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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


What better way to spend a snowy day than making a carrot casserole and cinnamon applesauce cookies? When the pantry offers no applesauce, it’s up to one filly to make the journey through the snow to get it.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 68 )

Chapter 1?!

Nice you give noi some attention!

This story reminded me of a Sunday comic called Family Circus, in the comic the little boy Billy is asked to do something and he goes on a long zigzagging journey to get it done. I imagine Noi did the same thing here.

Also, I couldn't help but notice that this story was a little hard to read in places. I am guessing that some of this was intentional on account of Noi being the narrator. I think it was a wonderful idea but maybe dial it down a teensy bit next time.

I look forward to seeing the recipes being a hobbyist baker myself.

Cute Noi has an Adventure story. And I knew it was slice of life, but I still felt tense for her the entire time. :twilightsmile:

D'awww :twilightsmile:

Adorable, and heartwarming as heck! So... Carrot Cake is the (much older) brother of Golden Harvest and Noi?

(Two proofreading nitpicks - there's a "nave" instead of "never", and "in the feature" instead of "in the future".)

I can't get over the fact that the story picture shows the uncovered backside of a child. I'm sorry if this bugs you, but I feel this must be noted.

So your the reason. Thought l was going mad after reading the story and coming back to its main page only to find a different cover art.

Didn't even notice just saw that admiral submitted a new fic. They are always wholesome so l go out of my way to read them.

"It's hard to think outside of yourself"

Isn't that the truth!

As soon as I read the description I was like yep this is a biscuit story

11134127 Oh good grief. There was nothing wrong with the previous cover, except what apparently went through your mind. You might not want to (re?)-watch any episode in the show or the movies, as there are plenty of butts. Including foals.

I can appreciate sensitivity to this subject, as there's no time or place for child exploitation anywhere. But that image was as asexual as it could possibly be, unless you have a hypersensitive response to a generic, asexual image...

Comment posted by Fireheart 1945 deleted Jan 27th, 2022

Very cute (in a positive way, not a patronizing way) story about a child's adventure. Is Noi's name from Noi Thai cuisine? I'm not sure it pertains to food otherwise (I'm not familiar with the series this story belongs to).

And.. sorry about causing any trouble. I didn't mean to cause any, I was worried there might be something wrong, but having read the story, there isn't. It's just a cute, slice of life, food/child's little adventure story. This was the wrong way to bring up my concerns.

Noi is cute and underappreciated.

“And the nonyons. I remember there’s sweet nonyons and bity nonyons.”

Hmm, that may be overly cute.

Noi hesitated at the door, thinking about the Daring Do novel she’d read where Daring had flown serum through a snowstorm to needy ponies in Gnome.

And they all wore pointy red hats. :twilightsmile:

Just a few corrections.

who had tried to hid the route from her


sandy sunny stretched when the sun shone


there was a little better left over


“Dessert?” Noi started wagging her tail. “I love dessert. What should we make?”

Aww, adorable filly waging her tail is even cuter. :heart:

The kitchen was warm and cozy, safe even from the occasional gusts of wind that rattled the windows. Noi nuzzled her big sister and then went back to watching the oven, ready to pull the tray of cookies out when it was time.

Goodness this is just what I needed today. Absolutely wholesome, through and through.

Of only one, I’m afraid.

Still, if you need more of Noi being absolutely adorable, I’ve got you covered:

EPlaying in the Park
Golden Harvest takes Noi to the park to burn off some extra energy. After a dip in a puddle, and a rousing game of Settlers and Buffalo, Noi is a filly in serious need of a bath. Only problem is she hates bathing.
Admiral Biscuit · 3.1k words  ·  151  2 · 1.9k views
ENightmare Night Sleepover
Trick or treating is over, and Noi, Berry Pinch, and Dinky have sorted through their candy. What's left but to cuddle up under a blanket together and tell scary stories?
Admiral Biscuit · 2k words  ·  84  2 · 1.8k views
TPrompt-A-Day Collection IV: Prompt Master
A collection of even more stories from the Prompt-A-Day group's prompts
Admiral Biscuit · 1.4k words  ·  54  3 · 1.7k views

Noi is adorable and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise.



This story reminded me of a Sunday comic called Family Circus, in the comic the little boy Billy is asked to do something and he goes on a long zigzagging journey to get it done. I imagine Noi did the same thing here.

I remember those! And you’re right in noting that she didn’t exactly take the straightest, most-direct path to Sweet Apple Acres (or back); she’s a filly on an adventure and of course she’s got to explore the things of interest while still staying on-task enough to get the applesauce for the cookies she wants.

Also, I couldn't help but notice that this story was a little hard to read in places. I am guessing that some of this was intentional on account of Noi being the narrator. I think it was a wonderful idea but maybe dial it down a teensy bit next time.

That’s a fair complaint. There’s a lot of it that is told from Noi’s point of view, and she’s not the most reliable narrator. Also there’s more than the usual numbers of typos ‘cause I sent this one out without pre-readers :rainbowlaugh:

I look forward to seeing the recipes being a hobbyist baker myself.

I got one for carrot casserole and another one for cinnamon applesauce cookies. Never tried them myself; I’m more of a ‘when the smoke detector goes off it’s cooked’ kind of chef.


Cute Noi has an Adventure story. And I knew it was slice of life, but I still felt tense for her the entire time. :twilightsmile:


Cute filly has an adventure stories are the best kind of stories, even if the adventure is largely in their head.

Adorable, and heartwarming as heck!
Thank you! :heart:

So... Carrot Cake is the (much older) brother of Golden Harvest and Noi?

Yes, indeed. It makes a lot of sense that he would be, although as far as I know canon does not confirm (or deny) it.

He’s probably not all that much older than Golden Harvest, maybe four or five years older? Guessing pony ages is a dangerous sport :rainbowlaugh:

(Two proofreading nitpicks - there's a "nave" instead of "never", and "in the feature" instead of "in the future".)

Fixed, thank you!

the Daring Do novel she’d read where Daring had flown serum through a snowstorm to needy ponies in Gnome.

Yearling, you forgot to mention your diamond dog assistants Balto and Togo!


Didn't even notice just saw that admiral submitted a new fic. They are always wholesome so l go out of my way to read them.

I can’t claim that all my fics are wholesome, but the majority of them are.


"It's hard to think outside of yourself"
Isn't that the truth!

If you take nothing else from this story, that’s a good lesson. Noi is learning how to be an adult even when she doesn’t think she is.


As soon as I read the description I was like yep this is a biscuit story

Nothing wrong with being predictable. As often as not I can tell from the title alone if it’s something you wrote, too :heart:
(Also the coverart, and thank you for teaching me the ‘not salmon’ tag.)

Agreed on both counts. Really, a lot of the background fillies and colts are . . . I think it was last Christmas I got to write a fic with Lily Longsocks as a Secret Santa fic, and that was a lot of fun; until then I’d never really considered anything about her.

I honestly should write more fics with background fillies and colts, since most of them are absolutely adorable.



Hmm, that may be overly cute.

Only a little :heart:

And they all wore pointy red hats. :twilightsmile:

Of course they did. When in Gnome, dress like a Gnoman.

In canon, Noi’s worn a pointy princess hat! It’s not red, though:

Just a few corrections.

Fixed, thank you!


Aww, adorable filly waging her tail is even cuter. :heart:

It really is. Dangerous levels of cuteness, I’d wager.


Goodness this is just what I needed today.


Absolutely wholesome, through and through.

Thank you!


Is Noi's name from Noi Thai cuisine? I'm not sure it pertains to food otherwise (I'm not familiar with the series this story belongs to).

I have no idea how she got her name (it’s not official). I do know some of the placeholder names were voted on by the community, and I’d guess she got her name from there.

And.. sorry about causing any trouble. I didn't mean to cause any, I was worried there might be something wrong, but having read the story, there isn't. It's just a cute, slice of life, food/child's little adventure story. This was the wrong way to bring up my concerns.

I do understand your concern, and as I’m sure you’ve noticed I did change the coverart lest somebody make the wrong assumption. I’m open to further discussion via PM if you want.

Agreed! Now you make me feel guilty

weird-ass tags are one of my favorite easter eggs on derpibooru, for example what I happen to have up currently, which is Biblically Accurate Angel Bunny XD derpicdn.net/img/2021/6/17/2637452/large.jpg
(lol of course FoME) is there in the picture comments

Well tell Carrot Top that I'd love to swap notes/recipes on baking/cooking if she's interested.

Today at work my boss had me decorate a standard sheet cake for some event tonight and when I got home I was informed that I HAD to make a chocolate cake. So yeah, two cakes in one day. Hopefully my boss will have more going on that I can flex my skills and creativity, I don't mind line-service or other duties, but it was a nice change of pace tbh.

I misread the title as "The Great Applesauce Explosion," and was confused at first. Cute and sweet.

Through the Ice, The Mares of Diomedes, to name two

And then you have the fic that gave me back my will to life, Silver Glow's Journal.


I didn't know there were red hats for the original iditarod.

edit. Oh, it was a Gnome joke. Took me a moment.

Were red hats associated with gnomes prior to the 80s cartoon? I'm pretty sure David the Gnome invented that.

This was great story, so full of the imagination and wonder of childhood. I’ve always liked Noi and it was nice to see you bring her character out and expand on her backstory.

I think many of us that write (or try to, in my case!) still have that sense of wanderlust and adventure in our minds. You see an extraordinary tale in the everyday details and ordinary events of a day. Thank you for keeping that spirit of awe and inspiration alive for us to remember.

Well, David the Gnome was based on the book Gnomes (1976) by writer Wil Huygen and artist Rien Poortvliet. The book was originally published in Dutch and translated to English. The English word gnome is a translation of the Dutch word kabouter.

"Kabouters are tiny people who live underground, in a hill for instance. (In modern children's stories they live in mushrooms.) They are also spirits who help in the home. The males have long, full beards and wear tall, pointed red hats."


⸘Chapter # 1‽

And then, Cookie Monster!


Yearling, you forgot to mention your diamond dog assistants Balto and Togo!

I was going to mention sled dogs, but it didn’t make a lot of sense when a pegasus was involved.


weird-ass tags are one of my favorite easter eggs on derpibooru,

That is amusing. I’ve found a couple of odd ones, one being “implied expensive imported oats.”


Today at work my boss had me decorate a standard sheet cake for some event tonight and when I got home I was informed that I HAD to make a chocolate cake. So yeah, two cakes in one day. Hopefully my boss will have more going on that I can flex my skills and creativity, I don't mind line-service or other duties, but it was a nice change of pace tbh.

I’ve never baked two cakes in one day. Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever baked a cake. Brownies and cookies, yes.

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