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Anyone Can Dance

As the Apple Blooms

Part 14; Anyone Can Dance

Apple Bloom stood behind the counter at the Chop Shop, desperately struggling in the fight against her most dangerous enemy; sheer absolute boredom. As she stood there, staring through the window in the vain hope someone would stop by, she couldn’t help but feel like this had happened before. Then again, the Chop Shop was hardly the busiest place in town, so this wasn’t the first time no one had stopped by, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.

It had been two days since the incident with Rattrap, and Apple Bloom hadn’t heard anything from or about him. Ironhide assured her that he was in good hands and that Officers Barricade and Prowl would find someone in town who could take care of him, she still couldn’t help but worry. After all, that was what friends did for each other, right?

Sadly, even pondering on Rattrap’s situation couldn’t stave off her boredom for long. Groaning, Apple Bloom allowed her head to collapse on the counter as she muttered to herself, “Ah’m so bored.” Clearly, this was more cosmic punishment for what she’d done as Anon-A-Miss. At this rate, she was hoping anyone; even Brawn or Rumble and Frenzy would enter, if only because they’d be someone to interact with.

It was then that a thought began to enter Apple Bloom’s mind. A mischievous yet ultimately harmless thought, the kind one only had when there was nothing else in their mind to block it. Taking a good look at the wooden floor, Apple Bloom began to think, ‘Ah wonder what the floor sounds like?’

Stepping out from behind the counter and towards the center of the shop, Apple Bloom began to scuff the floor. As the gears in her mind began to move, she began to perform a few simple shuffles. The sound of her boots striking the wooden floor wasn’t quite as crisp as the sound of her tap shoes doing the same, but performing the moves were nonetheless still fun. Soon she began to perform a few more of the basic steps Tender Taps had taught her.

Just as she began to get lost in her dancing, the unmistakable sound of the door ringing snapped Apple Bloom of her bliss as she began to panic. “Uh, sorry about that!” She said as she frantically began to dash back to the counter. Once she made it back, she began to recite the usual greeting of, “Welcome to Ironhide’s chop shop and scrap yard. What can we do for ya?”

Much to Apple Bloom’s surprise, she was greeted by Tender Taps, a cheeky smile plastered on his face, who replied, “My, you don’t recognize me?” Excited, Apple Bloom ran back around the counter and wrapped her friend in a massive hug.

“Tender Taps!” She exclaimed as she tightened her grip. “Ah can’t tell you how happy Ah am to see ya!” As she released the orange skinned boy, she continued, “So, what brings you out here?”

Catching his breath, Tender Taps replied, “Well actually a couple of things.” As he began to blush, he continued, “First, I want to apologize about… you know…” As he began to guiltily look down to the floor, Apple Bloom realized she knew exactly what he was referring to. Tender Taps continued with his apology as he rambled, “I was kind of on an adrenaline rush and not really thinking and…..”

“Tender!” Apple Bloom said sternly as she interrupted him. “It’s alright. Besides….” Now it was her turn to blush as she admitted, “Ah’d be lyin’ if Ah said Ah didn’t like it.” As both young teens continued to blush, they began to find themselves drawn back towards each other, entirely unaware of the sound of a back door opening.

“Well, look what we got here.” Ironhide said teasingly as he entered the front of the shop. Apple Bloom and Tender Taps both straightened themselves as he added, “Normally I’d be a little disappointed at seeing you leave your post Apple Bloom, but I can’t help but admit you two are adorable.” He then walked up to the two as he asked, “So does this mean he’s your boyfriend?”

“Uncle Ironhide!” Apple Bloom exclaimed with embarrassment. “Ah….. We……. We’re not really…..” Ironhide raised his hand as he interrupted with, “I know kid. I’m just messing with you.” He then refocused his efforts on Tender Taps as he asked, “So, what brings you out here young man?”

Gulping, Tender Taps began to nervously reply, “Well, since dad went back on tour I haven’t had much to do lately. So I was thinking….” He then turned to Apple Bloom as he asked, “Would it would be alright if I gave her another tap lesson?”

Excited at the prospect, Apple Bloom turned to her uncle and asked, “Can Ah Uncle Ironhide? Please?” Ironhide began to “think it over”, scratching his chin as he pondered. After a few moments, he replied, “I suppose so. Provided you finish your chores of course.”

“Alright!” Apple Bloom said as she shot up in the air, fist raised with joy. “Ah got a feelin’ tomorrow is gonna be great!”

That was when the front door rang again. Apple Bloom and Tender Taps turned to see that the new arrivals were none other than Beachcomber and Marble Pie. The blue geologist stepped forward and asked, “Hey now, I didn’t interrupt something, did I?”

“Not at all.” Ironhide replied. “Apple Bloom here just scheduled a little dance lesson with her friend here.” As Apple Bloom and Tender Taps sighed and gave the older scrapper thankful looks, the latter continued, “So Beachcomber, what can I do for you?”

“Well, not exactly me.” Beachcomber began as he turned to Marble, who nervously stepped forward. “Marble here has been locking herself in the fossil wing again, and I think she needs a bit of social interaction. And since Apple Bloom has a way of getting her out of her shell, I figured you guys might have something you two could do.”

Apple Bloom replied, “Well Ah just agreed to a little tap class with Tender Taps, but Ah suppose I could…..”

Tender Taps then joined in with, “Hey Marble, you wanna join us?” Marble hesitated for a moment before she replied, “Sure.” Tender Taps then pumped his fists as he exclaimed, “Oh yeah! Now we got a trio!”

Apple Bloom then made her way over to Marble and said, “This is gonna be fun!” Marble, on the other hand, simply shrugged as she gave a muffled, “Mh.”

Beachcomber then said, “Well in that case, we better get back to our errands. Come along Marble.” The gray skinned girl nodded and made her way back to her mentor, but not before asking, “Uh, Tender Taps? Where exactly are we going to, well, do this?”

Tender Taps replied, “Oh! Let me write down my address.” He then began to search his pockets before turning to Ironhide and asked, “Hey Mr. Ironhide, you have any scraps of paper lying around?”

Ironhide nodded as he pulled out a small note pad from his pocket and ripped out a piece as he handed it as well as a pen to the orange skinned boy. Tender Taps then wrote down his address and handed it to Marble Pie as he replied, “Here we are. Considering Apple Bloom’s chores around here, we’ll start around noon. Don’t forget water and wear something to move around in.”

“Thanks.” Marble Pie replied. With that, she and Beachcomber departed the Chop Shop. Tender Taps then turned to Apple Bloom and said, “Same thing to you as well. Water and loose clothing.” He then leaned towards her and quipped, “Don’t want you getting restrained do we?”

Ironhide then interrupted his niece and “very close male acquaintance” and said, “Alright now. Run along, can’t have you loitering around here all day.”

Apple Bloom then added, “You better make yerself scarce. If Uncle Ironhide isn’t gettin’ on your case, then Wheeljack might…” She stopped herself before leaning into Tender Taps’s ear and whispering something.

His pupils shrinking, Tender Taps began to panic as he said, “Uh, I gotta go. See you tomorrow Apple Bloom!” The orange boy then ran out of the Chop Shop, a sight that made Apple Bloom and Ironhide giggle.

“Say, Apple Bloom?” Ironhide asked. “What exactly did you tell him anyway?” Apple Bloom shrugged as she replied, “Ah told him Wheeljack might test the laser cutters on him.”

Laughing, Ironhide then replied, “Ok, that’s a good one. Now, I think someone here better get back to work.” Though hardly happy with the order, Apple Bloom replied, “Yes sir.” With that, she returned to her post behind the counter, hoping the rest of the day would be far less boring.

Tender Taps’s House, the Next Day

Once she had finished all of her chores (which coincidentally happened to involve helping Wheeljack with his laser cutters), Apple Bloom was finally able to mount her bike and make her way to the Tap Family’s home. As much as she was looking forward to her first proper tap lesson, what she was really looking forward to was spending time with her friends.

Just as the Tap Family’s home was entering her field of view, Apple Bloom could make out the familiar shape of Beachcomber’s dune buggy leaving in the opposite direction. In the driveway, she could see Marble, dressed in sweat pants and a loose t-shirt with a water bottle. The gray skinned girl noticed Apple Bloom approaching and waived to her.

Peddling up to her, Apple Bloom said, “Howdy Marble. Ready for a few hours of tap dancin’?” Marble nodded and replied, “Kinda.” She then began to rub her arm as she added, “I hope I’m not too bad at it.” Apple Bloom then rested her hand on Marble’s shoulder and added, “Hey, at least it’ll be fun.”

Marble then noticed Apple Bloom’s attire and said, “You don’t look like you’re prepared to dance.” Apple Bloom nodded; she was still dressed in her common outfit of a work shirt and overalls. Nodding, the former farm girl replied, “Ah know. It’s why Ah brought somethin’ to change into.” She then pulled out a small bag that she slung over her shoulder.

“Ah brought this bag here when Ah was brought over here.” Apple Bloom added. She then motioned to the door and playfully asked, “So, shall we?” Marble Pie let out a gentle giggle as she followed her friend.

Once the two girls made their way to the door, Apple Bloom began to knock on the door, only to be greeted by none other than Tender Taps. Once again he was dressed to dance, this time in a black pair of workout pants and a white tank top. And much like the last time, Apple Bloom was stunned by just how handsome he was.

“Hey guys!” Tender Taps said as he extended his hands to Apple Bloom and Marble Pie. As they shake his hands, he asked, “So, you girls ready to tap?”

“You bet!” Apple Bloom replied with enthusiasm. As Tender Taps began to inspect her, she replied, “Ah brought a change of clothes.”

Tender Taps then said, “In that case, we have a restroom near the dance studio. You can change there.” Apple Bloom nodded and made her way inside. Turning to Marble, Tender Taps said, “Marble, you can follow me. I’ll show you where the magic happens.” Marble nodded and made her way inside the house as well, hoping that today wouldn’t be too stressful.

The Dance Studio, Ten Minutes Later

After changing, Apple Bloom brought her water bottle and tap shoes into the dance studio. Much like Tender taps, she was dressed in a pair of loose black pants and a dark red tank top. While part of her felt somewhat uncomfortable regarding her outfit, she knew that it would be more comfortable to move in, especially compared to her normal clothes.

“Well, don’t we look lovely?” Tender Taps said as he performed a fancy bow. Apple Bloom couldn’t help but smile as she returned the gesture with a simple curtsey (one of the few good things regarding manners she learned from Rarity).

Once the two kids had finished their “formalities,” Apple Bloom sat down and began to slip on her tap shoes. As she tied the laces, Marble walked up to her and asked, “Uh, Apple Bloom?” When the former farm girl looked up, Marble pointed to the former’s feet.

Tender Taps, having already slipped on his own tap shoes, noticed this and said, “Don’t worry Marble, I found a few pairs that might fit your feet.” He then brought over three shoe boxes. “I think one of these should fit.” Marble nodded as she took one of the boxes and opened it, revealing a pair of black, oxford tap shoes. Once she had slipped the pair on, she realized they were too large, as the shoes simply flopped around.

“I think these are a little big.” Marble Pie said as she slipped the tap shoes off. Tender Taps nodded as he handed her another box, containing a slightly smaller pair. As Marble tried to slip these tap shoes on, however, she found that she couldn’t even get her toes into them. Tender Taps then handed her the final box as he replied, “Maybe these will fit you just right.”

Marble nodded as she took the final pair and slipped them on her feet. This time, the tap shoes fit her feet perfectly. Once they were laced up, Marble rose to her feet, only to find herself starting to slip. Fortunately, Apple Bloom managed to catch her friend before she could crash onto the wooden floor.

“Whoa there.” Apple Bloom said as she helped Marble Pie back up. As Marble began to grow somewhat flustered, Apple Bloom reassured her, “Hey, don’t worry, you ain’t the only one to find walkin’ in these things kinda tricky.”

Soon the two girls were standing behind in front of Tender Taps. The young boy began to speak, “Alright now. The first thing we’re going to do is to stretch our legs, particularly our feet.” He then turned to face the mirror. “What we’re gonna do is extend our right legs and roll our feet.” He then proceeded to rotate his right foot in a clockwise motion. Apple Bloom and Marble Pie began to copy the motions. After a few seconds, Tender Taps said, “Now, we do the other foot.”

Apple Bloom and Marble proceeded to follow their “teacher’s” instructions. After a few more minutes of stretching and loosening their feet and legs, Tender Taps said, “Alrighty. Now that we’re all ready, time to start with the actual steps.” He then placed his hands on his hips and said, “First up is the flap ball change.” Tender Taps then brushed his right foot forward before slamming the toe to the ground, repeating the same process on his left foot, then on his right foot again before quickly alternating between his left and right toes. As he performed the move again, he said out loud, “It goes fa-lap fa-lap fa-lap ball change.”

Once he’d finished it on each foot, Tender Taps turned to his two “students” as he said, “Now it’s your turn.” He then turned to Apple Bloom and said, “You’re up first Apple Bloom.” The former farm girl placed her hands on her hips as she performed the move, not quite as fast as Tender Taps but still performing admirably. Tender Taps nodded as he remarked, “Very good. Looks like someone’s been practicing.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but blush at the compliment.

Tender Taps then turned to Marble and said, “Ok Marble, now it’s your turn.” Marble gulped as she began to brush her right foot forward and backwards. Tender immediately interrupted her as he said, “Whoa there! That’s a shuffle, not a flap.” He then made his way over to her as he continued, “A flap is when you brush forward and slam your ball into the floor.” He proceeded to show her a simple flap.

Marble nodded and began to perform a flap, but a she did so, she began to lose her balance. Tender Taps managed to catch her, remarking, “Got you!” once she was back balanced again, the purple haired boy said, “Now, let’s try that a little slower.” This time, Marble was able to effectively pull off a flap. Tender Taps exclaimed, “There we go! You got this!” As Marble began to nervously smile, Apple Bloom gave her a reassuring smile and a thumbs up.

Tender Taps then turned back to the mirror and said, “Now we move on to something a little easier; the shuffle ball change.” He then proceeded to brush his right toe forward and backwards three times before performing a ball change.

Once he did the same starting with his left foot, Tender Taps turned to Apple Bloom and said, “Now it’s your turn.” Apple Bloom nodded as she performed two shuffle ball changes of her own. Tender Taps gave her a hi-five as he said, “That was perfect!” He then turned to Marble and said, “You’re up Marble.”

However, as Marble began to perform the shuffles, she began to wobble around as if she began to lose her balance. Apple Bloom and Tender Taps began to walk up to her, but Marble was able to regain her footing. Concerned for her friend, Apple Bloom asked, “You alright there Marble?”

Marble nodded, her hair slinking over her right side as she replied, “Yeah.” Apple Bloom rested her hand on her shoulder and asked, “Ya sure?” Once again, Marble nodded, though this time both Apple Bloom and Tender Taps quickly realized she was trying to hide something; frustration.

Hoping to move past this little setback, Tender Taps spoke up. “Ok, let’s go with another step.” Apple Bloom, however, was more concerned with Marble, hoping things would get better.

Two Hours Later…

As the hours passed, it was becoming more and more clear that Marble was struggling. Whether it was with buffalos, maxi fords, or any tap steps, the gray skinned girl could barely keep herself balanced or often blended her taps together.

But that wasn’t the worst part. That dubious honor went to the fact that Marble was growing increasingly frustrated. With each failed or blustered step, she grew more and more aggressive, striking the floor less like a graceful dancer and more like someone trying to squish a massive insect.

Knowing things had become rather tense, Tender Taps said, “Ok, I think it’s time we play a little game.” Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “What kind of game?”

Smiling, Tender Taps replied, “It’s a game called, “I go you go.” I will do a quick little something we’ve done today, and you girls have to do the same move to the same rhythm.”

“Oh, Ah get it!” Apple Bloom replied. “It sounds like fun!” She then turned to Marble and asked, “What do you think?” Marble, trying to straighten her now frizzled hair, dejectedly nodded. Apple Bloom then reassured her friend, “Don’t worry, Ah think you’ll like it.”

Tender Taps then asked, “So, we ready?” Apple Bloom nodded enthusiastically while Marble Pie simply shrugged. With that, Tender Taps said, “Alright! We’ll swap between Apple Bloom and Marble Pie.”

Turning to Apple Bloom, Tender Taps began, “Ok, a 5 6 7 8!” The orange boy then began to perform two riffs where he made three flaps followed by slapping his heel on the ground. Once he finished, Apple Bloom repeated the process, not quite as technically proficient but obviously having fun.

Then Tender Taps turned his attention to Marble. “Your turn!” He then performed three shuffles and a ball change. Marble tried to perform the same steps, but she struggled to dance at the same speed, she lost her balance and, once again, fell onto the floor.

“Marble!” Apple Bloom and Tender Taps cried out as they ran over to her up. But this time, Marble forced herself up and, to everyone else’s surprise, growled, “I’m fine!”

As Apple Bloom and Tender Taps stepped back in shock at Marble’s

sudden anger, the gray girl realized she had snapped and quickly began to back up. “Sorry.” She meekly apologized. “Guess I lost my temper.”

When Marble made her way to the wall and sat down, Apple Bloom sat down next to her as she asked, “Everythin’ alright? Ah’ve never seen you this angry before.”

Sighing, Marble replied, “I, uh…. I don’t, I guess I get angry kinda easily.” As Tender Taps walked over to his friends, Marble continued, “You ever have one of those days where you can’t get anything right, and the more you try you just keep failing?”

Apple Bloom then wrapped her arm around Marble Pie and replied, “In one way, Ah think so.” Tender Taps then sat down on Marble’s other side and replied, “Same here. You see, while I may be a “moderately decent” tap dancer, when I try other dance styles like ballet or lyrical or even hip hop, I actually kinda suck.”

Apple Bloom then added, “An’ before Ah moved here, Ah helped with the gardenin’ on the farm, but to be honest Ah was horrible at it.” When Marble turned her head to face Apple Bloom, the former farm girl asked, “Ah take it this has to do with what Mr. Beachcomber said yesterday?”

Marble Pie sighed and answered, “Yeah. He said I need to expand my horizons, and that I can’t spend all my time studying fossils.” Apple Bloom reassured her, “Ah can understand that.”

Tender Taps then said, “If I may say so Marble, if this was your first time tap dancing, you were pretty great.” Marble, touched by this remark, asked, “Really?” Tender Taps nodded and replied, “Of course!” Apple Bloom then added, “Besides, you can only get better, right?”

Marble, giggling, nodded, “Right. Besides, it’s a lot of fun.” She then turned to Tender Taps and said, “Sorry again for getting angry. Guess I just let my frustration get the better of me.” Tender Taps replied, “It’s alright. I don’t know about Apple Bloom, but I’d be more than happy to help.” Apple Bloom joined in with, “Ah’d love to! Maybe we can be like some kinda dance group or somethin’!”

Marble, smiling widely, wrapped her arms around Tender Taps and Apple Bloom, an action the other two kids enthusiastically reciprocated.

This moment was ruined when Double Shuffle entered the dance studio and called out, “Hey Tender, there’s some guy with a dune buggy outside!” Marble sighed as she said, “Guess I gotta go.” Apple Bloom added, “Ah guess Ah should go to. Don’t want Uncle Ironhide gettin’ worried about me.”

Soon all three teens had removed their tap shoes and were getting ready to leave. As Marble Pie climbed into Beachcomber’s dune buggy, Apple Bloom called out, “See ya later Marble Pie!” Marble simply gave a friendly smile as she waived at her friend, a gesture some might find as standoffish, but for Marble Pie was a very friendly way to part.

Once Marble had left, Apple Bloom turned to Tender Taps as she said, “Guess Ah gotta go. Today was awesome!” Tender Taps replied, “It was, and you know what the best part was?” Apple Bloom asked, “Was it helpin’ Marble?”

Tender Taps replied, “That was pretty great, but the best part was….” He then began to blush as he finished, “…Was dancing with you.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but blush as she replied, “Well, you are a great dancer.” She then wrapped him in a massive hug and added, “And you’re a better friend.” despite being momentarily off put, Tender Taps returned the gesture as he quipped, “I do aim to please.”

Apple Bloom then did something she hadn’t planned on, but figured that it wouldn’t be too dumb of an idea; she kissed Tender Taps on the cheek. As the tap dancing teen found himself stunned speechless, Apple Bloom cheekily replied, “That’s for last time.”

As she mounted her bike, Apple Bloom could make out Double Shuffle’s voice calling out, “I knew she was your girlfriend!” The former farm girl couldn’t help but laugh as she heard Tender Taps scream out, “DOUBLE SHUFFLE!” With that, Apple Bloom laughed all the way home.

Life had a way of making things interesting, especially in a place like Allspark Wells.

Author's Note:

Next Time: Apple Bloom and Sideswipe help Knockout and Breakdown.

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