specifically the yellow skinned, purple haired woman who could only be Mrs. Soft Shoe.

“Oh, Mrs. Soft Shoe! Ah’m so sorry about that.” Apple Bloom apologized. The older woman replied, “It’s alright dear. Besides….” She then leant closer to her as she whispered, “I think you two are just so adorable.”

Tender Taps could only whine, “Mom.” Soft Shoe replied, “Sorry honey, but it’s true.” The orange boy then turned to Apple Bloom and said, “Sorry about her Apple Bloom. Sometimes she can be so embarrassing.”

This was when Ironhide entered from the garage and asked, “Welcome to my chop shop. What brings you two here?” Soft Shoe then began to explain, “Tender here and I are going before the school board tomorrow night. We’re trying to get him enrolled at Iacon High for the next school year.” As Ironhide gave her a confused look, she simply replied, “It’s complicated.”

Apple Bloom, however, let out a sigh of defeat as she spoke up. “Awh man. Guess we’ll have to skip our tap lesson this week?” Tender Taps then answered, “Not quite. You see, well….”

Soft Shoe then interrupted her son. “That’s where you come in Apple Bloom. Since my husband is still on tour and Tender Taps here has to attend, I need someone to look after Double Shuffle.”

Apple Bloom lit up as she asked, “So, you need me to babysit your little sister?” Tender Taps immediately answered, “I mean, if it’s not too much. Mom is willing to pay and, if you want I can help you guys around here if you need. It also wouldn’t hurt to bring your dance shoes, because she’s been asking if you two can do a cutting contest.”

Glowing with excitement, Apple Bloom turned to Ironhide and asked, “Can Ah Uncle Ironhide? Please?!” Ironhide didn’t even hesitate to reply, “Why not.” He then turned to Soft Shoe and asked, “What time should she be over?”

“Five O’clock.” Soft Shoe replied. She then turned to Apple Bloom and added, “We’ll be leaving around then, so I’d like for you to arrive before we leave.” Returning her focus to Ironhide, she remarked, “Thank you. I hope this isn’t interrupting any plans of yours.”

“Of course not.” Ironhide replied. “We were just tearing an old pickup truck apart.” He then turned to Apple Bloom and cheekily added, “Speaking of which, we better get back to work young lady.”

Sighing, Apple Bloom replied, “Alright.” Turning to Tender Taps, she blushed as she asked, “So, Ah’ll see ya tomorrow?” The teenaged dancer answered, “See you then. Double Shuffle is going to love this.” With that, Tender Taps and Soft Shoe turned and departed the chop shop.

Once the two dancers were gone, Ironhide noticed Apple Bloom was still blushing as he quipped, “Thinking about him won’t make time go by faster.” Apple Bloom was quickly brought back to reality as she replied, “Sorry about that.”

And so, both Ironhide and Apple Bloom returned to the task of disassembling the old pickup truck, all while the young girl couldn’t wait for whatever the next day had in store.

The Taps’ Home, Early the Next Evening…

As Apple Bloom peddled up to the now very familiar house, she felt a knot tighten in her stomach. It was only now that she realized that she actually hadn’t ever spent much time with Double Shuffle. Sure, there was her first tap lesson, but other than that there wasn’t much more than occasional glances. Taking a deep breath, she said to herself, “Well, Ah guess there’s a first time for everythin’.”

Pulling her bike up to the house, Apple Bloom parked her bike as she dismounted and slung her dance bag over her shoulder. “Ok Apple Bloom.” She quietly reassured herself. “You’re gonna do alright. Just stay calm, be friendly, and keep an eye on her at all times.”

As she made her way to the porch, the front door opened, revealing Soft Shoe dressed in a very fancy purple dress. The older woman turned to face her young guest and said, “Why, you’re pretty early.”

“Ah aim to please.” Apple Bloom replied with a small smirk. Soft Shoe then turned to the door and called, “Apple Bloom is here. Come on Tender Taps.”

Soon enough, Tender Taps and Double Shuffle emerged from the house. Double Shuffle was dressed in a white shirt with a red bowtie and black pants, all while her hair was still up in Braided Pigtails much like Apple Bloom’s. However, the former farm girl was more focused on Tender Taps, who was dressed in a suit, his purple hair slicked back with rather pleasant smelling hair gel.

“Uh… Howdy Tender.” Apple Bloom barely managed to say as her face began to turn as red as an apple. The young boy, for his part, awkwardly replied, “Hey Apple Bloom. It’s good to see you again.”

Apple Bloom then asked, “So, you ready to go before the School board?” Tender Taps, letting out a nervous sigh, replied, “I’m terrified. You have any advice?” Knowing he was starting to internally panic, Apple Bloom rested her hand on his shoulder as she replied, “Just keep your head down, answer any question as clearly as possible, and remember to take deep breaths.”

“Thanks Apple Bloom.” Tender Taps replied as a smile grew on his face. He then added, “Don’t know what I’d do without you.” Apple Bloom, deciding to be a little bit playful, leaned closer to him as she remarked, “Ah’m sure you’d think of somethin’. And one more thing?” As The teenaged tap dancer gave her a confused look, the former farm girl gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Soft Shoe then spoke up. “Alright you two. As much as I think you two are adorable, we better start heading off. Come on Tender.” Tender Taps took a deep breath as he began to make his way to his mother’s car.

This was when Double Shuffle walked up to Apple Bloom. A playful smile growing on her face, the blue skinned girl remarked, “I had a feeling he’d fall for you.” The former farm girl knelt down and simply replied, “What gave it away?”

From the car, Soft Shoe called out, “Take care of her. We’ll be back in a few hours.” Tender Taps himself added, “See you then. I love you girls!”

Double Shuffle immediately called back, “Love you Tender Taps! Love you mom!” Apple Bloom herself couldn’t help but reply, “Ah love ya Tender! Good luck at the meeting!” With that, the car revved up and pulled out, leaving Apple Bloom alone with Double Shuffle.

Turning to her young ward, Apple Bloom asked, “So, Double Shuffle, anything you wanna do?” pondering for a moment, the younger blue girl replied, “Well, I know that someone here might want to improve their dance skills to go toe to toe with my brother.” Letting out a gentle yet guilty chuckle, Apple Bloom replied, “Yeah. Sorry about that.”

Double Shuffle quickly reassured, “Don’t worry. Besides, I think we all knew why.” The young girl then began to re-enter her home as she continued, “Come on Apple Bloom. I think I know a few tricks you might like.” Apple Bloom, readjusting the bag slung over her shoulder, nodded as she followed the younger girl.

The Dance Studio, Ten Minutes Later.

Apple Bloom entered the dance studio, once again clad in a maroon tank top and loose black pants with her tap shoes already on her feet. Double Shuffle, herself dressed in a black sleeveless turtleneck leotard, caramel tights, and a pair of black oxford tap shoes, was waiting for her.

“So Apple Bloom…” Double Shuffle began. “How about you show me what you’ve got?” Nodding as she gave a confident smile, the former farm girl began to perform a few triple time steps, each tap striking the floor crisply and clearly.

“Not bad.” Double Shuffle remarked. “Pretty good for someone who only started like, two months ago.” Smiling, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but reply, “Thanks. Ah’m a fast learner.” As Double Shuffle stepped forward, she said, “In that case, see if you can match this.”

Double Shuffle then, to Apple Bloom’s amazement, began to stand on her toes as she alternated shuffles on each foot. As the younger girl increased in speed, Apple Bloom found herself amazed at not only how impressive the steps were, but that they were being performed by a girl who was younger than her. “That was….” The former farm girl began, barely able to contain her amazement. “That was AWESOME! How’d you learn to do that?”

Once Double Shuffle finished, she answered, “Well, I found a video on how to do scissors, and after a few months, I was able to do it.” Apple Bloom, letting out a surprised chuckle, replied, “Huh. Ah guess that’s a little anti-climactic, but still really cool.”

It was then that Apple Bloom looked down to her own feet and, growing a small smirk, tried to stand on the tips of her toes and shuffle her right foot. Of course, given that she was an inexperienced dancer, quickly lost her balance and fell right on her rear end.

“Apple Bloom!” Double Shuffle called out as she ran up to her babysitter. As the former farm girl managed to rise back to her feet, the younger dancer asked, “You alright?”

“Ah’m alright.” Apple Bloom replied. “Guess Ah’m not ready for that yet.” As she stretched her arms, Double Shuffle asked, “So, what do you want to work on first?”

After a brief pause, Apple Bloom answered, “Ah was actually thinkin’, how about we just cut loose? Ya know, have a little fun?” Double Shuffle’s eyes widened as she spoke up, “Really?” When Apple Bloom nodded, the blue girl pumped her fist in the air.

“Oh yeah!” Double Shuffle exclaimed. “This is gonna be fun.” The younger girl stepped away from Apple Bloom before, with a confident smirk on her face, remarked, “Ok Apple Bloom. Show me what you got.”

Realizing she’d just been challenged to a cutting contest, Apple Bloom clapped her hands as she said, “Alright, here goes nothin’.” Taking a deep breath, the former farm girl leapt forward and began to perform a few Cincinnatis. Once she finished with those, she finished with some drawbacks and, to Double Shuffle’s surprise, a few toe stands. Having made it to the end of her little diddy, Apple Bloom confidently said, “Top that.”

Double Shuffle, impressed by her “competitor’s” demonstration, started with two wings before moving onto more complicated steps, her taps making far more crisp sounds than Apple Bloom’s. She then finished with a pirouette followed by a “shave and a haircut.”

Now that it was Apple Bloom’s turn, she wasted no time in performing a few buffalos, followed by several time steps. Once she finished, Double Shuffle shot back, or rather tapped back, with her feet striking far faster than Apple Bloom could even come close to.

After a few minutes, Apple Bloom raised her hand as she said, “Ah concede. You win.” Double Shuffle, catching her breath, replied, “If it’s worth anything, you were a worthy adversary.” She then asked, “So… you wanna play “I go you go?””

Pondering for a few moments, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah’d love to.”

Ninety Minutes Later

“Ok, now Ah think Ah need to sit down.” Apple Bloom managed to say as she caught her breath. It had been ninety minutes of nothing but blissful joy and music making, and though it was nothing short of wonderful, she couldn’t help but realize something; her legs were killing her.

Double Shuffle herself was showing signs of exhaustion, particularly with the sweat that was now dripping from her forehead. The blue girl replied, “Me too.” As the younger dancer began to walk towards a mat against the wall, Apple Bloom decided to follow suit.

Once both girls were sitting next to each other, Apple Bloom complimented her younger ward. “Ah gotta admit. Ah’ve never seen anyone dance like you before. You’re like, a prodigy.” Double Shuffle began to blush as she replied, “Thanks. Ever since I saw Tender Taps dancing when I was younger, I knew I wanted to tap dance. It’s like….” She paused for a moment before, with a wistful look in her face, replied, “It’s like it’s what I was born to do.” The younger girl then asked, “What about you? There anything you ever felt like was your calling?”

Apple Bloom was about to answer when she realized something. “Ah guess…. Ah guess Ah never did.” She then let out an embarrassed chuckle as she continued, “Of course there was all the times mah friends and Ah……” Of course, the moment she realized what she’d just said, Apple Bloom stopped herself.

When Double Shuffle gave her a confused look, Apple Bloom sighed in resignation as she realized she needed to explain some things. Before she could reply, however, the sound of the younger girl’s stomach rumbling made her realize that they should probably get something to eat.

“Hey, how about Ah make us somethin’ to eat and Ah can explain then?” Double Shuffle pondered before she enthusiastically nodded as she replied, “Ok.” Feeling satisfied, Apple Bloom rose back to her feet and said, “Alrighty. Now just let me get mah tap shoes off and put on some deodorant. Ah don’t wanna go home smelling like a rotten watermelon.” Double Shuffle could only reply with a giggle as Apple Bloom knelt down to untie her tap shoes.

The Tap Family Kitchen

Once Apple Bloom freshened up, she realized just how exhausted she actually was. With her limbs starting to ache, she simply decided to sling her overalls over her sleeveless shirt and slip her boots on, something hardly fancy but something Double Shuffle didn’t mind.

What Double Shuffle was minding was the weather outside. Since the two girls were busy tap dancing, neither of them noticed that the rain was starting to come down, and come down hard. Gulping, Double Shuffle asked, “Uh, Apple Bloom? How long do you think it’s gonna keep raining?”

“Ah’m not sure.” The former farm girl replied. “Ah don’t exactly have a phone to check the weather, but Ah don’t think it’ll be too much to worry about.” Double Shuffle, looking outside the window at the pouring rain, simply replied, “If you say so.”

As Apple Bloom began to make a few peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, the older girl resumed her story. “You see, Mah two best friends and Ah, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, were as thick as thieves. We formed a little club called the beauty mark crusaders and we tried just about everythin’ under the sun. Movie revewin’, horseback ridin’, heck we even tried bungee jumpin’.” When Double Shuffle gave an amazed look, Apple Bloom gave an embarrassed chuckle as she added, “Trust me, Ah wasn’t the only one who was losin’ her lunch.”

As Double Shuffle began to laugh, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but join in as she sighed. “Of course, that was before Ah started gettin’ jealous of mah sister Applejack hangin’ out with this girl named Sunset Shimmer.”

“She was the person you did that online thing for?” Double Shuffle asked, her voice full on curiosity and innocence. Letting out a deep breath, Apple Bloom replied, “Yeah. Ah was bein’ a selfish and possessive brat. The worst part was Ah got Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle involved, and when we got caught, Ah tried to pin the blame on Sweetie Belle.”

Now that she was saying it, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel her eyes start to water. shaking her head, the former farm girl resumed making her sandwiches as she continued, “And well, the rest is pretty much history. We all got in trouble, Ah was sent here….”

Double Shuffle immediately added, “And you met my brother?” Upon hearing this, Apple Bloom felt her heart warm up with happiness as she replied, “And Ah met your brother, and Sideswipe, and Marble Pie, and Rattrap.” The younger blue girl then cheekily asked, “And then you and Tender finally kissed?”

Her face now turning nearly as red as her hair, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but reply, “Yeah. Ah know that Ah was sent here as punishment, but Ah’d be lyin’ if Ah didn’t feel like meetin’ your brother wasn’t amazin’.”

Double Shuffle then began to giggle again as she replied, “I know. I may have gotten a glimpse at his journal and…” Hearing this, Apple Bloom immediately asked, “You peaked at his diary?”

“It was only one time.” Double Shuffle immediately replied defensively. “He left it on the counter and it was open. Besides, it wasn’t anything I didn’t already figure out.” As Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, Double Shuffle continued, “Anyway, he was saying about how beautiful and cute you are, how you’re a quick learner and just how you make him want to try a lot of new things and…”

“Ah get it.” Apple Bloom replied as she continued to blush. “Ah had a feelin’ you’d figure out.” Double Shuffle gave a cute smile as she remarked, “Hey, it’s what little sisters do.”

It was at that moment, without any warning whatsoever, that the sound of thunder crashed all around the two girls. The sound the thunder roared, Double Shuffle screamed with terror. Realizing something was wrong, Apple Bloom began to tip toe towards her young ward as she asked, “Double Shuffle? You alright?”

Having regained some of her composure, Double Shuffle simply replied, “N-n-n-not really. I g-g-get s-s-s-scared by thunderstorms.” She then, to Apple Bloom’s surprise, wrapped her arms around the older girl. “I just get scared.”

Hugging the younger girl back, Apple Bloom gently reassured her, “Hey, It’s alright, the storm can’t get us in here.”

Of course, it was only after she said this that there was another crash of thunder, followed by all of the lights in the house suddenly and swiftly shutting off. Once the power was gone, Double Shuffle began to quietly whimper.

Something then began to envelop Apple Bloom. As the younger girl continued to hold her tight, she began to gently caress her hair as she gently reassured, “Shh shh. It’s gonna be ok.” Double Shuffle didn’t say anything, and instead just continued to hold the older teen tight as she whimpered.

Apple Bloom then remembered what she’d been taught to do during a severe thunderstorm. “Hey, how about we head back down to the dance studio?” She asked. Double Shuffle didn’t say anything, only nodding yes. Once the younger girl released her, Apple Bloom took her by the hand and began to lead her back downstairs to the dance studio.

The Dance Studio

The studio was certainly eerie without the lights on, and the sound of increasingly heavy rain drops and thunder didn’t help anything. But as Apple Bloom and Double Shuffle made their way to the back of the studio, there was one sound that relieved the younger girl; the gentle meow of a now familiar furry face.

“Skimbles!” Double Shuffle nearly screamed as she ran up to the orange tabby and picked him up. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re safe!” As she held the cat up towards her face, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel her heart melt at the adorable sight.

Sadly, the sight of a little girl and her cat was ruined when another crash of thunder scared Double Shuffle, forcing her to curl up against the wall and hold Skimbles up to her.

Sitting next to Double Shuffle, Apple Bloom once again tried to reassure her, “It’s alright. Ah doubt the rain can get us here.” Double Shuffle, her eyes starting to water again, simply nodded as she loosened her grip on the orange tabby, much to his relief.

“I know.” Double Shuffle replied. “I just…. I get scared of thunderstorms.” Apple Bloom wrapped an arm around the younger girl as she remarked, “Ah know. Ah used to be scared of storms when Ah was your age.” As the rain continued to pour, she continued, “But you know, the best part about storms like this is that they eventually go away.”

Giggling, Double Shuffle replied, “Tender Taps says the same thing.” She then, much to Apple Bloom’s surprise, leaned her head against the older girl’s shoulder. The blue dancer continued, “One time, back when we lived in Canterlot City, there was a really, really bad storm, and when I was scared, he sat with me all night.”

“That’s mighty sweet.” Apple Bloom replied. “Ah think you’re one lucky girl to have a brother like him.” As Skimbles began to curl up next to her, Double Shuffle asked, “Hey Apple Bloom, can I ask a dumb question?” The older girl gently replied, “Mah Granny Smith said “there ain’t no such thing as dumb questions.””

Double Shuffle then asked, “If you and my brother are dating, does this mean that you’re, like, my big sister?” That thought left Apple Bloom stunned speechless. All her life, she’d always been the youngest sibling, and given what happened to her parents, she thought she’d stay the baby of the bunch. But hearing Double Shuffle openly consider her a sister made Apple Bloom, a small tear escaping her right eye, answer only one way.

“Ah think Ah’d love to be your big sis.”

Squealing with joy, Double Shuffle wrapped her arms around Apple Bloom in a massive hug, one Apple Bloom was more than willing to return. Both girls were so preoccupied with their embrace that they momentarily failed to notice the lights coming back on.

“Hey, the power’s back!” Double Shuffle exclaimed. She would have leapt in excitement, but the sound of thunder kept her grounded. Scuffing the floor, she complained, “Stupid rain.” Apple Bloom could only giggle at the younger girl’s pouting.

At least, she pouted before the all too familiar sound of Tender Taps’s voice called out, “Apple Bloom? Double Shuffle? Where are you two?” immediately, the younger girl perked up as she said, “They’re home!” She then ran out of the studio, much to Apple Bloom’s amusement.

The Living Room

Apple Bloom was pleasantly surprised to see Tender Taps and Soft Shoe, both of whom were absolutely drenched. The older woman, shaking herself, jokingly remarked, “I knew we were forgetting something.” Apple Bloom tried to reassure her, saying, “Its only water. It ain’t like you’re gonna melt, right?” letting out a gentle chuckle, Soft Shoe replied, “Well, you never know, right?”

Tender Taps then made his way up to Apple Bloom and said, “Double Shuffle said you comforted her during the storm.” The former farm girl nodded as she replied, “Hey, it’s what a big sister does.” As Double Shuffle giggled, Tender Taps couldn’t help but remark, “You know, I had a feeling you two would get along just fine.”

Apple Bloom then placed a hand on Tender Taps’s shoulder as she, starting to blush, continued, “And if Ah may say, she’s lucky to have a brother like you.” Tender Taps, now blushing himself, replied, “And if I may, I’m lucky to have a someone like you.” Without any further warning, Apple Bloom leaned forward and, to absolutely no one’s surprise, kissed him right on the lips, and action Tender Taps didn’t resist.

Once the two teens had finished kissing, Soft Shoe spoke up. “So Apple Bloom, the storm is still raging pretty bad. I called Ironhide on the way home, and I’ll take you home once the storm lets up.” Nodding, the former farm girl replied, “Ah understand.”

Soft Shoe then said, “In that case, how about I make us all some hot chocolate?” Tender Taps nodded as he answered, “I’d love some mom.” Double Shuffle joined in, “Alright, hot chocolate.”

Apple Bloom herself simply shrugged before she joined in. “Sure thing.” And with that, Apple Bloom, Tender Taps, and Double Shuffle all joined Soft Shoe in heading to the kitchen, intent on making some hot cocoa to help the time pass.

And Apple Bloom was only slightly embarrassed by the two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on the counter.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Ironhide tells a war story of his own.

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