• Member Since 24th Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

The FraudulentBrit

Amateur author with a passion for character driven stories


This story is a sequel to As the Apple Blooms

The past seven months have been quite the experience for Apple Bloom. Learning about and bonding with her uncle Ironhide, tap dancing with her boyfriend Tender Taps, helping her new sister Sideswipe, befriending Marble Pie and Rattrap, and in general, exploring her new home of Allspark Wells.

But that was only the beginning.

Now, as a new school year starts, Apple Bloom, Sideswipe, and the whole gang continue their lives as they make new friends as well as enemies, all while Ironhide, Chromia, and the others continue to provide wisdom and advice.

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 24 )

Personally the school needs to get over it. They weren't affected and the fact is the adults need to give her a chance now to get on the right path. Besides even though she set it in motion nobody had to go with it. Telling secrets or ditching people who they claimed were their friends. The people affected by this are the only ones who have a right to be upset about this. Besides how she ever gonna show that she is trying to be better if they never really give her a chance.

Don’t worry. By the next chapter everyone will have gotten over it. And for anyone who doesn’t……. It will generally just be a clue to them being an antagonist.

I hope so. Even though she was incredibly mean and stupid this is over the top. Plus what happened with applejack she needs a few good turns coming her way.

Good to see you back! I can't wait to see what else is in store!

By any chance, will there be humanized Deceptacons and will applejack join them?

So I do have concrete plans for a certain quintet of decepticons I included in the last story, and may bring a few others in as well. Of course, I’m also balancing transformers characters (autobot/decepticon/other/etc.), mlp, and just general generic OCs in equal number.
Also, due to the events of the previous story, don’t expect Apple Bloom and Applejack to be reuniting anytime soon…..

Will we at some point see more humanoid transformers? Like maybe Smokescreen, Jazz, Slipstream, Constructicons, Aerial bots?

My previous story featured several transformers cameos, including cosmos, jazz, the combaticons, and shockwave, and I do intend on bringing them back, as well as a few other familiar names.

Are we also at least gonna see AJ again maybe see her try to fight Megatron in her head? And hopefully maybe try and reconnect with the friends she lost? I can see much happening for the stubborn farm girl.

All good things to those who wait. :-)

Lot of 'short whiles' in this chapter :P :rainbowlaugh:

In hindsight, I probably used the term a bit too much. Guess I should wait “a short while” in between each use of the term. 😏

Theory: Megatron is Applejack's buried guilt made manifest, or he's at least feeding off of it.

Deep down, she blames herself for not seeing the signs of trouble in Apple Bloom in time to stop Anon-a-Miss from being created. But, her anger issues keep her from seeing that. As you can imagine, Megatron is eating that anger up like a glutton.

I wonder if others have a transformer inside them. I predict Sunset Shimmer will have someone like Optimus or Ultra Magnus be her conscience that might try and convince her to try and help Applejack and be her friend again.
Maybe Rainbow will have something similar like maybe Starscream (a nod to the famous death battle) mocking her saying she should've abandon her long time friend.

I hate to disappoint, but applejack and Megatron’s “relationship” is unique for them, so don’t expect any other “split minds,” at least for now.

Perhaps what hurt Applejack the most was the fact that she knew that at least one bridge was already burnt. Though most of the others had been willing to still be her friend, Rainbow Dash had made it abundantly clear that she wanted nothing more to do with her. Sighing to herself, Applejack lamented, “Ah made her choose between me an’ Scootaloo. Ah don’t blame her for choosin’ her sister over me.”

Surprised the other girls didn't mention Sunset. I assume she also cut all ties with Applejack, both over Anon-A-Miss and AJ punching Apple Bloom in the pervious story.

You say that, but there is a trans character in paper Mario: the thousand year door. They changed her dialogue in the translation for the west in the original game, but they restored it in the remake. That was definitely on purpose.

I’m not a big paper Mario fan, so I forgot about Vivian. Nonetheless I’m very happy she’s openly trans in the new remake.
As for Marnie, only game freak and Nintendo can decide for certainty.

Here’s hoping that teacher gets fired for his bs or at least punched by another humanized transformer. I can list a few good candidates for that.

Mr. Compost is a piece of shit. Sorry for the colorful language but to give failing grades to students like Apple Bloom who worked hard on their assignments while some slaker who pulled some eugenics nonsense out of his ass gets an A is the highest form of bs.

I've got a very bad feeling that something very terrible is going to happen and hopefully this terrible excuse of a teacher is fired and/or knocked out by a very good punch by someone close to Applebloom be it Ironhide or Chromia.

Hopefully the teacher will be fired for endangering the students. Considering how paranoid they are these days leaving students hurt and in danger will definitely get him fired.

Mr. Compost needs to fired and have his butt kicked after this.

Okay now I really hope Compost gets more than fired. I expect him to be hit by Ironhide, Wheeljack, Chromia, and pretty much other humanized autobots. (and maybe a few Decepticons as well)

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