• Member Since 19th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 days ago

Soothing Stone

Booping, romance, silly stuff, drama, I write it all. Mostly just booping, though.


Celestia and Luna are back from their vacation. Now that retirement is fast approaching, Celestia's a little antsy about what to do with her free time. When she looks back at all the memories she had, she suddenly gets an idea. Maybe she should try out something she did before, something she thought she hated the first time around....

Luna's not going to like it.

Edited with the help of Salnalus. Featured on 8/16/2019.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

Let's be honest, EVERYONE is weird. Some just express it more than others.

Also, ten bits says that Smash stage already exists. In triplicate.

Yeah...the Smash stage bit was based around the fact that I've seen people do that already, just with different characters. People are weird.

All the preps gave me weird looks.

I gave them the middle wing-feather.

Moral of the story :

Everyone is a sick f:trollestia:ck but some are more than others and that's why you should never judge anyone based on what they do ! I mean , we ,for the most of us , are grown adults that watch a little girl's show about ponies and we made a bloody cult around it so we are not ones to talk about weird habbits XD !

Anyway , I give you kudos for the smash level and the end of the story in general because it was REALLY fun !

Sincerly , A way-too-patriotic French-man that watches My Little Pony

Great story. Interesting way to show how Celestia may try a goth style and the cameo of gamer Luna at the end was a nice touch. This kind of reminds me of when any Brony who started out liking the show.

This was very fun read!

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