• Member Since 30th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I like mares and stories about mares.


Comments ( 67 )

This was lovely. A whirlwind romance of two very loveably little ponies of different worlds, finding connection both personal and emotional, and fucking each other silly. Thank you for writing it.

A cute story, and congrats on your first! Sure hope you continue! :twilightsmile:

I came for the fish puns. And then I came to the fish puss.

10/10 would recommend.


Cute and adorable.

Absolutely fantastic! Loved every second of it.
Nice splitting it in two parts, so most can enjoy.

Looking forward seeing more stories from you!

Miss a space:

thighs.He wished

wetStar Point

Flowing already had an indignant pout by time it reached the gunnel

I know this sounds insane, but i swear it's spelled 'gunwhale'. :twilightsheepish:

English! The language that always makes sense. :facehoof:

It makes sense in the sense that it makes no sense at all :twilightblush:

Was a last minute choice on my part, but I know not everyone's into clop and I felt the first part was fine as a SoL without it, so.

Wow, surprised to see you here. Thanks!

I loled. Quality comment.


finding connection both personal and emotional, and fucking each other silly.

Latter is usually better with the former :twilightsheepish: Thank you.

Thanks a bunch. Sick reply digits btw

Amazing story! :pinkiehappy: I can't wait for a sequel :yay:

Ooo, this looks neat.

This was really great! Snarky seahorse meets nervous dork who spends most of his time alone (I can relate to him :twilightblush:). And the sex was quite a bit fluffier than the stuff you normally see on this website, so it didn't break from the tone of the rest of the fic. Smut for the soul, so to speak!

I will eagerly await your next catch. :yay:

Would love to see a sequel after the Storm King's defeat

And that's how I met your mother

Sex wiithout emotions and a connecting is like rape with consent.

>> 11396969
Your first comment's ID.

I'm mature, I swear

*click* Noice

Seroously though, cute af story! I love pairings like this that aren't just '[insert character from show] x random pony'

Again, great story! The personalities were lots of fun :)

I would read more about these two in a heartbeat. Absolutely adored this piece!

Same, I'd love to see more of these two!

Shocked I didn't notice lol, I just ignore the actual numbers at this point :rainbowlaugh:

Cute, romantic, and lewd af.

Love to see it. :)

> The splash was enormous, and she hit the sun-warmed seawater

> undoubtedly strange creature lounging on the deck, in the rain-water from the night before.

Uh… one of these thing is not like the other.

10/10 would fish in this spot again.

Seriously, though good fluffy story! Even the lewd parts were nice and fluffy. Earned a spot on my favorites.

Nice, cute story.

Fun, feel-good interspecies clop. And seaponies seem pretty under-used for sexy stuff, too. Nice!

The reason this stuff happens is that English is a kleptomaniac hoarder. It steals from other languages and sometimes retains their original rules, creating bull:yay: crazy stuff like this.


memorable characters, adorable interaction, oh my god this is the kind of smut we need more of

also the NET?!?!?!?! FUCK YEAH

You're too kind. Thank you very much.

Man, I've seen this poem about a dozen times and it still manages to get a chuckle out of me every single time.

Couldn't agree more, the impetus of this fic was me getting tired of waiting on fish smut and just going media.tenor.com/vCqpL7x4sPUAAAAC/thanos-fine-ill-do-it-myself.gif

I had a lot of fun writing them. I wouldn't write off the possibility of my returning to them some point later, though it'd probably be in a more plot-heavy, romantic-adventure context.

Really grateful you're interested in seeing more.

:moustache: What? No tartar sauce?
:twilightoops: Spike!
:moustache: I smell like Rarity :raritystarry: Sweet like a rose?
:moustache: No, More like a fish :raritycry:
:facehoof: You're so dead
:ajsmug: He ain't lying
:moustache: Could of said , Like a wet dog :rainbowlaugh:

I just finished chapter 1 and I gotta say, for a first story here? This is fuckin' great, you made these characters really likeable without rushing into any of the hoof holding. Just letting them grow close, really like that. I seriously think you'd get big if you kept this quality and more no matter the stories you'd make.

A gosh darn great story! Cant wait for more epic interspecies stories from ya!!!

Thank you. I've been writing for awhile, but this is my first endeavor into smut. Either way, I'm really glad you liked it!

More to follow for sure! Interspecies play is hot, yes, but on top of that it's also just a fun way of exploring the worldbuilding of FiM.

11398995 It could have rained overnight, into the early hours of the morning, and then the clouds passed and the day started out sunny.

oh my god! Oh my god! Someone capitalized on this!

I saw this picture years ago and was inclined by how cute and hot it was to write my own take on it. I was a poor writer back then and didn't do it nearly as much justice as it deserved- I'm so happy a better writer than me can give it the story it deserves.

Thank you thank you thank you!!

This was my intention--a sort of nod towards how unpredictable maritime weather is--but in retrospect I think I could have communicated it better in less contradictory terms.

Ah, so I'm not the first! It's a great picture, and your take on it was just as cute!

You did a fairly good job with this one. I always keep an eye out for unique stories or odd pairings, things that don't make someone wince or go "ew" as well. Fortunately, this story passed all those hurdles with no problem.

I wasn't sure what to expect, since this story had shown up in my feed several times. But sitting down to read it, I was pleasantly surprised. You ran with a concept that I've rarely seen folks try to do, and did very well with it. You presented both characters with just that right mix of backstory to give them a foundation, characterization to feel alive, and even a spark of interest between them that felt genuine and not forced or obligated. I particularly found it charming how they seemed to be two wayward souls who found each other by sheer chance, and it worked out for the best.

The sex was fairly well done too. You actually accounted for something I was watching out for, namely to see how seaponies/sea-beings approached sex and regular aspects of it we land-walkers take as commonplace. The explanation was kept simple, and that worked very much to your benefit. Really, my only regret is that they didn't get to do more beyond some foreplay and the main act. But in fairness, that suits this story's pacing very well. I didn't end it feeling dissatisfied; rather, I felt impressed and hoping to see more down the line.

Job well done! Keep up the great work!

well i hope to see some griffons!

we birbs need more stories!

Gilda is really high up on characters that I want to write about, so I'm sure it'll happen eventually.

Thank you very much for your high praise. I'm in untreaded waters(!) writing clop, so reading your comment was a nice relief for me.

I have to say, they're gonna be a very happy pair after the movie ends


It could be rainwater that started to accumulate over several days while he was out at sea. Or even before going out to catch fish

The first chapter of this story. For being your first on the site is superb quality and flows exceptionally smoothly. However. There is a section of the quoted sentence where I find it considerably unclear which one is speaking, highlighted in This colour:

“Handsome, and a sweet-talker.” She smirked. “I think maybe I caught the lucky catch. Y’know, my ma said that my second cousin twice removed had Siren in her bloodline. I just never believed her.”

idk it's pretty obvious it's being said by the seapony

Adorable and cute.

That's it? Awwww... There's not nearly enough cute seapony sexual shenaniganry 'round these parts.

I hope you consider doing more; there's so much potential in exploring seapony customs, habits, and desires. I'm sure, like Star, we'd all be happily along for the ride.

I've had enough people express interest (and I have enough interest myself) in seeing more Flowing and Star in the future that it's pretty much a guarantee that I'll write more of them. It'll probably be a bit more conceptual, though, with more of an overarching plot. And likely less of a clopfic compared to this one, though I'll probably include a few skippable smut scenes. Think of it like a novella length, erotic adventure story.

Not even gonna give an ETA on a continuation though because I have other projects half in the oven I want to get through before starting anything new. I'm glad you enjoyed though, and thanks for the comment!

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