• Member Since 15th Feb, 2012
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Invest wisely, because you never know where your money will end up.

Now with reading

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

OK this put a smile on my face, and a question. Why wasn't the bit worn down enough so no one could tell what was on it? After all that's why money has to be replaced in our world.

I just read a story about the life of some random bit.

And I can't seem to regret it. Fine work, dude.

It was another year before four colts stumbled on the remains, inadvertently completing a childhood goal they didn't know they had of seeing a dead body.

Did you just reference the movie I think you just did?

~Skeeter The Lurker

There were more references than that in there

That was hysterical!

I recommend watching the "Twenty Bucks" movie.
This multi-character comedy follows the path of a single twenty dollar bill in a city neighborhood, focusing on various holders and their intertwining stories, including two convenience store robbers, an estranged father and daughter and a young newlywed couple. Featuring performances by Elisabeth Shue, Christopher Lloyd, Linda Hunt and Spalding Gray. 1992 Big Tomorrow Productions.

Life Lessons, Part 1

Now I want to know what Luna did to it. Or if Celestia knows just how old it is, it feels like she does though.

It says right there in the second paragraph that she used a rock to scratch a mustache onto the portrait of Celestia on the coin.


Maybe all coins have a stop wear spell on them?

That was an interesting series of events with none too similar to the ones before it, I tip my hat :moustache:
Honestly after all the random events I was wondering what would actually happen to it to get back to one of the two sisters. Honestly laughed more than I should when Celestia got it and I only wonder how she knew Luna did it

Before opening:
I have so many questions. Why is a story that is clearly just about a single bit so intriguing? Whose money is this? What is the title implying about whose money this is, or what is on it? What is on it? Is it something that comes back to haunt or tarnish the reputation of the minter? what sort of people has this coin met? How the heck do you tell the story of a coin?

I have no idea how to feel about this.

After Reading:

This was a problem that was never fully fixed until many years later, and as a result, many earth ponies and unicorns used to follow Cloudsdale around waiting to see what might drop from it.

Definitely my favorite line.

And... Wow. Definitely an exciting story. I wonder if Luna even remembers. This was delightfully funny at the end, and I love what you've done with the title. Very clever.

Which raises the question of how it managed to be defaced in the first place. Although given that it was Nightmare Moon doing it, she might have had access to rather more magic-powered means of rock-defacement. Or at least, given her background, may have known how to temporarily suppress any preservation/restoration spell.


Probably something like you said there.

However, this was still the early years of Cloudsdale when everypony kept forgetting that only pegasi could be supported by clouds, so it was super awkward when she dropped the bits while paying for the new house and they all went plummeting down towards the swamp the city was currently hovering over.

This was a problem that was never fully fixed until many years later, and as a result, many earth ponies and unicorns used to follow Cloudsdale around waiting to see what might drop from it.

Headcanon accepted.

It was another year before four colts stumbled on the remains, inadvertently completing a childhood goal they didn't know they had of seeing a dead body.

Ah, childhood goals. I didn't complete this one until after college (unless you count the guy the cops had already put a sheet over before I arrived).

It was carried around for a few months in a purse before being spent for a new pickaxe at a small seed-feed store in Ponyville owned by a stallion named Seed Investor.

Formerly, Chuck's...

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