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Return of the Rat

As the Apple Blooms

Part 13; Return of the Rat

Sunset. If there was one time of day that Apple Bloom thought was the most beautiful of all, it had to be sunset. It was near the end of the day, and she was about to finish one of her last chores of the day; taking out the trash. As much as Ironhide found value in just about anything, many items, usually food related, were simply worthless to the family of scrappers.

At this particular moment, Apple Bloom was carrying a trash bag full of old glass bottles and other pieces of glass. “Ugh, never knew glass would be this heavy.” The former farm girl remarked to herself. She was just a few feet away from the trash cans; just a few more seconds and she’d dump the trash and be done for the night.

As Apple Bloom made it to the main trash can, she was momentarily distracted by the unmistakable sound of a rat’s squeaking. Curious, she knelt down to the ground and found a small rat nibbling on a crumb of something. “Hey there little fella.” Apple Bloom greeted the small creature. Upon hearing her voice, the rat scurried away. Sighing to herself, she remarked, “Shame Ah’m not the best with animals like Fluttershy.”

Still, she knew what she was out here for. Not wanting to risk seeing anything rotten or moldy in the trash can, Apple Bloom briefly looked away as she removed the lid, placed the trash bag inside, and closed the bin without peaking inside.

That was when she heard a smacking sound followed by a familiar voice crying out, “D’oh. What in the name of Gouda is goin’ on out there?” It was a voice that could only belong to one person.

“Rattrap?” Apple Bloom asked as she removed the trash can’s lid. As she did, a familiar face popped right out, buck teeth and all. Startled and confused, the young girl asked, “What are you doin’ here?”

Rattrap, however, was beginning to panic. “Uh…..” the scrawny boy began as his pupils shrank. As Apple Bloom took a single step forward, he quickly muttered, “I gotta go.” He then tried to leap out of the trash can, only to fail miserably, crashing to the ground and spilling the contents all over the ground.

From inside the Chop Shop, Apple Bloom and Rattrap could hear Ironhide ask, “What in the name of Primus is going on out there?” Realizing he had an opportunity, Rattrap managed to rise to his feet and took off into the junkyard. Apple Bloom noticed her friend fleeing and chased after him, calling out, “Rattrap, wait!”

As much as Apple Bloom had memorized the basic layout of the junkyard, it was clear that Rattrap had done so as well. Starting to run out of breath, Apple Bloom called out, “Why are you runnin’? Ah just wanna talk.” Rattrap, however, didn’t respond, simply slipping in between two old cars. Knowing she couldn’t perform the same feat, Apple Bloom was forced to try and run around the cars.

By the time she managed to get around the two junkers, Rattrap had disappeared. “Awh shoot!” Apple Bloom moaned as she scuffed the dirt on the ground. Not only had her friend run away, but she’d probably be forced to clean up his mess. Taking a deep breath, she moaned to herself, “So much for havin’ everythin’ done.”

Once she finished complaining, however, Apple Bloom heard a clunking sound followed by a thud and Rattrap groaning. Worried about what may have happened, Apple Bloom rushed towards the source of the noise, hoping her friend wasn’t in too much trouble.

Making her way through the junkyard, Apple Bloom found Rattrap lying on his back in a clearing. Judging by the large pipe sticking out from the pile of scrap metal, she was able to assume that the scrawny teenager had likely bonked his head whilst trying to escape again.

“Rattrap!” Apple Bloom cried out as she ran up to her friend. Kneeling down, she began to inspect the skinny boy’s head. His forehead was clearly bruised, meaning he had probably been running at full speed when he hit the pipe. Luckily, his moans and movement made it clear that he was at least alive.

“You alright there?” She asked again. Rattrap mumbled something, but Apple Bloom couldn’t make it out. Curious, she asked, “Uh, what did you say?”

Rattrap let his head fall to the ground as he dejectedly said, “I said I’m gonna die.” Apple Bloom shot up to her feet as she asked, “What? Why would ya think that?”

From behind the two kids, Ironhide and Chromia made their way towards them. When he saw Rattrap lying on the ground, he asked, “Ok, what happened?”

Apple Bloom gulped as she stepped forward, replying, “Well, Ah was takin’ the trash out like you told me to, but Rattrap here was hidin’ in the trash can. When Ah tried to ask him why he was dumpster divin’ again, he bolted off.” She then turned to the pipe as she added, “He almost got away, but it looks like he made a wrong turn.”

Rattrap, now trying to sit up, joined the conversation. “Now, if I may add my own two cents here, I think I saw a raccoon in one of your trash cans. When I tried to get the little fur ball, he burrowed deeper and…”

“Shut up Rattrap.” Ironhide interrupted, hardly shouting but making it clear he wasn’t pleased the young boy had gotten into his trash again. Rattrap simply sighed as he fell back to the ground in resignation.

“Yes sir.” The young boy answered after a brief delay. “I take it you want me to clean up the mess?” Ironhide paused for a moment before he replied, “I would appreciate that very much.” The older man then turned to Apple Bloom and added, “And my niece here can help you.”

“What?” Apple Bloom asked, mostly out of confusion. Ironhide replied, “I hardly think a little more work is too much trouble. Besides, Wheeljack cleaned up after him last time.”

Nodding, Apple Bloom replied, “Yes sir.” Ironhide let out a gentle chuckle as he replied, “Hey, I’m not a sir. I work for a living.” Apple Bloom playfully rolled her eyes as she turned to face her temporary co-worker.

Rattrap was rising back up to his feet, his raggedy clothes covered in dirt and grime. Extending a hand to him, Apple Bloom asked, “Ya need a hand?” As Rattrap began to return the gesture, however, he collapsed back to his knees and placed a hand over his head.

“Egh, must have hit that pipe harder than I thought.” The dirty teenager replied. “Remind me to take the detour next time.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but giggle at his remark. Rattrap, on the other hand, indignantly remarked, “Hey, you try slammin’ your conk on a rusty metal pipe and decide to do it again.”

“Ah’m sorry.” Apple Bloom replied, trying to stay positive. “Trust me, Ah know a few things about makin’ dumb decisions.” Now Rattrap was the one who couldn’t help but giggle. Once he’d calmed down, Apple Bloom said, “Come on. Let’s get this mess cleaned up.”

Ten Minutes Later

“And that about does it.” Apple Bloom said as took a deep breath, holding her hand against her hips in a manner not unlike her older sister often did. She and Rattrap had managed to clean up the mess the latter had caused, so much so that one couldn’t tell there had been a mess to begin with.

“Good job kids.” Ironhide said as he made his way up to the two youngsters. “I’d say you two are good for something.” He then gave a cheeky smile, making it clear he was messing with them.

Rattrap, not quite getting the joke, adopted a stance similar to a boxer as he said, “Oh yeah? Well I could take you on. Put ‘em up old timer.”

“Kid….” Ironhide began as he stepped towards him, a look of slight exhaustion on his face. “It’s a joke.”

“Oh.” Rattrap said as he lowered his fists. Realizing he may have over reacted, the scruffy boy backed down as defensively replied, “Uh, I knew that.” Apple Bloom rested her arm on him as she remarked, “Ah bet.”

Ironhide then began to speak again. “Now then, since it’s getting late, and you were caught dumpster diving again, I think Rattrap here should join us for dinner tonight.” Rattrap, confused and stupefied, asked, “Uh, are you sure Mr. Ironhide? I mean I wouldn’t exactly want to impose on you and….”

“Shut up Rattrap.” Ironhide said as he raised his hand. “I got a feeling if you were willing to go through my trash, you must be pretty hungry.” Rattrap tried to think of something to say, but he couldn’t. Instead, he simply sighed and looked down, trying to avoid eye contact. Making his way to the young boy, Ironhide rested a hand on his shoulder and said, “Come on kid. Let’s get you freshened up and something to eat.” He then turned to Apple Bloom and added, “And the same goes for you too.”

With that, Ironhide, Apple Bloom, and Rattrap began to make their way to the Chop Shop to continue the evening.

The Chop Shop

“Honey! We’ve had a small change of plans.” Ironhide called out as he, Rattrap, and Apple Bloom entered the family den of the building. As Chromia entered from the kitchen, she asked, “Something wrong?” She found her answer in the form of the nervous Rattrap who was meekly waiving at her.

“I take the noise I heard wasn’t a raccoon?” Chromia jokingly remarked as she focused her eyes on Rattrap. The young boy, however, groaned as he replied, “Well, I admit I’ve known a few people who make raccoons look like angels.”

Ironhide then asked, “Apple Bloom, would you mind taking Rattrap here upstairs and showing him the bathroom? He’s starting to stink.” Apple Bloom nodded and replied, “Alright Uncle Ironhide.” She then turned to her friend and said, “Follow me Rattrap.” Rattrap simply nodded and followed his friend to the stairwell.

Once the two kids were gone, Ironhide said, “This is, what, the fourth time that boy has been through our trash? Something’s going on.” Chromia sighed as she replied, “I know. What do we do?” Ironhide, rubbing his temple, replied, “I guess we’ll just have to ask him. Hardly the gentlest approach but right now, it’s our best bet.”

The Upstairs Restroom

“And here we are.” Apple Bloom said as she brought Rattrap to the restroom. She then extended her arms to a dramatic pose similar to the kind Tender Taps often did, as she said, “Ah think you should go first.”

“What ever happened to “ladies first?”” Rattrap asked. Apple Bloom simply replied, “Ah’m not the one who’s been dumpster divin’.” Rattrap simply shook his head as he quipped back, “Well, at least the trash ain’t the best place to find people’s dirty little secrets.”

Apple Bloom shot Rattrap a glare, making her mild anger apparent. Seeing that one of his hosts was clearly not amused by his remark, the scrawny boy sighed as he said to himself, “Sheesh, ya try to go along with everyone and they chuck ya off the wagon.”

“Sorry.” Apple Bloom apologized. “Guess that’s still a bit of a sore topic.” As much as she didn’t want to admit, she still felt some anger regarding the Anon-A-Miss incident. Even if she didn’t beat herself up over it anymore, it wasn’t something she liked to bring up.

“Eh, don’t worry about it.” Rattrap tried to reassure his friend. “Take it from me, sometimes you just gotta let things go. I know I have.” Apple Bloom would have replied, but her guest changed the subject. “Well, if you don’t mind, I think I’m in the mood for a nice shower.” With that, he stepped into the bathroom, closed the door, and locked it.

Since she didn’t have much else to do, Apple Bloom figured she’d just wait outside. After all, it wasn’t like she could look through a locked door, and she wouldn’t even if she could. Before her train of thought could continue down that particularly concerning thought, she was interrupted by the sound of the shower turning on, followed by what could only be described as Rattrap’s voice letting out the most satisfied sounding moan one could ever make.

“He sounds like he’s havin’ fun.” Apple Bloom whispered to herself. As much as it was kind of funny to hear something so odd, it was also a bit concerning. Now that she thought about it, every time she had seen Rattrap, the boy’s skin was covered in smeared mud and grime, his silver hair had clumps that made it clear it hadn’t been washed in a while, and though he wasn’t absolutely foul smelling, she realized that he always had an odd odor coming off him at all times.

In fact, a lot of things about Rattrap didn’t quite add up. When she helped him up, Apple Bloom realized how light he was. Someone his age and height shouldn’t feel like he could be swept away by a light breeze. As for his clothes, his shirt was still as loose as ever, his shoes looked like they were falling apart, and his jeans were far more brown than the faded blue that they should have been. Heck, now that she remembered it, the last time she’d seen him, Rattrap flinched when the subject of his parents were mentioned.

Before she could ponder on the subject any longer, Apple Bloom heard the sound of the door unlocking. Clearly, time had been flying while she was thinking. As she turned around, Apple Bloom began to say, “Feelin’ better Rattra….”

Apple Bloom only had a split second before Rattrap panicked and slammed the door shut. However, what she saw absolutely terrified her.

Rattrap had momentarily emerged, a towel covering his pants and not wearing a shirt. However, this meant Apple Bloom had a brief glimpse of his chest. From this momentary glimpse, Rattrap’s rib cage was very much visible, and there was almost nothing in the form of a stomach.

From behind her, Apple Bloom heard Ratchet’s voice calling out, “I heard someone screaming. What’s going on?” For a moment, Apple Bloom didn’t know what to do. Was she going to keep quiet or talk and risk her friend’s wrath?

Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom answered, “Rattrap was commin’ out of the bathroom but when he saw me, he screamed and shut the door. I got a glimpse of his body and…..”

“Eh, what’s goin’ on out here?” Rattrap said as he emerged from the bathroom, now with his dirty and tattered tee shirt on. Apple Bloom stopped herself from continuing her explanation and instead replied, “Ah was…. Uh….. Ah was just sayin’ it was a miracle that you didn’t get yourself cut out in the junkyard.

Apple Bloom gave Ratchet a pleading look, hoping he would go along with her little lie. Now somewhat confused, the older medic went along and replied, “Yes. It is very good you did not cut yourself. Apple Bloom here cut herself about a week ago and I had to administer a tetanus shot.”

“Ouch.” Rattrap remarked. “I swear, if there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s needles.” He then began to rub his hands together as he asked, “So, eh, if ya don’t mind me askin’, what’s on the menu tonight?”

“Salisbury steak.” Ratchet answered. “And this time Wheeljack managed to not burn himself.”

Apple Bloom felt her stomach rumble when Ratchet mentioned the main entrée for the night. “Ah love Salisbury steak.” She said. She began to make her way to the stairwell, but Ratchet extended his arm to stop her before motioning to the bathroom.

“Heh. Forgot about that. Sorry.” Apple Bloom meekly replied as she began to make her way into the bathroom. As she did so, Rattrap began to make his way towards the stairwell. One he was gone, Ratchet gave her a knowing nod, making it known that he had an idea of what she was trying to say. With that, Apple Bloom closed the door and proceeded to freshen herself up for dinner.

The Kitchen, Ten Minutes Later

Just like almost every night since she had arrived in Allspark Wells, the dinner table was prepared for a nice dinner in. Each spot at the table had a plate set with the main entrée of Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, and vegetables all arranged neatly. In the middle of the table was a basket filled with pieces of bread filled nicely. And to top it off, each seat had silverware all prepared.

Just looking at the table made Rattrap’s mouth water, or rather pour like a burst dam. As Chromia walked passed him, the scrawny boy asked, “So, if ya don’t mind me askin’, did you make all this?”

“Nope.” Chromia replied. “Tonight’s little feast here was provided by Wheeljack.” from behind her, Wheeljack gave a friendly wave, dark circles under his eyes and steam covering his glasses. Chromia then whispered, “He spent the last few hours trying to get everything just right.”

Wheeljack then replied, “What can I say? I’ve always been better with a wrench than a pan.” He then let out a deep sigh as he added, “Then again, considering I haven’t burned the place down I’d say I did a decent job.”

Ironhide then entered the kitchen as he said, “And I must say I’m impressed.” He then turned to the rest of the group and said, “Alright everybody, take a seat.” He pointed to Rattrap and ordered, “Rattrap, you sit next to Apple Bloom.”

Once everyone had sat down, Wheeljack asked, “So, who wants some bread?” Apple Bloom raised her hand as she answered, “Ah’d like a piece please.” As Wheeljack took the bread basket and handed it to Apple Bloom, Rattrap tried to ask, but for some reason, he couldn’t will himself to.

Apple Bloom noticed her friend’s odd behavior and offered him a piece of bread. Rattrap immediately tried to turn the offer down, saying, “Hey don’t worry about me. I ain’t exactly the kind of gut to carbo-load.”

“You sure about that?” Chromia asked. “Cause you kinda look a little skinny.” Rattrap immediately replied, “I try to maintain my “girlish” figure.” Apple Bloom and Wheeljack couldn’t help but giggle at his joking remark.

Ironhide, however, wasn’t quite laughing. After taking a bite of his dinner, he asked, “So Rattrap, what have you been up to lately?” When the scrawny boy gave a confused look, he clarified what he meant when he added, “What I mean is, what exactly do you like to do other than go dumpster diving?”

“Well, eh….” Rattrap began, somewhat off put by this question. “I kinda, well… I like to look for interesting things. The kind of things that most people take for granted, ya know?”

“The kind of things ya find in people’s trash?” Apple Bloom asked. Rattrap quickly replied, “Not just the trash! You’d be surprised what you can find out there. This one time I found a gold bar in a chest out in the middle of nowhere.”

“Whoa.” Apple Bloom replied. “Was it like pirate treasure or somethin’?” Rattrap replied, “Not pirate, but almost certainly treasure. There was also a gray hat and a lot of boring lists with names on ‘em. Probably some farmer or something.”

Ratchet then joined the conversation. “I hate to ruin the conversation, but I think you’re dinner is starting to get a little cold. Realizing this, Rattrap stopped talking and took a bite from his Salisbury steak.

The moment the food made the slightest contact with his tongue, something broke in Rattrap. Without any warning, he began to shovel every morsel on his plate into his mouth. It didn’t even seem like he was even chewing, simply shoving food into his mouth, swallowing, rinse and repeat.

“Whoa there, slow down kid! It’s not going anywhere.” Ironhide called out. Rattrap managed to stop himself, though not before taking a massive gulp, swallowing his already full mouthful.

“Heh heh. Sorry about that.” Rattrap nervously replied as he sank into his seat. “Guess I have a bigger appetite than I thought.”

“Ah’ll say.” Apple Bloom replied. “For a moment Ah thought you were a vacuum cleaner or somethin’.”

“What can I say?” Rattrap shrugged as he wiped his mouth with his hand. “Clearly you guys figured I don’t eat much, so I guess, why not?”

That phrase made Apple Bloom feel uncomfortable. It reminded her of the glimpse she had seen of his chest, especially how his ribs were so visible. She may not have been an expert on human anatomy or fitness, but she could tell that Rattrap was almost certainly underweight.

She was interrupted from her curiosity when Ratchet asked, “Pardon me for asking, but do your parents know you’ve been dumpster diving all over town?” Rattrap’s eyes shrank for a brief moment before he straightened himself, replying, “They know about a few of my…. escapades.”

“I see.” Ironhide replied. He then asked, “In that case, I’ll need their phone numbers, because I’d like to let them know how many times you’ve shown up around here.”

Apple Bloom then noticed that Rattrap’s face began to grow noticeably paler and, if her eyes were not lying to her, he was starting to sweat. Struggling to speak, the scrawny boy answered, “I’d like to, but my folks aren’t really fans of telephones. They don’t allow them in the house.”

Without warning, Wheeljack slammed his fist on the table as he said, “No they don’t!” As Apple Bloom and Rattrap scooted back in fear, Ironhide asked, “Wait, what do you mean by that?”

Wheeljack, now actually being serious, answered, “I had a chat with Rattrap here the second time we found him going through the trash, and he said his parents were upgrading their phones.” He then turned to the boy as he said in a surprisingly intimidating voice, “But you just said they don’t have any phones at all.”

Apple Bloom quickly realized what was going on. Rattrap had just lied to Ironhide’s face, and considering it was regarding his parents, this was raising a lot of questions.

As the eyes began to close in on Rattrap, he rose from his seat as he said, “Well, look at the time. I’d love to stay and chat, but I gotta scram. See ya guys next time.” He began to slowly slink away, trying to keep a clear distance between himself and everyone else.

“Kid….” Ironhide began as he tried to inch his way to Rattrap. “Where are your parents?”

Before anyone said anything else, Rattrap bolted from the kitchen and ran towards the door. “Rattrap, wait!” Apple Bloom shouted as she ran after him. The scrawny boy made it through the living room and through the store shop front with Apple Bloom right on his tail. He made it to the front door as he tried to pull it, only to realize he had to push said door. Although he was able to push the door, his confusion offered Apple Bloom just enough time to finally catch up to him, as well as tumble into him and force out the door and into the dirt.

“Let go of me!” Rattrap shouted, his voice now displaying rage and true anger. Apple Bloom, however, continued to hold him down as she replied, “Not until you tell us about your folks!”

“I don’t have to tell you nothin’!” Rattrap spat back. “I’ve been takin’ care of myself for my whole life, and I don’t need to say anything about how I’ve made it this far.”

From behind Apple Bloom, Ironhide ran up to the two kids and, having heard everything, replied, “Rattrap, does going through people’s trash and looking and smelling like filth really count as taking care of yourself? What would your parents say to that?”

Finally, Rattrap took a deep breath and closing his eyes, he belted out, “I DON’T HAVE PARENTS!”

Everyone was stunned speechless. As Apple Bloom released Rattrap, the scrawny boy rose to his feet and, averting his eyes away from everyone else, continued, “I don’t have parents. There, I said it, alright?”

Apple Bloom, still trying to get over the shock of what she had just heard, asked, “Wait, so does that mean ya live with your grandparents or….” Rattrap interrupted with even more depressing news.

“I, eh….” Rattrap began as he opened his eyes, which were now starting to gloss over. “I don’t really have much of a home. Honestly, I just sleep anywhere that’s dry.”

Apple Bloom felt her heart sink. It was one thing to not have parents, but at least she had Granny Smith, Applejack, and Big Macintosh. But if what Rattrap had just admitted was true, he didn’t even have a place to call home. She didn’t want to believe it, but considering his aversion to the questions, his almost sickly appearance, and the fact that she hadn’t ever seen him in clean or fitting clothes, it was becoming less of a suspicion and more of a horrifying reality.

Ironhide slowly walked up to Rattrap, his face betraying how stunned he actually was. Rattrap took a step back as he began to almost choke up and, if everyone’s eyes weren’t deceiving them, raising his arms to protect his face.

Ironhide simply rested his hand on Rattrap’s as he gently asked, “Kid, does anyone else know about this?” When Rattrap shook his head, the older man asked, “Why haven’t you told anyone else?”

“Because I trusted a grown up like that once.” Rattrap spitefully replied. “And look where that got me.”

Ironhide then did something Apple Bloom didn’t quite expect; he wrapped Rattrap in a massive hug. Although the scrawny boy tried to wiggle his way out, he eventually returned the favor before his eyes began to leak a steady stream of tears.

He didn’t notice, or rather didn’t seem to mind Apple Bloom joining the group hug.

Thirty Minutes Later

Apple Bloom and Ironhide, the latter carrying a now sleeping Rattrap, entered the living room only to see Chromia, Ratchet, and Ratchet waiting for them. Ratchet got up to begin to speak, but one quick look at the clearly exhausted Rattrap made it clear he should at least keep it quiet.

This was when Apple Bloom began to walk towards the stairwell as Ironhide followed. The head of the household motioned to the three to follow him. The group followed Ironhide and Apple Bloom as they ascended the stairwell. To their surprise, they found themselves making their way to Apple Bloom’s room. There, Apple Bloom removed the sheets and covers, allowing Ironhide to place the scrawny boy on the bed before the former farm girl covered him and whispered, “Sleep tight.” Once he was all tucked in, the group quietly exited the room, allowing Rattrap to drift off to the realm of dreams.

Once everyone returned to the living room, Ironhide broke the silence with the tragic truth. “Ok, so it turns out Rattrap here is a street urchin.” As Chromia and Ratchet held their hands to their mouths in shock, Wheeljack asked, “What does that mean?”

“It means he don’t got a family or a home.” Apple Bloom answered. Wheeljack, horrified at what he just heard, simply found himself sitting back down on the couch as he could only mutter, “Well…. fuck.” He then turned to Ironhide as he asked, “What do we do?”

“We can’t keep him here.” Ironhide dejectedly replied. “We don’t have the room for someone else, and I don’t want him getting himself hurt, especially considering how malnourished he is.” He then took a deep breath before he continued with, “I’m taking him to the police station tomorrow. Barricade should be able to help.”

Chromia then said, “That’s horrible. So he’s been living on his own?” Apple Bloom nodded as she answered, “Yup. Ah’m lettin’ him use mah bed tonight. Might be nice to let him sleep one somethin’ soft for once.”

“Well I’m very proud of you.” Chromia said as she walked up to Apple Bloom and ruffled the young girl’s hair. She then asked, “So does this mean you’re gonna sleep on the couch tonight?” Apple Bloom simply shrugged and answered, “One night can’t hurt, right?”

Ironhide then said, “Alright everyone, today has already been a busy day. Ratchet, I think you better get on home, and Apple Bloom, I think you better take a shower.”

Apple Bloom protested, saying, “Hey, Ah already took one today.” Ironhide then replied, “That was before you took a tussle with Rattrap.” Apple Bloom could only grumble as she made her way up to the top floor, hoping she could clean herself up quickly.

Early the Next Morning

Apple Bloom awoke from her less than perfect night’s sleep to the sound of Rattrap, still clad in the dirty and raggedy clothes from the day before. As much as she wouldn’t like to sleep on a couch again, she couldn’t help but find it worth it when she saw just how relieved he looked.

“Sleep well Rattrap?” Apple Bloom asked. The scrawny boy replied, “I gotta admit, I haven’t had a night’s sleep like that in, well… it’s been a while.” He then stepped forward and, his face starting to blush, said, “Look, I ain’t exactly the best with words and mushy feelings but….” He paused for a moment before he finished with, “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Apple Bloom replied. “It’s what friends are for.”

“Ya know, I’ve never really had friends before.” Rattrap admitted. “But I gotta admit, I think I like it.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but giggle as she said, “Well, mah sister had a friend who always said friendship is ma…..”

“Alright Rattrap.” Ironhide said as he made his way over to the two kids. He was dressed in his normal work attire, though his messy hair and circles under his eyes made it clear he hadn’t been awake for too long. “Let’s get moving.” He then turned to Apple Bloom as he said, “And as for you young lady, it’s about time to start getting ready for the day.”

“Sure thing Uncle Ironhide.” Apple Bloom replied to her uncle. She then turned to Rattrap as she asked, “So, Ah take it this is goodbye?”

Ironhide replied, “I don’t think so. Knowing Barricade, he’ll see if Rattrap here can be set up with someone here in town.”

Apple Bloom felt her spirits soar as she asked, “So Rattrap, you mind stoppin’ by when you get a new home?”

“Sure thing.” Rattrap replied. “Besides, it’d be nice to sink my teeth into some more of those apple fritters.” Both kids couldn’t help but giggle at the last remark.

Ironhide then interrupted the two kids as he said, “As much as I’m happy for you two, we’re burning daylight here.” Rattrap nodded as he replied, “Alright. See ya later Apple Bloom.”

“Take care of yourself Rattrap.” Apple Bloom said as she began to make her way to the stairwell. When she made her way to her room, she took a quick look out her window. There, she found Ironhide and Rattrap getting in his red van. As the van began to start up and reverse out of its spot, Apple Bloom began to waive to her friend.

She was pleasantly surprised to see Rattrap waive back. Once he stopped, the van began to drive away, Apple Bloom said to herself, “Ah hope you find your family soon.”

Author's Note:

Next Time; Something more cheerful. I promise.

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