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Apple Bloom's First Date

As the Apple Blooms

Part 43; Apple Bloom’s First Date

As she walked up to the all too familiar sight of the Tap Family’s home, Apple Bloom’s stomach began to churn. The yellow girl was hopeful that Tender Taps and Double Shuffle wouldn’t be too disappointed with her regarding her recent actions. “Don’t think like that!” The former farm girl muttered to herself. “They’re your friends, and they’d never act like…” She couldn’t even will herself to finish that statement without conjuring memories of Applejack’s tantrum.

It had been a few days since her final nightmare, and things were returning to normal. No longer grounded, Apple Bloom found herself looking forward to her weekly tap session with Tender Taps and his sister. Though excited, she was also just as terrified as to what their reaction would be. After all, if her own sister would go off into a (most likely) violent rampage, how would her friends react?

She received her answer when the front door burst open, revealing a familiar younger blue girl darting towards her. With no time to react, Apple Bloom found herself taken back as she was consumed by a bone crushing hug by the younger girl squealed, “APPLE BLOOM!”

Hugging her younger sister back, Apple Bloom happily replied, “Howdy Double Shuffle! Ah take it you missed me?” The blue dancer nodded as she answered, “You bet! I heard that you got grounded for punching someone!” Letting out an embarrassed chuckle, the former farm girl remarked, “Guess Ah still have a problem with leavin’ things alone.”

From behind the two girls, a very familiar boy’s voice called out, “Hey, it could have been a lot worse.” Sure enough, emerging from the house and followed by an orange tabby cat, was Tender Taps, dressed in a red button shirt and black pants. As he approached his little sister and girlfriend, Apple Bloom nervously gulped as she asked, “Ah take it you know what happened?”

Nodding, Tender Taps answered, “Yeah. Mom said you punched a girl who was one of your victims.” Apple Bloom sighed as she replied, “Ah know there’s no defense for what Ah’ve done, but when she mentioned mah parents, Ah just got….” She tried to continue, but the purple haired boy rested a hand on her shoulder as he reassured her, “Trust me Apple Bloom, who’d I be to talk?”

Feeling her heart start to soar, the red haired girl asked, “So, you mean you’re not angry?” Smiling, Tender Taps let out a gentle chuckle as he replied, “I mean it’s kinda disappointing, but why would you think I’m angry?” Apple Bloom didn’t answer verbally, instead wrapping him in a tight hug as she planted a kiss right on his lips. She then began to blush as she explained, “Sorry if that was kinda sudden, ah just….” Pausing for a moment, she continued, “Things have been kinda complicated.”

Tender Taps then hugged Apple Bloom back as he said, “How about we go inside? We can talk about it if you want and we can start tapping.” Feeling that things were going to be all right, the former farm girl let out a sigh of relief as she answered, “That sounds like a plan.”

Tap Family’s Studio…

“No Way!” Tender Taps exclaimed as Apple Bloom wrapped up her story. All three teens had changed into their dance attire and were now slipping on their tap shoes as the former farm girl explained what had happened when Ironhide informed Applejack of her “misdeeds.” Struggling to process what happened, the orange boy continued, “I can’t believe your sister would say something like that.”

Tying the laces on her left tap shoe, Apple Bloom dejectedly answered, “Ah know. Ah just….” She couldn’t will herself to finish as she shook her head, struggling to keep from crying. Seeing her look so down in the dumps, Tender Taps scooted next to her as he reassured her, “Well no matter what, we’ll all be here for you.” Double Shuffle then joined her brother and sister as she spoke up, “Yeah! No one says that to my big sis!”

Feeling a small tear drip out of her eye, Apple Bloom let out a soft, “Thanks.” She then rose up and, tapping her toes on the hard wooden floor, asked, “So, who’s up to make a little noise?” Double Shuffle immediately shot up and, performing several shuffle drawbacks, replied, “You bet.” Tender Taps himself remarked, “Alrighty. So, I’m thinking we’ll start off with a ……”

Two Hours Later….

As the teenaged tap dancers finished their brief combination, Apple Bloom wiped the sweat from her brow as she remarked, “Phew. Ah think Ah’m just gettin’ warmed up.” Tender Taps, on the other hand, slinked back against the wall as he replied, “I bet. I know I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but you’re an amazing dancer!” All the former farm girl could do was blush as she began to babble gibberish.

Double Shuffle then spoke up with, “Hey Tender? I gotta use the restroom.” She then departed the studio, leaving Tender Taps and Apple Bloom alone with each other.

Now that they were alone, Tender Taps rose back up to his feet as he began to walk towards Apple Bloom. Curious, the former farm girl asked, “Somethin’ up Tendy?” the purple haired boy began to scuff the wooden floor as he answered, “Nothing’s wrong, but can I ask a dumb question?”

When Apple Bloom nodded, Tender Taps explained, “So, there’s this restaurant in town called The Energon Room, and….” He began to blush as he continued, “So I’ve been saving up and I was kinda wondering…..” The teenage tap dancer found his face turning pure red as he asked, “Would you like to join me for a nice dinner?” For a brief moment, Apple Bloom found this request a bit odd. Why would he be wondering if she wanted to……

And then, it hit her. “Wait a minute!” She exclaimed. “Are you askin’ me out on a date?”

Meekly Blushing, Tender Taps answered, “I mean, if you don’t have anything planned I thought it might be nice to….” He was interrupted when Apple Bloom lunged herself right at him and wrapped him in a tight embrace. Squeezing her boyfriend like a boa constrictor, the former farm girl squealed, “Yes! Ah’d love to!!” She then planted a massive kiss on his lips.

Releasing him, Apple Bloom awkwardly apologized, “Sorry about that. Guess Ah got a little excited.” Tender Taps let out a sigh of relief as he replied, “It’s alright.” He then giggled as he added, “Though maybe pull back on it until the date.”

Smiling, the former farm girl asked, “So, in that case, when did you plan on us goin’ on our little adventure?” Tender Taps answered, “The only reservation I could find is in three days.” He then began to scratch the back of his head as he added, “In the event we can’t get in, I’m sure we can find somewhere else to go.”

Letting out a gentle giggle, Apple Bloom reassured him, “Ah don’t care too much where we go, as long as Ah’m with you.” She then wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a hug as, with a leg lifted, the two teens shared a brief kiss, all while Double Shuffle watched with a massive smile on her face.

The Chop Shop, Later That Night….

Entering the front of the shop front, Apple Bloom was greeted by the sight of Ironhide and Chromia chatting with each other. Turning to face his niece, the family patriarch asked, “How’s it going kid? You and Tender Taps have fun?”

Unable to contain her excitement, Apple Bloom energetically blurted out, “OHMAHGOODNESSUNCLEIRONHIDESOMETHINGAMAZING HAPPENEDSOTENDERANDIWEREDANCIN’TOGETHERAND….” She was interrupted when Ironhide placed his hands on her shoulders and warned, “Apple Bloom! Relax! Take a deep breath.” The former farm girl managed to regain control of herself as she took a deep breath. Satisfied his niece had calmed down, Ironhide asked, “So, you mind translating that babble?”

Taking another deep breath, Apple Bloom jumped right to the chase with a simple yet enthusiastic, “Tender Taps asked me out on a date!”

As Ironhide processed what his niece just said, Chromia squealed with joy as she exclaimed, “Oh my goodness! I’m so happy for you Apple Bloom!” The older woman then scooped up her niece and twirled her around like a child (much to the younger girl’s amusement). Chuckling at the sight of his wife and niece, Ironhide asked, “Well then, where’s he taking you?”

Now free from her aunt, Apple Bloom answered, “Some place called The Energon Room.” When those words escaped her lips, both Ironhide and Chromia’s jaws dropped in shock. Confused, the red haired girl asked, “Uh, is somethin’ wrong?” The older woman shook her head as she replied, “Of course not dear. It’s just that….” Ironhide interrupted with, “The Energon Room is one of the fanciest joints in town!”

Processing what her uncle just revealed, the gray man continued, “It’s been here since Allspark Wells was founded. Kind of a foxtrot club.” Intrigued, Apple Bloom remarked, “Wow. That sounds kinda nice. Certainly seems like somethin’ Tender would know about.”

Chromia then asked, “Wait a minute! You don’t happen to have anything fancy, do you?” Shaking her head, Apple Bloom answered, “Not really. Ah didn’t exactly plan on anythin’ like this happenin’.” Upon hearing this, the light blue woman began to ramble, “Well, that won’t do. I think we might need to stop by Inky Rose’s to find you something appropriate, maybe some new shoes as well…” She then began to trail off as she walked around in a circle.

As Chromia continued her rambling, Apple Bloom turned to Ironhide and asked, “Uncle Ironhide? Ah hope this whole thing isn’t askin’ for too much, right?” The family patriarch smiled as he reassured her, “Kid, given everything from the last few days, I think you deserve this.” He then gave her a wink as he added, “Since I got a feeling you’ll need a new dress, I think you can have a few days off to prepare.”

Apple Bloom lit up with joy as she replied, “Thank you Uncle Ironhide.” She then wrapped him in a tight hug, one the older man happily returned. “No problem kid.”

Inky Rose’s, Two Days Later….

As Chromia and Apple Bloom entered the familiar sights of Inky Rose’s, the older woman called out, “Inky? You in here?” For a moment, there was no response. Feeling somewhat uncomfortable, Apple Bloom asked out loud, “Anybody home?”

From their right side, both aunt and niece heard a woman’s voice call out, “Why Chromia! Darling it’s been quite a while.” Both Chromia and Apple Bloom turned to see the familiar sight of a light purple woman dressed in a black gothic outfit (complete with bat bowtie) approaching them. Letting out a satisfied smile, the blue mechanic replied, “Good to see you too Inky Rose.”

The lavender tailor performed a simple curtsy as she asked, “So, what brings you two here today?” Apple Bloom stepped forward and explained, “Ah got asked out on a date.” This was followed by Chromia adding, “And her boyfriend is taking her to the Energon Room.”

Inky Rose stepped back in amazement as she remarked, “The Energon Room? You serious?” When Apple Bloom meekly nodded, the gothic designer chuckled as she replied, “Well aren’t you a lucky girl?” She then began to walk around the younger girl as she continued, “And I take it you need something appropriate for the classiest joint in town?”

When Apple Bloom nodded yes, Inky Rose straightened herself as she began to speak, “Well now, let’s see if we can find something to compliment you. I’m thinking something in black.” Pausing for a moment, the former farm girl remarked, “Ah don’t think black really suits me.” The lavender fashionista began to inspect Apple Bloom again as she replied, “Very well then. Let’s see what we have.” She then led the younger girl into the many aisles of clothing.

Making their way down an aisle of dresses, Inky Rose said, “Now then, I think the best color for you will be a nice, rich, red.” She then began to comb through several red dresses, trying to find the one that would suit the young girl perfectly.

Apple Bloom, meanwhile, was searching through several other dresses, wondering which one tickled her fancy. The first one she found was a bright red strapless dress. Placing it against herself, the former farm girl was disappointed that this dress was too small. “Ugh” She groaned to herself. Setting the first dress back, she continued her search.

At that moment, Inky Rose exclaimed, “Ah, here’s something I think you’ll like!” The older woman revealed something that caught Apple Bloom’s attention.

In the lavender woman’s hands was a dark red sleeveless dress with a high collar. Presenting it to Apple Bloom, Inky Rose remarked, “What do you think?” Accepting the dress, the red haired girl could only remark, “There’s only one way to find out.”

Ninety Minutes Later…

“I think you’ll be impressed.” Inky Rose bragged to Chromia. The blue woman folded her arms as she asked, “You mind bringing out my niece then?” Nodding, Inky turned around and called out, “Presenting for the first time, Apple Bloom collector’s edition!”

Emerging from the aisles was Apple Bloom, clad in the red sleeveless dress with the high collar. Wrapped around the waist was a bright red bow, and slung around her shoulder was a maroon purse. And clad on her feet was a pair of shiny black, laced shoes with small but noticeable heels.

Overcome with unbridled joy, Chromia squealed, “Why don’t you just look like the most adorable little bean I’ve ever seen!” She then wrapped her niece in a brief yet tight hug as she continued, “I swear this outfit suits you perfectly.”

Blushing, Apple Bloom replied, “Thanks Aunt Chromia.” When her aunt released her, the younger girl twirled around as she asked, “You think this’ll be enough for this fancy club?” Chromia let out a gentle chuckle as she replied, “Trust me, you look perfect.”

As Chromia and Inky Rose began to discuss payment, Apple Bloom found herself drawn to her reflection in a large mirror. Staring at the identical copy of herself in the glass prism, the former farm girl couldn’t help but smile as she said to herself, “This is gonna be the best first date ever.”

Apple Bloom’s Room, The Next Night….

“This is gonna be the best night ever!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she applied make up to her face. As she finished with the blush on her cheeks, the young girl stared at her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing her new dress, her hair, still in braided pigtails, was freshly washed, her nails had been done, and now the makeup was applied onto her face. The young girl wanted everything to be perfect, as there would be no second chance for tonight.

Because tonight was the night.

From below her, Apple Bloom heard Ironhide call out, “Apple Bloom! You have a visitor!” Feeling the excitement build up in her stomach, the young girl took a deep breath as she said to herself, “Ok. You got this. Stay calm and have fun tonight.” Steeling herself, she grabbed her purse and began to make her way down the stairs.

After making it to the shop front, Apple Bloom was greeted by the sight of Ironhide and Chromia speaking with Tender Taps. The orange boy was dressed in a black suit with a double breasted coat, a white shirt with a black and purple tie, and shiny black dress shoes. Just seeing him looking so fancy made the former farm girl’s heart skip a beat.

Slowly walking up to her boyfriend, Apple Bloom awkwardly greeted, “Uh, howdy Tender.” Noticing how beautiful the young girl was, Tender Taps bowed as he playfully quipped, “Good evening my fair lady.” The former farm girl giggled as she curtsied and replied, “Thank ya kindly good sir.”

Enjoying his niece’s flirting with her boyfriend, Ironhide interrupted their playful banter. “Alright kids. I think you both have plans for tonight, am I right?” Nodding, Tender Taps replied, “Yes sir.” He then turned to Apple Bloom and, extending his bent arm, invited, “If you’ll come with me.” Smiling, the red haired girl wrapped her arm around his and the two teens departed the Chop Shop, leaving Ironhide and Chromia to whistfully watch their niece leave on her first date.

Soft Shoe’s Car…

“Your seat ma’am.” Tender Taps said as he opened the door for Apple Bloom. She gave a gentle nod as she entered the automobile. As she buckled her seatbelt, she heard the voice of Soft Shoe say, “Good evening Apple Bloom.” Lifting her head, the yellow girl found that indeed, the purple haired woman was acting as their chauffer. Having fastened her seatbelt, Apple Bloom replied, “How’s it goin’ ma’am?”

“I’m just fine and dandy.” Soft Shoe happily replied. The older woman then remarked, “If I may say, you look absolutely lovely.” As Apple Bloom blushed, Tender Taps sat down on the seat next to her and buckled his seatbelt. Now seeing that her son and his girlfriend were safely secured, Soft Shoe spoke up, “Alrighty then. Next stop; the Energon Room.”

Tender Taps then turned to Apple Bloom and asked, “You ready for this?” Felling confident, the young girl nodded as she replied, “You bet!”

A Few Minutes Later…

As the car arrived at its destination, Apple Bloom glanced outside the window and was greeted by the sight of a large building made of white marble. Intrigued, she asked, “Is this it?” Tender Taps nodded as he replied, “Yup. This is the Energon Room.”

Pulling up to the building’s entrance, Soft Shoe said, “Ok. I’ll be nearby in the event anything happens. Something goes wrong, I’m just a phone call away.” Tender Taps as he replied, “I understand mom.” He then undid his seatbelt and exited the car, making his way towards Apple Bloom’s side and opened the door for her.

“Shall we?” The young boy asked his date. Nodding as she blushed, Apple Bloom extended her hand as she replied, “We shall.” Tender Taps then took her by the hand and, locking arms, the two kids made their way into the building.

The Energon Room

To say that the mere front of the restaurant was breathtaking would be the most understated fact of Apple Bloom’s life. All around her and Tender Taps was a grand atrium decorated with marble statues and walls that glistened with a shine she’d never seen before. Even the many guests around them were dressed in outfits fancy suits and dresses that reminded her of the days of decades past Rarity found so intoxicating.

Making their way to the front host, Tender Taps spoke up, “We’re Taps, party of two.” The host began to go through his list of reservations as he said, “Ok, Taps, Taps, Taps…..” He then pointed his finger to one of the names on the list as he finished, “You’re right on time. If you’ll follow me…”

Following the host, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps were led into a great dining hall and showroom. Approaching a table near what seemed to be a stage, the host informed the two kids, “Here’s your table. A waiter will arrive soon to take your drink orders.”

Taking their seats, both teens replied, “Thanks.” Once the host had departed, Tender Taps turned to Apple Bloom and asked, “So, what do you think of this place?” The former farm girl began to look around, taking in the clear white room filled with dozens of other tables and seats. Taking a deep breath, she replied, “Ah’ve never seen anythin’ like this place before.”

Smiling, Tender Taps continued, “Neither have I. When I managed to get a reservation, I couldn’t even enter this place.” He then began to blush as he continued, “Also, I wanted our first date to be something special.”

Apple Bloom gently rested her hand over his as she replied, “You really didn’t need to go all out for this.” Starting to blush herself, she continued, “Ah mean, did you sell your soul to afford this?” Shaking his head, Tender Taps smirked as he replied, “I considered that, but I’ve been working at the dance studio as sort of the janitor.” He then let out a gentle chuckle as he continued, “Since I haven’t really had a reason to splurge money and mom makes our tap shoes, I guess I kinda thought this might be a nice break.”

“Well, Ah appreciate the gesture.” Apple Bloom replied. Letting out a gentle chuckle, Tender Taps complimented, “Anything for you.” The former farm girl couldn’t help but blush as she replied, “Thanks Tendy.”

After a few awkward minutes in which neither teen knew quite what to say, Apple Bloom asked, “How’s Double Shuffle doin’?” The orange teen immediately answered, “She’s been doing alright.” He then chuckled as he added, “She was wondering where you were last week.” Intrigued, Apple Bloom asked, “Really?”

“Yeah.” Tender Taps answered. “When I had to explain that you wouldn’t be coming, she almost started to cry.” As Apple Bloom took in this information, the purple haired boy continued, “You’ve been the best friend she’s had in a long time, and it’d be nothing short of a lie to say she loves you as much as I do.” The former farm girl smiled as she replied, “Ah know. When Ah look into her eyes, Ah kinda see a little bit of me.” She then began to scratch the back of her neck as she added, “And for the last few months, Ah’ve thought of her as mah little sister.”

Pausing for a moment, Apple Bloom asked, “Can Ah tell you somethin’?” Nodding, Tender Taps answered, “You can tell me anything. What is it?” The former farm girl took a deep breath as she revealed, “You guys, you an’ Double Shuffle, Sideswipe, Marble, and Rattrap, you’ve been the best friends Ah’ve ever had.” Taking a moment to compose herself, she continued, “Before all of this, Ah only really had Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, and the more Ah look back, the more Ah realize we weren’t that good for each other.”

As Apple Bloom finished that, Tender Taps remarked, “Maybe we all gave you an incentive to be a better person?” The red haired girl smiled as she replied, “Ah guess you all have.” She then paused for a second before adding, “Especially you. You were the first person Ah met here who didn’t give me the stink eye.” Tender Taps shrugged as replied, “I could say the same for you. After we moved here, I’d try to make some friends, but it would never really work out. Guys would think I’m weird because I’m a dancer and a lot of girls would get scared when I revealed what happened with Garble.”

Both teens were distracted when they heard a young man’s voice ask, “Excuse me?” Turning to see who it was, they found it was a waiter, who asked, “What can I get you two to drink?” The two kids simultaneously answered, “Water please.” The waiter then nodded as he replied, “Thank you. I’ll be right back with your drinks.”

Once the waiter was gone, Tender Taps admitted, “If I may say, I love that dress.” Apple Bloom blushed as she replied, “Thanks.” She then said, “If Ah may, you wear that suit perfectly. Ah guess you could say it….” the yellow girl then cheekily quipped, “…. Suits you.”

Chuckling, Tender Taps playfully remarked, “You little smartass.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but reply, “Ah know you are but what am Ah?” Both teens began to laugh harder in earnest, much to the embarrassment of the rest of the patrons. Realizing they were just a little too loud, Apple Bloom suggested, “Maybe we should keep things down.”

A Short While Later…

Wiping her mouth with a napkin, Apple Bloom remarked, “Mah compliments to the chef.” As she prepared to take a sip of water, the former farm girl let out a deep burp. Realizing what she had just done, she meekly apologized, “Sorry about that.” Luckily for her, Tender Taps reassured her, “Don’t worry. You should hear mom when she has too much ginger ale.”

The two teens had enjoyed a great (and rather sophisticated) dinner, and now found they were both bustling with energy. Rising up from their seats, Apple Bloom asked, “So, what happens next?”

Before Tender Taps could answer, the lights began to dimmer down. Realizing what was about to happen, the orange teen replied, “Now it’s time to cut loose and have a little fun.”

Once Tender Taps finished, several spotlights began to shine around the stage as, if Apple Bloom’s eyes weren’t deceiving her, members of an orchestra were starting to prepare their instruments. Realizing what was about to happen, the yellow girl asked, “Are they gonna start playin’?” The purple haired boy nodded as he replied, “You bet.”

Sure enough, with a drum roll from the drummer, a voice began to speak over the speaker system, “Ladies and Gentlemen! The Energon Room is proud to present to you tonight, our illustrious host, JAZZ!” With that, the orchestra began to perform a jazzy number as a man with gray skin, black hair, blue eyes, and wearing a snazzy white tuxedo emerged onto the stage as he scatted, “Skiddle de skiddle de skiddle de dee. Da doodle da doodle da doodle doodle doo.”

Finishing his scatting, Jazz performed an elaborate bow as he asked, “How’s everybody doin’ tonight?” When the crowd gave their answer in the form of a loud cheer, the MC replied, “That’s great news! We’ve got a wonderful show for you all tonight.” He then turned to the orchestra and said, “Boys, let’s give these wonderful guests a night they won’t forget!”

Raising his baton, Jazz began to waive it around, signaling to the band to begin playing an upbeat piece. As they played, Apple Bloom found that her toes were instinctively tapping on the floor. ‘Guess the music is gettin’ to me.’ She thought to herself. Noticing her tapping, Tender Taps asked, “Having fun?”

“You bet!” Apple Bloom enthusiastically replied. She then turned back to face the orchestra, only to notice that a few people had moved to the open space in front of the stage and started dancing together. Seeing this, she turned back to Tender Taps as she asked, “You wanna dance?”

Showing a playful smirk, Tender Taps removed his jacket coat, revealing a double breasted suit vest, and answered, “I’m always ready.” He then extended his hand to Apple Bloom, who instinctively clutched it as she pulled him all the way down to the makeshift dance floor.

Once they were down in the crowd, the two teens joined in with the merry festivities. Taking Apple Bloom by the hand, Tender Taps raised his hand, allowing the former farm girl to twirl around. She then slid away as, much to his surprise, she began to perform a few alternating shuffles. Laughing, Tender Taps leapt into the air and pulled off a pirouette before splitting his legs as he landed.

As a few members of the crowd noticed this, Tender closed the distance between himself and Apple Bloom as he sheepishly asked, “Maybe I should tone things down a little bit?” The red haired girl cheekily answered, “Maybe a little bit.” Giggling, the purple haired boy replied, “As you wish.”

Deciding to not draw too much more attention, Apple Bloom brought Tender Taps to the edge of the small crowd. Satisfied, she remarked, “This is more like it.” Nodding, the orange teen asked, “So, what now?”

At that moment, the jazz band began to slow down, transitioning from an upbeat tempo to a calmer, more relaxed song. As the orchestra played their relaxing melody, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps found themselves drawn together, with each teen gently wrapping their arms around the other.

Now starting to dance in each other’s arms, Apple Bloom smiled as she said, “Tender, Ah just wanna thank you for tonight.” The orange teen happily replied, “You’re most welcome Apple Bloom.” However, he noticed that behind her smile, there was an inherent sadness in her voice. Concerned, he asked, “Something wrong?”

Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom dejectedly answered, “Ah just realized somethin’. Once the summer ends, Ah’ll be headin’ back.” As she finished this, the yellow girl felt her eyes starting to water up.

This was when she felt Tender Taps’s hand rest on her chin as he somberly replied, “I know.” Raising her head, he continued, “I wish things were different too.” Comforted, Apple Bloom rested her head on his shoulder as she complained, “Ah guess there’s just never enough time.”

Gently caressing her back, Tender Taps reassured her, “At least tonight isn’t over yet.” Feeling her heart light up again, Apple Bloom giggled as she asked, “Then Ah guess we just make tonight last as long as possible?” The teenaged tap dancer happily replied, “I guess we do.” They then proceeded to share a long and passionate kiss, with Apple Bloom even lifting her foot. After all, the night wasn’t over yet.

The Chop Shop, A Few Hours Later…

Exiting Soft Shoe’s Car, Tender Taps escorted Apple Bloom up to the front door of her home away from home. Sighing, the former farm girl said, “Thanks for tonight Tender. This was…..” Struggling to think of just the right thing to say, she settled on, “Ah needed this.”

Bowing, Tender Taps replied, “It was my pleasure Apple Bloom.” He then took her hand and gave it a gentle kiss, much to her amusement. As she giggled, he asked, “So, how would you feel about something like this again in the future?”

“Ah’d love to go on another date!” Apple Bloom enthusiastically replied. She then quipped, “Though maybe not somethin’ this fancy.” Laughing, Tender Taps remarked, “Got it. Nothing super fancy. Maybe something more casual like going out for a slice of pizza?” The former farm girl held Tender Taps’s hand as she answered, “That sounds kinda nice.”

Their banter, however, was interrupted when Soft Shoe called out, “Tender! We need to start heading home!” Sighing in resignation, the orange boy asked, “So, see you later?” Apple Bloom replied, “See ya later Tender. And one more thing?” She then wrapped him in a tight hug as she kissed him right on the lips, followed by a gentle, “Ah love you.”

“I love you more.” Tender Taps playfully quipped. He then performed one final bow of respect as he turned to leave. He then entered his mother’s car as it drove off into the night, leaving Apple Bloom with a feeling of emptiness in her heart.

Thirty Minutes Later…

Having showered and changed into her pajamas, Apple Bloom began to replay the events of the night in her head. To say that the last several hours were merely “fun” or “exciting” would have been nothing short of a massive understatement. It was more accurate to say the former farm girl had just finished one of, if not the very best night of her entire life.

Now lying on her bed, Apple Bloom began to speak to herself, “If Ah’d never done everythin’, then Ah’d never have met Tender Taps. That means tonight would never have happened.” Processing what it all meant, the former farm girl could only shake her head as she asked, “Why can’t things just be simple?”Tucking herself under the covers, Apple Bloom began to drift off to sleep, unable to ignore something that was eating at her.

For the first time since she arrived in Allspark Wells, Apple Bloom really didn’t want to go home.

Author's Note:


Author's note; I will be taking a week off because work has been particularly stressful, and I need just a little time to relax. I also apologize for this week's chapter being pushed back a day.

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