• Member Since 3rd Oct, 2015
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Been reading and watching from season 2, and lurking just as long. I have a Love of a good story and deep thinking.


A Bur Under A Saddle: Ponies and Tech Thoughts 1 · 3:52pm Jan 8th, 2018

Axiom one: A species technological development is determined by four major factors; the laws of physics of the world they live in, the materials they have access to, the inborn abilities they can harness, the physiology of their bodies and minds.

Axiom two: Necessity and curiosity are the mothers of invention; but practicality is the father of it's propagation.

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Report TitaniumTao · 387 views · #Tech #Writing #Essay
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Thanks for the fave on Renaissance Pony! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for faving Magisight! I hope you enjoyed it, now that it is finished! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the follow! I greatly appreciate it. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for faving Through a Darkened Mirror :twilightsmile:

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