• Published 29th Apr 2013
  • 24,394 Views, 1,355 Comments

Spellbound Fireflies - bats

Rainbow Dash teaches a preteen Scootaloo how to fly, strengthening their bonds, both to each other and the ponies around them. A story about love, family, and growing up.

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Pinkie Pie bounded tirelessly through the park, scooping up fallen streamers in her mouth, folding and stacking chairs with effortless kicks, and collecting fallen plates and napkins on her back. The few party guests left were in the slow and directionless conversations of incredibly drunk ponies, preparing to leave but unsure exactly how to get their hooves to work just yet. Applejack had already left for the night after cleaning up the catering, and Fluttershy had to be told to go home after falling asleep on Pinkie’s shoulder. Rarity followed behind Pinkie, floating everything together in neat piles.

Twilight and Rainbow attempted to help, but found themselves slightly too stumbly to actually get anything done. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle accomplished more, half-heartedly picking up the stray bit of garbage.

Rarity shoved a large, lumpy ball of plates and cups into a bin, sighing in satisfaction. She trotted up to the couple, both lost in some unfollowable train of drunken giggles. “I think we’re almost done with the clean-up, you two. I think it’s safe for you to head home.”

Rainbow shook her head to clear her vision. “You sure, Rares? We said we’d help…”

“You have been a wonderful help already, I assure you,” Rarity said, eyeing the single chair they had been struggling to fold up for several minutes, “But Pinkie and I have everything covered. Go home! This is your party anyway, you shouldn’t have to clean it up.” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle threw away their small loads of trash and turned to the three mares, unsure whether to continue cleaning or get ready to leave. Rarity frowned thoughtfully and dropped her voice. “Are you sure you want to take Sweetie for the night? You both have been drinking a bit heavily this evening.”

Rainbow scoffed, batting a hoof dismissively. “She’ll be fine. Those two never get into trouble. An’ I’m soberin’ up, anyway.”

Rarity looked unconvinced, but nodded gently. She darted her eyes around and leaned in, whispering, “They aren’t behaving because they’re misbehaving, if you catch my meaning, are they?”

Twilight’s eyes went wide as Rainbow snorted loudly, covering her mouth to contain her laughter. Twilight cleared her throat and briskly answered, “Absolutely not. They’re still in that puppy love stage. I, uh…” her face grew red, “I don’t think they’d know what to do, even if the thought had crossed their minds.”

“Yeah, Rarity,” Rainbow giggled, “What kinda house do you think we’re runnin’ here?”

Clearing her throat and straightening her mane, Rarity muttered, “Yes, well, they are both rather responsible, aren’t they? If Sweetie Belle won’t be any trouble…”

Scootaloo approached, raising an eyebrow. “What’re you guys talkin’ about?”

“Nothing!” Rarity chimed, turning back towards the remaining clean-up job. “Have a pleasant even—err, night, girls. I’ll see you in the morning, Sweetie, dear.”

“Night, sis!” Sweetie Belle called, falling in next to Scootaloo as they headed for the path back to town. Rainbow and Twilight took a stumbling lead, leaning against each other and giggling. Rainbow’s wing spread across Twilight’s back, rumpling her dress as they cantered.

“So, Scoots,” Rainbow called, slightly louder than necessary, “Didn’t get too bored, right?”

“Nah, it was fun,” she smirked, “It was cool to see everypony…” As they walked, Scootaloo’s smile fell and her eyes grew introspective. “…I didn’t see the Takers, though,” she murmured quietly.

Rainbow and Twilight straightened in their walk, some of the haze of alcohol tearing away from their minds. Twilight spoke evenly and controlled. “Well, they both sent a card and a gift ahead of time.”

Scootaloo grunted noncommittally.

Rainbow tentatively asked, “Would…did you want to see them?”

Shrugging, Scootaloo sighed. “I don’t know.”

Rainbow turned to Twilight in their close walk and a silent conversation passed across their eyes. They both nodded in tandem. Twilight turned back and smiled wanly at the fillies. “Let’s get home. How does some hot chocolate and another chapter of Daring Do and the Spear of the Windigos sound?”

Scootaloo nodded vigorously, before catching her fillyfriend’s blank expression. She smiled and murmured, “Mom’s been reading it out loud to me and mom sometimes.” Sweetie Belle smirked in amusement, rolling her eyes at Scootaloo’s sentence that somehow made perfect sense and no sense at all at the same time. Scootaloo leaned in and dropped her voice further. “Don’t laugh, she’s funny about it enough. She’s really good, though. You feel like you’re there.”

Sweetie Belle bit her lip and shook her head, but said nothing. They passed Town Square in silence, the soft clack of eight sets of hooves their only background noise. As they closed in on the library, Twilight opened the door in front of them and stepped forward, but Rainbow’s wing tightened and halted her progress. She turned to Rainbow with a confused expression. She grew more bewildered at her wife’s playful smile.

In a flash, Twilight was swept off the ground and onto her back, held effortlessly in Rainbow’s forelegs, flying a foot in the air. Rainbow smirked wickedly. “Gotta carry you over the threshold; it’s the rule.”

Twilight giggled and wrapped her hooves around her wife’s neck, nuzzling into the mare’s cheek. Rainbow floated gently through the door and set down noiselessly on her back legs, holding Twilight close. Twilight pulled back slowly and their eyes met.

Rainbow kissed her wife for all she was worth.

Sweetie Belle leaned close to Scootaloo and teasingly whispered, “Still wanna copy your mom?”

Scootaloo turned crimson.

Setting Twilight back on her hooves, Rainbow nuzzled her wife again. “Welcome home, Mrs. Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight chuckled. “I’ll make some coffee, Mrs. Rainbow Dash.” She stepped back and muttered, “First I’m getting this dress off.”

As Twilight cantered to the kitchen, magic lifting and unzipping the garment as she moved, Rainbow eyed the desk and cleared her throat. “Hey, Scoots…” As her daughter approached, she opened her drawer, pushing her journals aside. She turned to the filly, her eyes set serious and tentative. “Let’s go up to your room for a minute…” Rainbow pulled the envelope from the drawer and tucked it under her wing. “…I got somethin’ to give ya.”

Scootaloo frowned in puzzlement and looked back at her fillyfriend. “Can Sweetie come?”

Shrugging, Rainbow headed slowly to the stairs. “It’s nothin’ bad, but it might be somethin’ you wanna keep private. Up to you.”

Sweetie Belle shrugged silently, offering Scootaloo to go on without her with a wave of her leg. Scootaloo shook her head and turned towards the stairs, beckoning the little unicorn with a flick of her tail.

Rainbow sat on the edge of Scootaloo’s rumpled bed, patting for her daughter to join her. When she spoke, her voice was low. “…When me and Twi’ took you home for the first time…” she opened her wing, dropping the letter into her hooves, “…Mrs. Taker asked us to give you this when you were ready. I haven’t read it…I think you’re old enough, you deserve to read it all on your own if you want to. And I think you’re ready for it now.” She reverently placed it in Scootaloo’s hooves and stood. “I’ll be downstairs if you wanna talk about it. But…that’s yours, an’ you can do whatever you want with it now.”

Rainbow bent low and kissed Scootaloo on the brow. She whispered, “I know you were really angry at her for a long time, an’ you had every right to be. But she’s just a pony, and ponies make mistakes. If you’re still angry, don’t do anythin’ with that that you can’t take back, okay?”

Scootaloo nodded slowly, her eyes glued on the letter in her hooves. “…I’m still a little angry.”

Rainbow hugged her daughter gently and kissed her brow again. “Me too.” She stood back and smiled sadly. “I’ll see ya downstairs.” She turned and left the room, shutting the door with a gentle click.

Sweetie Belle glanced around Scootaloo’s messy room, from the overstuffed bookshelves, to the clothes and sport equipment all over the floor, to the overflowing desk, trying to find something to focus on. Frowning, she cleared her throat. “Do you, uhh…d’you want me to go downstairs?”

Scootaloo shook her head resolutely and pulled her fillyfriend close, resting her head in Sweetie’s mane. She took a deep breath and pulled open the back of the envelope, sliding the letter out and laying it flat in her lap.

Dear Scootaloo,

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry I didn’t see that you were growing up. I’m sorry I got so wrapped up in what I normally see, the types of fillies and colts I normally take care of, to notice. When a pony gets old enough, they start falling into patterns, and I fell into one a long time ago.

You’re a smart filly, so I won’t talk down to you in this letter, like I did for so long. You deserve to know this, even if it can’t change anything now. I’m sure you remember some of the other foals that lived in my house with us over the years. Sometimes they were older than you, most of the time they were younger, but all of them came into your life and left quickly. I doubt you ever thought of them as your brothers or sisters, they were just other fillies and colts that lived in the same house.

At some point, that’s what they were to me, too.

It’s hard to be asked to open your heart up to a filly when you know a new mom and dad family is waiting for them, waiting to take them home and give them a new life. I took care of all of you, knowing someday you’d leave and find a home.

But as time went on, your home never came. You’re such a smart and happy filly, I don’t know why it took as long as it did. Maybe the fates saw Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle and knew you belonged with them, and made life take a little longer than normal, just so you ended up where you were supposed to end up. I like that idea, and even if it isn’t true, I’m going to choose to believe it. Because a filly as wonderful as you deserves that to be true.

I forgot, Scootaloo. Now, I can’t believe that I did, but I did. I missed how long it had been, how long you’d been in my house, not as a foal passing through, but as a growing mare: somepony figuring out her place in the world and needing help and guidance to get there. For so long, I was never a mother to you, just a guardian, a name on a piece of paper to make sure you were looked after. I forgot that sometimes I needed to be more than that, and that as you got older what you needed wasn’t a guardian. You needed a mom. I could have been that for you if I noticed, but by the time I did, I think I was already too late. I had already hurt you.

I didn’t know what to say. I still don’t, not really, but maybe writing it down will get it out right. I don’t know how to express the idea that I had been blind to you, to who you are when you were right in front of me, hurting and looking for somepony to be there. I failed you, Scootaloo. I failed you, and I was too much of a coward to try and fix it in time.

It’s a downfall of all ponies who have gotten too old to really remember what it’s like to be twelve, to be growing into yourself, to have just found your cutie mark or still be looking for it. Time. Time bleeds away, and you don’t notice. I didn’t notice it going as you changed from a foal I was watching to a foal who needed me to be a mom, and I couldn’t hold onto it as I tried to think of how to tell you I was sorry.

I am sorry, Scootaloo. I’m sorry for what I’ve missed. What I could have been for you, and what I could have given you, if I only took the time to see it.

I won’t ask your forgiveness, because I don’t deserve it. I’m a silly old coward who hurt a beautiful, wonderful little filly, who is going to grow into a beautiful, wonderful mare and do great things with her life. I only hope that you understand.

If you ever want to talk, I’ll be here to listen. I spent too long not listening, and I’ll listen to whatever you have to say. I know I’ve missed the chance to be a mom to you, but if you want, I will be a friend.

Your friend,


Scootaloo quietly folded the letter up, sliding it back inside the envelope. She let it drop to her lap and stared at it silently.

Sweetie Belle hugged her fillyfriend around the middle, nuzzling Scootaloo’s shoulder. “You okay?”

“…Yeah,” she answered quietly, hugging back.

“What’re you gonna do?”

“…I don’t know.”

They sat together, wrapped in each other’s hooves, letting the minutes draw out. Scootaloo closed her eyes and buried her face in Sweetie’s mane, smelling vanilla, trying to wash away her jumbled thoughts. She found herself gently kissing the top of Sweetie’s head, stroking the filly’s shoulders and back, drawing peace from the contact. Her mind gradually silenced. “…I’m still angry at her,” she whispered, “But I think maybe I don’t haveta be. I think maybe I can stop.”

Sweetie nodded into Scootaloo’s neck and strengthened her grip. Scootaloo heard a small sniffle from Sweetie and her brow furrowed. “You okay?” Sweetie Belle nodded too quickly. “What’s wrong?”

Sighing, the little unicorn sat back, the parting slow and reluctant. “I just…I got kinda caught up in being held by you.”

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow.

She sighed again and kicked her hindlegs off the edge of the bed, staring down at the floor. “…We’ve been…dating for about four months now, right?”

Scootaloo turned, pressing her side into Sweetie and slinging a leg around her fillyfriend’s shoulder. “Yeah.”

“…That’s about as long as AB an’ Rumble lasted. Is…how much longer ‘til this goes away? Everypony keeps sayin’ we’re still just kids…I don’t want this to go away, Scoots.”

A quiet fell over the room as they sat together. Scootaloo gently turned to Sweetie Belle and raised her chin with a hoof. She closed her eyes and kissed the unicorn, the growing filly, the young mare, the pony on the cusp right alongside her, delicately soft, but strong and centered just beneath the surface. She pressed her forehead to Sweetie’s and opened her eyes. “Every time,” she murmured, “Every time I kiss you it feels just like the first one.”

“…What is this, Scoots?”

“...I’m still tryin’ to figure it out.” She kissed Sweetie Belle again. “I could spend the rest of my life tryin’ to figure it out.”

Sweetie Belle smiled, a small and contented smile, and hugged her fillyfriend. For a long and peaceful while, they held each other and ignored the world. Eventually they parted and silently stood.

Cantering out of Scootaloo’s room, they ventured downstairs and joined Twilight and Rainbow Dash sitting with their sides pressed together next to the flickering fire. “Need to talk?” Rainbow asked, glancing up from the Daring Do book propped open in her lap. Scootaloo shook her head, sitting down and leaning into Twilight’s side. Sweetie Belle snuggled into her shoulder.

They sipped their cocoa as Rainbow smirked dramatically. “Well then. Onto Daring Do.”

As she spoke, her energetic voice bringing excitement and power to the narrative, Scootaloo sat half transported to crumbling castles and fearsome dangers, and half rooted in the present. Despite Rainbow’s usual flair of recitation, she felt Sweetie’s breath slowly even out against her neck. She turned gently and watched her fillyfriend sleep against her.

Scootaloo’s eyes slowly trailed over the warm and familiar room, surrounded by the three most important ponies in her life. Mrs. Taker was right. Time was a funny thing. In less than a year, everything had been inescapably changed.

Twilight absentmindedly stroked Scootaloo’s mane with a hoof and the filly pressed more strongly into her mother, letting her gaze drift higher to the mantle. She stared at the portrait on the wall, grinning, lost in Rainbow’s words and her own thoughts, nestled into a warm body with a warm body nestled into her. Her gaze lingered on the portrait as her eyelids grew heavier and her mind gradually faded towards sleep.

Everything had changed forever, and Scootaloo couldn’t wait to see what the future could bring. But for the moment, not for the first time and not for the last time, she felt it.

At long, long last, Scootaloo was finally home.

(Image by Lostzilla, used with permission)

The End

Author's Note:

Well, here we are. It’s finished. Writing Spellbound Fireflies was a labor of love and an experience I won’t soon forget. So much of what’s there in the text is my life, and the lives of people close to me. From my personal struggles to the struggles of my ex-wife, my friends, and my family, the only thing that could be said is ‘made up’ would be the exact situations and series of events. It’s also probably much happier than anything in real life. But I write happy stories, so that meant nudging things in that direction.

As it sits finished, it’s pretty much exactly what I envisioned in my head when I started it. I’m very happy with the end result. It’s not perfect, but nothing I write will ever be perfect. It’s what I wanted out of it, as a whole and down to so many individual scenes. I’m happiest overall with Scootaloo’s first flight, which was the soul of the story when I started writing it and changed very little at its core from the snippet scene I wrote from a prompt ages ago. I’m least happy with the beginning, simply because it took a little while to really get going while I put all the pieces into play. I don’t dislike it by any means, but it wasn't until act two that the story really started to move, one ‘augh, cliffhanger!’ at a time.

I don’t really have very much to say on it, because I think Spellbound Fireflies does a good job speaking for itself. Everything I wanted to say in it I think I said pretty well. I’ve said what I wanted to say about dreams, about love between two individuals, about love between adoptive parents and their children, about growing up both as a child on the cusp of adulthood and as a young adult on the cusp of real responsibility, about personal demons, about success and failure, and about time. It’s all there as I wanted it to be and I’m happy I could put it out in the way I wanted it to be put out.

I am also going to answer a question that has come up a lot the last few chapters and I’ve answered a number of times in comments vaguely. Sequel. Spellbound Fireflies is, at this point, finished. The story I was telling is told and any more would be the same as playing ‘and then what happened?’ at the end of a fairy tale. Then what happens is everypony lives happily ever after. That is, until the next thing happens.

So what’s the next thing? Well, Spellbound Fireflies is a story mostly about Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. Twilight and Sweetie Belle are both in it, but the story as it unfolds is in reaction to the other two, the ‘spellbound fireflies’ of the story. A sequel should, naturally, center around the two unicorns, their personal relationships and how they grow, and whatever sort of relationship they have with each other. There’s a lot of room to explore there, and I believe I will explore it.

At some point. Right now, it’s a rather sizeable project to take on for something that’s just a kernel of an idea. Give it time and I’ll get it developed, and perhaps there will be a Spellbound Fireflies 2 on the horizon. It will not be for a while.

Thank you, everyone who has read this little pony novel. Scootaloo is probably my favorite character and it was wonderful to tell a story about her. The comments that I’ve gotten have been mind-blowing for me. From comparisons that left me speechless, to criticisms that show that even if the reader didn’t really like something, they were invested enough to be really affected by it. It’s not my most viewed, or most liked, or least hated, or have the best vote ratio, or anything like that, but this story is, at the moment, the one I’m happiest with and I’m glad so many people enjoyed it. For those that continue to read the things that I write, I hope I can continue to provide you with entertainment. This setup for writing and being read is odd and wonderful, where I can talk to people that read my work, see what they have to say within minutes, really workshop stories, etc. It’s truly helped me as a writer and I love it. I hope y’all love it, too, as readers or writers yourselves.

And now, the door closes on Spellbound Fireflies. Scootaloo is home, right where she belongs.

And personally speaking, I don’t know if it’s true either, but I’m going to choose to believe right alongside Mrs. Taker.

Thanks so much for reading.

Comments ( 299 )

And Care Taker has fully been redeemed in my eyes.

Well done.

I await the next story you do with anticipation.

~Skeeter The Lurker


MFW you get choked up more over the A/N than the story

Yep. Definitely my favorite Twidash story now. Epic job, good sir.

So... Nobody ever did talk some sense into Rainbow Dash...

Well... that's rather depressing. Bittersweet ending, I suppose.

It is a bit of a shame since I really, really enjoyed the fic up until the part Rainbow Dash gave up right before accomplishing her life-long dream. I was hoping when she told Scootaloo, Scootaloo would call her out on it. Or failing that, she would have joined up (even if only for a little while) in the epilogue once she got everything with Scootaloo sorted out.

EDIT: Eh, hopefully Scootaloo can eventually succeed where Rainbow Dash failed.

If I could thumbs-up this more than once, I would. :twilightsmile:

And whatever you do, don't feel pressured to make a sequel to it just because people ask for it, if you don't truly feel the need to do so. Making sequels for the sake of making sequels is how we end up with Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, Lethal Weapon 4, Caddyshack II, and Superman IV: The Quest for Peace. :facehoof:

This was probably the most emotional story I've ever read. This is by far my favorite fimfic I have ever read. :fluttercry: It was so sweet. I hope to see more from you! :pinkiehappy:

2860234 there's no sense to talk, man. Priorities change. That is life. Move past it.

This was good. This is good. It deserves better, but we can't have everything

And like the guy above me said, only write a sequel of you have a good idea of what you're doing. I didn't have a good idea of what I was doing and the sequence of events I ended up with made little sense.

Good luck in your future endeavors, sir. I will miss seeing this update.

You say that this is the story you are the happiest with of all the ones you have written, ad I can understand why. It's heartfelt and so full of love that one cannot help but be moved when they read it.

I have followed this since the beginning, and what a journey it has been.

*standing ovation*

Bravo, Bats, bravo!! This was truly a masterpiece from start to finish, and I am so glad I was along for the wonderful ride. You make the world a happier place with your writing.

Liquid pride. Even if I tried really hard, I would not be able to come up with a review worthy of this story.
Character development was one of the biggest things in this story, and definitely one of your biggest successes. This was covered very well by Applejack at the wedding, and there's really nothing that hasn't already been said about it, besides how realistic you made it. You had all these deep characters all changing simultaneously and all being very realistic.
Emotional scenes ranging from cute to sad to happy to nervous to whatever the hell it may be. Possibly my favorite part of this fic. VERY, VERY few fics have truly got to me on such an emotional level. I mean like, probably less than five out of the hundreds I've read. Sure, I get happy and sad and what have you, but NEVER has a fic played with my emotions like this one. I swear, in the course of two paragraphs I could have the biggest smile and immediately start getting all nervous about something. It's like you were pushing buttons that commanded how I felt.
And lastly, the plot of this fic in general. I'm not even going to go there, because to try and evaluate and break down the plot and structure of this story would both be disrespectful of the fic and damn near impossible for me. Just know that it was amazing to me.
And lastlier, very shortly, I felt like I was there. While I was reading this fic, I was unaware of the other noises like my pets walking around. Most of the time, I was even completely unaware of my scrolling the mouse. Like, I was blocked completely out of the outside world. That doesn't happen with me very often. That's how involving this fic is, and that's one of the main reasons it connected with me on such a deep level.

Oh, and I liked the use of Celestia's Ballad words in the wedding scene.
I could keep listing little things I like but then I would be taking even more of your time than I already am.

I've read many a fic in my day. By many I mean many many. I've seen plenty of good stories, plenty of bad stories, and plenty of amazing stories. And you know how much of a douche I can be when it comes to favoriting stories. Just imagine how much of a douche I can be when it comes to putting a story in my top five. (I don't actually know what my top five is, but I can tell.)

Just imagine how much of a douche I can be when it comes to picking my favorite story.

This is my favorite story.

And then the tears started :pinkiesad2:

Hey Mr. Bats,

I very rarely comment on fics, but this one blew me away on so many levels I thought it was appropriate to thank and commend you on this.

I have been so engaged, so taken in by everything you have written here, not many fics hit me on an emotional level like this did. I remember commenting on one of the first chapters saying how I was excited at reading something TwiDash (my favourite ship) and Scootalove (my favourite story type) and I have followed this story since then, waiting anxiously for each new chapter to come out, I'm an Englishman, so I've had to wait til the late hours of the day for a new chapter to come out, but when it did, I had butterflies in my stomach and a sense of excitement that I rarely feel when reading something like this.

This has taken my number one place on my "Best Fics Ever" list, and for good reason. You only need to read other comments to know what this fic is so good, and I hope you know it. You're a damn good writer. I hope that your next project - whether related to this, or not - does just as well as this, because I know it's going to be great, I wish you every luck.


This is, quite easily, the greatest Scootadoption fic I have ever read. I might even go so far as to it's the best story about an adoption I've ever read (granted, I haven't read many). Now, I personally don't care for the idea of Scootaloo being an orphan, but you handled the situation extremely well. I'm particularly pleased with how you managed to pull off an unhappy home life with the Takers without ever falling into the cliches of abusive parenting. I could go on and on about how wonderful the story was, but to save time and finger cramps, I'll end with this: good on ya, mate.

This is one of my favouite storys I've read so far. Good job!:twilightsmile:

Over the course of the 15 odd updates this story had, guess how many times I tried to favorite it, only to find the star already lit?

About 14.

Great end to a great story! One of my absolute favorites. 15 times over. :pinkiehappy:

I really, really want to read this story through again, but I'm not sure my liquid pride reserves will tolerate it. You've written an absolutely beautiful story and I'm very glad you chose to write it and share it with us.

Magnificent. The ending was pure gold. It easily tops most of the stuff I read so far.
The emotion and depth moved me and if there is a sequel, we will wait.

Soldier, you deserve an award.
Distinguished Service Medal

Beautiful.:pinkiesad2: This was a wonderful heartwarming tale to read that put into words the many feelings of finding those most important to you and your place in each others' lives, of finding that place to call your own after so long.

Happiness, sadness, boredom, intrigue, laughter, tears, suffering, joy, and everything in between. Twilight had been in the center of a storm with two little fireflies lighting up her world, bright and mesmerizing.
Twilight knew the day was neither the beginning nor the end of anything. Just a marker they had placed in their lives in commemoration.

At long, long last, Scootaloo was finally home.

Thank you so much for sharing this delightful story. :twilightsmile:

This story was amazing!!! I love it so much! I could marry it haha and that's special considering I never liked twidash but you made me like them this story was just so.. awesome. Your awesome too author.

As a Brit I am sure I have free ride to say: Bloody Hell, that was excellent!

I will give a better reply tomorrow, when I am sober, this beer was stronger than I expected...

There are no words for how beautiful this story is in my eyes, I'm sure some other people can find words, but for me, it's indescribably beautiful. This is one of my absolute top favorites and I doubt that anything will ever move it from it's spot there. Though I am sad to see this story end, I love how you ended it. I could tell from before that Care was going to be redeemed and am glad that she was. I choose to believe from this that Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle stay together and be happy. The way you captured and told the love between Rainbow Dash and Twilight is so simply perfect. There are so many things I could say about this but I'd only garble everything and make it unintelligible what I'm trying to say... Much love for this story and I can't wait to see 2 if you write it. :heart:

And so, it is finished. :fluttercry:
And what a story it was, I just love those stories that make you fidgety from waiting for an update, and this one was one of those stories, heck, I'll just read it again :heart:
Can't wait to see more of TwiDash////Scoot??? that you have, IF you have in store for us :rainbowkiss:

So amazing. The sheer craftwork that you put in to these things, bats! I'm just so impressed on many levels. And on top of everything else, I adore the title. When I first read it, it conjured up such an interesting feeling. I can't think of a word to describe it -- a rich fantasy dreaminess? A tantalizing kind of warm evening mystery? Intriguing, suggestive, playful; it often matched the tone of the story, but I couldn't immediately tell you why it fit any more specifically than that. And then, I got to your in-universe explanation. The puzzle piece turned and fit and snapped into place where it so clearly had been crafted to belong and locked the whole thing together making the whole just a little bit more that its parts. Now it's so poignant; the story confirming just a hint of bittersweet from the 'failed' insult and from the illustrated and implied difficulties (and victories) of the pairing, added to the magical potential of the original words. Now I can just think the phrase and get a little misty eyed at all the implications. (Where I grew up, there were no fireflies. They were one of those fantastic animals that lived elsewhere, like kangaroos and elephants. Now I live where I see them in my yard every evening, and I still think they're magic.) It makes me want to go out into the yard this evening and run around like a little kid, intoxicated with the ideas, dancing with the lightning bugs and shouting "Spellbound Fireflies!"

I said so a couple chapters ago when we were winding down, and I'll repeat once more, here. This has been a beautiful path you've taken us on and I for one have enjoyed every minute of it.
You've, also, set a new standard in my mind for twidash shipping AND Scootaloo in general.
You already had a thumb and a fav for this story, but now I'm going to be going and reading your other work too (not to mention have a follow).

So that was a thing. I've gotta say, this is probably my favourite fic on the site right now, just about tied with "Yours Truly". It was just wonderful, it takes something special to make me cry solely from the happiness of an ending and the sheer fact that the story is over. This was that something special. I feel you deserve a slow clap.
Ah, here we go.

This story was simply wonderful. :twilightsmile::rainbowkiss:
I wish I could be more elegant than that. I wish I could somehow put into words just how delightful, heartwarming, and emotional this story was.
At the very least, I can thank you. So thanks for writing something amazing. Whatever else you have in store, even if you end it here, thank you for this.

I liked it.

*blubbers unintelligibly*
Ack, it's finally done...
Now this. THIS, is a story I want on my bookshelf.
Ah, well, the eBook shelf will have to suffice...

You've truly done wonderfully with this, Bats. I agree that this is your best thing so far.

On a sequel... I don't know if I'd want that. Not right now, which wouldn't happen anyway. Maybe eventually. This ended quietly, softly, a fade-to-black on a lovely little scene of four ponies who love each other... It doesn't need anything more quite yet.

Thank you for writing this story. It's been a highlight of my week from the very start, and I'm proud to call it one of the best fanfictions I've ever read.
And now I need to find something new that happens on Thursdays!

Thanks again.
That is all.
Journcy Out~


If I do, it won't be here. Perhaps in a future story. :twilightsheepish:

I loved this story :rainbowdetermined2: I mean, TwiDash+ScootAdopt? Where can you go wrong? :twilightsmile::heart::rainbowkiss::heart::scootangel:

Although the one thing that keeps bothering me that I'm going to point out. Cantering, in regards to horses and ponies, is equal to a run for humans. So whenever I saw it used I imagined the ponies hauling ass to and from whatever they were doing, which was kinda funny to be honest.

Horse gaits are as follows: Walk, trot, canter, gallop.
Humans are similar: Walk, jog, run, sprint.

When I read a book I immerse my self in it, I feel the emotions, the happiness, sadness and joy all until the end when it's cut short and I just feel empty, all this time I've spent reading attaches me to the characters.

So I always hate endings, when the journey stops and I'm forced to put down the book and wake up from my dreamland, it's the worst feeling but do you know what? This ending did not leave me with a bitter taste in my mouth, no for once I enjoyed the end, not because I was glad it was over but because you wrapped every thing up so perfectly.

This was the best possible ending to go with such an amazing piece of work.

Thank you

This story has been an amazing ride. Every harsh moment and every new discovery left me ready for more. The themes of love and acceptance rang clear and true, and I was left satisfied, yet eager for more. The young relationships were the ones I especially enjoyed seeing progress, since you kept them incredibly realistic and just as fragile as they would need to be. But you also did a wonderful job of displaying exactly how much Twilight and Rainbow both cared about and worried for Scootaloo, which was powerful. Thank you for showing all sides of love so honestly and carefully.

I felt a very strong connection to Scootaloo, since her development through the story mirrors my life fairly closely right now... Being along for the thoughts and feelings she had was equal parts beautiful and haunting. I cried at the scene in the clubhouse because it resonated so strongly with me. Thank you. This is without a doubt my favorite coming-of-age story, hands down. Thank you for taking the time to write it and the courtesy to share it with us.

i can't say anything more than this: thank you, for giving me the honor of reading this amazingly heartfelt story.

Well, kinda sad to see it end. I am a sucker for happy stories and romance, and I find very few problems with this story. Indeed, it was a very enjoyable ride with a satisfying enough ending. Straight to my favorites folder.

A pleasant read all around. Warms the heart and enriches the soul. A story of love and growth. The only regret is that we cannot watch them grow forever.

How... How do you even make the author's note so inspiring and epic?
I don't get you, dude.
That much awesome can't be contained in one human being, I tell you!

But in all seriousness, I absolutely loved the story. Tear-inducing, lovable, sappy in all the right ways.
Here's to you.

Oh my God Bats. Where do I even start? I am having so much trouble trying to put words to my emotions, as I feel nothing I write is properly clarifying just what this story has meant to me; what this ending has created for me. I have already re-written this comment more times than I can recall, as I just... don't know what to say. How to phrase the emotions that have been inspired from this.

I feel such jubilation for the characters and how they grow in the story, and this mixes with your poetic writing style so perfectly. You show their changes in such clarity that it makes my eyes tear up, and then you put the growth into the flawless pacing, only giving enough at a time that even if there's no cliffhanger at the end, I feel as if there was anyways because I have hit an obsidian wall; the comments on the page, signifying I can scroll down no further and that there are no more words to be read.

I feel such loss, due to the fact that I will never again experience this story. Sure, I could re-read it again and again, and to be perfectly honest, I will be beginning that action shortly, but once a set of eyes have properly scanned through an entire event, it will forever remain known. No longer an anomaly or a mystery. This does not ruin a story, oh no, far from it. It's just not the same feeling. While the first time through is exhilarating and life changing, each subsequent reading is merely for the recollection of how one felt when they first discovered it.

I feel such inadequacy, as I am sitting here, biting my lip to keep myself from crying. You have DONE this to me. Your story, your prose, your baby, your CREATION, it has caused me to feel inadequate. That was not your intention, I am well aware. Your invested interest is in furthering the writing community, but I would be lying if I did not say my mind is subconsciously comparing my own writing to yours. I don't think I am a bad writer, but I am no where near as knowledgeable as you.

I feel such inspiration, though! Indeed, my skills may not even hold a flickering candle to your blazing sun, but you do not instill fear. I do not feel like backing down. Nay, I feel like rising to the challenge and improving myself as much as I can, because you have shown me how much one person can accomplish. The effects that one human can have; one small, seemingly insignificant life. Keyword: seemingly. Anyone can be remembered, but no one will be if they don't ever TRY. I would be wasting what you have given me if I did not work as hard as I possibly could to improve myself and my skills as a writer.

And... above all else... I feel completion. Not my completion, mind you, but the completion within the story. Specifically, in reference to what you have released today, in the final chapter and the epilogue. It is one thing entirely to so beautifully weave a fabric that bends the knees of the most stoic man; it is quite another thing to complete it in the same fashion.

In summary, I feel as if I have lost someone I loved, who I held so very dear to my heart. I know that they are gone, but I will never forget them and what they meant to me. The emotions I experienced with them in my life will remain with me always, and at any time I can look back and recall them, wishing vaguely upon a shooting star that I might one day rejoin them. This is what you have instilled in me, Bats.

This story earns an eleven out of a possible ten. I look forward to my dreams tonight, as I already know what they will be filled with.

Thank you Bats.

bats i am going to notify ecological departments around the world, you must be brought to justice, the amount of warm of this story is going to melt the poles :pinkiecrazy: :heart:

thanks for writing this beautiful story bats :twilightsmile: :heart:

Once again Bats you are my Favorite author!

Well, its been a fun ride and I hope to take another one with you in the future. Because, in all honesty, I'm going to miss seeing that cover art appearing at the top of my watch list every week. Here's hoping I find one even half as good before long.


This was great and I enjoyed every word of it. Thank you for a very enjoyable ride through the lives of these ponies. :heart:

This is just a beautiful story. It's officially one of my favorites on the site. I haven't been this emotional about a story here since I read Past Sins a few months ago.

And now, I'm going to do something that's been stuck in my head since I first read the title.
And now it'll be stuck in your heads too!

one of the few fic im going to put on my computer along with one of the best fanfic series i have ever read Chronicles of the Pridelands and three other fics out of the many ones iv read

This story has officially driven a bulldozer into the top of my favorites list. It is by far the best story I have ever read, twidash or other, and will likely remain there for a very long time.

The characters in the story were so believeable and it didn't feel as if any part of the story was rushed along to get to the next part. Truely an epic piece of work. I look forward to seeing your next work whatever it may be.


I doubt I could ever sing this story's praises higher. It's already achieved the level of being one of the first I'd recommend to anyone interested in reading TwiDash, you've done an amazing job here bats. This is something that I'd be proud to have on a shelf. Take that how you like. ;)

Thank you for the wonderful story. And as far as TwiDash goes, this is one of the best.

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