• Published 23rd Sep 2017
  • 15,571 Views, 579 Comments

How to Tame a Changeling Queen - RetiredAccount

To ensure a lasting peace with the changelings, Twilight Sparkle arranges a political marriage with her old nemesis, Queen Chrysalis. She'll do anything to protect Equestria, even try to love a monster.

Comments ( 93 )

A thousand apologies for the delay on chapter 12, these past few months have been a crazy roller-coaster ride, no barf bag included. Next chapter will not take as long, that I can promise, though lack of free time means it won't be fast either. Will keep you posted, cheers!

I think Chryssy knows she is slowly becoming reformed... Which completely terrifies her, so she has to resort to her shameless bards and teases to make herself feel better. That backstory was gutwrenching, and one I think both Celestia and Luna would want to know... Can't change the past, but you can change the future

This was an awesome chapter!! This now replaces my personal headcanon for Chrysalis' backstory.

We're back, bacon!

I like the implication that Changelings were closer to something like nature spirits in the past rather than a purely parasitic race. Maybe if Twilight knows, she can magic some sort of connection back over time?

I'm also curious if the addition of alicorn to the brood brings any interesting features or skills along with it.

This is what I adore about the MLP changeling, the mystery of them. Just the fact that loads of people can come with tons of different origins of the race and how they work is astounding.

Wow, that's definitely one of the better Chrysalis origin stories I've ever read. Excellent chapter.

Wow. That’s...that’s some deep shit right there.

No wonder Chrysalis is the way she is.


Motherly Chrysalis is best Chrysalis. I mean, sex fiend Chrysalis is a whole lot of fun but, motherly Chrysalis is just too cute and comfy. Man, I could read that shit all day.:heart:

Gyvon #14 · Jul 2nd, 2018 · · 6 ·

So, how much of Chryssie's origin story is bullshit? She aint exactly the most reliable narator, after all.

Guess Twilight managed to teach Rarity a spell or two...

this story is just so good i love how everypony and ling are all played off of each other and it works so good.

as to Chrysalis i love how she is shown or should i say portrayed it just works so good.

Chrysalis playing the big bade and at the same time sh is so caring and has so much love.

You asked me why I hated ponies Cadance? I don’t. I’m thankful. Thankful that you destroyed my heart, so I would never feel grief again, so I would never feel anything ever aga—”

Holy hell, was that an awesomely written origin story or what? A hella sad one too... still cool tho.

OOOHHH Damn that backstory.

Blue changelings you say? Does that mean Rainbow Dash got involved as well?

That backstory, DAYUM!!!!

The wait was worth for it

That backstory was just beautiful. It was everything I hoped it'd be. Though, I suppose this gives a definitive goal for Chrysalis's character development in the form of letting herself move on.

Alongside that, I just can't get over how much I love the way you write Chrysalis. Every time one of the ponies think they've managed to pull out a win out against her, Chrysalis adapts and takes the figurative feet out from under whomever she's conversing with.

As far as ideas for the future, I still vote that Chrysalis should to through a period of vulnerability, such as molting, that leaves her severely weakened and perhaps requires Twilight to care for her. Naturally, Chrysalis would try and hide this from everyone, making the inevitable reveal and bonding all the more satifying.

Something I consider interesting is that the other changelings probably don't know their own origin if they haven't told the ponies about it. I wonder if anything will be done about that?

Jeezus man the feels. Holy crap. THE FEEELS!:fluttercry:

Great chapter got a pretty good laugh from the end. But one things for certain that’s probably one of the sadest backstories for chrysalis I’ve ever read.

In short the chapter was worth the wait.

what a sad back story, it hit me in they eyes

That back story. ;-; Poor Chryssie and the ancient lings.

Spike be growin'.

Trollsalis strikes back.

... Why do I feel like Cadance will love the show? And later give Shining an aneurysm telling him about it.

I wonder if she'll relay the story to Twilight.

... Barely a week together and already arguing like a married couple.


An orb with swirling colors? Sounds like a very adult show-n-tell about to happen...

Your Chrysalis is the best Chrysalis.

And now with backstory, to boot.

Very well done. Well worth whatever wait it takes for such a solid story.

Wow, that Chryssy back story.... damn!

Well, Chrysalis was changed by force once, allowing herself to be "corrupted" again isn't in her top priority. Before it was dark magic, now friendship/love... both hard to resist.

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I'm honored you guys like it so much, this theory of mine for Chrysalis and changelings origins is one of the few headcanons I really hold close to my heart, one I really hope the show won't contradict. Though, learning the canon story of Chrysalis would be... awesome.

Cheers Anon! Already started on the next chapter btw, so I'll be asking for your help soon! Valve time soon™

One of my favorite themes in Lord of the Rings is the corruption of elves into orcs by Melkor, turning a race of near-perfect beings into twisted monsters. I like to think that Changelings are the same.

Motherly Celestia and motherly Chrysalis at the same time mang, that's where it's at!

PS: Totally not reading and posting comments from work instead of doing my job, nope. And I'm totes not gonna be writing all afternoon while pretending to be productive.

This was an amazing chapter, you've probably come up with the best backstory for Chrysalis of anyone, current and former Hasbro writers included. Too bad this one's too dark for them to use...
I am glad to hear the next chapters coming along, this is one of my favorite stories.

Where do I start in this chapter? I am not sure why nobody is asking or reading in between the lines, maybe its just me but I feel like I need to bring this up as it may cause chaos in the future (Unwritten Chapters). Here it goes:

“That’s wonderful to hear.” Night Light said, a genuine smile on his lips. “So, can we expect to have more grandfoals soon?”

I am not sure if they know what they are getting themselves into and I mean it! If my estimated guess of how many changelings are in a hive is around 5k-10k can anyone imagine 6-7 mares each having close to 3k-5k each? That's a whole lot of presents, babysitting and the hardest thing would be the names, can you imagine trying to keep track of each individual one it might become their biggest upcoming nightmare!!! Hopefully, it sounds silly and funny enough for you guys to laugh, it made me laugh when I thought about that.

I was surprised when I was reading some of the first paragraphs when the family and Twilight are talking about how she and Chryssi are doing. I was given a different perspective in which I had to go back and re-read it again, I enjoyed that, it was refreshing.
I enjoy reading this story, I enjoy how Chryssi as a character is being developed from two-dimensional villain to a complex character that's not really seeking redemption but something in between. Every chapter adds another layer and it makes it more fun, hopefully, she takes the path of the Anti-hero! I am usually reminded of this

You either die a Villain or you live long enough to become a Hero

I wanted to say how good and new that backstory is but you are already hearing that from everyone else so there is no point for me to add anything else.

I kinda enjoy how Shining is so clueless at few things. Really Shining!? You become a dad and you forget about your "Youth"?
Candance, wow
Oh, Honesty and Generosity how much fun they will have with Magic of Friendship! (lol)
I was a bit sad the way everyone else looked at Spike, and how afraid they felt he is no longer the "Cute baby Dragon" but a dangerous predator. (I wonder if that's why we have not seen Fluttershy.) I like how he's got a bit of growth, yay! no wings * sigh*, maybe in future. I want to complain about how Spike didn't hear about AJ and Rarity seeing each other or being part Twilight/Chryssi's herd, but I can't because I would have done the same thing, focus on the food, ignore everything else as long it does not come in between you and the food.
I am bit sad that Spike has not learned the truth about it, a bit annoyed when they are trying to protect him by hiding the truth. I feel like we all have seen what happens when they learn about it later, nothing good happens from that. Now I just can't wait for the next upcoming chapter, what is going to happen there are too many scenarios playing in my head as to what could happen. (I have been influenced HEAVILY by anime/manga/manhua/manhwa/comic/Hentai)
Thank you for the Chapter!!!

How much of that story was made up?

Knowing Chrysalis, probably all of it. And none of it. Could go either way with her.

I’d bet on it being true. Chrysalis seems to love truth as it tends to hurt the most.

Nah, probably Trixie, though can't remember the color of Starlight's magic. However, odds are against Starlight with the whole I want her head thing...


It's not Trixie. She's involved with Starlight. Rainbow was following Chrysalis around by cloud cover earlier, IIRC. Not only that, but the tags are Mane 6, Twilight, and Chrysalis. No tag for Starlight or Trixie.

oh..... my....... god............THAT BACK STORY IS AMAZING.

I cant think right now it is just to good. i was doing this over and over again just from reading it.
please keep it up you are a magician in the art of storytelling.

I'd forgotten just how much I love this chapter. What the hell, I usually keep clop stories to private shelves but I've been making an exception for clop with plot lately so you're going on the public favorites shelf. :rainbowlaugh:

My heart:fluttershysad: you can't just lay the saddest goddamned backstory of all time like that on me:raritydespair:. This story is amazing. You're amazing. I'll wait an eternity for the next chapter. Personal life comes first!

best chapter so far

Very nice, last time i had so much fun with a kinky story was while reading Twilight's Misadventures by Fusion Fool.
More plz. :twilightsmile:

I like this origin story. Very potent. Also new. I haven’t seen this one before.

more please!!!!!!! <3

Celestia had once said that no pony was ever born a villain, that the worst baddies had all suffered greatly to become so twisted… and it seemed Chrysalis was no exception.

Of course, Celestia had also added that a tragic past didn’t excuse a villain’s misdeeds, and it didn’t necessarily mean they were capable of turning away from a life of evil. It all depended on them, and them alone.

you have to admit though if the pony race is capable of unwittingly destroying an entire land with unending cold and wiped multiple species of the map, do they really deserve to be forgiven by the people whose lives they ruined?

I'd say Chrysalis's reaction and treatment of them is semi-justifiable, out of all the species on Equis, this is the one that killed your species and brought a horrible monster to your lands, all out of greed and racism (check the lore in mlp behind the reason for the windegoes) might as well use them as a means to resurrect your species, after all, what is the love of a couple ponies worth compared to an entire species? after committing such atrocities I say they deserve to be used as a food source by those they hurt

Damn. You've given her the perfect justification for her attitude and actions. Losing EVERYTHING you knew and loved to a nuclear winter brought about by 3 races that didn't even know you existed? Yeah, I think I'd turn murderous too.

VERY well written. You had me joining Caddy with the tears.

Still re-reading this until a new chapter

Pleeease don't let this story die. You got us to such an awesome cliffhanger, it would be horrible to stop like that.:fluttershysad:

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