• Published 1st May 2016
  • 23,317 Views, 1,142 Comments

Velvet Touch - MadMaxtheBlack

One hormonally imbalanced teenage colt, one smoking-hot milf. What's the worst that can happen?

Comments ( 293 )

...but soon—within a year—she won’t be so lonely anymore.


7236211 She's going to have another sparkle soon:trollestia:

7236211 Me? Don't look at me. This is your doing. :trollestia:

NEEEEEH! We got her preggers! :pinkiegasp:

Aw. Gonna be honest, not the ending I wanted.
Still an awesome fic though, hooves down!
Enjoyed refreshing FiMFiction EVERY SINGLE DAY and it was totally worth the wait.

Bravo well done

Now. How to ask for a sequel without sounding like a self entitled bag of manure.
Anybody have suggestions?

7236273 As much as I like sequels, I don't think this needs one. This story was absolutely wonderful all on its own, and I feel a sequel to this one would ruin some of it.

This story was one of the best I've read, and ended in the absolute best way possible.

Darn you and your ability to write such (in all meanings of the word) sensuous fiction! :raritywink:

The food porn, the graphic exposition of the senses, the bedroom/privately public scenes, and more had me waiting all week for today's finale! Seriously though, I had checked FimFiction today several times for the update cycle to prove true as per the past few updates and swung by your user page for update a few minutes prior to your posting the dynamic duo of a fin.

'Twas certainly a solid hunch that paid off to open the site once again not soon thereafter to see that it was once again rising through the ranks of the front page. :ajsmug:

Bravo! May your ability to titillate the senses and imagination continue to prove so with current and future works!

This was seriously a fucking pleasure to read, both for the story and the clop. The ending was very heart warming. Well done sir.


You get another upvote -- I am truly impressed by this story. Very nicely done! :twilightsmile:

I GOT HER PREGGERS?!?!? :pinkiegasp:

What would the foal would look like? :rainbowhuh: :trollestia:

Jokes aside, this was a very good story! Both the clop and the actual storyline were excellent, and I can't wait to see what else you might cook up similar to this. Good job, sir. I give you golf clap. :moustache:

If there are pony MILFs I'd have to pick to be my favorite, I'd easily say Twilight Velvet, hooves down—and that was BEFORE you wrote this! Cadence is a close second, for obvious reasons, but THIS!!! :raritystarry: This is erotic literature at its FINEST!!! You, sir, have earned my fav several times over!

visit the gardens, and even catch a quick glimpse of Discord following some patrolling guards around with a tuba.

Oh i would love to see that!

However, there was something that you could do to help. Something that she wanted very much. Something that you could give her. So she used you, but not with ill-intent.

Please no...

It was because you were so caring in return that she deemed you worthy.

Oh god please no...

Yes, there was indeed something that you could do to help with her loneliness, and you had accomplished your task well.
For, her house might be quiet and empty now...


She slowly lowers her hoof and places it on her lower stomach.

i'm begging you...

...but soon—within a year—she won’t be so lonely anymore.


Welp! Amazing Story! Crazy and unexpected twist! I did think about it though in the chapter right before this one, it sounded like a lot of sperm and that much is like trying to dodge a nuke to not get prego.

I'm also crying it was so good, but mostly because it was so good and its now over,not really... but on the inside!

"WHY!? Why?! Why? Why now?Why? Why?"

i knew she was in heat that last clop scene with all the winking she was doing

well what did you (I) expect?


Sweet Luna, what have I done?

You wrote a neat story with an interesting, flawed (not evil), character named Velvet Twilight that had sex with a very young pegasus adult.

Stupid female hormones plus loneliness equals foolishness. Due to your writing. Am I right?

Great story man. You definitely earned the favorite.

...but soon—within a year—she won’t be so lonely anymore.

You know, I wouldn't mind a story on the foal. :twilightsmile:

*<>* as M.Night Shyamalan would say ...what a twist .....

7236392 That just made my night.

Other than the story update of course.

It'd be nice to see a follow-up to this final chapter. Maybe not a sequel, but possibly a reaction from the character or something.

Add me to the list of people who want a story of the foal.

I'd like to see the character meet the foal and learn it's his.
Maybe accidentally, Velvet would probably try to hid it from him, and he would overhear it.
I dunno. I just really like this story and would love to see where it'd end up if it were continued.

I'm sure Flurryheart will like having a younger aunt/uncle.


Our doing? OUR DOING!? :flutterrage:

YOU'RE THE ONE THAT WROTE THIS!!! :twilightangry2:

actually yeah, its totally our fault for spurring this on...

So a forsaken child was conceived. :trixieshiftright: and without his knowledge of it. I guess she used him in more ways than one.

Awesome this is just awesome! But sad to because the story has ended but I kinda got the hint that it may happen at the end by how Velvet was talking or thinking. If only MadmaxtheBlack would make something like a short story on what happens after the character leaves which would be cool but not as equally as a story in the future where the character has to take care of velvets son or daughter (the new one of course) because velvet is gone or something. There are many possibilities for a sequel like story but it will never be the same as this one.

...She was the adult in the situation so the lack of condom is NOT my fault.
...I just played the adult card in a clopfic where I'm a teen, I need to go lay down an reevaluate a few things.

Omg... that ending was spectacular! She got some Hannibal(A-Team) in her that is for sure.

Haha would be fun with a little scene like 3-4 years in the future there "you" and Velvet with her foal meets you and the foal looks suspiciously very much like you do.

Hoo boy, I hope Velvet is really good at planning because raising a child by yourself when you're middle-aged is not fun. Being rich helps, but she'll be pushing it in the age department by the time the kid is ready to leave the house? Guess maybe she'd like it that way so she wouldn't have to be lonely for long after the new child moved on. And What's she going to tell the colt? That it's not his? I don't think he'll believe that. If he wants to be part of his first born's life, things will be pretty awkward. Speaking of, I can already imagine telling her existing two children about this.
"Twilight, Shining, I know it wasn't easy what with your royal duties to come and see me today-"
"Don't be silly, Mom, we'll always have time for you. It was no trouble."
"Twilight's right, Mom. The Crystal Empire can survive without me. All I really have to do there is train guards, and there are drill sergents for that."
"Oh, you two are so sweet... Well, I suppose with that out of the way, it's time I tell you why I called. I know I left it vague in the letters; that was because I wanted to tell you in person. But first, you two, do understand that I am an adult, yes?"
"Of course, why wouldn't we?"
"And you understand I can make my own decisions?"
"What are you getting at?"
"Shining, Twilight, I called you here to tell you that I've decided to have another foal."
In stero, "WHAT!"
"Mom, you can't be serious, Dad's dead!"
Very tightly. "Yes, Shining Armor, I'm aware."
"Oh jeez, I-I'm sorry, Mom, I didn't mean it like that. I mean, it's just, you can't, you know get pregnant without dad."
"Yeah, and raising foals is hard. How are you going to do it by yourself?"
"Twilight, I might not have had to raise a foal as a single mother before, but I think I have more than enough experience to do the job. Besides, I have the money to hire help if it get too bad."
"All this is a moot point. You can't have a foal without dad, so I don't see why we're talking about it."
Rolls eyes. "Shining, you know things aren't that simple. There are plenty of ways for me to conceive if I really want to."
"Well... that is true. Sperm donors are prevalent in Equestria due to the large population of lesbian marriages."
"Oh come on Twilight, like mom is going to want to sire the foal of a stallion she doesn't even know. Besides, it would be like cheating on Dad. She wouldn't do that."
"Shining, your father would want me to be happy, and for your information, I do happen to know who the father of this foal is."
"... What...?"
Sigh "Yes, Shining, I didn't call you here to ask your permission... I'm already pregnant."
Twilight gapes. Shining has his head down. "Who is it...?"
"Excuse me?"
"Who's the father?"
"Why do you need to know?"
"So I know who I need to kill for knocking up my mom!"
"Who was it!?"
"Shining, you will not be doing any such thing!"
... I'm not sure where to take it from here. Anyone have some way to finish this? Maybe comically?

Wait, she has my child? I helped her to have another baby?... I'm sorry, but as I'm very much like the Pegasus in the story, I can be a real asshole to get what I want. Why? Well, in this case... I'm just going to make a thing on what I'd do:

Mom: "Well, Velvet's pregnant! Good for her!"
Me: "Wait, she's pregnant? And she said she didn't want a relationship with me... Yeah, either she gets an abortion or we make a relationship."
Mom: "Why are you saying that?"
Me: "Because she's pregnant with my child. Velvet and I became friends with benefits while you were gone. I lost my vierginity to her arse in a dressing room, and we had more sex in three weeks than a naval vessel has in a month. Apparently, she wanted a kid out of me."
Me: "I'd like to point out the fact that she is a very lonely mare. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to tell Velvet that there's not a chance in hell that I'm not being that kids father. It's our flesh and blood. We raise it together, or she doesn't birth it."

I say this because either she accepts me as the father to our child, or I'm going to be that guy. You know, that guy. The one who keeps on getting better at finding ways to spend time with my kid even though the mother might not want me near her. If she accepts me as the father, but still won't get in a relationship, then I will constantly try to court her. Not for power. Not for money. Because I'm going to be one of the two individuals who make sure that she's raised right. Nice try, Twilight Velvet. You may be experienced, but I can be more stubborn than 300 Spartans.

Hahaha. Well played author , well played.
That , was an interesting twist.
Yes , the two parted way at the end , but at the same time , they stayed together.
A fitting end to an awesome story :twilightsmile:

Commence read.

Them sly plans.

Good on you Velvet.

Well damn, that was one bitter sweet ending, but it was everything I could've hoped for and more.

I had a feeling that that was what the last scene was going to result in, but hey what can ya do? This is what I think would happen between me and my brother if he found out I had a foal on the way.

Midnight: Mist, you know mom said that you should really give Ms. Violet a little time to herself

Mist: Hey, the foal is mine, I'm gonna stick around to help raise it. Besides, I'm sure you will be happy to have a little niece or nephew running around.

Midnight: Wait... what?

Mist: Yes... we... did it and now I have more responsibility than any colt my age has ever had to step up to.

Midnight: Ugh... You're lucky you're old enough to get out of the house now, but you're right. I'm sure you'll be a great father.

That's just the conversation I imagine me and my brother having.

Honestly I don't care about the pegasi you threw us in showing up, I just wanna see more of this interpretation of Velvet. Clop, no clop, doesn't matter when, I just found myself falling in platonic love with her characterization.


How the fuck does that happen in a MILF story?

Dude this was amazing. But God damn man u can't leave us hanging like that lol.

...but soon—within a year—she won’t be so lonely anymore.

To restate my comment on the last chapter...

(clears throat)...


By our God.... AMAZING, THIS TALE WAS!!! :pinkiegasp: :pinkiehappy:

What did I do today?

I impregnated best MILF that's what.

... I don't know whether to (manly) squee at the ending of this story, or balkingly gasp at the fact that Velvet made an unwitting pawn of a hormonal teenage pegasus so that she could get pregnant again.

So I'll do both. *SQUEGAASSPEE!??!*

One things for sure, it'll certainly be interesting if feather daddy ever decides to pop in for a visit.

Also, I had a feeling that you'd put a scene of Pegagsus Me eating his own cum with Velvet watching. A lot of people do seem to like it when you eat your own fluids. Well, some of the time anyway.

And ha, that Family Guy reference.

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