You've been in Equestria for about a month now, and have had the privilege of becoming friends with Princess Celestia, the land's kind and fair ruler.
Close friends.
Very close friends.
That's probably it though...right?
EDIT: Featured at #3 on 7/2! I'm glad you all enjoyed!
EDIT: #2 on 7/3! Wowza!
EDIT: (Same day) Now with an AUDIO READING by MultiDoomPie!
Oh my gosh, that soda bit had me in stitches. Best part of the fic, easily.
I am confused.
Still a better love story than Twilight.
i loved this it was adorable!
The better question is: "Why not?"
AAAAAAA dame now I got to follow you
You receive the opposite Zoidberg:
Your story is good and you should feel good.
Its very refreshing to read short stories like this , that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside it's a nice contrast from action or grimdark crap
A good example of abusing repeated letters or certain sound effects to emphasise your point in the most unusual and misleading way possible.😂😂
Nah I’m just joking. Cute and cuddly as usual! :) Love it!
Yes, agreed
This was a comedy, I had a feeling Luna wasn't lying
I wanted to be wrong...
It actually reminds me of that one Vinyl and Ictavia Animation where Octavia gave Vinyl the rest of her sandwich.
Strong and independent woman!!!
Why do I feel like a large amount of mind altering substances were involved in the creation of this...masterpiece?
I feel like I've seen the flashback bit, including the soda part somewhere before...but I'm laughing too hard to care
LOL... just like vinyl...
smooth AF! this Jason from The Good Place?
all of my yes
This was a really great story. Very funny and entertaining. Followed!
The ending with Dimitri was fantastic.
I give this story three out of five sodas.
...So this is what makes it to the Featured Box. Knighty, just...
This is not the horse princess we deserve, but the horse princess we need.
Very well done!
Short, simple, adorable, and cute. That's all I've to say.
I was honestly thinking this...
This was a cute story, I hope the author has plans for this universe I'd like to see Celestia and no name given have a date story!
I do have a Celestia/Human CYOA date story you might like :D
I think I am currently dying of laughter.
I'm super happy that you found it funny! Thanks :D
You're welcome.
P.S: Dmitri is new best MLP OC.
This was great
The sass is strong with this one.
This was extremely dumb but I enjoyed it.
Do you think the story was bad? If so, don't blame Knighty for this. The way the Featured Box works is it uses an algorithm that shows stories that have been viewed many times and this story has been viewed many times. That isn't on Knighty.
I got a chuckle out of this.
This fic had me dying. I legit think I got a core workout out of that. Appreciate it. :)
Alright, ya got me. I laughed.
How rude! I'm sure she has plenty of good love stories! :p
Did I like it?
...Not as far as I know...
h m m
Retarded. But I was in the mood for something retarded. I approve.
This is so dumb but I love it
As others have said, this is so ridiculously dumb... I love it! I laughed right up to the end!
Yes. I must be there by 1:30! If I am not, then I could miss my bedtime!
Oh no! It's my arch-rival breakdancers! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeEEEeeee
I already said that time
oh well
guess I'm late for loitering XD