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The Hard Truth

As the Apple Blooms

Part 85; The Hard Truth

“She said WHAT?” Sideswipe furiously inquired. As she instinctively found her hand interlocking with Marble Pie’s, Apple Bloom let out a deep sigh of regret as she repeated herself, “She called her “Pinkie’s retarded sister.”” The former farm girl then turned to face her gray friend as she apologized, “Ah’m sorry she said that.” Rather than show any sign of shock, Marble simply shrugged as she replied, “It’s ok. I’ve been called worse all my life.”

It had been a few hours since Apple Bloom was released from the hospital, and after everything she’d been through the night before, all the former farm girl wanted light now was to relax and be with some familiar faces.

Thankfully, after Wheeljack made more than a few phone calls, all of the former farm girl’s friends were more than willing to come all the way from Allspark Wells to be with her. And now, sitting around each other in the Pie family’s living room, Apple Bloom caught everyone up on what had happened to her.

From the other end of the room, Pinkie Pie and Limestone walked in as the former asked, “Excuse me, but I overheard you saying something about Applejack saying Marble was a….” Struggling to find quite the right word to use, she nervously settled on, “A really mean word for people who think differently?” Apple Bloom nodded as she tried to explain, “Ah mean, she was probably just angry about bein’ around me and….”

She didn’t finish her futile attempt to explain her sister’s actions, as she realized Pinkie’s hair had deflated to an emo-combover, something the former farm girl knew meant serious business. Taking a deep breath, the pink farm girl coldly stated, “I need to go have a word with Applejack.”

Once Pinkie had departed, Limestone walked up to her little sister and apologized, “Look, about how I used that word when we visited you for your birthday, I’m sorry.” To her surprise, Marble wrapped her older sister in a tight hug as she reassured her, “It’s alright. I know you have a reputation to uphold.” Needless to say, Limestone hugged her sister back, albeit with the latter adding, “Just promise you won’t use that word again.” Letting out a gentle chuckle, the blue-gray girl replied, “I won’t.”

Once Marble and Limestone finished their embrace, Double Shuffle asked, “So what happened next Apple Bloom?” Tender Taps then added, “As long as you’re comfortable talking about it.” Apple Bloom took a deep breath as she explained, “Well, Applejack kept lashin’ out at me about how everythin’ was mah fault and….” Pausing a moment as she looked over her shoulder, the former farm girl continued, “After a while, Ah told her that even though Ah tricked her, she didn’t have to lash out at Sunset, and that everythin’ after Ah got found out was her fault.”

Giving into his growing fury, Rattrap angrily exclaimed, “Why that good for nothin’ bitch!” Sideswipe let out an affirming, “Here here.” However, Apple Bloom found herself replying, “Ah just… If Ah hadn’t given into mah anger and jealousy, none of this would’ve happened. Ah wouldn’t have hurt so many people, but Ah’d never have met any of you guys. Ah just….” Feeling her eyes start to water just a little bit, the former farm girl asked, “Why can’t things just be simple?”

Thankfully, Double Shuffle scooted herself up to her honorary sister and wrapped her arms around her, bringing her into a tight and warm embrace. Though caught off guard, Apple Bloom, now feeling a few tears streaming out of her eyes, hugged her little sister back as she exclaimed, “Don’t know what Ah’d do without all of you.” Tender Taps felt his own eyes start to sting as he replied, “Well, I think we could all say the same about you.”

As Apple Bloom gave a somewhat confused look, Rattrap added, “Yeah! I doubt I’d be where I am if I didn’t run into you while dumpster diving!” Marble then added, “And you were the person who made me want to get outside my comfort zone. And were it not for you, I’d have never met Sideswipe.” This was followed by the pale biker awkwardly asking, “And can I tell you a secret?”

Once Apple Bloom nodded, Sideswipe explained, “That day where I showed up after dad….” Pointing to her eye that had once been blackened by a bruise, she continued, “I think deep down, I went to you guys because I knew you would help me. And while I’d known Ironhide and Chromia for a few years, I guess…” Now starting to tear up herself, Sideswipe finished, “I guess it was because I trusted you. I mean….” Scratching her neck, she admitted, “Sorry, I don’t really talk about what happened much.”

Sideswipe didn’t have much time to figure out what to say next, as she was practically tackled to the ground by Apple Bloom in a massive hug. Once she rose up from her sister, the former farm girl sheepishly apologized, “Sorry about that. Guess hearin’ you say how much Ah mean to you, it’s….” Struggling to find quite the right words, she settled on, “You’re a better sister that Applejack.” Feeling a tear escape from her right eye, Sideswipe shrugged as she playfully (but heartfeltly) quipped, “I try.”

It was at this moment that Rattrap asked, “Hold on a minute! Sideswipe? Marble? Aren’t you gonna show Apple Bloom her present?” Caught off guard, Apple Bloom asked, “Whoa whoa whoa. What do you mean by present?” Sideswipe and Marble both turned to each other as the former mischievously asked, “Present? What do you think she’s talking about?” The gray girl simply replied, “You know, the one we got while running that errand this morning.”

As Sideswipe departed the living room, Marble turned to Apple Bloom and explained, “So, while you were in the hospital, Sideswipe and I decided we wanted to get you something, and I suggested that, well…. There’s always one thing that always makes me feel comfortable and safe when I’m overstimulated or stressed.” She then straightened her leather jacket; an action Apple Bloom didn’t understand as a playful hint.

After a few moments, Sideswipe returned with a small box, specifically the kind of packaging that usually held clothing. Presenting the package to her sister, the pale biker explained, “Given everything that’s happened, Marble and I felt you might appreciate something to show just how tough you are.” Apple Bloom accepted the package as she replied, “Well Ah’m honored, though Ah doubt Ah could ever be as tough as you girls.” Feeling her anticipation overcome her, the former farm girl opened the package, revealing it’s content.

There, folded nicely in the box, was a brand-new black leather jacket. It wasn’t as flashy as Marble’s jacket or had as many flashy zippers and belt latches as Sideswipe’s old red jacket, but for someone who wasn’t particularly focused on bells and whistles, the smooth, black leather was as inviting to the touch as it was to the eyes.

As Apple Bloom took the jacket and unfurled it, Marble gently apologized, “I hope you like it. I know that whenever I get scared or uncomfortable, I like to sink into my jacket like a security blanket, so I kinda figured you could use one of your own.”

Apple Bloom gave her answer with an enthusiastic, “Ah love it!” Giving her friend a massive hug, the former farm girl continued, “Thank you so much.” As Marble hugged her friend back, Sideswipe playfully added, “Don’t forget, I helped her find it.” Giving her sister a playful eye roll, Apple Bloom pulled her into a hug as she remarked, “Come here you.”

Once everyone finished their hug, Apple Bloom turned her attention to her new leather jacket and, with a confident smile, slipped her arms into the sleeves. Making sure not to zip it up, the former farm girl straightened it as she asked, “So, what do y’all think?”

Double Shuffle was the first to speak up, giving a confirming, “I like it!” Rattrap was the next, remarking, “Yeah!” Tender Taps then added, “It adds to your already perfect beauty.” He then awkwardly scratched the back of his neck as he remarked, “Ok, maybe that was kinda lame.”

Thankfully for the teenaged tap dancer, Apple Bloom wrapped her arms around her boyfriend as she reassured him, “It was actually really sweet.” Gently wrapping his arms around her, Tender Taps blushed as he replied, “Well, I was only telling the truth.”

No one was surprised when Apple Bloom pulled Tender Taps into a passionate kiss, one which the latter was more than happy to reciprocate.

As they finished their kiss, Rattrap quipped, “So does this mean we should leave you two alone to…. You know…” A confused Double Shuffle then asked, ‘So they can what?” Letting out a gentle chuckle, Sideswipe bent down to the young girl and informed her, “I think it’s something your parents will tell you when you’re older.” Pouting, Double Shuffle complained, “I’m not a baby. I’m starting middle school for Primus’s sake.”

While everyone joined in on the attempt to explain to Double Shuffle what Rattrap had been implying, Apple Bloom looked down to the leather jacket that now rested over her like a security blanket. Once upon a time, she’d have never thought she’d wear something so seemingly tomboyish. However, the former farm girl found that over the last few months, she’d done a lot of things she never thought she’d do before. Whether it was helping scrapping an old car, acting as a volunteer at the museum, or learning how to tap dance, Apple Bloom found that she’d changed so much that she was almost unrecognizable from the youngest Apple sibling she used to be. And it was all embodied by the leather jacket that she now wore.

Feeling a sense of warmth overcome her, Apple Bloom found herself smiling as thought to herself, ‘Ah think things are gonna be just fine.’

Sweet Apple Acres…

As she pulled her car to the familiar sight of the Apple family’s farm, Pinkie Pie took a deep breath as she struggled to keep herself calm. “Come on Pinkie. Keep it together.” Of course, her desperate attempts to stay calm only resulted in her giving into her growing anger and impotently slamming her fists onto the steering wheel. After letting off enough steam, the pink party girl brushed some of her hair out of her face as she said, “Alright, let’s do this.”

Exiting her car, Pinkie Pie was surprised to see another car, this one a vaguely familiar blue sedan, pulling up to the farmhouse as well. After a few moments, the sedan parked itself as a familiar cyan girl with rainbow colored hair stepped out and asked, “Pinkie? What are you doing here?”

Taking a deep breath, Pinkie Pie explained, “I need to have a word with Applejack.” Rainbow Dash groaned as she added, “That makes two of us. Scootaloo and I met her on the way to a checkup for her neck, and did you know that Apple Bloom is missing a tooth?” The pink girl nodded as she replied, “Yeah. All her friends are here, and they needed a place to stay, and thankfully mom and dad are out for a few days. It’s actually kinda nice to have Marble back for a bit.”

After a few moments, Rainbow Dash straightened her shirt as she said, “Come on, let’s get this over with.” Nodding, Pinkie Pie solemnly replied, “Yeah.”

Walking up to the front door, both teens were surprised to see Granny Smith opening the door and ask, “Pinkie Pie? Rainbow Dash? What are you doin’ here?” The cyan girl replied, “We need to have a word with Applejack. She home?” The Apple family matriarch sighed as she answered, “She is, but right now she’s grounded.” Pinkie Pie then added, “We’re not here to chat. We…. We need to have a serious word with her.”

Realizing that the two girls were not there for an ice cream social, Granny Smith replied, “If that’s the case, she’s in her room. Now, if you’ll excuse me, Ah need to run an errand.” As Granny Smith stepped out of the way, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash made their way into the farmhouse.

After a small trek up through the house, the two teens made their way to Applejack’s room. Taking a deep breath, Rainbow Dash knocked on the door, hopeful her friend would open the door. However, the door didn’t open, and neither girl heard the sounds of feet striking walking across the wooden floor towards them. Deciding that Applejack wouldn’t be coming to them, Rainbow Dash decided to take matters into her own hands and turned the doorknob herself, thankful to find that it was unlocked.

There, lying face down on her bed, was Applejack.

Groaning to herself, the middle Apple sibling angrily asked, “Didn’t Granny Smith ever tell you the importance of knockin’ first Big Mac?” As she rose up from her bed, however, Applejack realized that she was talking not to her brother, but two of her friends, neither of whom seemed to be particular happy. Growing a bit concerned, she asked, “Uh… Rainbow Dash? Pinkie Pie? What’s up?”

For several minutes, neither Rainbow Dash nor Pinkie Pie said anything. The rainbow haired girl simply glared at her friend as the pink party girl brushed her flat emo hair out of her face while trying to stay as calm and collected as possible. This silence led a depressed Applejack to internally realize, ‘Oh no. They know what happened.’

Rainbow Dash was the first to break the awkward silence as she bluntly informed her friend, “I ran into Apple Bloom while taking Scootaloo to the hospital for a checkup. She was being checked out as if she were a patient.” Leaning into Applejack, the cyan girl angrily finished with, “She was missing a tooth. Any idea how that happened?”

Applejack began to feel beads of sweat drip from her forehead as she nervously answered, “Wh-wh-wh-what’s it to you?” This non-answer was met with Rainbow Dash groaning as she furiously replied, “What’s it to me? WHAT’S IT TO ME? What it is to me is that….” Struggling to keep herself from giving into her fury and striking her friend, the cyan girl continued, “Apple Bloom told me you punched her in the face!”

Realizing there was no way to hid what had happened, all Applejack could do was solemnly admit, “Ah’m sorry. Ah just… she was goin’ on about how she’d do everythin’ all over again and… Ah lost control.” For a few moments, everyone stood in stunned silence, unsure of what to say or do next.

Eventually, however, Rainbow Dash sighed as she stated, “Wow. That has to be the pettiest reason anyone has ever had for punching their own sister.” Applejack immediately shot back with, “As if you’re any better! You got in that fight with Scootaloo that led to her tryin’ to hang herself!”

Rainbow Dash immediately grabbed Applejack by her shirt and shoved her against the wall as she furiously warned, “Don’t you DARE bring Scootaloo into this!” As her eyes began to water up, the rainbow haired girl continued, “I have had it with you being a whiny little bitch about that whole Anon-A-Miss bullshit crap! But let’s face it, we all screwed up with what happened, and we let Sunset down!”

Applejack immediately spat back, “Easy for you to say! She just so happened to find the Wondercolts, so you two were always gonna ignore what happened.” This remark led Rainbow Dash replying, “Even then I had to make it up to her, but that’s not the point!” Taking a deep breath, the cyan girl continued, “The point is that I’m done putting up with this. If you’re not gonna get over what happened, then do me a favor and piss off!”

As the gravity of what she’d just been told sank in, Applejack asked, “What?” Rainbow Dash answered by pointing her index finger right into the orange farm girl’s face as she bluntly explained, “Let me dumb this down for you; outside of school, I don’t want to see you or hear from you until you can get over this crap.” She then leant right into Applejack’s face as she warned, “And if you ever so much as LOOK at Scootaloo the wrong way, I will not hesitate to kick the everlasting SHIT out of you!”

Now that she’d made her point, Rainbow Dash released Applejack as she calmly stated, “Well, I got everything off my chest. Anything you wanna say Pinkie?” As the pink party girl walked up to the other two girls, Applejack gulped in fear, worried she’d lose her temper the same way she did during the whole “cherry changa” incident.

Instead, Pinkie Pie quietly yet disappointedly asked, “Did you call Marble a retard?”

When Applejack gave her a confused look, Pinkie tearfully continued, “Apple Bloom and her friends and family are staying with us, and when she was explaining what happened, she said you called Marble “my retarded sister.”” Wiping the tears from her face, she demanded, “Is it true? Did you call her that?”

Overcome with shame, Applejack meekly apologized, “Ah’m so sorry. Ah just… Ah don’t know what to say.”

For the first time since they’d all fallen out with each other due to Sunset Shimmer’s machinations, Pinkie Pie found herself growing truly furious with Applejack. Feeling her pupils shrink, the pink party girl began, “I know you’re angry with Apple Bloom, and I know you haven’t been taking everything well, but…” Giving into her growing fury, Pinkie found herself practically shouting, “But you do NOT! BRING! MY SISTER! INTO IT!” As Applejack backed away in fear and shock, the pink girl burst into tears as she elaborated, “You may be my friend, but Marble is my sister, and I’ll be damned if I let you say something so mean about her!”

Applejack had never seen Pinkie Pie so furious at anyone before. Every time the pink party girl had lost her temper before, it ranged from mean spirited mischievousness to the silent treatment or, at best, the silent treatment. And even then, after a few days, she’d return to her normal, jovial self.

But this time, Pinkie wasn’t just angry, and she wasn’t just disappointed. No, this time, it was clear that the pink girl was something she’d never been before; she was hurt.

And it was clear who not only who hurt her, but how they did it.

Giving in to her growing pain and sorrow, Pinkie Pie felt the tears stream out of her eyes as she heartbrokenly admitted, “All this time, I thought you were just angry over what happened. I tried to tell myself, “Applejack’s still hurting. She just needs some help.” But after finding out that you not only hit your sister, but you called my sister something infinity worse than “piggly wiggly,” I’ve finally realized something.”

Taking a deep breath, Pinkie Pie somberly stated, “You’re not angry Applejack. You’re mean.”

Applejack felt her heart skipping a beat as she pitifully asked, “Ah’m mean?” Nodding, Pinkie replied, “Yes. You’re a meany meany…. You’re just mean. And I don’t want to be friends with someone who’s mean.”

Both Applejack and Pinkie Pie were caught off guard when the familiar sound of Sunset Shimmer’s voice called out, “I couldn’t have said it better myself."

Everyone turned to face the doorway, only to see the familiar sight of a certain golden skinned girl with cerulean eyes, red and yellow flaming hair, a turquoise shirt with a golden flowy skirt, blue jeans, and a black leather biker jacket and boots. Walking into the room, Sunset turned to Rainbow Dash as she politely greeted, “Thanks for the heads up.” Nodding, the rainbow haired teen replied, “No problem.” Turning her attention to Applejack, Sunset crossed her arms as she disappointedly asked, “So, it true?” All the orange farm girl could do was nod before holding her head low in shame as she answered, “Yes.”

Sighing to herself, Sunset began, “Ugh, I can’t believe I have to spell this out for you again.” She then explained, “You know, when I first came to this world and started messing with you girls, I realized that you were easy so easy to trick, all I had to do was play a game of telephone, and you and Rainbow Dash were at each other’s throats.” A confused and incensed Applejack then demanded, “What does that have to do with anything?” Stepping up to her former friend, Sunset elaborated, “Because if I remember correctly, you were still angry at her for a while afterwards, even when it was clear that all the details didn’t add up. But even then, you were still convincing yourself that it wasn’t your fault, that you were free of blame.”

As Applejack took in her former friend’s words, Sunset continued, “And the same thing happened here. Despite everything your friends have done, it’s clear you’re gonna keep on blaming everything on everyone but yourself. I get it, it was easy to think I’d gone back to being an alpha bitch, but let’s face it, if I really wanted to mess with you girls, I’d have done it by then.”

Sighing to herself, Sunset finished with, “But let’s face it Applejack. You’re nothing but a petty and spiteful narcissist who can’t accept that she was wrong. You couldn’t handle the fact that you were fooled, and when it turned out Apple Bloom was the mastermind, you pinned all that anger on her. And the fact that you were willing to hit her proves to me I was right in cutting you out of my life.”

For a few moments, no one said anything. Instead, everyone found themselves standing in silence as they took in what had just been said. Eventually, however, Sunset groaned as she rephrased her statement, “Let me put it this way. From now on, you can say anything you want and whine all you like. But now, I don’t have to listen.”

With that, Sunset and Rainbow Dash made their way out of Applejack’s room and, as far as they could care, out of her life. Now that she was alone with her friend, Pinkie Pie turned to face her friend and solemnly said, “I’m going home. I hope someday, you won’t be such a meany anymore.” And so, Pinkie Pie left Applejack to wallow in her misery.

And once she was alone, Applejack did the only thing she could do; crash onto her bed, bury her head into her pillow, and scream as she bled tears, breaking down at the realization that, as much as she didn’t want to admit it, that Sunset and her friends were right.

A Local Café….

Sitting at a table while they sipped their cups of coffee, Ironhide and Chromia waited patiently for Granny Smith. Apparently, they’d forgotten some documents regarding Apple Bloom’s dental records, and she figured it would be better for her and her surrogate son to meet up at a nearby café to make the hand off. It also didn’t hurt that Chromia wanted to say her last goodbye to the old woman.

Looking down to the watch on his hand, Ironhide sighed as he stated, “She should’ve been here by now. You don’t think something happened, do you?” Resting her hand on her husband’s hand, Chromia reassured him, “I’m sure she’s just running a bit late. Besides, she’s not exactly a spring chicken anymore. Even Ratchet isn’t that much of a speed demon, and you know how slow Ratchet can be.”

As Ironhide found himself struggling to control his giggling at his wife’s remark, both scrappers were distracted by the sound of Granny Smith’s voice remarking, “Why, Ah’d like to see you try an’ deal with traffic at this time of day at mah age.” Sure enough, they found the familiar sight of the old Apple matriarch making her way up to them as she added, “Of course, today happens to be one of mah good days.”

Sitting down at the table, Granny Smith pulled out a manilla folder as she stated, “Ah figured you guys would need these. It’s Apple Bloom’s dental records, as well as the last few things that slipped all our minds.” The green woman then added, “That and Ah wanted to say goodbye to you Chromia.”

Feeling a tear escape her eye, Chromia admitted, “I hate that our reunions always end like this. Maybe next time, things will be different.” Granny Smith simply sighed and shook her head as she admitted, “Ah doubt it, but Ah appreciate your optimism.”

Ironhide then asked, “I take it you brought us out here for more than just passing some documents.” Sighing, Granny Smith replied, “Ah need to know somethin’, and Ah don’t want…. Want the kids to hear more than they have to.” Taking a deep breath, she asked, “How come you didn’t press charges against Applejack?”

Hesitating for a moment, Ironhide gave his answer, “I’ll be honest, I didn’t press charges as a last kindness.” As everyone took it in, the former sergeant elaborated, “I’ve already made it clear that she doesn’t go anywhere near Apple Bloom, and I will not budge on that position. The next time the issue of them being together will even be discussed will be Apple Bloom’s eighteenth birthday.” Taking a deep breath, he continued, “Besides, Applejack is hurting with that…. That damn thing about her having an uncontrollable rage, and I want her to get help.”

However, Ironhide leant over the table and into Granny Smith’s face as he warned, “But as I said, this is my last act of kindness for Applejack. If she ever, and I mean EVER, gets close too close to Apple Bloom again, all debts and familiar bonds will be forgotten, and I will not hold back. Do I make myself clear?”

All Granny Smith could do was nod as she replied, “Ah understand.” Satisfied, Ironhide asked, “So, there anything else we need to talk about?” Shaking her head, Granny Smith simply replied, “Ah just… Ah feel like Ah let Apple Bloom down.” To her surprise, Ironhide rested a hand on her shoulder as he reassured her, “You didn’t. If anything, I let her down by bringing her here in the first place.” Chromia then added, “All we can do now is look to the future.”

Feeling her spirits lift for the first time in the past several days, Granny Smith allowed a small smile to form on her face as she replied, “Ah guess it is.”

Pinkie Pie’s Home, A Short While Later….

As he entered the living room, Ironhide was surprised to see Apple Bloom, still clad in her new leather jacket, taking something from Wheeljack. Turning to see her uncle, the former farm girl ran straight to him and wrapped him in a tight hug as she exclaimed, “You’re here!” Hugging his daughter back, Ironhide warmly replied, “Good to see you too kid. I don’t mean to pry, but what did Wheeljack give you?” Releasing the older man, Apple Bloom playfully replied, “It’s a secret.”

From the other end of the living room, Double Shuffle and Tender Taps approached the two as the former added, “Yeah. It’s a super-duper secret that you can’t know about yet.” Tender Taps then reassured Ironhide, “Don’t worry, we’ll be helping her with it.”

Apple Bloom then asked, “But before that, can Ah ask you somethin’ uncle Ironhide?” Nodding, Ironhide reassured her, “Of course kid. What is it?” Taking a deep breath, the former farm girl asked, “Well, Ah remember you said that you and dad got into a big fight because he said somethin’ really mean and stupid to you, but you said that it was a long story and….”

Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom asked, “What really happened with you and mah dad?”

Ironhide hesitated for a moment as he realized that he was not only going to have to tell the full story to his daughter, but he would have to do it in a crowded house. It was at this moment when Double Shuffle spoke up with, “You don’t have to worry about us sir. Apple Bloom told me what happened with you and that meanie Sentinel Prime.” When the family patriarch turned to his daughter, Apple Bloom simply shrugged as she replied, “Tender Taps and AH promised there’d be no secrets between us, and Double Shuffle was around when Ah told him about you and the other Wreckers.” The orange boy then added, “I hope you don’t mind. She was catching me up on everything and, well… I’m so sorry sir.”

Letting out a gentle chuckle, Ironhide relented, “Alright. I’ll tell you kids. Just a heads up though, this won’t paint me in the best light, or paint Bright Mac in a good light.” As the three kids gathered around him, Apple Bloom reassured him, “Uncle Ironhide, Ah was punched in the face by Applejack. Ah think AH can handle stories of mah family bein’ kinda shitty.” Needless to say, Chromia let out a stern, “Apple Bloom?”

As the former farm girl gave a meek, “Sorry,” Ironhide began, “Alright, alright. Well, I’d just landed at the Canterlot City airport….”

Author's Note:

Next Time; we learn what really happened between Ironhide and Bright Macintosh.

Author's Note; I hope everyone appreciates the details I elaborated upon, such as Applejack's usage of a certain word or Ironhide's decision not to press charges. I hope everyone finds these choices appetizing.

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