• Member Since 16th Sep, 2014
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Mega NewWays97

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After opening a rip in reality, thanks to keeping the mirror portal on, Discord finds himself with a new task. Asked by the Equestrian Council he is to explore the world beyond. Now he's reliving a part of his old life in traveling to the "New World" beyond.

Around the same time, The Great Tomb of Nazarick has appeared in the New World. Ainz Ooal Gown and the NPC turned real inhabitants have a much to learn about this world, and maybe conquer it because it sounds like fun.

What happens when these two cross paths is anyone's guess. Hopefully, the world will still make sense when it does.

Crossover with Overlord. Cover art temporary.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 105 )

Ooh! Me like a lot:moustache:

There's few good Overlord fics as it is. Well, more like fics that haven't been updated in a long time in FanFiction.net....

So, i have high hopes for this fic. Since Discord will shake, twist, twirl and do all kinds of things to make everything very interesting

I have been waiting so long for a story like this. Can't wait for the next chapter!

Well, this looks promising. Just one thing:

Doing a once over it seemed that his form was vaguely modeled after that of a human based on the terms of structure terms of structure. He brought his hand to his face and felt his goatee was still where it was. Touching his face a few times he finally got his answer as to what had changed.

I think you repeated this.

Fixed. My bad for overlooking that.

Love Overlord, tracking this story.

Hmm... With "time stop" "the goal of all life is death" "true death" combo, Ainz is one of the few entities in existence capable of legitimately killing Discord. I wonder how this will turn out...

Also, I don't expect an Overlord story, however humorous, to stay E for long...


The story could use some more proofreading, preferrably by someone other than the author - our brain often makes shortcuts based on assumptions, so it's much harder to find mistakes in your own writing.

I thought I fixed the rating. Oh for the love of god. I haven't used this in a long time.

Ainz is probably gonna freak out with their first meeting

Oh, I have their formal introduction already planned out.

I really doubt it. Ainz knows shit about magic or his own powers. He knows how to "press buttons" to use spells but that about it. And Discord most likely knows all ins and out of his magic and most likely can turn inside out any spell that Aizn try to use.

Today is a good day. I did not expect this but I accept it wholeheartedly.


Do not worry, it happens to me all the time.

Sunset is a main character? I'm intrigued. I'll wait and let this build up in the meantime though.

Ummmm, discord traviling into the world that is overlord. 🤔 I AM LOVING IT. Please as someone once said "Let the story continue". More chapters please:pinkiesmile:

We've also seen Discord sucker-punched by all sorts of threats, including geting sneezed at by a monster.

Ainz doesn't need to understand the theory of magic, as long as he understands his macros - stop time , disable enemy's immunity to death effects at a cost of a delay, use a death effect so that the delay overlaps with time stop.

He has only been sucker-punched only when he been fooling around - I doubt that in the new world he would be so careless. There also a problem that while Discord power highly fluid, as far as I remember Aiz and other denizens of Nazarik are static. They can't learn new spells, they can't learn new combat moves and so on - that a pretty big point in ranobe. Aiz limited by spells he knows while Discord could literally bend a world to his whims. Their fight would heavily depend on Discord underestimate Ainz and that Ainz spells would work on Discord. Which is not a given. Discord a mad wizard/god/spirit with thousand years of experience while Ainz just a salaryman why get some magic powers that he doesn't even understand.
Nazaric doesn't get owned only because of they so much powerful than anyone else in New World.

I'm guessing the two of you want to see Ainz vs Discord?

Actually no. I would prefer Discord to be an Out of Context Problem, something that Nazaric just can't simply overpower. Extremely slippery trickster, that make fools out of them.


I would prefer Discord to be an Out of Context Problem

A chaos creature from a world of magical talking ponies with the power to rewrite reality fits that to a T.:moustache:

Personally, I agree; Discord is Trickster archetype. Trickster doesn't enter combat head-on against unknown enemies (or even known ones); also, Trickster's whole archetype is about humiliating powerful people who take themselves too seriously, which describes everyone in Nazarick but Ainz, and Ainz is compelled to pose as if he takes himself super seriously because of the role he's in.

Ainz might actually recognize Discord as being fundamentally similar to Bugs Bunny. Anime doesn't have a lot of trickster archetypes, but a hyper-nerd like Momonga was has probably seen Looney Toons. (He's a lot less likely to recognize him as Q, since if he's seen Star Trek Next Generation, it was probably dubbed into Japanese.) Which would just add to Ainz's mystique with Nazarick, as Discord would fuck with everyone and make them look like idiots, but Ainz would know how to handle him. Not in direct combat; Ainz knows better than to fight something so evidently powerful and Not Playing By The Rules You Know. You handle a trickster by talking to him. (Cue the Nazarick crew going "Sasuga no Ainz-sama!" and declaring how obvious it is that someone as awesome as Ainz would know how to handle a threat like Discord...)


Anime doesn't have a lot of trickster archetypes, but a hyper-nerd like Momonga was has probably seen Looney Toons. (He's a lot less likely to recognize him as Q, since if he's seen Star Trek Next Generation,

I'm a little bit doubt it? YGGDRASIL servers shut down in 2138. At this point Looney Toons and Star Trek Next Generation most likely an obscure history that only known to select few... Although there still a chance that Momonga knows about them.

Copyright laws being what they are and being unlikely to get better by the dystopian future of Overlord's backstory, I strongly suspect Warner Bros will have to do a revival every 70 years or so so they can keep the Toons in copyright forever.

Yggsdrasil was so similar to modern MMOs and RPGs that I suspect nothing truly, absolutely original gets made anymore; everything is remixes from the past.

That being said, it's even less likely that Momonga knew TNG than I was thinking, now that you've pointed that out.

Anyway, Looney Toons or no, I hope Momonga got to see something based on a trickster archetype. I kind of find it frustrating with anime that they so rarely have one, kind of like how I find it frustrating with Western shows that in order to get a good show about female heroes you have to turn to a little girl's cartoon about ponies. :-) (I love MLP, I just wish there were a lot more shows like it made over here.)

Can't wait to see my boy get a panic attack


Which would just add to Ainz's mystique with Nazarick, as Discord would fuck with everyone and make them look like idiots, but Ainz would know how to handle him. Not in direct combat; Ainz knows better than to fight something so evidently powerful and Not Playing By The Rules You Know. You handle a trickster by talking to him. (Cue the Nazarick crew going "Sasuga no Ainz-sama!" and declaring how obvious it is that someone as awesome as Ainz would know how to handle a threat like Discord...)

ALL OF MY YES! That is just the perfect idea for this story!

Also you should be the first to add you fic to this group section.

Just discussing the possibilities. The actual fight is unlikely, if only because one of them has been told not to cause trouble, and the other is cautious of unknown powers.

We want to see a good story. Where the story takes the characters is the author's choice :twilightsmile:

F*ck YAE DOIN GOOD MAN FOR THE EMPORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man liking this story so far .... hymn ... was hoping gamer luna was gonna tag along ... that system for rating adventurers was pretty stupid but discords way was brilliant... cant complain about results when you throw a adamantium class monsters head on the table.

His current rank is Gold. He kind of didn't tell them (or actually showed them) that creature was a Pink Slime. Then again if he did show them his new tamed pink slime things would have gone ballistic.

But yes the ranks are dumb if you ask him.

They should be fighting. “Ah, shouldn't you be destroying to destroy me?”

He got a handwave at this from Discord. “Details,” Besides he was certain right now that there was nothing to hurt him. “Now, back on topic what is your name because calling you just ‘pink slime monster’ well be crude.”

While everyone else would take notice of the armored that the guy was wearing Discord was taking notice of their aura's.

I'm not sure, but I think that it should be:

Beside, he
There was nothing that could hurt

With that said, I don't remember the Dragon Lord from the anime (and I saw the three seasons) so I either forgot about it or it only appeared on the Light Novel or you just showed something that the anime hasn't shown before. I approve.

I also don't understand what happens with the magic. I thought that Discord was inmune to the Tier Magic (as he cannot be controlled by it) but you said that his Wild Magic was corrupted by it. I don't get it.

Otherwise, I'm still liking where this is going. My only advice is to give more descriptions to the characters (including the ones from the show) so those who aren't familiar with the anime can still get an idea of who is who.

Best wishes.

Oh yah forgot .... saw a few comments ... id have to side with discord if there was a throw down .... if he cared to fight. He doesnt take things serious. If all ainz did was burn that world to the ground and stayed away from equestria he probably wouldn't care and grab some popcorn. He pretty much could break the mechanic thats forcing ainz into his undead nature like he thought about doing but went with reading gamma instead. Meaning ainz would get his sense of morality and guilt back.
Elemental magic like lightning and fire probably would have no effect. Mind effects ... no. Hes immortal and a spirit ....age and death effects probably no. Time magic is a tricky one he has it but hes been struck by the elements twice so i think it could be used against him but hes more likely to strip the ability from anyone possessing it or trying to use it. That whole starlight thing where you had different effects for stopping the same event was weird. You either stopped the rainboom or you didnt. Nightmare takes over kills chrysalis... fights sombra probably marries him. Then discord gives everyone the finger never to be stopped because the tree dies. The ring of shooting star couldnt beat the status effect on shalteer i dont see it beating discords ability to ignore its effect. Their best bet would be trying to find a way to seal him .... or just seal his powers ... his magic can be blocked off.... or get strong enough to steal it tirek style ... but since ainz is based off a game character and he is maxed level .... i dont see him geeting strong enough to pull a tirek.


I don't remember the Dragon Lord from the anime (and I saw the three seasons) so I either forgot about it or it only appeared on the Light Novel or you just showed something that the anime hasn't shown before. I approve.

It's actually one hinted at back in the first season (hasn't shown up yet in the novels but been mentioned to being in the process of coming back to life)

also don't understand what happens with the magic. I thought that Discord was inmune to the Tier Magic (as he cannot be controlled by it) but you said that his Wild Magic was corrupted by it. I don't get it.

It's not Discord. It was the Dragon Lord's who Wild Magic was corrupt. Discord's actions might have temporary cleansed the effect of the Tier Magic on the Dragon Lord... although that could just end up being a one time thing.


Got it, thanks for the clarification.

Can hardly wait for more, also wondering what Sunset got turned into that has two horns.

If any traveler took a first look at Equestria through ponyville they at first might confuse it for a medieval or feudal society much like this one.

Fun little fact - Ponyville actually a tourist trap. You could read about it in Faust show drafts.
In flashbacks you can see that after foundation it actually had a "wild west frontier" look but at some time town switches to this whole "fachwerk with thatched roofs" style.

Oh, it's a Succubus like Albedo.

I'm just loving this story! I'll gladly wait for more.

I could walk in and clean them up, send them back where they came from without them knowing is preferable

Real Earth in Overlord is super-shitty and I doubt that Momonga really wants to return there.

But there actually a quite interesting question - what would happen with Nazaric NPC's if Discord sends them all back?

They either dissolve into data or they end up powerless due to said reality not having the laws allowing magic.

Humans evolved from foxes where's that from a anime or something tell me please

Made it up. I wanted to show something outlandish and it was either this or "Humans who reject humanity" flipped a coin and we got fox humans.

Awww man that would have been cool to see in a anime or comic

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