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"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains, and is immortal."
~Albert Pike

A seriously heartfelt thank you to Unimpressive Vagaries for pre-reading and ripping my story apart to legibility, and to Kapuchu for general support.

Chapters (1)

Rarity orders a collection of gems from the crystal empire to give her new designs that little bit extra. Included in the shipment is a magnificent ruby that is far more than what it seems. After the gem reveals that it has inherent magical properties, Rarity and the rest of the Elements of Harmony are pulled into an adventure complete with living mannequins, the Mirror Pool, life and death struggles in the Crystal Empire, and a budding romance between two of the most unlikely of ponies.

(Winner of the Crack Ships Inc. June write off contest.)

Chapters (6)

The world is full of life, full of light. Yet all life must end, all light has shadows. The world is a place of contrast. These exist naturally, and cannot be stopped. Yet there are those who embrace the shadows, who hate the light. There are those who have abandoned life, and made death their mission.

In the world of peace that Aurus Marz, new king of the changeling nation, seeks to create, these creatures have no place. Yet they cannot be easily stopped. The darkness that rebels against the light of his vision of a bright future will prove a strong adversary.

When assassins come again for the young king and his many ambassadors, it will fall to one of their own to rise against them, and bring them to justice.

This is the legitimate direct sequel to Visionary.

Chapters (4)

For almost a year now, Trixie has been sending letters to Twilight. The only problem is, Twilight hasn't gotten a single one... until today. But now that she has, Twilight is left with more questions than she knows how to answer. Fortunately, she has a plan. Unfortunately, she doesn't know if that plan will work.

Featured on Equestria Daily
Reading by: WhoLandon
Reading by: PonyFicsOutLoud

Chapters (40)

"One day, I swear to you, I will stand in the ashes of the Elements of Harmony themselves and proclaim a new world." -Starswirl the Bearded.

This is the story of Princess Celestia: her origin, the battles she fought, her betrayals, her adventures, the friends she made along the way, her one great love, and her ultimate destiny.

Now on Equestria Daily!

[Thanks to _Medicshy for his faithful editing and input. And to Heliostorm as of chapter 13.]

[Cover image by tamponandtwilaloop on deviantart, used by permission.]

Warning: updates irregularly lately.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Ascend

Congratulations, Twilight. With Celestia and Luna on their constitutionally mandated vacation, you're in charge of Equestria. The position of Regent is an honored and hallowed one. But maybe it's a bit early to congratulate you. After all, whether it's a nobility jealous of your ascension, or a military unhappy with Celestia's decisions; one thing's certain: your reign will be anything but peaceful.

Chapters (5)

Love comes in many forms: love for your family, your friends, your country, and your people. Twilight Sparkle has experienced it all, except one kind. True love, the love you stake the rest of your life on. As the royal wedding of her dear friends draws nearer, she begins to feel the desire for a love of her own.

Troubled and lonely from the newly-revealed gap in her life, she discovers that sometimes love is found in the strangest of places.

Takes place in the years after the epilogue of Visionary. Special thanks to _Medicshy for his editing and feedback on each chapter!

Chapters (16)

Older Chapters now being edited by DerpyDash2131
When Canterlot has to be evacuated for a week Twilight offers her parents a place to stay.
Trouble is, while Twilight is a grown up, independent pony who has saved the world (At least three times) Her parents still treat her like she's a filly.
Her father is going through a mid-life crisis.
And her mother is trying to set her up with every single stallion in Equestria.

This is going to be a LONG week.

Chapters (10)

A famed thief is hired to pull off the heist of a lifetime but when one hitch in the plan happens and he's captured, his captors decide to use him as a test subject. A flash of light later, he finds himself stuck in a world full of bright, colorful ponies. Can he adapt to this strange land or will his inability to trust destroy this new world, as well as himself?

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Song of Whispers

It wasn't enough for the Cutie Mark Crusaders to simply find their Cutie Marks and call it quits, and all it took was one fateful day in their clubhouse with Spike and Ruby Pinch to set into motion a chain of events that would turn their simple lives upside down. Crushes are formed, friendships are tested, and will Spike ever get to kiss Sweetie Belle? Let the passion of young love burn free.

Credit for the pic goes to smlahyee of DeviantArt. Special thanks to OminousBrony and MagicalTrevor.

Chapters (24)