• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 3,089 Views, 146 Comments

Apple Loader - shortskirtsandexplosions

Rarity gives Applejack a mechanized apple loader for saving her life. Ponyville is so doomed.

  • ...


"Well, I for one am glad for some peace and serenity for once!" Rarity slapped two halves of a foamy cast onto the table and grinned. "So, while we are here for this most delightful 'Cast Removal Party' that Pinkie Pie has so graciously thrown us, allow me to propose a toast before some unforeseen calamity of metallic nature rudely interrupts us!"

"Awwwwwwwwwwwww shucks, Rarity!" Applejack rolled her eyes inside Sugarcube Corner. "Must you rub it in?! I done gave that thang away for over a week now!"

"I know!" Rarity grinned. "Hence, the toast. Now let's see... ahem." Her facial muscles tightened as she spoke in a serious tone: "'To the mending of ponies—their legs as well as their souls, for both are fragile when it comes to fractures as well as support! But, in the end, it is family and friendship that serve up the best medicine!'"

"Agreed!" Fluttershy smiled.

"Amen!" Twilight lifted her glass.

"I'll drink to anything!" Pinkie Pie grinned. "Even Gummy's eye boogers!"

"And on that wonderful note!" Applejack raised her glass against all of the other girls'. "To havin' fun the healthy way!"

"Here here!"


All five mares took mighty sips and leaned back in their seats, exhaling blissfully.

"Hmmmmmmm..." Pinkie grinned stupidly. "That's some good suds!"

Applejack cleared her throat. "I know that we're here to celebrate Rarity's leg bein' healed n'all—"

"Almost healed," Rarity said with a wink. "Doctor Horse says I should stay off it for at least another week."

"Oh dear..." Fluttershy winced. "How will you be able to get around town?"

"You need not worry!" Rarity grinned. "Sweetie Belle is on rickshaw duty for the time being."

Twilight and Pinkie giggled.

"Heheheh..." Applejack grinned. "Like I was sayin'. I realize now that I was bein' a real big pain in the patooty these last few weeks, and I'm awful sorry." She sighed, staring melancholically at her hoof as she drew invisible circles on the table-top. "Honestly, I am."

"And honestly, we can forgive you!" Twilight said with a smile.

"I appreciate it, Twilight. But how can y'all do that so easily?" Applejack looked up sadly. "After the way I was carryin' on all chaotic-like?" She sighed. "I sure gave Discord the run for his money."

"Applejack, we all realized that—deep down—you were having fun!" Fluttershy said. "Perhaps the first true, real fun you've had in a long time!"

"If ever!" Rarity added.

"But I have plenty'o'fun all the time just by bein' around y'all!" Applejack exclaimed. "Not to mention helpin' y'all around town! And... j-just being there for you when you need a pony you can depend on." She gulped. "Like my family."

"We know that, Applejack," Twilight said. "You're one of the kindest, most thoughtful ponies we know. We all rest easy knowing that you're always willing to be there for us in any scenario."

"It's just that this... well..." Applejack bit her lip. "This apple loader thingy was a different kind of fun. And... I-I reckon it went to my head a lot faster than I was willin' to admit at the time."

"Applejack, it's okay to be a little bit selfish from time to time," Rarity said. "I certainly have experience in that department."

"We know!" three of the girls chanted at once before breaking into a chorus of giggles.

Rarity smirked and rolled her eyes. "Yes, well... There's no problem with indulging in some 'me-time.' It's only when it turns into a calamity for the ponies around you that you need to reassess your priorities."

"Just like we've had to," Twilight said, her lavender face flickering with regret. "When we realized that you were enjoying yourself so much, we hesitated in coming to you with the full truth! We somehow thought that by giving you something you would enjoy more, then you just might get bored of the apple loader and move on!"

"We should have had the wherewithal to know that lavishing you with even more luxury wasn't a way to fix the problem," Rarity said.

"So..." Applejack squirmed slightly. "You ain't sore about me passin' up all them glittery, fancy dresses you made for me?"

"Mmmm..." Rarity took a deep breath, then said through a practiced smile. "Not at a-all!"

"Oh, whew!" Applejack fanned herself. "That's mighy fine!" She rolled her eyes and smiled. "'Cuz I'd much rather hike my way up a volcano than see myself in any of them silly over-laced dishrags! Eh heh heh heh!"

Rarity clenched her teeth as her temple pulsed. "I see..." She clenched her glass to the breaking point. "You are... back to your usual, honest self..."

"Oh Applejack..." Fluttershy spoke up. "I only hope you can forgive us for not respecting you enough to realize that you would make the right decision when you heard the truth." Her ears drooped. "We're sorry."

"Awwwww... no big whoop, sugarcubes." Applejack sipped from her glass as she leaned against the table with a smirk. "To tell the truth, I'm not sure any of y'all would have gotten through to me even if you tried! I was enchanted mighty hard by that there mech-suit." She shuddered. "Yeesh, I hate to admit it, but I still feel goosebumps when I think about all the work around the farm I could have gotten done."

"Well!" Rarity grinned. "It's a good thing you trashed that horrible, animated bench and its gang of cursed miscreants who tried to squash Sweetie Belle and her friends! I imagine that shook the goosebumps clean off!"

"Heh! It sure as sugar did!"

"Say, that reminds me!" Pinkie Pie blinked at the others. "Have any of you girls seen Lyra Heartstrings lately? She seemed really sad all of the sudden..."

"What matters is that everypony at this here table has everythang to be happy for!" Applejack proclaimed, slapping her hoof down. "I ain't ever lettin' something like that apple loader get to my head ever again!"

"Nnnngh..." Rarity winced, stretching her leg. "Easy on the t-table, darling."

"Whoops..." Applejack's freckles swam in a blush. "Sorry..."

"Uhm, forgive me for nuzzling a sore subject, but..." Fluttershy squirmed. "Just where is the apple loader at this point? It's not still in Ponyville, I hope?"

"Heavens, no!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed. "I had Spike wheel it out of town starting the day before yesterday!"

"What?!" Fluttershy gawked. "All by his little self?!"

"Well, it was that or let Applejack help him!" Twilight snickered. "And there's no way in Tartarus we're letting her hear that loader again!"

"Darn tootin'!" Applejack sipped, gulped, and pointed. "Besides! I've been busy as a beaver these last few days! Helpin' around town!"

"That's right!" Twilight nodded. "You've been back to the friendly neighborhood Applejack we all know and love!" She pointed out the window. "Mending the hotel roof!" She pointed out the other window. "Volunteering to sell Octavia's musical instruments!" She pointed at the wall right beside them. "Patching up Sugarcube Corner so that it's good as new!"

SMASSSSSSSSSSSSH! A hole exploded in the wall, showering the party table with chunks of wood and plaster. Fluttershy and Rarity shrieked while Twilight squinted through the mess with a beam of violet magic.

"What... in th-the heck?!" Twilight stammered.

"Hey!" Pinkie bounced. "Rainbow, you're back!"

WHIRRRRRRRRRRR! "You can say that again!" As the smoke cleared, the silhouette of a metal valkyrie came into focus. Rainbow Dash hovered directly outside the shattered eatery, her body clad in a rocket-propelled suit with dual spinning rotary blades. Wreeeee-Chtung! She loaded another rocket into a shoulder mounted launcher, hissing through the vaporous spray of fuel exhaust. "And I'm totally not here for tea and cookies!"

"Rainbow...?!" Twilight coughed and waved away the smoke in front of her fuzzy muzzle. "Where in Equestria did you get that mech suit?!"

"In Stalliongrad!" Rainbow's eyes instantly darted towards Applejack, glinting with menace. "Where I landed!"

"N-now now, Sugarcube..." Applejack backed up nervously, waving a hoof. "Y'all ain't still mad over that lil' st-stunt I helped you with days ago, huh?!"

"No no no no..." Rainbow Dash grinned crookedly. "Not mad at all!" Sch-Sclankkk! She launched a metal cable forward that lasso'd around Applejack's chest.

"Grkkkk!" Applejack wheezed as she was hoisted off the ground.

"I just came here to return the favor!" FWOOOSH! Rainbow Dash ascended past the rooftops above Ponyville with Applejack in tow. "Let's teach you a new trick, AJ! You're going to learn how to buck trees... from the Stratosphere!"

"Con sarn it! I've learned my lesson, Rainbow! Guh! Rainbow, stop!" Flailing, Applejack reached a hoof down towards the hole in Sugarcube Corner. "Rarity! For Celestia's sake! Help me!"

"Sorry, Applejack." Rarity daintily lifted her glass to a pair of smiling lips while she wriggled her leg. "A lady needs to mend from all her wounds." She winked and took a sip. "After all, I'll be busy with the 'dishrags.'"

"Here's the wind-up..." Whirrrrrrrr-Clank! Rainbow pulled Applejack back in the grip of the hover-mech's cable. "...and the pitch!"

"Darn it, Rainbow! No! 'No' means no—!"


Every pony's head in Ponyville turned, watching an orange streak become a tiny speck along the horizon.

"Raiiiiiiiiiiiiiinbowwwwwwww Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaa-aa-ash!" (Ping!)

"Hah!" Rainbow spun in her hoversuit and spat onto the ground below. "Let's see them sell that in Fillydelphia!"

Author's Note:
Comments ( 38 )

There's a fucking machine gun on the top of that machine.


There's a fucking machine gun on the top of that machine.

...Nope...I think it's best to not question it...I'll just read it. It'll hurt less.

What he said.


And it is sooooo right!

~Skeeter The Lurker

Ha! I only wish I could of see the writing process for this one. xD
Did you write the story FIRST and THEN decide to make each chapter spell Apple Loaders Are Magic or did you actually somehow write accidentally enough chapters to spell it? :P

I'm betting on the _____!

Best freaking Apple Pony. Buck yes!

You know, this is teh second time AJ was all covered in metal and kicking ass. ;3

Bahhhhh ahahahahahhahah!

That ending! Rainbow's revenge!



If a bit heavy on the sound effects. Like, goddamn, I do not think you used enough.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Smoker #9 · Sep 26th, 2014 · · 13 ·

Um... Rainbow Dash had wings to save herself while in midair. Applejack doesn't.

3 weeks later, they finally found what was left of the body. They scraped it up, put it in a casket, and had a funeral. Rainbow dash was screaming and crying her eyes out.

The week after that, Rainbow Dash committed suicide.

God i hate Rainbow Dash.

Well, that was an interesting, but fun (and funny) trip.
Dear god, poor Sweetie Belle...*shudder*

Ummm...Rainbow, how's Applejack going to stick that landing without going "splat"?...

"Have any of you girls seen Lyra Heartstrings lately? She seemed really sad all of the sudden..."




~Skeeter The Lurker

I'm trying to figure out how the Feature system works.
Is it when a top-popular story updates?
Because >> i.imgur.com/2SIhIcx.png does have both more views and likes, is it about the word-count? Hmmm...
Also, Apple Loarders Are Magic

Absolutely hilarious, and totally insane in places.

Team Rockets blasting off agaaaaiiiiinnn...:pinkiecrazy:

Rainbow Dash flies east? Hey, Ive seen that somewhere before. :rainbowhuh:

And, why was the loaders like a General Electric Hardiman? Because its built like a tank, impossible to control, trashes everything that gets in its way, and is useful for cleaning up Xenomorphs. :trollestia:

Besides, noone ever notices the top end Stealth suit. :pinkiecrazy:

Does AJ goes ->)SPLAT(<- Somewhere in Philliedelphia?
In Manehatten a strange orange streak was seen splashing down in the Hoovesson river ,Chalk up another first in Equestrian astronautics.:rainbowlaugh::ajsmug:

In other news ,Hero of the Crystal Empire, Spike the Dragon was picked up in mane street sashaying in dishrags after questioning he was arested for crimes agenst fashion along with his master mind, Charges include diaper trafficing:raritystarry::moustache:

FOR SALE USED APPLE HARVESTER low mileage contact Spike at Twilight friendship castle after tour hours.

THAT WAS AWESOME! :rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy::twilightblush::raritystarry::moustache::yay::ajsmug:

Good to see you again

could be a paintball gun! :pinkiecrazy:

Is this the weapon that will surpass Metal Gear? :pinkiecrazy:

5061594 The top seven work off "heat", with heat being a mix of up-votes, view count, and so on and then modified by a time-based factor. So a new story that gets a bunch of feedback in a short period of time can have a higher heat rating than another story that has more overall feedback, but was released earlier (so its heat value has decayed more due to time). You pretty much have to make the box (for those first seven slots) within the first twenty-four hours of release (and often less time than that), or you have no chance (since interest tends to be highest at release).

But even if you don't make the top seven, there's always the bottom three which works on a different formula (and is intended more for multi-chapter stories released over time) and the popular stories box.

5064982 But I once released a story that literally got 120 likes within the first day, it reached top of popular list but not featured xD

5064995 There's a lot of variables at play. A big one is what else has been released around the same time. If the story that popped up right before yours has 125, it might have snagged #7 and left you at #8. Or if one came out twelve hours later and got 80 likes, it is also likely to have bypassed you in terms of heat. On a different day, with different stories released and in the box, you might have made it, but not on the day you did release. There's a "luck" element in that regard. And it isn't just likes, but a variety of other factors.

Also worth noting that how those seven slots works has changed over time. A while back, for example, the restriction that a story had to have at least 4k words to get featured got lifted.

Also, if by "top of the popular list" you mean the Popular Stories box, that means you made the popular stories box and it decided to put you on the top that time. But hit refresh and you'll most likely see a different story on top. Keep hitting refresh and you'll see a bunch of different ones up there. Being at the top of the box doesn't mean you're #8 in terms of heat (since the popular box does not included stories currently in the feature box), in other words. It scrambles them up a bit, to give different stories exposure, as well as to stop it from functioning too similarly to the feature box. And it uses different calculations as well, hence why very old stories can pop up there if they get a new dose of interest for some reason (a sequel, making EQD, a comic version of it released, etc).

I just can't believe Octavia was okay with Applejack working off the debt to her. I mean three hundred thousand bits?! Does she expect Applejack to work for her for the rest of her life?! Also yeah, Applejack would be dead from that.

Okay, yeah. That was a helluva lot of fun. It went by fast, too (despite the fact that I read it in chunks over the course of a few days). Your stories somehow never seem as long as they are. I dunno how you do that.

Lots of laughs and "kaizo" antics (that needs to be an actual, official word, because no other word quite seems to capture what it means), with some surprise d'awws and a good lesson at the end. And then, just for good measure, more kaizo stuff after that.

Anyways, good to see a brand-spanking new story from you.

good ending! I'd be pissed if she'd just gotten away with what she did to rainbow. :trixieshiftleft:

I'm still shocked over the dead bat though.

This story was quite the exercise in onomatopoeia. But I loved it for sure. The antics of a deranged Applejack were hilarious and the ending was warm and fuzzy. Overall an excellent story.

Great job :ajsmug:

Did she died?

Lols cute story! Earned my thumb of approval!

That's actually a pretty solid friendship lesson there, dude. This is one of those stories that plays out like an honest to goodness real episode, barring some spikes in maturity and references. The small chapters also made it a fun and addicting romp.

While I'm not a fan of "slave-driver" Rarity, I can't deny how close you got her bad side. In contrast, you wrote a very three-dimensional Rainbow Dash. Loyal to a fault, but still rough around the edges. Too rare around these parts, I say.

All in all? Nicely done, sugarcube. :ajsmug:

So RD is now Rocket Red? Will AJ get a new suit and be war machine?
The suspense!


Oh, this stuff? It's for the post-diplomacy bonfire. That's why I was heading to the hive.

... To be diplomatic.

... Not to set things on fire.

... Much.

Haha what a great story to read and that ending. Yeah hope aj stick her landing of else will get applesauce

Holy crap, I remember reading this too! Must've been before I registered, but I remember enjoying it. I'll revisit this one sometime.

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