The Great and Humble Trixie Lulamoon's reputation could not possibly be any worse, but that is about to change.
Following the disaster with the Alicorn Amulet, Trixie turns herself in to the authorities to account for her crimes. In penance, she is tasked by Princess Luna with the defense of Hollow Shades against a shadowy and unknown foe.
Trixie will have to draw upon every trick and every scheme she knows just to survive. And when faced with a fate worse than Death, she will have to prove there is more to her than flash and spectacle, and learn just how far her magic can go.
And learn how to Rise.
A Side-Story of The Code's Apprentice and The Code of Harmony
Many, many, Many thanks to Hooves McCoy
and The Cacophonous Muse for their aid in editing this story.
Oh! It wasn't published yet! I couldn't figure out why I was so confused when Code's Apprentice referenced the "Hollow Shades" incident. Now I want to read it to understand. Dastardly mind...
This... Seems curious.
Consider me interested. Don't let me down now.
~Skeeter The Lurker
2678558 Heh! And now, you'll get to find out exactly what happened.... and how it changed Trixie.
2678582 Don't worry, I wont!
Huzzah! This is an interesting way to start the story.
I love what you do with it, Lapis-Lazuli, ;) And Trixie is definitely a fun character to read, I've always been curious on how different she has changed when we saw her in 'The Code's Apprentice'.
Excellent start. Keep up the good work.
Congrats on the feature!
FINALLY! A hollow shades fic! Let's see how this goes!
*begins reading*
Yet another story I'll have to read this summer. Forget that school summer reading stuff!
So far, I love this!
You've made a very interesting Trixie and I really enjoyed the scenes with her Aunt and Uncle. You keep growing this little world you've made, maybe one day it can compete with the Winningverse
OOOOOHHHH, nice, please continue. Just for my own curiosity are you portraying Trixie as a dyslexic?
This is one of those stories that I can't pick anything that I particularly like about it, but I appreciate the story overall; (though I laughed at Sparkle Pop deciding to call Trixie's hat 'funky').
No mention of what happened to Trixie's mother; they're talking of her in past tense so I'm assuming she's dead or missing. Fire Crackles hesitation when he learned Trixie was going to Hollow Shades suggests that might have something to do with it; possible Trixie's mother went missing there and now she's the one harassing the town.
Also no mention whatsoever of Trixie's father, whether he's dead, or if maybe Trixie's mother doesn't even know who he is. Given a traveling showmare I could see how that would happen.
Your doing OK; you did have some errors with capitalization; and you missed the T in
. Aside from that it was passable except for one big mistake. From what I gather, Shade is Shadow Songs mother and is angry because Shadow Song was put in a coma trying to protect Trixie.
Don't you mean daughter?
P.S. I find it interesting the the illusions seem incapable of killing; and I'm still guessing that the person summoning them is Trixie's mother.
Do thestrals come in unicorn and earth thesral as well, or just Pegasi?
2692566 Thanks for pointing those out to me. Ugh. I hate not having an editor for this thing.
interesting theory...
As to the second one, Trixie isn't really in any condition to find out at the moment - the answer is Technically yes, but saying anything more than that is major plot spoilers at this point in time. Suffice to say, if you want to find out, go read the Code of Harmony and find out when everypony else does. :)
I'm really enjoying this little side story. Again, you've developed a wonderful Trixie, and the peak into her thoughts while under the influence of the Amulet was excellent! I look forward to more!
Ooooh! Interesting, I'd love to see what else will happen to Trixie (not that I want her to be hurt or something, I'm quite sympathetic to her after... reading some Redemption!Trixie story, she can be awesome, just like Twilight! \o/)
And that pony, Sadie? Does Sadie an illusionist? And teach Trixie? o:
Saddle is awesome. And Trixie needs to stop putting herself down.
~Skeeter The Lurker
Oooo. Oh my. Trixie, you are *awesome*. (And I always love those illusion types, illusion can be the deadliest if you know how to utilize them). And we still haven't see the culprit of those illusions, meaning, there's still more in store!
I can't wait~ Trixie will probably get more and more awesome!
Whoa. This is awesome. This is actually the best Trixie story I have ever read.
Definitely looking forward to more of this
Really impressed with the description of the unicorn graveyard (great idea), I can imagine unscrupulous individuals stealing horns though, especially famous unicorns. I like the idea that the horns could be used for darker types of magic or to enhance one's own power.
I'm thinking either Phantasma is Trelahny or the villain.
By the way, I don't see Trixie as the kind of person who would just give up. I would rewrite the part where she's slitting her wrists to include more about the Ursa Minor, the being ostracised by the entire country, having to deny herself by working on the rock farm, having to turn to the Alicorn Amulet, doing those horrible things, and having to be shown up again before taking the thing off instead of it being some personal act of will, and any other thing that this story has or might establish. Establish that Trixie was just completely burnt out.
Because in this show, most characters have mental breakdowns if something doesn't go their way immediately, Trixie held on for what seemed to be over a year in the face of a lot of adversity.
So glad I put of reading this until it finished. No way I'd be able to handle the emotional fallout that the last two chapters caused if I didn't know I'd see the end of it. It's remarkable too that you provoke so many emotions for a pony who the show barely show in good light.
(I think everyone missed this, but for about ten minutes when you first posted it, this too reached the featured list
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I love this chapter. ;o; So in a way, Trixie is indeed the foil of Twilight. And I like that. Hell, Trixie seems to be planned to be Twilight's foil... Their attitude is quite an odds to each other, so I truly find that is believable.
Although I think that at first Luna is possibly thinking of getting Trixie into Dissonance...? Hm... Not sure... But if that is one of her plans, then Celestia foiled it already. If not, well, Celestia got another pony into Harmony, but probably not her kind of harmony (which seems to be quite different from the beginning)
honestly.....I think I'm liking this more than the code of harmony.....this is really good
I think any time Celestia points out to Luna how Trixie's a danger, Luna should counter with "So was I, and you took me in."
Personally, I doubt Trixie has the potential to become an Alicorn like Twilight.
But I'd think she'd say "buck it", and do it anyway.
I see her as being very determined. If she was just a disembodied head, she'd still find a way to man the turret.
She would float around the enemy's head and yell unknown obscure facts at them that no one cares about, completely distracting them and breaking their concentrations so they die easier.
I really liked this at the beginning but it leaves a lot of things unanswered: what actually happened to Trixie's mom? Who is this sorceress and why was she terrorizing the city to begin with? building up an army of illusions that big would probably have taken years of planning; but there's no visible motive for any of it.
At the end your talking about Trixie becoming Luna's apprentice, but your also seeming to make a conclusion with her going home and going to work at making fireworks ect. If she's Luna's apprentice she's not going to have much time for working for her aunt and uncle and she probably wouldn't need the money.
Overall, I was expecting something a bit more complicated.
Also if I remember you previously listed Trixie's mom as having black hair and Trixie's hair was silver from a spell gone wrong; but in the intro here you describe Trixie's mom as having silver hair with purple highlights.
Wrong reference. Her disembodied head would be speaking badly-mangled Spanish.
Things left unexplored?
Mysteries yet to be solved?
Motivations unclear?
Why, it's almost as if I intend to write a sequel!
(You know, like that 'to be continued' suggested?)
Oh, and the mane thing? That was Intentional.
Hint, hint.
2716145 I wasn't thinking of any references. I was thinking about when people play a game, with a 6 year old nearby talking, and talking, and asking questions, and talking, and pointing things out, and talking, and not stopping! Only as a floating head you can't get rid of.

Fair enough;
If I could ask one more question though: what fate worse then death does Trixie face. 
"Also just confirming; uncle crackle was her mom's brother right? Or was Aunt Snap her moms sister?"
Oh... I thought you were talking about Glyph from Mass Effect 3, namely the Citadel DLC.
While not exactly a disembodied head, he's supposed to be really annoying, to the point where enemy mercs tell you to shut it up, to which Liara responds "Glyph, lower their morale!"
Trixie's not going to be doing magic for the next two-to-four months due to her injuries, she needs a place to stay and ideally a job to keep her occupied, and Princess Luna can visit ponies in their dreams, meaning she could probably train Trixie in her sleep. I don't think it's that big a stretch.
2717098 Uncle Crackle was her mom's brother.
2717098 What's a fate worse than death for someone who seeks fame?
Infamy (or total obscurity, depending on who you ask.)
She saw herself as being a step away from being completely forgotten by everypony, and it horrifically depressed her.
Another short one but a very good one. I think you're the first writer to write Trixie in a way that I actually liked her. Kind of interesting how she tapped into the power of Harmony without any training. Oh, and one question, why did you write her magic as blue instead of light pink like it was in the show?
Aside from a few minor errors....who needs editors? THIS IS BRILLIANT!
Also, poor Trixie
No other words.
Well, Trixie is best poni. NOW I'm done.
Excellent story!
You did a great job with writing Trixie and gave her a good background as well. I like how Trixie is following the path of Harmony while Luna is on the path of Dissonance. A Dissonance teacher with a Harmony apprentice. In light of what is happening in The Code of Harmony, this set up will be very interesting.
NOOOOOOO!!!!! The dark side is always the most powerful. Why must she follow Harmony?!?!?!?!?
"In nomine Lunae Reginae, requiescat in pace"
That is, "in the name of Queen Luna, may she rest in peace". I'm really not sure where that 'é' came from, Latin does not use accent marks or diacritics (with the exception of dictionaries and grammar textbooks, which use macrons, like on 'ē', to distinguish long and short vowels).
2764392 I was relying on my one friend who actually studied the language to give me the phrase. ^_^; I guess something got a bit lost in the transition between us. Thanks for pointing it out.
the cover reminds me of
That made me stop and think for a little while before continuing... I might have to use that quote in the future.
Okay, interesting here. Catching up on stories I faved and intended to get back on. Trixie's my favorite character from the show. So I'm interested to see where you take her. ;)
2693547 This. It was the guard's fault for picking the fight, not her. One amusing thing leaped out at me...
Ah, Twilight... Might wanna take a lesson from Trixie, here.
Trixie, you did great here. I hope she's all right.
3074038 I was wondering if anyone was ever going to pick that subtle hint up.
I saw that Harry Potter reference