Favorite stories written by the most excellent Cold in Gardez.
Estee's stories, especially the Triptych Continuum.
Stories by GhostOfHeraclitus
The inventive awesomeness of Kris Overstreet.
Favorite Stories about Love, Romance, and Relationships (Complete or Close to it)
Stories that have an intense emotional or cognitive impact.
Well-written stories, all the fun, hold the gravitas. This is not a bad thing at all: I love these stories. :)
Monsters! What else? Yes this is the name of a Culture ship, too. I don't make these up, I only pick them.
Favorite stories that realistically have zero promise of being updated before the heat death of the universe (an optimistic appraisal).
These are the stranger things that happened.
A Must Read It Later List
Philosophy & Ponies! AKA How I Learned to Play with Twilight's Head
Ponies on Earth, Humans in Equestria, and maybe some crossovers if I can squeeze them in.
Complete stories I enjoyed
Horror, Terror, Tragedy. A bit dark.
Stories I've Edited or Written For (as Southpaw or WolfeTrax)