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Garden Variety

As the Apple Blooms

Part 55; Garden Variety

“There we go.” Apple Bloom said to herself as she made another mark on yet another of the rusting pipes in front of her. As she picked up the measuring tape, the former farm girl began to measure for another mark. Once she’d found the perfect spot (Specifically two feet from the last point), she took her marker and made another mark.

The night before, Apple Bloom and Sideswipe had attended Marble’s less than perfect birthday celebration. In truth, the mood was anything than merry; her father, Igneous Rock Pie, had shown himself to be both a stickler for tradition as well as unfairly demanding of his daughter. His strict insistence on enforcing his family’s tradition resulted in Marble breaking into tears, especially when it was revealed he had essentially been paying Mr. Beachcomber to keep her in Allspark Wells.

Thankfully, things hadn’t been entirely unpleasant. Apple Bloom was partially able to make peace with Pinkie Pie, but more importantly, Sideswipe stood up to Igneous and was able to comfort Marble. Perhaps it was that gesture of kindness that led to the gray giving Sideswipe a kiss to the cheek, a sign that perhaps, the pale biker’s crush wasn’t unrequited.

From behind her, former farm girl heard the warm sound of Tender Taps’s voice calling out, “Hey Apple Bloom!” Turning around, she found her boyfriend approaching her, dressed in an unbuttoned maroon shirt over a gray tee shirt and black jeans. Once he’d closed the distance, the young dancer reported, “You’ll be happy to know I’ve gotten all the gears, nuts, and bolts cleaned up.”

Smiling at her boyfriend, Apple Bloom replied, “Thanks for the help Tendy.” The orange boy blushed and scuffed his feet as he replied, “No problem. I’m always happy to help.” He then added, “I just wish I could help out more.” Now blushing herself, the former farm girl rested a hand on his shoulder as she reassured him, “You’re more than helpful enough.”

Indeed, it was only earlier that morning that Ironhide was called away to visit Wasp up in the mental hospital. Apparently, he’d suffered a PTSD induced meltdown when a new patient muttered the dreadful words “Semper Fidelis,” and it was felt that only the former sergeant could calm the poor man down. Of course, this left the family at the Chop Shop needing some additional help, leading Apple Bloom to suggest asking if Tender Taps could help.

From behind them, the two lovebirds heard the sound of Chromia’s voice call out, “Well, what do we have here?” The two teens turned to face the older woman as they began to frantically defend themselves, with Apple Bloom awkwardly muttering, “Ah…. We were just…” Thankfully, the older woman reassured her niece, “It’s alright. I was just coming to see your progress.”

Taking a breath of relief, Apple Bloom reported, “In that case, Ah’ve got the markings made on these old pipes for you guys.” Tender Taps then added, “And I’ve got everything you guys found cleaned.” Making her way up to the scattered pipes, Chromia bent down to inspect them as she remarked, “Well it looks like you two have been busy today.”

Shrugging, Apple Bloom simply replied, “Just doin’ mah part.” Tender Taps nodded as he added, “Same here ma’am.” Impressed, Chromia informed them, “In that case, Ratchet and I should be able to handle sawing these pipes down. The only thing we have left is to make a delivery to Arcee.” Giving her niece a mischievous smirk, she asked, “You think you can do that without getting in trouble?”

The former farm girl rolled her eyes as she replied, “Ah’ll behave.” At the very least she was comforted by Tender Taps quipping, “And I can always help make sure she behaves.” Turning to her boyfriend, Apple Bloom playfully whined, “You too?”

“That’s enough banter out of you two.” Chromia interrupted. She then continued, “If you two follow me, I’ll get you her package. And since it’s getting a bit late, you two don’t have to be back immediately once you’re done. Just try to be home by dinner time, alright?”

Nodding, Apple Bloom replied, “Understood Aunt Chromia.” She then turned Tender Taps and said, “Come on!” The orange boy let out a gentle chuckle as he replied, “Lead the way.”

Ten Minutes Later….

Peddling their way down the road, Apple Bloom turned to Tender Taps as she said, “Thanks for carryin’ the package.” The orange boy smiled as he replied, “No problem. Just want to be helpful.” Indeed, the package was nestled in the basket of Tender Taps’s bicycle. Indeed, this left Apple Bloom’s basket empty save for the….

“Hold on a minute!” Apple Bloom called out as she pulled her bike over. Concerned, Tender Taps did the same as he asked, “What’s wrong?” The former farm girl nervously replied, “Call me crazy but Ah think that Ah’m seein’ things.” She then began to stare into her basket, which was seemingly filled with nothing more than a few old blankets.

Both teens were pleasantly surprised when a small, black highland terrier leapt out of the basket and into Apple Bloom’s lap, forcing her off of her bike.

“Gah!” the former farm girl exclaimed as she found herself bombarded with licks to her face. “Sparkplug? What are you doin’ here?” As she recovered herself, Apple Bloom received her answer in the form of an enthusiastic bark. Shrugging to herself, the former farm girl simply replied, “Guess that’s as good an answer as Ah’ll get.”

Tender Taps dismounted his bike as he quipped, “I wondered where he ran off to.” Turning to her boyfriend, Apple Bloom replied, “It’s ‘cause he loves me.” She then pulled Sparkplug up to her as she playfully asked, “Don’t you?” She received her answer in the form of a quick bark followed by another affectionate lick to her face.

Still, neither teen were going to achieve their objective by sitting around the side of the road playing with Sparkplug. Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom informed the small dog, “Come on now, we better get a move on.” As she placed Sparkplug back into the basket, the small terrier stuck his head up as if he were ready to experience everything in store for him.

With that, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps resumed their trek, now aware of their tag along passenger.

Arcee’s Home…

“Whoa.” Tender Taps remarked as he took in just how pink Arcee’s house was. Turning to Apple Bloom, he continued, “Pretty quaint. Don’t see too many houses like this around here, do you?”

Shaking her head, Apple Bloom replied, “Nope. It’s actually kind a nice to see somethin’ that’s not golden yellow.” As Tender Taps picked up the package, Sparkplug leapt down from his basket and onto the ground as he circled the former farm girl. Letting out a gentle chuckle, Apple Bloom quipped, “Guess he wants to follow us.” Sighing, Tender Taps replied, “Let’s just hope Arcee doesn’t mind him.”

As the duo and their dog made their way up the front door, a somewhat familiar woman with light pink skin, a dark pink business suit, and white hair emerged, a friendly smile plastered on her face. Approaching her guests, Arcee greeted them, “Why Apple Bloom, it’s so nice to see you again!” She then turned to her boyfriend and continued, “And you must be Tender Taps. Rattrap told me all about you.” As she extended her hand, the teenaged dancer shook it as he replied, “It’s an honor to meet you ma’am. I believe this is yours.”

Accepting the package from Tender Taps, Arcee breathed a sigh of relief as she explained, “There we are. Good to know your uncle is still a master behind a forge.” As she began to turn around, the older woman asked, “Oh, would you two like to come in?” Both teens hesitated for a moment, knowing they had some time to kill but also a bit worried they might overstay their welcome.

Thankfully, Apple Bloom decided that she didn’t want to come off as rude and replied, “Sure thing ma’am.” Tender Taps hesitated for a moment before adding, “Just as long as it’s not too long. We promised Chromia we’d be back by dinner.” Arcee reassured them, “Don’t worry. I’ll have you two back on your way before you know it. I just don’t want you two wearing yourselves down.” She then noticed a certain highland terrier and asked, “And who’s this?”

“This is Sparkplug.” Apple Bloom answered. “Uncle Ironhide and Ah found him in the scrap yard, and he kinda wormed his way into our hearts.” She then picked him up as she asked, “He won’t be a problem, will he?”

Letting out a gentle chuckle, Arcee reassured them, “Of course not! Just make sure you clean up after any…. Messes he makes.” Satisfied, the older woman ushered the two teens and their little dog inside.

Once they were inside, Apple Bloom asked, “If Ah may, where’s Rattrap?” Arcee replied, “He’s out back in the garden. Need me to go get him?” As the former farm girl shook her head, she answered, “Oh no. Ah think it might be nice to surprise him.”

She was interrupted by the sound of a certain boy’s voice calling out, “Well it looks like you’re gonna have to try again another day.” Turning around, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps found Rattrap, dressed in a tee shirt and shorts and covered in dirt. The one thing that seemed to be new was that he wore a brand new pair of circular glasses. Approaching his friends, the buck toothed boy asked, “How are you two doin’?”

Before either teen could reply, Arcee practically screamed, “Rattrap! What have I told you about bringing dirt inside?!” Rattrap sighed as he sheepishly answered, “I know. Sorry.” Apple Bloom then suggested, “Why don’t we speak in the garden?” Nodding, Tender Taps agreed, “That sounds like a plan.”

Taking a deep breath, Arcee relented, “Alright. But I expect you will clean up your little mess before you go to bed tonight.” Rattrap sighed as he replied, “Yes ma’am.” He then turned to his friends as he continued, “Follow me.” He then led Apple Bloom, Tender Taps, and Sparkplug away as Arcee muttered to himself, “That boy.”

Rattrap’s Garden…

“Well….” Rattrap nervously began. Taking a deep breath, he asked, “You don’t think this is too…. Weird, right?”

There, arranged neatly in several squares, was an assortment of different vegetables and other edibles. There were tomato vines, rows of potatoes, several sunflowers, and several other edible plants that could be grown with relatively ease. All in all, it seemed that Rattrap had been keeping himself busy.

Taking in everything, Apple Bloom replied, “This is pretty impressive!” Tender Taps then asked, “Yeah. Why would you think gardening is weird?” Hesitating for a moment, Rattrap turned faintly but still noticeably pale as he replied, “Guess I’ve just been thinkin’ about things too much lately.”

Making her way up to her friend, Apple Bloom reassured him, “Either way, you seem to have got yourself quite the garden here.” Rattrap let out a sigh of relief as he replied, “Thanks. It’s kinda taken up a lot of my free time.” As he knelt down next to a tomato vine, he continued, “After scrounging for everything for so long, I guess I just wanted to make sure I’d never go hungry again.”

Turning back to face his friends, Rattrap added, “Oh, you can set your little friend down.” Once Apple Bloom had done so, Sparkplug trotted his way up to the scrawny teenager and began to sniff him. Confused but also curious, Rattrap asked, “So, I don’t remember seein’ this guy last time I was over with you guys. What’s his or her name?”

“His name is Sparkplug.” Apple Bloom answered. As Sparkplug let out a bark of approval, she explained, “One day Ah was eatin’ lunch in the scrap yard, and Ah caught him stealin’ mah sandwich. A few days later Ah got stuck in a truck tryin’ to get some sparkplugs, and he helped warn Uncle Ironhide Ah was trapped.”

Taking this new information in, Rattrap smiled as he asked the small dog, “Guess that means we’ve both been on the streets, haven’t we little guy?” Sparkplug gave his answer in the form of another confirming bark followed by an enthusiastic lick to his face.

She then added, “By the way, Ah see you’ve got some glasses.” Rattrap sighed as he replied, “Yeah, Arcee took me to some doctor and, after a lot of medical mumbo jumbo I didn’t understand, I end up wearin’ these.” He then pointed to the glasses that now rested on his face as he quipped, “Though personally, I prefer these to those ugly rectangular frames.”

Before either Apple Bloom or Rattrap could say anything else, Tender Taps called out, “Uh, guys?” When the former farm girl and scrawny teen turned around to see what he needed, he handed them a tomato that had a large chunk taken out of it. Handing it to Rattrap, Tender Taps said, “I think you might have had a visitor.

Taking the tomato, Rattrap growled as he slammed it into the ground. “Oh for the love of gouda!” He complained before continuing, “I thought I’d chased that good for nothin’ little…..” Stopping himself, he turned to his friends and apologized, “Sorry you guys had to see or hear that.”

Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “What happened?” Sighing, Rattrap answered, “About a month ago, somethin’ started destroyin’ my crops.” He turned back to his garden as he continued, “I tried puttin’ up walls and fences, alarms, and even considered setting some rotten plants around the place.” As he sighed, Tender Taps asked, “What could do this? A groundhog?”

Shaking his head, Rattrap answered, “A rat, one bigger than any rat I’ve ever seen before.” He then continued, “No matter what I do, this rat keeps showin’ up and damagin’ everythin’.”

At that moment, an idea entered Apple Bloom’s mind. Though part of her felt that it could make things worse, another part of her felt that it might just be the only way help Rattrap. Steeling herself, the former farm girl knelt down to Sparkplug and asked, “You think you can track this rat from that tomato?”

Giving a confirming bark, Sparkplug trotted up to the smashed remains of the tomato and began to sniff. After only a few moments, the small dog, lifted his head and continued to sniff the air. A confused Rattrap asked, “Uh, what’s he doing?”

Making her towards her friend, Apple Bloom explained, “He’s searchin’ for this rat of yours.” Sure enough, Sparkplug began to growl before barking and charging off towards the house. Turning to her friends, the former farm girl exclaimed, “C’mon! He’s on the scent!”

Once all three teens made their way up to Sparkplug, the small terrier pointed his nose to a hole located near the building’s corner. Tender Taps bent down as he inspected the hole as he remarked, “Looks like we know where your little guest lives.” Sighing to himself, Rattrap replied, “Guess we do.” As he bent down to inspect the hole, the scrawny teen continued, “But just because know he’s in there doesn’t mean we’ve got him. Bird in the hand and all that.”

As Sparkplug began to pace back and forth in front of the hole, Apple Bloom asked, “Wait, what room is on the other side of this wall?” Pondering for a moment, Rattrap answered, “The dining room, I think. Why?” Lighting up, the former farm girl explained, “Maybe there’s a chance there’s a hole in there as well.” Sadly, Rattrap explained, “If there was a mouse hole there, Arcee would have flushed him out already.”

Just as Apple Bloom took this response in, Tender Taps added, “What about somewhere else? When we lived in Canterlot city, my family had a mouse messing with us, and we eventually found his hole in the attic before flushing him out.” Pondering for a moment, Rattrap replied, “Well, it might be worth a shot to check our attic.” He then turned to Sparkplug and ordered, “We’re gonna check the attic. If anything small and furry leaves that hole, you know what to do, right?” Sparkplug nodded as he turned to face the hole and adopted a weary stance.

With the small terrier guarding the hole, Rattrap turned to his friends and said, “Alright, follow me.”

Arcee’s Attic

Crawling through the cracks and crevices of the many boxes, crates, or other stored away items, Apple Bloom scoured the floor of the attic in a vain attempt to find a mouse hole. ‘Come on, it’s gotta be here somewhere.’ She thought to herself. ‘Ah mean, this is apparently the only place a mouse hole could be, right?’

“You find it yet?” Rattrap’s voice called out. Beginning to rise back up to her feet, Apple Bloom tried to reply, “Not yet rattr…..” Of course, she wasn’t entirely aware of her surroundings, and had accidentally placed herself right under a table. As such, when the former farm girl tried to rise, she bonked her head on said table and collapsed back to the ground, groaning, “Ugh.”

Almost immediately, Tender Taps ran up to his girlfriend, worriedly asking, “Apple Bloom! You alright?” Once the former farm girl had managed to scoot herself out from underneath the table, he knelt down as he continued, “You ok there? You didn’t hurt yourself too much, right?”

Raising her hand as she rubbed her head, Apple Bloom reassured him, “Ah’m alright. Ah just hit mah head on this here table.” Sighing with relief Tender Taps replied, “Ok. But do you need me to get you some ice or something?” Pondering for a moment, the former farm girl allowed a cheeky smirk to form on her face as she added, “Well, there is one thing.” Curious, Tender Taps asked, “What is it?”

Leaning towards her boyfriend, Apple Bloom gave him a quick kiss on the lips as she explained, “Just a little thank you for bein’ my knight in shinin’ armor.” Blushing, Tender Taps performed a small bow as he played along, quipping, “Anything for you thy fair maiden.” He then extended his hand as he asked, “Need a hand up?”

Once both teens were back on their feet, Rattrap made his way up to them and asked, “You find anythin’?” Shaking his head, Tender Taps replied, “Nope. Sorry about that.” Apple Bloom then asked, “You think this rat might have his hole elsewhere?” Sighing, the scrawny teen explained, “I doubt it. If he does, it’s probably up in the roof.”

At that moment, a new sound caught their attention; the sound of Sparkplug barking. Turning to Rattrap, Apple Bloom asked, “You hear that?” Without hesitation, all three teens ran towards the stairwell and towards the source of the barking

The Garden…

To their surprise, the young trio found Sparkplug had adopted an intimidating pose as he cornered something against the fence corner. Running up to the small terrier, Apple Bloom asked, “What is it boy?” The highland terrier turned to face his “master” and gave a proud bark before turning back to whatever it was he had cornered. Curious, the trio made their way up to him, only to be surprised by what they found.

There, pressed into the fence corner, was a small, gray rat.

“Well, what do we have here?” Rattrap asked as he strutted up to the cowering rodent. Looking down, he continued, “You’re the little pest who’s been ruining my garden, aren’t you?” The rat squeaked in fear as it cowered against the corner, a sight that both Apple Bloom and Tender Taps couldn’t help but feel was pitiful.

Worried, Apple Bloom asked, “What are you gonna do?” Hesitating for a moment, Rattrap answered, “I guess we just have to… you know….” Gulping, he nervously finished, “Put him down.”

“Put him down?” Tender Taps asked incredulously. Turning pale, he continued, “You mean you’re gonna…. Kill it?”

Groaning, Rattrap angrily explained, “What do you want me to do? Let it turn the garden into a buffet?” He then turned back into the cornered rat as he continued, “And even then, I’ve been bitten and scratched by rats before. They’re ugly, nasty little buggers who’ll tear you apart!” He then stomped up to the cornered rat and, taking a deep breath, he sighed, “I have to do this.”

As Rattrap lifted his foot, Apple Bloom called out, “Don’t do it!” When her friend didn’t appear to listen, she continued, “Ah know it’s been messin’ around with your garden, but….” Starting to tear up, she finished with a simple, “Please, don’t do it.”

For several moments, Rattrap just stood there, his foot raised above the cowering rodent. Neither Apple Bloom or Tender Taps could see his face, leaving them unsure as to what he would do. After a few moments, however, his raised leg began to tremble as he groaned, “Oh, for Gouda…. We’re all gonna die anyway!” With that, he slammed his foot onto the ground, right in front of the rat.

Sitting down on the ground, Rattrap groaned, “I can’t do it. I just can’t do it!” As he held his head in his hands, he continued, “Guess I really am just a little wimp after all.” Making her way up to her friend, Apple Bloom asked, “What do you mean “after all?””

Sighing, Rattrap revealed, “Long story short, now that I’m not spending all my time trying to stay full or warm, I guess I’ve just been feelin’ like an outcast. Never really thought about it before but….” Starting to sniffle, he continued, “I think I’m just going crazy.”

Resting his hand on the scrawny teen’s shoulder, Tender Taps reassured him, “I know the feeling.” Confused, Rattrap asked, “How?” The orange dancer explained, “Well, that requires a little demonstration.” He then turned to Apple Bloom and gave her a knowing wink, one which she returned.

Making his way to the concrete pathway, Tender Taps began to scuff the ground as Apple Bloom turned to Rattrap and whispered, “You’re gonna love this.” Before the scrawny teen could say anything, Tender Taps began to tap his feet before he entering a fully fledged tap routine. As he danced, Rattrap found his jaw dropping in amazement at the orange boy’s talent. After a few more moments, Tender finished with a leap into the air and landed on the ground in a perfect split.

Needless to say, Apple Bloom found her own jaw dropping, too focused on her boyfriend’s flexibility to notice Rattrap pushing said jaw back up.

Standing back up, Tender Taps gave a small bow as he asked, “What did you think?” Rattrap lit up as he replied, “That was AWESOME! How’d you learn to do that?” Scratching the back of his neck, the orange boy explained, “Dancing has always been something I’ve been good at. But the funny thing is, before we moved here, I was kind of an outcast because of it.” He then let out a gentle giggle as he finished with, “Let’s just say a lot of guys used to say I was kind of a freak.”

Apple Bloom then added, “And Ah think everyone here knows about how Ah’m not exactly the most popular back home.” Letting out a small chuckle, Rattrap asked, “Guess that makes us all a bunch of outsiders, doesn’t it?” Smiling, Apple wrapped her arm around his shoulder and replied, “Ah’d rather be an outsider with you guys than, well….. You know..”

Everyone was distracted when they heard Sparkplug barking again. Turning to see what it was, Apple Bloom was surprised to find the gray rat was seated right on top of the small terrier’s head. Making his way up to the two smaller animals, Rattrap bent down and asked, “Mind if I speak to the garbage dweller?” Sparkplug knelt down, allowing the rat to make his way to the ground.

Picking up the rat, Rattrap took a deep breath as he began, “I know I’m probably goin’ crazy for this, but maybe, we could work something out about our little…. misunderstanding.” To his (and everyone else’s) surprise, the gray rat let out a tiny squeak as he ran up Rattrap’s arms and onto his shoulder. The scrawny teen found himself lighting up as he asked, “So, I got a feeling you’re not going anywhere, are you little guy?”

As the rat nuzzled Rattrap, Apple Bloom breathed a sigh of relief as she remarked, “Looks like everythin’s gonna turn out just right.” Tender Taps nodded as he replied, “You do have that effect on people.” He then gave her a small peck on the cheek, leading her to blush.

However, the former farm girl noticed that the sun was starting to set a little too close for her comfort. Turning to Rattrap, Apple Bloom said, “Hey, we better start headin’ on. See you later Rattrap.” The scrawny teen nodded as he replied, “See ya guys later. Stay out of trouble Apple Bloom.” As the red haired girl playfully rolled her eyes, Tender Taps added, “And Rattrap? I’d make sure your new friend doesn’t have rabies.”

With that, Apple Bloom, Tender Taps, and Sparkplug departed, leaving Rattrap alone with his new little friend.

The Chop Shop Porch….

Seated next to each other on the front porch, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps stared at the early evening sky. As the first stars began to appear, the former farm girl said, “Thanks for helpin’ out today.” Turning to his girlfriend, the orange dancer replied, “No problem. It was nice to see Rattrap again.” He then began to blush as he added, “Of course, any day where I’m with you is a day worthwhile.”

Blushing a deep red as she played with her hair, Apple Bloom replied, “Awh. Ah can say the same about bein’ with you.” As she and Tender Taps gave each other knowing looks, both teens began to lean into each other for a kiss. However, as they did, Sparkplug leapt in between them, forcing both kids to take a mouthful of black fur.

Groaning, Apple Bloom complained, “Ugh, yuck!” As she tried to brush all of the hairs out of her mouth, Sparkplug trotted up to her and gave a simple, confused bark. Though annoyed, the former farm girl couldn’t help but giggle, “Come here you little fur ball.” She then scooped Sparkplug up and wrapped him in a tight embrace.

From behind them, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps heard Chromia call out, “Well, what do we have here?” When both teens turned to face her, the older woman approached them as she added, “You know, this reminds me of one of the first dates Ironhide and I went on.” As she sat down next to them, she asked, “How’d the delivery go?”

“It went by pretty well.” Apple Bloom replied. She then added, “We even helped Rattrap deal with a little pest.” Intrigued, Chromia replied, “Oh my. Well it sounds like you two have had quite the eventful day.”

Standing back up, the older woman explained, “Well, I got a call from Ironhide, and he’s gonna be a little late. Since Sideswipe is helping Ratchet and Wheeljack, would you two mind helping me start getting dinner ready?” As they rose up, Tender Taps answered, “I’m at your disposal ma’am.” Apple Bloom added, “Same here.” As she finished, Sparkplug gave a confirming bark as his tail began to wag. Laughing to herself, Chromia ordered, “Alright then. Follow me.” With that, everyone made their way to the kitchen .

Apple Bloom and Tender Taps just hoped they wouldn’t have to worry about dealing with any more visiting rodents.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Ironhide tells Apple Bloom about how, during the war, things started to go from bad to worse. And it all started with the return of a very unfriendly face.

Author's Note: Is that fear you are feeling Maximal? Oh, yes... My spark.... It feeds on terror. Let it grow. Let it consume your circuitry. Feel it, yes..... Feel it! FEEL THE FEAR!

Oh, and happy Halloween.

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