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Matt "MrBackpack" Mxxxxx has finally gotten his life on track; he's got a job that he loves, a good enough home, a beautiful fiance, and a dog. Little does he know that all of that hard work is about to be threatened by the presence of a very confused and very naked young woman appearing in his fudge-smelling Texas backyard.

Part of the PonyFall Collaboration series

Chapters (14)

After a rather disappointing battle with Discord, Applejack ends up on Earth and is found by a funny-looking brony named Garrett. Trials and tribulations may occur, but the question is: can she get back to her friends and find a way back home?

Chapters (11)

It was another one of those days. You know the type... the kind where an omnipotent tomfool decides to invade your town and turn everything topsy-turvy. Rarity and her friends thought they would just have to break out the Elements of Harmony once again to take Discord down and bring back some normalcy. But when a shockwave of mysterious energy sends her to a world she's never known, twisting her perception of reality right down to her very body, she's going to need a lot more than some magic jewelry to bring any sense of normality back to her life.

It was another one of those days. You know the type... the kind where you have no obligations or responsibilities and the lack of things to do is just driving you insane with boredom. Will thought that he'd just spend another lazy day watching cartoons and playing video games and putting off getting a job some more. But when a mysterious girl with purple hair drops out of nowhere in front of his moving car, he's going to get a lot more than he bargained for when he learns that things previously thought to be fantasy may be more real than he ever imagined. And it's going to take a lot more than a trip to the psychiatrist's couch to bring any sense of normality back to his life.

A part of the PonyFall collab

Chapters (15)

Cenes Hallern has seen better days. Jobless, carless, moneyless, overweight, and now a hermit, he isn't in the best of shape. Will the arrival of the princess of the night help turn his life around?
Previously part of Ponyfall, now an independent fic. Please read before insta-down voting, because doing that helps no one. If you have a specific concern with it, talk to me in the comments. I very much welcome constructive criticism. Emphasis on constructive.

This might get a revamp. After a lot of self forgiveness, I look back at it and wonder how people who read it see me. For future reference, I am much less of a nutter than I portray myself here. (at least I hope so >_>)

Chapters (3)

After some pressure from her sister, Princess Luna decides to join up for a dating website in order to meet a nice pony and settle down. Who she finds, however, has more in common with her than you would think.

Teen for sexual themes and a bit of adult humour.

Contains a large portion of ridiculousness and shenanigans. Caution is advised.

Artwork by the wonderfully talented dishwasher1910 on DeviantArt.


If you like this story and would like to support me, click here: Tip Jar!

Chapters (15)

Have you ever wanted to ask Pinkie Pie anything? Well, now is your chance! The master of randomness, slayer of physics, and Element of Laughter herself breaks the fourth wall so that you, the reader, may inquire (almost) anything of her!

This is a one-shot I wanted to do.
Pinkie made me do this.

Chapters (1)

Immortality doesn't just mean losing every pony close to you. It also means watching the world crumble to dust.

Featured on Equestria Daily June 16th, 2012.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Trixie's Gettin' Back On Her Hooves

NOTE: This is canon with "Getting Back On Your Hooves/Trixie's Getting Back On Her Hooves"

After Winona has a run in with a skunk, Applejack does the natural thing and takes her to Fluttershy to be cleaned up. However, while taking care of the poor collie, Fluttershy realizes something; she doesn't know how Applejack got Winona in the first place. Curiosity gets the best of the timid pegasus and she asks. What she discovers not only reveals a lot about the little dog, but about Applejack as well.

Now curious as to what her other friend's pets mean to them, Fluttershy wonders about how Pinkie Pie and Rarity got their perfect companions as well.

Thanks to Moonstruck-badger on Deviantart for the cover pic and pics for chapters one, two, and four! Thanks to Pony Pocky317 for the pic for chapter 3!

Trope Page http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/PerfectCompanions

Chapters (5)

This is a realistic view on how shipping would actually happen in the show. Almost every pony has been shipped with everypony else, but this is what would actually happen if two ponies ever attempted at a relationship.


No offense to any shippers, even though you shouldn't take any. If anypony would like to see any other shippings done on this fic, just leave a comment. Maybe I'll write it if I feel like it.

Chapters (12)