• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,690 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

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Time to be Smug

Seraphimus stood silent—like a sentry. The former Talon Commander was perched on the edge of a bridge overlooking the lower spires of the city. Her expression was calm, albeit her pose vigilant. She breathed calmly through the passing hours... until a petite blue figure shuffled up in her peripheral.

The griffin spoke without turning her feathery head to look. "Have the last vestiges of the spider's venom worn off?"

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat. "I... uh..." She shook her head. "I really can't pretend to say how long it'll be before that stuff is out of my system." Her ears twitched. "Or if it'll leave my system at all."

"I wonder..." Seraphimus peered at the spidery shadows far below—fleeting and swift. "This 'Commander Gwen' who came before you so many centuries ago... were the Spindlers so certain of her standing as the destined 'Austraeoh' as they are currently of yours?"

"I... haven't bothered to ask Merula about that," Rainbow said.

"Why not?" Seraphimus' headcrest lifted inquisitively. "Are you afraid to find out that their long-beloved Song is subject to tragic amnesia?" She turned to squint icily at the pegasus. "That the only reason they call you the 'Austraeoh' is because they're programmed to?"

"If you're having second thoughts about what we're all doing here, you can just tell me, Sera," Rainbow Dash said. "You've never been much to beat around the bush, so why start now?"

Seraphimus turned her gaze away. "All I know now is... is th-that the Goddess Verlaxion was a falsehood..." Her charcoal eyes closed sadly. "...and the same can be said of my life."

"Your life isn't a falsehood."

"You don't have a point of authenticity to claim such," Seraphimus muttered. "Your entire existence isn't a complete failure."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "Am I waiting for a 'yet?'"

Seraphimus reopened her eyes. She squinted at Rainbow Dash. "... ... ...I've only agreed to provide my services to your journey no less than thirty-six hours ago." She inhaled sharply. "I suppose—in such a short time—I've only managed to alienate your companions with my needless pessimism."

"It's not needless," Rainbow Dash said. She trotted closer to the griffin, still fighting faint traces of dizziness. "And if all you did was say 'yes, Rainbow Dash' to everything I or my friends suggested, then that wouldn't make you a very good ally."

"Then you have reconsidered your stance on the Bloodwings?" Seraphimus' eyes hardened again. "For the sake of survival and perserverance—you will abandon all whimsical notions of somehow befriending such a heartlessly murderous faction?"

Rainbow Dash opened her muzzle—but hesitated. After a prolonged breath, she leaned back and murmured, "If I told you that I'm still open to negotiating with them, would you turn back on your pledge?"

"... ... ..."

"Because I simply can't promise exactly what I will do when I come face to face with them, Seraphimus," Rainbow Dash said. "Believe me—if an opportunity pops up for me to grab a Shard of Endrax from their place—or from any place—I will jump on that crud as soon as possible. But we simply haven't got the luxury—"

"You are right about that very last part," Seraphimus said. Her head nodded. "If nothing else."

"Heh..." Rainbow smirked slightly. "It's pretty refreshing, actually."

Seraphimus raised a curious eyecrest.

"Your 'pessimism.'" Rainbow Dash trotted the rest of the distance until she too was perched on the same ledge as the griffin. "I friggin' dig the Herald. Really, I do. But—sometimes, I swear—I'm friggin' spoiled by how much they're willing to do for me."

"They are faithful to a fault," Seraphimus remarked, nodding. "And I would be lying if I said that I didn't find the majority of them insufferably short-sighted."

"Mmmmmhmmmm..." Rainbow rubbed her temple, glaring out into the ancient urbanity. "Jussssssst the conversation I was dreaming of having today..."

"But Logan—the one who is casually labeled as 'Big Show'—he is made of stern might. The stallion's far wiser than he pretends to be." Seraphimus' eyes wandered. "... ... ...and Jordan..."

"Mmmm?" Rainbow looked at her.

The former Commander's headcrest drooped. "He is as honorable today as I always remembered. I simply... allowed the cloud of Verlaxion's deception to pollute my once iron-wrought respect for him. Even his actions at the Edge... and his relations with the wyverns..." She slowly shook her head as her beak hung open with painful realization. "...none of it seems to hold the same gravity any more. He held steadfast to his principles—while all this time mine were held hostage." She gulped, her talons tightening beneath her. "Keris... my good Lieutenant... all those times I should have listened to you..."

Rainbow took a breath, tail flicking. "For what it's worth, Sera... I wouldn't have gotten as far as I have today if it wasn't for Keris' wisdom and courage. He intervened in ways that neither of us could have afforded. You trained him well—"

"His legacy shames me."

"You trained him well." Rainbow frowned at her. "His strength, courage, tenacity, and respect for justice? He got it all from you. Just... y'know... he didn't have the same albatross around his neck that you did."

Seraphimus threw her a confused look.

"I... I didn't mean that in a redundant way." Rainbow gestured at her own neck. "Cuz—like—I know that an albatross has feathers... and a griffin has feather... at least a neck part. And... well..." She rolled her eyes and slumped in place, sighing. "Never mind. It's an old Equestrian expression." Her eyes derp'd briefly. "I think...?"

"I... believe I understand you," Seraphimus said with a nod. Then, in a somber tone: "I only wish that I did back when I could still make amends with my Second-in-Command."

"He handled things nicely with you in the end," Rainbow Dash said. "As well as a dude could manage with the entire weight of Rohbredden on his shoulders." She smirked. "Did you know the last thing I ever did to him was punch the crap out of his face?"

"Is that a fact?"

"Heh... yeah. Dude wanted to make it look to all the other Frostknife Elite like we had fought a battle to near-death." Rainbow shook her head, chuckling. "The Herald can praise me all they like, and—admittedly—it has been pretty awesome to keep moving forward, saving nations and civilizations whenever I can afford to do it. But to do what Keris has done? To stay in one place and be forced to clean up? And be so dedicated to it?" She ran a hoof through her mane. "That's loyalty of a whole 'nother sort. I know I'm headed into the bloody crucible of three nasty armies, but I still don't want the kind of job that Keris has ahead of him." A gulp. "Or Professor Theanim Mane, for that matter."

Seraphimus gazed silently at her.

"I'm... I'm sorry I couldn't leave Rohbredden in better sorts as when I found it, Sera," Rainbow Dash said. She hugged herself, shivering slightly. "I mean... I guess it's a good thing that Verlax is gone and such... but... things could have gone so much better. Well... I guess they couldn't... but I really wish they did. And I really wish I didn't have to be the spark that set so much stuff ablaze back there... past the Edge..."

More silence.

Seraphimus calmly asked: "I suspect we are to disembark soon."

Rainbow looked up at her. "How'd you know...?"

"For once, Jordan hasn't been following me like a hawk," Seraphimus remarked. "Which means he must have found something more important to do for the time being. Such as helping the rest of your companions prepare for a long-delayed departure."

"I think we've been guests of the Spiffy Spider Club long enough." Rainbow nodded. "As if it wasn't clear from my meeting with Abaddon, I don't think there's much left for the Austraeoh to learn by staying here."

"You are not content to hide in the one place in all of the plane that's relatively safe and guarded." Seraphimus nodded. "An admirable trait."

Rainbow smirked devilishly. "I think if you start paying actual attention to me, Sera, you'll find lots more 'admirable traits.'"

"That remains to be seen." Seraphimus' charcoal eyes hardened to diamonds. "Precisely where is our next destination? To pursue futile negotiations with the Bloodwings? Or seek out other options?"

The longer Rainbow sat under the griffin's piercing gaze, the harder she bit onto her lower lip. Eventually she wrenched her eyes away from Seraphimus', exhaling with a burst. "I'm gonna tell Flynn and Logan... th-that we'll be heading towards Omega."

Seraphimus sighed. "...towards the Bloodwings and their fabled tree."

"No." Rainbow pointed with her hoof. "Not yet."

Seraphimus raised an eyecrest.

Rainbow looked at her again. "I wanna find the ocean. Do reconaissance. Figure out if there's any truth to a swift and safe passage to Petra... or other places." She swallowed. "I want to actually meet these Dihmers for once. See what makes them tick."

"See if they have any information to provide in regards to the Trinary War?"

"Precisely." Rainbow stood up tall. "And then... if I find information on the sarosians—any information that might spring hope for acquiring a Shard as peacefully as possible..."


"... ... ...one thing at a time, Seraphimus." Rainbow's brow furrowed. "I'll pass judgment when the time comes."

"You're making a big mistake—"

"By what? Having an open mind?" Rainbow cocked her head aside. "And how did forsaking one work out for you back in Rohbredden?"

"... ... ..."

"Remember... an open mind is a door that works both ways, Sera," Rainbow said, cracking a grin. "I'm just as open to saying 'buck the bloodwings' if we end up learning enough to validate such an attitude. But we'll gain nothing by going into this with one ironclad predisposition and one alone."

"I do suppose there is some logic to be had in that."

"Good..." Rainbow Dash extended a fetlock. "...because I was hoping there'd be some logic to be had in you continuing your pledge to us. If I can promise to have an open mind to all possibilities... then maybe you can have an open mind to all outcomes?"

Seraphimus looked out into the city yet again. She weathered a sigh. "I suspect some action on my behalf would do well to support the words expressed."

"Just ask yourself one simple question!" Her grinning teeth glinted in the twilight. "'What would Keris do?'"

Upon hearing that, Seraphimus merely glared.

Raibow's smile faded as her ears drooped. "... ... ...too soon?"

Seraphimus stared her down. "Lieutenant Keris... did not have to contend with giant spiders and eternal night." She finally shook Rainbow's hoof. "Let us make quick with this Omega excursion of yours into an inhospitable wasteland plagued by monsters."

"Heeeeey... that's the spirit!" Rainbow Dash patted Seraphimus shoulder. "Adventure! Awesomeness! Sound effects!"

Seraphimus marched past her, snorting. "I will be smug when I am dead."

"That t-too!"

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